Chapter 132 Ying Zheng: This is considered to be given by the elders

The wedding banquet continues.

As Zhao Qi took out the collection of Wangyou wine, the guests in the whole hall were like treasures.

The rich aroma of the wine made them intoxicated.

“Today, the widow is presiding over the wedding for Zhao Qi.

“On the day of Zhao Qi’s wedding and celebration, you don’t have to be polite, and you can drink freely.”

Ying Zheng raised the wine glass in his hand and said loudly.

The expression is also very happy.

“Xie Dawang.”

The ministers shouted one after another.

Then he raised his glass eagerly.

The entire wedding banquet has entered a real stage.

Seeing Qin Shihuang personally host, Zhao Qi smiled, and walked towards the wedding room with his daughter-in-law.

Back to the room.

Closed the door.

Zhao Qi lifted Li Yan’er’s hijab.

Looking at the stunning face in front of him, Zhao Qi also had an unspeakable excitement on his face.

The girl who grew up with her childhood sweethearts and grew up together has now finally become her own wife.

Although there is a saying that rabbits don’t eat grass on their nests.

But for this era, how can rabbits not eat grass on the edge of the nest? In this era, the traffic is not smooth at all, and the wives they seek are all nearby, and there is no such convenient transportation as later generations.


“You are beautiful.

Zhao Qi said gently.

“Brother, I finally married you.” Li Yan’er was very happy with tears in her eyes.

Married to Zhao Qi.

This is what she has thought and hoped since she was a child.

Now it’s finally true.

And she also had a pair of children with Zhao Qi.

“Why cry?

“Today is a day of great joy, so we can’t cry.”

Zhao Qi said softly, wiping away the tears from Li Yan’er’s face.

For Zhao Qi.

Today completed the first four promises to Li Yan’er, which also made Zhao Qi very comfortable.

in the future.

in this era.

Maybe Zhao Qi will have many women, but Zhao Qi’s wife, the person Zhao Qi really loves may only be Li Yaner.

For example, Princess Han and Princess Zhao granted by Qin Shihuang, although they can be given the status of concubine, they are far inferior to their mothers, and Zhao Qi only takes their physical needs.

There is no fun in this era, close the door and night is fun.

Especially for powerful people, this kind of fun is naturally not limited to one person.

“Yan’er, wedding night in the bridal chamber.”

“Let’s rest.

Zhao Qi looked at Li Yan’er tenderly, and then everything was silent.

Today is a big day that truly belongs to the two of them, and it is truly justified.

Time flies.


Three days passed.

The wedding of General Zhao Qi also came to an end, and the guests left one after another.

In a room.

The Mengwu father and son got together.

Later they will say goodbye to Yingzheng, Xianyang, and return to Daying.

“Does the king already know about Zhao Qi?”

Meng Yi asked distractedly.

“Boy, can you see it?” Meng Wu smiled and said to Meng Yi.

“Does the king really know?”

“How did the king accept the news of Zhao Qi’s mother’s death?” Meng Yi asked in surprise.

“Thanks to Lao Xia, if it weren’t for Lao Xia, maybe the king had put everything down and went to pursue Zhao Qi’s mother.” Meng Wu said with a sigh.

Even if many days have passed, thinking of the moment of crisis on the mountain that day, if he hadn’t reacted quickly, he would have killed himself if he won the government. If he really couldn’t stop it, the consequence would be the collapse of Daqin.

The princes vie for kingship.

The general trend of the Great Qin’s suppression of the world will also change.

“The king committed suicide?”

Meng Yi’s eyes widened, and a kind of surprise also emerged.

“All right.”

“It’s all over.””The king no longer has the intention to die, and has put it down, because the king now has new sustenance.”

“Zhao Qi, and his two children.” Meng Wu smiled.

“The king’s kindness to Zhao’s two children is unprecedented. Perhaps the king has transferred his affection for Zhao Qi’s mother to the three of Zhao Qi and his son.” Meng Yi thought about Ying Zheng’s treatment of Zhao Qi before attending the wedding banquet. I couldn’t help but think of the doting looks of the two children.


“That’s the granddaughter and grandson of the king, how could the king not like it.” Mengwu smiled.

“Then about Zhao Qi’s identity, how is the future king going?” Meng Yi asked expectantly.

His Meng family is now betting everything on Zhao Qi.

Meng Wu recognized Li Ma’er as a righteous daughter, and became Weng’s son-in-law with Zhao Qi. This relationship has become stronger. In the future, Zhao Qi will be a son. In the eyes of outsiders, the Meng family is an absolute Zhao Qi lineage. .

“The king has already said it.


“Zhao Qi must be the eldest son and the crown prince.”

“In the future, the king will rule the world, and will give Zhao Mingzheng the status of being a good one.”

Meng Wu said with excitement in his voice.

“The King really said that?” Meng Yi’s eyes widened, and surprise emerged.


“Zhao Qi is the son of the king, and his ability is not bad. With the love of the king to Zhao Qi’s mother, which concubine in the palace can compare?”

“Furthermore, the king has decided to pursue Zhao Qi’s mother as the queen.

“Do you know what this means?”

“As long as this matter is successful, Zhao Qi will be able to change from being a private child to my eldest son of Da Qin.”

“The position is stable, beyond doubt.” Meng Wu said solemnly.

Chase “Queen?”

Meng Yi was taken aback, and then said: “This is very difficult. Qin State was unstable.

As one of the current Dai Jiuqing, Meng Yi couldn’t understand the affairs of court.


The forces above the court are complex.

You thought it was a friend.

But under the benefit, he may attack you at any time.

For the generals, the war is on the battlefield, but for the civil servants, the war lies between the courts and the court, and it is endless for the benefit.


“The King has not yet recognized Zhao Qi. The first is to gradually give Zhao Qi greater authority. The second is that the King wants to use the future to dominate the world, create the prestige of the first person in the ages, and reshape the rituals. Annihilation, without foreign enemies, why should the king fear those rebellious officials who will cause chaos?

“Tian’er, Yi’er.”

“Now that the king’s mind is determined, what we can do is to help Zhao Qi gain greater authority and secretly accumulate the foundation for Zhao Qi. In the future, we will dominate the world. After Zhao Qi’s identity is announced by the king, our existence is all Backing for Zhao Qi’s final decision.

“For Zhao Qi, my Meng family must overthrow all plans and try to back up Zhao Qi as much as possible.” Meng Wu said in a deep voice, carrying the Meng family’s patron’s undoubtedly.

“I don’t know if the dynasty, can the two generals of Huandi win?

Meng Tian made a key point.


“Now in my Daqin.”

“Wang Qiang, Huan Di, and my father, Zhao Qi, are the four generals of the Great Qin Dynasty.”

“In control of most of my military power in Daqin, my Meng family is loyal to Zhao Qi. If there is a day when there is really a battle for reserve, Yongcheng Daying can do its best, but if you can still get the power of Hangu and Lantian Daying, That matters Zhao Qi’s position is even more stable,

“In the future, if anyone wants to compete with Young Master Zhao and suppress them by the Israeli army, in front of our absolute strength, what is the trickery behind the Young Masters?” A sneer appeared on Meng Yi’s face.

Now that Ying Zheng knows Zhao Qi’s identity and the promise of the Crown Prince, Meng Yi naturally has no more worries.

“Wang Jian, Huan Yi.”

“Because of their character, they will not easily get involved in the party and government of the prince, what they believe in is to protect oneself, loyalty to the emperor, and not participate in the struggle.”


“This is also the reason why several of us can survive in the military.”


“They don’t even know Zhao Qi’s identity, and they all have a different eye for Zhao Qi. They regard him as the most outstanding descendant of Da Qin to cultivate. With such a relationship, they will not be afraid that they will not board the ship in the future.” Laughed.

“There is also Li Mu.

Meng Tian said again.

“Li Mu.”

“This person has the ability to command troops, and he has great ethnic righteousness, and he has more than 300,000 soldiers under his command. However, now that he has just returned to Qin, he will definitely protect himself, will not participate in government affairs, and will not be connected with anyone.” Meng Wu said.


Zhao Gongzi “seems to be setting up a game.”

A deep thought floated between Meng Yi’s eyebrows, as if thinking of something.


Both Meng Wu and Meng Tian looked at Meng Yi.

“Li Mutang’s army remains unchanged, and 300,000 troops are stationed at the border of generations, but it was Zhao Gongzi who helped it?” Meng Yi said.

“Listening to the dynasty, Huan He and the others, Zhao Qi really contributed to this incident, and it is reasonable.” Meng Wu said.

“Han Fei Nai was originally Young Master Han, who was deadly loyal to Han, but was also persuaded by Young Master Zhao to surrender. Now I am also in a high position in Daqin, and I will be one of the Jiuqing in the future. Is this also done by Young Master Zhao?” Meng Yi said again.

The words fell off.

Meng Wu and Meng Tian looked at each other.

I thought of something all by appointment.

“Zhao Qi is already planning for the future?” Meng Wu asked in surprise.

“No, it’s not right.” Meng Tian shook his head: “Zhao Qi doesn’t know his identity as a son, so how can he make plans for the future?”

“What if Zhao Qi’s everything is to take precautions?” Meng Yi suddenly said.

This immediately awakened Meng Wu.

Being in a “high position, but in front of the king’s power, a word is convincing. Zhao Qi can sit in such a position in just a few years, and he naturally understands this truth.”

“But he is young and vigorous, so naturally he doesn’t want to be taken away by the royal power.

“He arranged Li Mu and Han Fei.”

“The purpose is to preserve one’s own strength for one day.” Meng Wu said with horror on his face.

In just a few words.

Meng Wu seemed to see the essence.

“Young Master Zhao deserves to be the son of the king.”

“Developing power, fighting against the king’s power in the future to protect oneself, this courage is really true. It really is…

Meng Yi didn’t know what to say at the moment.

Sure enough, “It’s still a young man.”

“If royal power is so easy to contend with, then it is not royal power.

“However, Zhao Qi himself is also accumulating strength, and it is a good thing to have enough strength to cope with his restoration of identity in the future.

“After all, he doesn’t know his identity at all.

“He doesn’t need to fight against the kingship at all, because he is my future kingship.” Meng Wu smiled.

“En.” Meng Tian and Meng Yi also nodded.

If Zhao Qi is not the heir to the royal power, at this moment Zhao’s heart may be rebellious.

But Zhao Qi’s identity is destined to belong to him, so he can’t be called ambition.

“All right.”

“It’s still as usual, everything about Zhao Qi sucks in my stomach.

“Now that Zhao Qi’s wedding is over, we are going to say goodbye to the king.” Meng Wu said.

“Yes.” Meng Tianmengyi nodded.

The picture turns.

Hall of Zhao Mansion.

“Chen Mengwu.

“Chen Mengtian.”

“Chen Mengyi.

“See you, the king.

The father and son came to the outside of the main hall and worshipped respectfully.

“come in.

Yingzheng smiled slightly.


Zhao Yuqi and Zhao Xi are still playing around with Yingzheng. This is also Yingzheng’s enjoyment of family happiness.

The three of them walked into the hall.

It’s not surprising to see that Yingzheng spoils the two little guys so much.

“The King.”

“The minister and Meng Tian are ready to return to the camp.

“As for Meng Yi, he must return to Xianyang.”

“I’m here to bid farewell to the king.” Meng Wu respectfully said.

Yingzheng nodded: “Counting the time, the real man has stayed in Yongcheng for almost ten days, and it’s time to return to Xianyang.”

“What the king said is extremely true.

“It’s fortunate for the king to leave Xianyang these days that Xiangbang is in charge, otherwise the court has been messed up.” Meng Yi said with a smile.

“En.” Ying Zheng smiled: “You go back first, and the widow will stay with Zhao Qi one day, and he will return to Xianyang.”


The Mengwu father and son answered respectfully.

Then slowly left the hall.

“Qir, Xier.”

“Do you want to go to Xianyang with Aye?”

Ying Zheng looked at the two little guys and asked gently.


“Aye, why take us?”

The two little guys jumped up immediately.

“Tomorrow Aye will take you there.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

After a few days of enjoying the family happiness, thinking that I would be separated from my granddaughter and grandson when I went back alone, I was naturally unwilling to win the government.

But now that Daqin has just appointed Zhao Zhao, things in the DPRK are busy, so many days must have accumulated a lot of government affairs.

For Dong’er.

For Zhao Qi.

More to his granddaughter and grandson.

Ying Zheng didn’t want to delay the road to dominate the world.

“Good delivery.”

“Aye is the best.”The two little guys said joyfully.

At this time.

Zhao Qi brought Li Yan’er in from outside the hall.

“See the king.

The two couples walked in.

He bowed to Yingzheng.

“Flat body.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

Looking at Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er who were newly married, their eyes were gentle.

This is his son and daughter-in-law.

Although I lost Dong’er.

But being able to watch his son get married and host it personally is also a kind of comfort for winning the government.

“The King.”

“Are you going back to the palace?” Zhao asked with a smile.

“Why? I just want to leave the widow?” Ying Zheng said irritably.

“No, no, you can live as long as you want, and come as you want. It’s just that Xianyang’s government is busy. If the king doesn’t go back to deal with it, then something big will happen.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile.

Although he is still a bit cautious about Yingzheng.

But after all, after getting along for so many days, from the beginning, Zhao Yeqi became a lot more casual.

“You kid.”

“There is no truth in the mouth.

Ying Zheng was not angry.

“You said that there was not much Wangyou wine, so you gave ten bottles to the widow. What happened?”

“The wedding banquet took out so much at once.

Heard this.

Zhao Qi smiled awkwardly: “Majesty, the conscience of heaven and earth.”

“Those Wangyou wines are not real Wangyou, they are just mixed by the ministers.”

Really “?” Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi.

Really.” Zhao Qi nodded.

“Then the real person will believe you.”

“But you can’t forget you Laozi if you have this good wine in the future…no, forget about the widow.” Winning changed his expression and immediately took it back.

Zhao Qi didn’t think much about it at all, and smiled: “Don’t worry, Majesty, the minister will remember you if he has good things in the future. The first one will be dedicated to the Majesty.”

“This time the king gave the minister such a (Li Nuo Zhao) courtesy, and the minister can remember it in his heart.

“Forget you brat who knows you.” Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.


Ying Zheng looked at Li Yan’er, and a gentle ray flashed in his eyes.

“The minister’s wife is here.” Li Yan answered immediately.

“You got married, and someone gave Zhao Qi a lot of things, but nothing was given to you.”

“This is a piece of jade made by the widows with He’s Bi. He’s Bi is the first-class spirit jade. It was hard to get by my predecessor of Qin in the past. You can wear it with you to keep you healthy and prolong your life.”

Ying Zheng smiled at Li Yan’er. He took out a piece of jade pendant from his arms.

Passed to Li Ma’er.

“My lord, this, this is too expensive.” Li Ma’er was a little at a loss, then looked at Zhao Qi.

“Just take what the widow gives you. This is a gift specially given to you by the widow.”

“Zhao Qi, the kid, is gone, and his father is not by his side either.”

“Since the widow presided over your wedding this time, you should be considered a prince.”

This is “equivalent to a gift given to you by the elders, and you can’t quit it.” Yingzheng smiled slightly.

“Mom, you accept it.” Zhao Qi smiled.

My heart is also full of gratitude for winning the government.

Qin Shihuang was really too kind to himself.

He’s Bi.

This kind of precious treasure will be used as a jade seal for the Chuan Kingdom in the future. He actually used it to make a seal for himself and a jade pendant for his own woman.

This kind of honor and gift may only be possessed by myself.

“Xie Dawang.

Li Yan’er stepped forward to take the jade pendant and thanked her.

“There are two tokens here.

“If you and your wife want to enter the palace in the future, you can directly rely on this token to unblock it.” Ying Zheng smiled and took out two palace tokens.

The token is dark and depicts a Qin character.

With this token, Zhao Qi and his wife will be able to pass unimpeded in the Daqin Palace in the future.

I am afraid that even those sons of Yingzheng will not have this kind of honor.

“Xie Dawang.” Zhao Qi took it smoothly.


“Do we have rewards?

The two little guys looked at Ying Zheng and asked cutely.

Looking forward to it very much.

“How could there be no good grandson of Aye?” Ying Zheng smiled.

He took out two small jade pendants from his arms again.

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