Chapter 140

“Back to General.

“At the end of this period of time, the three of them were searching secretly, and now they have completed the general’s orders.

“All the captures are hidden in the dense forest of Handan, no one knows.” Ju Wei said respectfully.

“well done.

Zhao Qi smiled with satisfaction.


There are three strong generals under their command. As long as they explain themselves, they will complete it.

“Ren Qi, you stay at Daying.

“Tubing, Zhang Han, you will go to the dense forest with this book.”

Zhao Qi immediately ordered.

What you want to do later is a big secret under his command. If he is not his real person, Zhao Qi will naturally not let him participate in it.

Although Ren Qi belonged to his subordinates, he was not loyal to him, and Zhao Qi could not see his loyalty, so naturally he could not show the real secrets belonging to his subordinates to him.

And at this moment.

Ren Qi’s expression suddenly changed.

Kneeling directly on one knee, facing Zhao Yibai.

“What do you mean?”

Zhao Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart, but said with a calm expression on his face.

“At the end, the general wants to join the general and swear allegiance to the general.” Ren Qi said with firmness.

Tu Wei and Zhang Han looked at this scene without surprise.

Zhao Qi mentioned the word martial arts when he left, and Ren Zhuo’s cleverness would naturally question the two people, in order to let Ren Zhuo resign.

Of course.

Zhao Qi is also not afraid of his loyalty, nor is he afraid that he will spoof the effect. After all, he has the loyalty of his subordinates and the hearts of the people that no one in this world can have.

“you sure?”

“To serve me, I am the first to be loyal. Even if you make you an enemy of the king’s power, you must do it.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

“The final general has decided that he is willing to swear allegiance to the general and swear he will not regret it.” Ren Qi said firmly.


Seeing this, Zhao didn’t say anything more, nodded and smiled: “This general, accept your allegiance.”

Follow along.

Zhao Qi helped Ren Qi up.

at the same time.

With the real effect of Renqi, it belongs to his own subordinates.

Zhao Qi looked at the loyalty value, and it was 80.

Has reached the limit of diehard loyalty.

It is true intentions, not false intentions.

“Ren general.

“Six and seven congratulations.”

“From now on, you are completely our own.”

The gangster Zhang Hanhe also smiled and congratulated immediately.

When the three were together.

There are still some taboos when talking, for fear of revealing the secrets belonging to the Lord, but now he is also his own, and there will be no such taboos in the future.

“For martial arts, have Ju Sheng and Zhang Han talked to you?”

Zhao Qi looked at Ren An and said.

“The two generals just briefly said to Ju Xia, this is a force that transcends the mundane.” Ren said in awe.

“Go out and show it again.”

Zhao Qi looked at Ju Sheng and Zhang Handao.


The two did not hesitate.

Stride towards the outside of the hall.

His eyes locked on a stone statue outside the hall.

Then the two of them clenched their fists and struck them at the same time, with an invisible internal force floating on the fists.

Two punches go down.

The stone statue that was hard to be injured by the gods and soldiers was directly shattered, and a strong force broke out on the stone statue, and the rocks flew across the board.

The guard battalion guarding around saw this scene, still standing straight, without any movement, as if they had already seen it.

after all.

Today’s guard camp has undergone several months of evolution, and those who can enter it are all loyal to 80, and they are all loyal to Zhao Si.

Naturally, they were able to teach the basic martial arts techniques, and they all entered the door.

As for those who were unfaithful in the guard camp before, Zhao Qi naturally asked people to deal with it in secret.

There is a loyalty system, as long as it finds that there is an incorrect loyalty value in the subordinates, the system will warn Zhao Qi, and Zhao Qi will naturally not let go of one.

For your own subordinates.

Zhao Qi has a little bit.

Once you are loyal to yourself, you will not tolerate betrayal. Once betrayed, Zhao Qi will not only take back everything he has given, but also destroy his entire family. This is the price.

after all.

Zhao Qi was not forced, but gave them the opportunity to choose.

“Is this martial art?”

“It has surpassed manpower, and even tens of thousands of enemies can’t have such power.”

Ren Qi watched this scene in shock.

this moment.

Only then did he know how terrifying the two generals who have been working with Zhao Qi.

“This is martial art.”

“One punch down, internal strength blessing.”

“One force will drop for ten meetings.”Tubing and Zhang Lang are now in the Seventh Stage of the Acquired Realm. With their strength, they can be defeated even in the face of a siege of hundreds of soldiers armed with swords and armor.

“This is the power of martial arts.

“Do you want to have it?”

Zhao Qi smiled slightly and stared at Ren Qi.

“Subordinates are willing to swear allegiance to the Lord.” Ren Shu bowed with excitement.

“This will teach you the techniques and build the foundation for your martial arts introduction, and then go to the dense forest of Handan together.

Zhao Qi’s stern way.


Give Ren Shu Wudao the foundation and teach basic internal skills.

The picture turns.

Deep in the dense forests of Handan.

Many camps are tied up.

Many black armored sharp soldiers are patrolling in this dense forest and are heavily guarded.

But outside the dense forest, it has never been known, as long as someone is close, he will be expelled.

Because there is a secret about Zhao Qi hidden here.


Following Zhao Qi’s three commanders and Li Qing came together.

Li Xiong, who had been promoted to fifty thousand generals, greeted him quickly and bowed his head.

“How many did you catch?”

Zhao Qi nodded and asked Li Xiong directly.

“Go back to the general.”

“It took months.”

“Zhao Di, Han Di soldiers are all searching and catching big bugs.

“Now we have successfully captured more than two thousand five hundred big insects, but the big insects are very fierce. During the capture process, even if our army’s sharp guards took precautions, many of them were killed or injured by the big insects.”

“As for those birds, soldiers from all over the country also caught a lot, and there are all kinds of birds.” Li Xiong replied respectfully.

“well done.”

“The soldiers who captured these beasts and birds this time are all credited for killing the enemy.

“I will understand at the end.” Li Xiong respectfully said.


“I will check it out with this book.

Zhao Qi nodded and walked towards the dense forest camp.

All will follow.

Into the camp.

Not yet close.

He heard fierce roars, which was bloodthirsty and fierce.

Take a glance.

Thousands of huge iron cages are scattered throughout this camp.

A fierce tiger was imprisoned in every iron cage.

These are all captured from Zhao Han.

If you are in later generations, it may be difficult to find so many tigers, but in this era, beasts are rampant, and there are often beasts attacking people.

At the order of Zhao Qi.

These nearly 3,000 tigers were captured in Zhao and Han within a few months.


Naturally, it is to form the real elite cavalry ace under his command, and also the nemesis of the cavalry.

Tiger Army.

The world.

No one can tame such beasts, but for Zhao Qi, it’s easy.


“What is the use of your order to catch so many bugs?”

Tu Wei asked curiously.

After getting the Zhao Qi order, the generals were surprised. After all, these big bugs are uncontrollable, even if they are used against the enemy, they are also uncontrollable. It is also a crisis to attack the army.

“Conquer and form the strongest cavalry under the command of this general, and also the strongest cavalry in the world.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

Follow along.

The prestige said: “Blood Tiger.”

“Suppress them for me.”

Zhao Qi ordered directly.


The blood tiger behind him walked towards the big camp with vigorous steps.

Seeing the tiger in the iron cage, the blood tiger also had a sense of excitement in his eyes.

After all, this is the first time I have seen so many of its kind.

Of course.

In terms of blood, they are far inferior to the blood tiger, after all, the blood tiger has the blood of the beast.

The blood tiger arrogantly glanced at these roaring tigers.


Raised the tiger’s head.


A loud howl came from its mouth, and the roar of tigers shook the sky and deafened the ears.

Under this tiger roar.

The fierce tiger group that had roared suddenly showed fear from the bloodline level, and they all lost their previous ferociousness and jumped into the iron cage, very worried.

They listened to the tiger’s roaring blood and looked at the figure of the blood tiger, full of fear.


The blood tiger is their king.

See this scene.

All his men were stunned.

Those fierce and hard-to-squeeze worms are all honest now.

And what he can do is his general’s mount Blood Tiger.

“Is it the Beastmaster under the general’s seat?”


“Is this the general’s plan? Use the blood tiger to deter these worms, so that they can be tamed, and our army can also form the only beast cavalry in the world.”

The three of Juwei looked at each other, all with a kind of surprise.

This time.

They fully understood why Zhao Qi ordered the capture of the big insects.

If this cavalry is formed, it will be an invincible cavalry in the world. Even the former Zhao Guohu cavalry will definitely be defeated under this tiger cavalry.

After all, the fierce tiger is powerful, and the horse will be afraid under the roar.

“It deserves to have the blood of a sacred animal, and for the same kind, it has a natural suppression.”

Seeing the performance of the blood tiger, Zhao Qin smiled from the bottom of his heart.

“Is it all tamed?”

Zhao Qi asked the communication blood tiger.


“These little thinkers have surrendered to me, I am their king, and I will definitely not dare to mess around again.” The blood of the tiger rang in Zhao Qi’s ears.

“very good.

Zhao Qi nodded and smiled.


To Li Xiong said: “Open all the iron cages.”


“These fierceness is difficult to suppress. If they come out, can the general’s mount be able to suppress it?” Li Xiong said with some worry.

Nearly three thousand big worms, once dispersed, the damage to Handan is no less than the slaughter caused by tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.


Zhao Qi said prestige.


Li Xiong didn’t dare to resist, and quickly arranged.


Many sharp men opened the iron cage with a kind of fear.

The tiger came out.

But without the chaos and fierce celebrations that Li Xiong and those sharp men imagined, all the tigers honestly walked out of the iron cage and walked towards the blood tiger.

Then the tigers stayed directly in front of the blood tigers.


Thousands of tigers all came out, and they were all the same, crawling in front of the blood tiger.

It seems that they are worshiping their king.

Watching such a magical scene.

The generals and sharp soldiers in the camp could not describe their feelings at the moment except for the shock.

Tell them.

“They will stay here in the future, and they will serve as my mounts for Da Qin Ruishi.”

Zhao Qi said prestige.


The Blood Tiger immediately let out a roar.

The heads of all the tigers jumped lower, and they dared not surrender.


Zhao Qi looked back.

“The end will be here.” Zhang Yilang responded.

“Choose three thousand cavalrymen who are the best at war and the most elite from your cavalry, and train with these big worms. From now on, this beast army will be called the Tiger Army.”

“It will be the most powerful cavalry under the command of the general, an unstoppable cavalry.” Zhao Qi’s face was full of longing.

The Tigers broke out.

No matter how good the enemy rides, they will encounter nemesis.

“The final general will never let the general down.” Zhang Yiyilang replied, his expression also showing excitement.

Tu Fei and Ren Ying also looked at Zhang Lang enviously.

In the future, a world-renowned must-victor cavalry took shape under Zhang Han’s command.

This cavalry either did not come out or was a blockbuster.

“Blood Tiger, stay here to frighten them.

Zhao Qi confessed to the blood tiger.

Then turned around and said to Li Xiong: “Go, go and see the birds.

“General, please follow the future.

Li Xiong immediately stepped forward to lead the way.

After a while.

Came to the back of the big camp.

It is also an iron cage, but it is naturally much smaller than the prisoner tiger, and these birds are also much more honest.

There are at least a few hundred birds.

It seems that in order to catch these, Li Xiong and the others are also struggling.

Although it is dangerous to deal with tigers, it is even more difficult to catch these birds. After all, they can fly.

Watch these fly away.

Zhao Qi’s eyebrows immediately showed a touch of joy.

“This era is still a little better. The environment has not been polluted, and there are many birds and beasts.”

“Golden eagles and saker falcons, these two are a kind of eagles. They fly very high, and they are faster than pigeons. They are also more adept at vigilance. They can not only send interrogations, but also explore the battlefield.”

“Wild pigeons can be used for general communication, and they are also a communication tool only discovered hundreds of years later.”But these guys still caught so many sparrows. What’s the use?”

“But this number of eagles and pigeons is enough.”

Zhao Qi glanced around to get a panoramic view of the birds that he caught.

“All retreat thirty feet away, no one can approach without the command of the general.”

Zhao Qi said to the generals under his command.

Then the golden eagle walked towards the saker falcons.

Zhao Qi doesn’t have to worry about taming the tigers with their natural blood, but Zhao Qi needs to do it himself.

His deputy trainer is finally going to come in handy.

The generals did not dare to neglect, and left one after another.

Zhao walked up to Qi and saw a saker falcon. Although it was a bird, it was also carnivorous. It revealed a fierceness. When Zhao came, a pair of cold and sharp eyes stared at Zhao Qi, seeming to be on guard.

But Zhao Qi didn’t panic at all.

“Beast Taming Halo.

Zhao Qi stared at the hunting falcon in front of him, with a movement of thought, a golden light appeared on Zhao Qi’s body, and fell towards the hunting falcon in front of him.

Just for a moment.

Liehua, who was originally hostile to Zhao Qi, changed his appearance, very gentle and obedient, and after taming, Zhao Qi seemed to be able to control the life and death of this hunting falcon. At the moment of taming, he seemed to have signed a contract with this hunting. Same.

“My gaze can actually be seen through this saker falcon.”

And what surprised Zhao Qi even more.

After successfully taming the saker falcon, Zhao Qi’s gaze can even shift to the saker falcon and see the outside world through the saker falcon.

That is to say.

If the Saker falcon flies high-altitude reconnaissance in the future, Zhao Qi’s gaze can follow.

For the party in charge, it has a huge effect.

But for the enemy, it will be a nightmare.

Because no one can possess such magical powers to detect the enemy’s situation through the senses of birds.

“very good.”

“It was really right to choose the profession of beast taming.”

Zhao Qin smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Continue to tame the birds in front of you.

Beast Taming Glory is on.

Taming nature is easy, and it is not true energy that consumes, but Zhao Qi’s mental power.

After half an hour.

Zhao Qi is also a little tired, after all, he has tamed more than two hundred birds.

At least one day’s rest is needed to restore mental energy.

“Come here all.”

Zhao Qi shouted to General Tu Weizhong.


The people bowed and bowed.

“The cage 1.2 is open.”

“These useful birds would have been tamed.” Zhao Qi said solemnly.


The audience looked at Zhao Qi with admiration.

This kind of power may only be possessed by one’s own master.


“You can use these tamed birds to set up my intelligence network.”

“There shouldn’t be disappointment for me when I am weak.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

A few days later.

Inside the Longtai Palace.

“Subordinates, see Lord.

Suddenly bowed to Zhao Qi respectfully.


Zhao Qi looked weakly and asked.

After so long, Shadow’s situation shouldn’t disappoint him.

With his weak ability, Shadow should now have grown and grown.

Subordinates “will not let the Lord down.”

“The shadow has grown stronger, and has now been planted in the world.

“And in this process, the shadow is also expanding, and now the number has exceeded 8,000.” The situation of the weak will be reported.

“It seems that there will be no wrong person.

Hearing the weak report, Zhao nodded in satisfaction.

For the assassin development.

Zhao Qi didn’t understand.

Therefore, Zhao Qi has a little bit about the development of his own power. He has a specialization in the field of art, and he is specialized in professional people.

The premise is loyalty.


“As long as you give your subordinates three more years, they will have the confidence to spread the shadows everywhere in the world, and everything in the world will move and be controlled by the Lord’s hands.” Suddenly said weak and confident.

“How is the martial arts cultivation base?”

Zhao Qi smiled, looked weak and asked.

“Thank you, Lord, for your concern.

“Subordinates have reached the sixth stage of the day after tomorrow.” Suddenly said with excitement.

After entering the martial arts.

Only then know how powerful martial arts is.

The current self, if the assassination, is weak and confident that no one can live, except for his own master.

“In addition to asking you about the situation of the shadows this time, I will also give you a trump card to connect the shadows in the world to form an inseparable intelligence network.

PS: Old folks, I am so grateful, I can’t write on my behalf, I’ve never written by myself, I’m grateful.

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