Chapter 133

Take a look at this jade bi.

It is still carved by He’s Bi.

In order to make seals and jade pendants for Zhao Qi’s family, Ying Zheng really paid a lot of money.

Only half of the He Chobi obtained before is used.

But for Yingzheng, this is nothing at all. It is totally worth it to be able to make this seal and jade for his son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and grandson.

And the remaining He’s Bi is enough to complete the production of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom after the unification in the future.

“The King.”

“These are really too expensive.”

“The minister doesn’t know what to say.

“You are really kind to the ministers.” Zhao Qi looked at winning the government very moved.

Grow so big.

Except for her mother being so good to herself, it seems that no one treats herself so well. Ying Zheng is so good to herself, Zhao Qi really didn’t expect it.

Seeing Zhao moved Qi, Ying Zheng also smiled, and said inwardly: “This stinky boy said he hated his father to death. Now I treat him so well, I will recognize him and see how he hates him Laozi.”

“Just know that the widow is good to you, don’t forget the widow if you have any good things in the future.” Yingzheng smiled and said casually.

Speak the truth.

Yingzheng’s goodness to Zhao Qi is purely good to his son, and is not to be repaid at all.

“The King.”

“I really have something good for you.

Zhao Qi thought for a while, and confronted Ying Zheng Dao with a serious face.


Ying Zheng became interested, and looked at Zhao Qi with a smile: “What good things do you have for widows?”

“The spirit pill to keep you fit.” Zhao Qi smiled.

One from the arms.

A porcelain bottle appeared in his hands.

“There is something about the pill, you really look down on the pill.” Ying Zheng glanced at the porcelain bottle in Zhao Qi’s hand and smiled suddenly.

In the palace.

I have a dedicated alchemist who can refine all kinds of elixir for refreshing and even prolonging life.

Not only Daqin.

The same is true in the palaces of kings of other countries, with royal alchemists.

Their purpose is also the same, to seek longevity.

Since the existence of dynasties in this era, the emperor’s search for longevity has not been cut off. According to historical records, Qin Shihuang’s pursuit of longevity has also reached the extreme after he ruled the world. That kind of heavy metal poison pill.

“Is there an alchemist in the palace now?” Zhao Qi had a different face. It was the first time he knew about this.

Shouldn’t it be Qin Shihuang who seeks alchemists to refine the elixir of immortality after the world has ruled?

“Alchemists have been there since ancient times, not only in Daqin, but also in all the palaces.”

“The king is in power, how can he not want to live forever.” Yingzheng smiled faintly.

However, judging from now, he still doesn’t have that great desire for longevity.

After all, he is not yet forty years old and is in his true prime of life.

“The king didn’t eat the so-called elixir refined by alchemists, right?” Zhao Qi said seriously.

“When the government is weak, I will take some refreshing pill 600. What’s wrong?” Ying Zheng said, and then looked at Zhao Qi, facing the sudden seriousness of his son, winning the government was also a bit weird.

“Those elixirs are poisonous, and heavy metals exceed the standard. If people eat them, although some elixirs will be really refreshing as if they have taken a miracle medicine, the toxins will accumulate in the body, and when the body can’t bear it, it will eventually die suddenly. Life is dead.” Zhao said solemnly.

Full of reminders and warnings for winning the government.

If Qin Shihuang is not so kind to himself, really, Zhao Qi is too lazy to remind him, after all, he takes what he needs, but Qin Shihuang is really good to himself, not only that, but also very good to his wife and two children. .

The most precious He’s Bi in the world, and the He’s Bi, who will make a jade seal of the country in the future, was used by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang and given it to his family.

This kind of value, this kind of grace, Zhao Qi had to be grateful.

He is not a ruthless person.

Qin Shihuang treated himself like this, how could he watch him die in the future because of taking too much medicine.

“How did you know?”

“And how can you be that those spirit pills are poisonous?” Looking at Zhao Qi’s serious face, it didn’t seem like he was joking, but Ying Zheng was also curious.

“If you want to test whether the so-called spirit pills are poisonous, it’s very simple. Just try that kind of rabbit. For the human body, long-term use of those poison pills will accumulate toxins, but for ordinary rabbits. It is said that they are unbearable to withstand such a large amount of toxicity, and they will be effective soon.””At that time, the king will know how terrible those poison pills are.

“But it also depends on whether the king himself believes it or not.” Zhao smiled slightly, but his tone was still serious.

“No one believes.

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi and said directly.

“Believe it so simple?”

Upon hearing Qin Shihuang’s words, Zhao Qi himself was stunned.

What the hell.

I was just thinking of persuading and persuading him. After Qin Shihuang went back to the palace, he could do a test, and then he knew whether his words were true or false, but Qin Shihuang couldn’t help but believe it.

This makes Zhao Qi weird.

The alchemy theory.

The elixir of life.

It has always been the pursuit of the emperor, especially for the future Emperor Qin Shihuang, who has an almost crazy enthusiasm for longevity.

“Is it because Qin Shihuang is in his prime of life, and he doesn’t care about longevity so much?”

“It should be so.”

“In history, Qin Shihuang pursued longevity not only because he wanted to control the world forever, but also because his trash sons were not up to date. Knowing that they could not stabilize Da Qin, he longed for longevity.

“Now that Emperor Qin Shihuang is in his prime, everything is under his control, so naturally there is no worry in that respect.” Zhao Qi thought secretly, which was a figured out.

However, Zhao Qi did not expect that the adbc believed that he did not want to live forever, but because he was the son of Yingzheng.


“Since you said that those refined spirit pills are poison pills, isn’t the pill alchemist in your hand made it? What’s the difference?”

“Are you going to send the poison pills to the widow?” Ying Zheng said with a smile but not a smile.

He wanted to see how Zhao Qi explained.

“My lord.

The conscience of heaven and earth”.”

“You are so good to me. If I want to send you a poison pill, it will be worse than a beast.”

“This pill is a real spirit pill, not the poison pill of those so-called alchemists. As for its origin, the king can understand it as a gift from an immortal.”

“I can’t say more specifically, it’s not a good thing to leak the secret.” Zhao Qi smiled.

Opened the porcelain bottle in his hand.


A strong pill fragrance came out.

Smelling the pill fragrance, Ying Zheng’s expression changed slightly.The pill made by the alchemist in his palace didn’t have the pill fragrance, but had a strange smell, and now the pill bottle is opened, there is such a thing. Rich Danxiang.

“Could it be that what this stinky boy said is true?”

“Is he really a spirit pill?” Ying Zheng thought strangely.

“What kind of pill is this?”

Thinking of this, Yingzheng became eager.

“This pill is called Xiaohuan Pill. Even ordinary people have a chance to be rescued even if they are severely injured or poisoned. Moreover, the pill has a mild power and can also strengthen the body.”

In short, there are many benefits. ”

“There are two small pill in it. The king can take one, and the other one will be kept for later use.”

“Although this pill may not be as generous as the king’s gift, it is also a part of the minister’s mind.” Zhao Qi said sincerely to Yingzheng.

Xiao Huan Dan.

There is still a lot in his storage space, and giving two pills to Yingzheng is considered to be a good idea. After all, this pill is too powerful, and it would be a little strange if you took out too much.

“This kind of pill for the living dead is much stronger than the gift given by the widow.

“Boy Zhao Qi, thank you so much.”

Ying Zheng smiled and took the medicine over calmly.

And in my heart, it was also very moved.

At least Zhao Qi, the kid, knows that gratitude is important to love and justice.

It’s not the kind of person who is ruthless and righteous, which also makes Yingzheng, the old father, very gratified.

“This kid still has a lot of secrets. The real panacea is not the poison pill in his mouth. It seems that this kid is far from simple as real people think.”

“This kid has grown up in this village of Li’s family since he was young. He has no masters, but he has outstanding courage. He was even able to kill Lian Po at a distance of hundreds of feet. There were many Zhao generals, and he was extremely talented in commanding the troops.”

“The golden sore medicine, the treasure of the cavalry, these are all from his hands.”

“Is there really immortals in this world? Qi Er really got the inheritance of immortals?” Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Shi, curiosity arose in his heart.

Think about it after all.

Since Zhao Qi joined the army, he can kill the enemy in terms of number and promotion speed, which can be called unique.

Known as the new God of War of the Great Qin Dynasty.

What is hard to imagine is that Zhao Qi used to be just a villager in a small mountain village.

“The minister wants to thank the king.” Zhao Qi smiled.


“You are just newly married, and the widow gave you ten days to stay warm. As for Qi’er and Xier, the widow liked it very much, and the widow also said that he would take them to the Xianyang Palace.

“You should have no problem, right?”

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and his wife said.

Although it was an inquiry, the meaning in the words was obvious, and it was to be taken away.

And the two little guys looked at their parents pitifully.

There is a big picture of Zhao Qi crying immediately if he doesn’t agree.

“It’s rare that they are such a sticky king. This is the fortune of the minister. Since they are willing to go to Xianyang, the minister has no objection.” Zhao Qi smiled and said.

“Good delivery.

“Aye is great.

“We can go to Xianyang, we can go to the Grand Palace to play.”

When Zhao Qi agreed, the two little guys yelled happily.

“Zhao Qi kid.

“The king will bring you a child for ten days, so that you and your wife can have a good time. This is a great thing.”

Xia Wuqi walked in at this moment and said with a smile.

“Grandpa Xia, thank you for my big wedding this time.”

“If you hadn’t done so for me, this big wedding would not have gone so smoothly.”

Seeing Xia Wuqi, Zhao Qi was very grateful.

Seeing Zhao Qi so grateful.

Xia Wuqi was also very happy in her heart.

Zhao Qi’s recognition of what he did was made him very relieved.

The old man “has regarded you and Ma’er as his own relatives and juniors, what’s so good about that.” Xia Wuqi smiled.

“You can’t say that.”

“Anyway, thank you.”

“From now on, Zhao Mansion will be your old home. From now on, Zhao Qi will take care of your life and provide you with an endorsement.” Zhao Qi smiled and said with excitement in his voice.

Good boy”.

“Then the old man is waiting for the day when you give him the end of his life.” Xia Wujie said with great satisfaction.


We “don’t disturb Grandpa Xia’s discussion with the king.”

“Qier, son.”

“You guys come here too.”

“Don’t bother you Aye.”

“Tomorrow you will go to Xianyang with Aye. Today, my parents will prepare for you.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Good Le.

Wherever the two little guys would refuse, they ran towards their parents excitedly.

Then one person rushed towards the other.

That’s an excitement.

“The King.”

“The minister retired first.”

Zhao Qi laughed, and then Ma’er and the two guys left the hall.

After Zhao Qi leaves.

“father in law.

“This time you can also fulfill your wish. Although Dong’er is gone, she left us with her.”

Yingzheng gently confronted Xia Wuqi.


“When I was in Korea, I saw Yu’er for the first time, and I felt that he was connected with A Fang. After all, his appearance is really very similar to that of you, and A Fang.”

“So I came to Lijiacun, got to know Afang, and saw the jade pendant on Ma’er.””So I’m sure Zhao Qi is my grandson.”

“If I want to come, I’m also fortunate to be here. Fortunately, I’m here.

Thinking of coming to Lijiacun a few years ago, Xia Wuqi had a sense of fortune on his face. Fortunately, he didn’t give up this discovery at the beginning, otherwise he would really lose the chance to find his grandson.

Father-in-law “It’s not easy for you to find Zhao Qi, but you actually kept it from me.”

Yingzheng has a somewhat unrestrained way.

how many years.

If he hadn’t deliberately asked Heibingtai to investigate, Yingzheng would never know Zhao Qi’s relationship with him.


“I know your temperament. If you know that A Fang has passed away, you will definitely find it difficult to accept it. It took me a long time to relieve it.”

“You learned the news that day. If it weren’t for Mengwu’s eyesight and quick hands, you might be dead.

“Is this the result of telling you?” Xia Wuqi also said with some blame.

At this moment, they are not monarchs and ministers, but Weng-in-law.

“Since Dong’er left me, my only goal is to find Dong’er, and then compensate her. Dong’er is dead, how do you let me accept it?”


“But it’s fortunate that you woke me up, father-in-law. If I die, my Da Qin will collapse. What about Qi’er? What about my two grandsons?

“If I can’t protect them, Dong’er won’t forgive me if I know about it. Ying Zheng” sighed and said.

Although the company of two grandchildren has been accompanied these days, which has relieved Ying Zheng’s heartache a lot, but whenever he thinks of Dong’er, he always feels a little unwilling and has a strong guilt in his heart.

“It’s good if you can understand this.”

“A Fang has already left, but she has left you blood. You will not only live for Da Qin, but also for your children. This is your responsibility as a king and as a father.” Xia Wuqi said.

“Father-in-law, don’t worry.”

“I understand.” Ying Zheng also nodded heavily.

“This time you want to take Qi’er and the others back to Xianyang, I will go back with you.”

“I have been with them for the past few years, and I am not used to it if I separate.” Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

Father-in-law “It would be great to be able to go back together.”

“It’s a pity that Zhao Qi can’t do much in Xianyang, and Ma’er also stayed in Lijiacun. If they have been living in Xianyang, it would be great, and I can better protect them.” Ying Zheng said with some sigh.

“In fact, it’s not difficult.”

“Didn’t you give your son a mansion in Xianyang? It’s okay to let Mom and the others move there.”

“After all, his current status is not low. If people from the enemy country target him, it would not be completely safe in Lijiacun, but it is different in Xianyang.” Xia Wuqi smiled.

“Father-in-law is still brilliant.”

“Moving my son’s family to Xianyang, so that I can see my grandson easily, and when Brother Qi returns to Zhao, I can take better care of my daughter-in-law and them.” Ying Zheng also showed a smile, agreeing Xia Wuqi’s proposal.

One is able to protect his daughter-in-law and grandson, and the other is to be able to see his grandson imaginatively. It really kills two birds with one stone.


“Just now there was something reminded me that the spirit pills refined by the alchemist in the palace are poisonous. What do you think of this matter, father-in-law?” Ying Zheng suddenly said.

“I really don’t know this.”

Xia Wuqi shook his head.

Xia Wuji didn’t understand the pill that was refined by the alchemist in the palace, nor did he pay too much attention to it.

“When Qi Er talked about this issue, he was very serious, not like a falsehood.”


After Yingzheng’s voice, he took out the Xiaohuandan that Zhao Qi had just given: “I just gave two spirit pills, and he persuaded him to strengthen his body and get rid of toxins after use.

“Look at it.”

Ying Zheng handed the porcelain bottle to Xia Wuqi.

Xia Wuqi took it and opened it.

Xia Wuqi could smell a strong Danxiang immediately, and he was refreshed.

“Where did Qi’er get this? This is indeed completely different from the pill made by those alchemists in the palace, and it is refreshing to smell it.” Xia Wuqi was surprised.

“Qi Er will not harm us.”

“After going back this time, I will emphatically check whether those alchemists are refining spirit pills or poison pills. If they are really poison pills, those so-called alchemists will not need to exist.” Ying Zheng Leng Leng said, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

“En.” Xia Wuqi nodded without objection.

“father in law.”

“We will take one medicine for each of us and see how effective it is.

“Qi Er will not harm us.

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