Chapter 134 The First Meeting with Qin Shihuang’s Son

Dang Yingzheng and Xia Wuqi obeyed the Xiaohuandan given by Zhao Qi.

The moment the pill enters the stomach.

It was as if a group of hot energy burst out in the body and moisturized everywhere in the body.

Xiao Huan Pill is a healing pill. It is not only traumatic, but also dark illness. It can be cured by this pill. Although it cannot reach the level of the flesh and bones of the living dead, it can definitely be called for this world. It’s the elixir of life.

Only for a while.

Both Ying Zheng and Xia Wuqi’s expressions were shocked.

After taking the pill.

They can even clearly feel the effect of the pill in the body, refreshing and refreshing, as if they have regained a new life.

Whether it is Xia Wuqi and Yingzheng, they both have dark illnesses, especially when Yingzheng was in the hostage of Zhao Guo, and they were bullied and beaten countless, which caused the young ones to be darkly injured by him at that time. .

But after taking this pill, Ying Zheng can feel that his dark illness is recovering rapidly.

The same goes for Xia Wuqi.

He is more than 50 years old, he is already old, and he has suffered many injuries in this war-torn era, but now those injuries are recovering rapidly.

Wait until the effect of the pill is over.

Ying Zheng and Xia Wuqi looked at each other with unspeakable horror in their eyes.

“This is a real panacea.”

Absolutely “not those alchemists in the palace can refine it.”

Ying Zheng thought of horror in his heart.

It may be difficult to see from the appearance of the pill, but the situation after taking it made both of them clearly understand.

“The King.”

“Where did you get this pill flower?”

Xia Wuqi couldn’t hide the shock.

“I don’t know, he said it was a gift from an immortal, but just told me vaguely.” Ying Zheng replied.

“This pill is real. It is not comparable to the miraculous pill of the so-called alchemy masters in the palace. After this pill, I feel that all my dark diseases have been cleared, and I feel refreshed.” Xia Wu And horrified.

“Me too.” Ying Zheng nodded: “Qi Er, maybe there is a big secret we don’t know.”

“Is there really a fairy in this world?”

“Otherwise, where did the spirit pill in Qi’er’s hand come from?” Xia Wuqi was also surprised.

“If there are immortals in this world, can immortals have the power to resurrect the dead?” Suddenly an idea emerged in Yingzheng, and his eyes were full of desire.

The words fell off.

Xia Wuqi’s eyes widened immediately, full of excitement and desire, he naturally understood the meaning of Yingzheng’s words.

“The legendary gods are omnipotent. If Qi’er is really related to the gods, and this spirit pill really comes from the hands of the gods, that would be great.

“Although I think we are thinking too much, but if there are real immortals, and there is a real chance of resurrecting A Fang, it is also worth fighting for.” Xia Wuqi also said excitedly.

“Hey, I hope there are immortals in the world. If there are, after I dominate the world, I am willing to pay all costs to find immortals and resurrect Dong’er.” Zheng clenched his fists and said firmly.

His eyes turned.

Zhao Qi’s room.

“elder brother.”

“The king is really kind to us.

In the past, “I heard the emperor of the king and felt that the king was a very dignified person, but after getting along these days, I feel that he is a very kind elder.”

Li Ma’er nestled in Zhao Qi’s arms and said softly.

The favors and grants that the winning government gave them made them all shocked by the winning government.

“In the past, I also thought that the king was a man of majesty, no matter how majestic to anyone, but these days he treats us and his children amazed me.

Don’t say it’s Ma’er Li.

Even Zhao Qi was surprised by Ying Zheng’s kindness to him.


The legendary spiritual jade.

A priceless existence.

It was also the jade bib that was designated by Ying Zheng to make the imperial family after the future dominates the world. He even gave it to his family to make seals and jade pendants.

This waits for honor.

Zhao Qi has never seen a courtier with such kindness.

“all in all.

“I have written down the king’s love.

Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.


No matter what happened.

It really came to the end of Qin Dynasty.

Zhao Qi will also do his best to protect Qin Shihuang’s blood from being killed by the second fool Hu Hai.

This is Zhao Qi’s love for Qin Shihuang for a long time.

“Brother, how long can you rest at home?” Li Ma’er asked gently.

“At least I can rest for a month. During this time, I will stay with you.” Zhao Qi smiled softly.

Li Ma’er nodded.

My husband is no longer an ordinary person, but a general of Daqin, and he is also deeply guarded by Wang En. As the husband’s wife, naturally, I shouldn’t hold back.


“Next, Brother Qi will tell you one thing, and by the way, he must teach you something. You can’t tell anyone about this unless you know it yourself.” Zhao Qi said to Li Yan’er seriously.

“Brother, please tell me, I won’t talk nonsense.” Seeing her brother so serious, Li Ma’er also became serious.

“Do you know why Brother Qi can make countless battles in just four years and is now the general of Daqin?” Zhao Qi asked seriously.

“Brother Fu has a big life, God bless you.” Li Ma’er did not hesitate to think.

“Perhaps it is also the blessing of the heavens, so your brother has a deep blessing and has been inherited by the immortals.” Zhao Zhengqi said.

The existence of the system.

Zhao Qi will never leak out, but all the origins and explanations of martial arts can be given to immortals.

Li Qing, Han Fei, and Zhang Han all believed in this.

Because the power of martial arts is not something that ordinary people can have, it is not an exaggeration to call it the power of immortals.

“The inheritance of immortals?

Ma’er Li was taken aback for a moment, somewhat unbelievable: “Brother, are you serious?”

“Do you think your brother will lie to you?

Zhao Qi smiled.

Looked at a lamp several feet away.Raised his hand.

Infuriating blessing.

Played lightly.

next moment.

There was a boom.

That lamp was instantly shattered by an invisible force.

“This this….

Li Yan’er looked at the scene in front of her, stunned.

“This is the power of the immortal inheritance.

Zhao Qi retracted his palm and smiled slightly.

“Brother, you can get the favor of the immortal, it’s really your mother’s blessing in heaven.” Li Yan’er said sincerely.

“What I want to teach you today is the Immortal Cultivation Technique. After you get started, you can gradually gain strength…”

Zhao Qi said.

He taught Li Yan’er the basic internal skills and assisted her in getting into martial arts.


Zhao Qi naturally set his sights on the “Nine Yin Scriptures”. He had a concept in his mind, whether the integration of nine yang and nine yin can be said to be a stronger martial arts method.

“System, I want to practice “Nine Yin Scriptures”.” Zhao Qi issued instructions.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

“Practicing “Nine Yin Zhenjing”. “The system prompts.

next moment.

The golden light enveloped Zhao Qi’s body.

A mysterious technique appeared in Zhao Qi’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Detecting “If the host has already practiced Nine-Yang Divine Art, the Nine Yin Scriptures can be combined and practiced to synthesize the middle-level exercise “Nine Yin and Nine Yangs”, which can transform true qi into yin and yang true qi. Does the host merge?” system prompt road.


Zhao Qi was excited.

“Congratulations to the host, the fusion of exercises is successful.”

“Practice nine yin and nine yang.

“Congratulations to the host for reaching the experience point.”

“Do you want to upgrade?” the system prompts.


Zhao Qi said immediately.


A golden light flashed.

Zhao Qi’s physical strength began to rise rapidly, and all aspects of his attributes also improved accordingly.

“Congratulations to the host for reaching level 13 (innate triple realm).” The system prompts.

This realm.

It’s all Zhao Qiqi’s practice, not killing enemies to gain experience points.

As the exercises become stronger, Zhao Qi’s practice speed will also become faster.

Time passed gradually.

The day home is also a rare enjoyment for Zhao Qi, after spending ten days with her mother.

Zhao Qi took Ma’er to Xianyang and answered Qin Shihuang’s summons.

After debriefing in Xianyang, he was going to be guarded by Zhao Di.

Inside the Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng is dealing with the backlog of memorials in Zhangtaiyan.

Zhao Qi’s two children play around in the palace, and are very happy in Zhangtai.

Sitting in a high position, Ying Zheng dealt with the memorial, and occasionally looked at his grandson with a rare smile on his face.

He also seemed very relaxed in handling memorials in this atmosphere.

And outside the hall.

Zhao Gao respectfully stood by Hou Li, not daring to overstep, looking at the two little guys in the Zhangtai Palace, he did not dare to stop the slightest, just watched in awe.

These days.

He clearly knew that Ying Zheng’s love for these two little guys was more graceful than his own son.

“That kid Qi’er’s spirit pill is really powerful. After eating it, all my dark diseases are gone, and it is more energetic than before.”

“This kid, I don’t have this kind of good thing to show to Laozi soon.” Winning Zheng read the memorial while sighing the changes in his body.

At this time.

A monk outside the palace walked to Zhao Gao’s side and said in a low voice.

Then Zhao Gao walked quickly into the hall.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“President Fusu, Mr. Jiangjian, Mr. Gao, Mr. Hu Hai and other young men please see you.”

Zhao Gao respectfully said.

Ying Zheng nodded, without raising his head: “Let them in.”


Zhao Gao immediately stepped back and conveyed the edict.

After a while.

Several teenagers walked into the hall.

The eldest one is about seventeen or eighteen, the others are fifteen or sixteen, and the youngest should be about twelve or three.

These are the sons of Yingzheng.

Their appearance is somewhat similar to Ying Zheng, but their temperaments are completely different.

“Children see the father and king.”

After several young men walked into the hall, they all bowed to Ying Zheng.

“No ceremony, flat body.

Ying Zheng raised his head and glanced at it.

“Thank you, father.

All the princes said in unison.

And when they saw the two little guys who were playing around in Taiwanese, they were all a little surprised.

It is not a few years ago now.

The royal prince will open a mansion outside the palace when he is fourteen years old, and at this moment, several people have already opened a mansion outside the palace.

Naturally, I don’t know the situation in the palace.

Unless it’s someone in the palace.

“This is what the teacher said, the sons and daughters of Admiral Zhao Qi who was favored by the father?”

“Being so presumptuous in the father’s Zhangtai palace, it seems that he is really favored by the father.”

Hu Hai looked at the two playing little guys, his eyes rolled.

“Aye, who are they?”

When seeing outsiders coming, the two little guys ran to Ying Zheng’s side in small steps, and then directly pounced on Ying Zheng’s body, looking at these young men with curiosity.

Watching this scene.

The young men’s eyes widened, unbelievable.

Their father and king, who is inviolable, was so angry by the two children?

“Your daddy is a bit older than their uncomfortable guys, so good grandchildren can call them uncles.”

Yingzheng said softly to the two grandchildren.


The two little guys raised their heads to look at the young masters, and then nodded faintly.

“Hello, uncles.” Zhao Yuqi exclaimed very generously.

“Hello, uncles.” Zhao Qi continued.

I’m afraid I’m not as good as my sister.

Listen to the voices of these two little guys.

Several sons were shocked.

Some have frowning, some are different, and some are not accidental at all.

But Hu Hai reacted quickly and responded with a smile: “Hou, the two guys are really sensible.”

See this scene.

Zhao Gao Yuguang glanced at it and smiled triumphantly in his heart: “Fortunately, I told Hu Hai early in the morning about the king’s spoiling of Zhao’s two children. Maybe he can use this as a bridge to establish contact with Zhao Qi.”

And at the moment.

However, Ying Zheng suddenly raised his head, frowned, and coldly swept across Fusu, how tall is the son: “Didn’t you hear them calling you?”

This sound.

Let the whole hall show a kind of coldness.



Several princes responded repeatedly, for fear of being recorded by Ying Zheng.

But from this point, they also knew that Ying Zheng valued these two little guys.

For Yingzheng.

Dong’er and his son are the real sons, and they treat differently.

Those concubines in the palace were born only for the reproduction of the royal family.

It’s totally different.

In the heart of winning.

The few sons in front of me are not as important as my two grandchildren.


“They seem to be afraid of you?”

Zhao Yuqi said curiously, and then hugged herself Aye.

“Aren’t you afraid of Aye?” Ying Zheng smiled softly.

“We are afraid of Daddy, not Aye.”

“Aye is the best Aye for us in the world.” The two little guys hugged the victory and started acting like a baby.


“You are also Aye’s good grandchildren.” Yingzheng smiled with satisfaction.

Watching this scene.

The many sons in front of him are also very tasty.

They have never been so spoiled and treated so tenderly by their father and king since they were young.

There are even few meetings, every time I see it is indifferent and majestic.

“What are you doing in the palace today?”

“When opening a mansion abroad, all the government affairs were arranged by the clan, and now I should have done a lot of things.” Yingzheng looked at his sons with majesty.

“Go back to the father.

“The son-chen is here to pay a visit when he heard that the father is returning to the palace.”

Several princes said in unison.


“Don’t waste government affairs. If nothing happens, then retreat.

For these sons, Ying Zheng has no topic at all.

They are afraid of themselves, and they don’t want to talk nonsense with them.

Compared with the current palace, these few feared their sons.

0…seeking flowers,

Ying Zheng still thinks that in Zhao’s Mansion, it is more enjoyable, no need to worry too much, no need to be stern, just a few days, Zhao Qi’s stinky boy has become acquainted, not so restrained, this is the win. The feeling that the government wants, and the company of two grandchildren, is really a family happiness.


“I don’t know whose children they are?”

Fusu stood up, with a kind of refined temperament, and also the most outstanding temperament among these young masters.

“Children of Zhao Qi.

Ying Zheng glanced at Fusu, somewhat inexplicably.

“No wonder, they turned out to be Zhao Qi’s children.

“My youngest general in Da Qin, it seems that Zhao Qi is the reason why my father is so indulgence with his two children.”

“I heard that Zhao Qi got married a few days ago. My father even went to Yongcheng to preside over the wedding in person, and he also bestowed many treasures…

Mentioning Zhao Qi’s name, several young masters instantly regained their senses.

But the next moment.

A scene that horrified all the princes happened.


“Under my Da Qin etiquette, foreign ministers should not stay in the palace for more than a day. Although Zhao Qi’s children are still ignorant, they are also incompatible with etiquette. Zhangtai Palace is the place where my father handles memorials. It is related to my Da Qin country. , Outsiders are not allowed to enter the temple.”

Fusu said with a serious face, and that seemingly elegant face had a kind of old-fashioned face.

Heard this.Zheng frowned: “Do you teach etiquette to widows? Who taught you?”

“The king’s father personally appointed the great Confucian teacher Chun Yuyue, and got the teacher’s instruction. Fu Su has gained a lot. Everything in this world is governed by etiquette and law. If there is no etiquette, the world will be chaotic.”

“My father is the King of Qin, the lord of the empire. Only by following the rituals and laws can he govern the world righteously, let the people of the world awe, and all abide by the rituals.” Fusu did not have any scruples about Ying Zheng’s anger and continued.

See this scene.

All the princes looked at Fusu in shock.

They never thought that the elder brother, who has always been elegant and quiet, would be so bold that they dare to pick the fault of the father.

Use etiquette to refute the father.

“Fusu, a stupid person, dare to refute his father, he is finished.”

“Just right.”

“He has the title of eldest son and righteousness. He angered his father and king. See how he can get the support of the clan in the future.” Hu Hai was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

“This Fusu is really stupid.” Zhao Gao looked at it, mocking in his heart.


And this moment.

Ying Zheng’s complexion has become ashen.

“Fusu, do you know what you are talking about?” Ying Zheng’s voice became cold and quiet.

“Fusu knows what he is talking about. If the father is angry, Fusu will also finish what he wants to say.”

“Everything in the world, everything in all countries, is governed by etiquette, benevolence, and etiquette and law. As a ruler, let his servants and all people follow the etiquette and law, and the ruler should also set an example.

“Perhaps Fusu made the father angry quickly, but Fusu had to say.” Fusu said with a straight face, with a sense of fearlessness.


“Chun Yuyue, really taught you to become a talent.”

Yingzheng looked at Fusu angrily.

these years.

Since many of his sons are sensible, although Yingzheng does not give much favor in the family relationship, he also gives high hopes. His winning son must never be mediocre.

Therefore, the princes of the clan family find a famous teacher to teach.

But Fusu, who was in front of him, had just left the palace and opened his mansion for a few years.

“Is Big Brother really crazy?”

“You dare to argue with your father?

“Doesn’t he know that the father is in charge of the empire, the ritual law, and above the ritual law?”

“Hey, brother, this is really stupid…

Seeing Fusu’s performance in such a collision with Yingzheng, the few princes all looked shocked, which they had never expected.

A very ordinary trivial matter, a foreign minister’s son and daughter were given the grace of Yingzheng to enter the palace, and they were not sensible, but Fusu used rituals to reprimand Yingzheng. This was something they had never thought of.


“Stupid Fusu.

Hu Hai smiled with excitement in his heart, he was anxious to help Su continue to look for death.

“Fusu dare not forget what the teacher taught.”

“Confucian rites and rituals of the world should be used together, so that the people under the world can be determined.” Fusu still does not know any way of fear.


Seeing Fusu’s constant chatter and the appearance of constant collisions, Ying Zheng was really angry.

And at this moment.

“What Young Master Fusu said.”

“I don’t really agree with it.”

Outside the hall, a heroic voice suddenly came.

Everyone looked at it in a pleasing manner.

A young man dressed in an admiral’s official robes and with a sword at his waist walked into the hall.


“How did you come?”

“We haven’t seen Daddy for a long time.”

Zhao Yuqi and Zhao Xi who were next to Ying Zheng immediately stood up excitedly and rushed towards Zhao Qi directly.

“Ha ha.

“Two troublemakers, they also know that there is a father.”

Zhao Qi picked up the two little guys and smiled.

See Zhao Qi.

A faint smile appeared on Yingzheng’s face just now.

“Is he the youngest general in Da Qin, Zhao Qi?”

Fusu, as well as many other princes, all looked at Zhao Qi, with a little surprise in their eyes, because Zhao Qi seemed as young as a rumor.

“Okay, come down.”

Zhao Qi calmed down the two children.

Then he walked to the center of the hall and bowed to Ying Zheng: “The minister sees the king.”

“It came very quickly, how about mom?” Yingzheng smiled slightly.

The indifference and majesty are no longer there, and there is a different kind of gentleness.

After seeing this, the princes couldn’t help but eat more.

Having just treated them with indifference and no emotions, Zhao Qi smiled as soon as he arrived, very gentle.

Their father was not only kind to Zhao Qi’s two children, but also treated Zhao Qi differently. None of their sons had this attitude before, and they felt that Zhao Qi was the biological son of their father.

“Mom will clean up in the house, and she will come to greet the king when she is next.” Zhao Qi immediately replied.

“This girl is not bad.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

Seeing Zhao Qi’s arrival, the anger that had just been hit by Fu Su slowly dissipated.

“If there is nothing wrong with you, please withdraw.”

Ying Zheng said to those sons.


The princes replied one after another, preparing to leave.

But Fusu didn’t seem to hear the same.

“Presumably this is my prestigious General Zhao Qi in Daqin.

“I just pointed out that my father violated the law of etiquette. Why does the general disagree. Is there any wisdom in the general? Or, the general does not respect me the law of etiquette of the Qin Dynasty?”

Fusu stared at Zhao Qi and suddenly said.

PS: Historically, Fusu was upright or stupid, but it was true that he was distorted by the Confucian teachings of that era, and Hu Hai made him commit suicide by a false edict, which shows that he is stupid.

Of course, there were mixed praises and criticisms about Fusu in the wild history, and the author wrote Fusu under his own opinion. Ding.

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