Chapter 131: Qin Shihuang’s generous gift, Zhao Qi made a lot of money

Ying Zheng actually sat in the main seat, seeming to be preparing to officiate this wedding.

in this era.

Master of Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, the position where Yingzheng sits is the pro-throne, which can also be called the throne.

This seat surprised all the officials who came.

Although they all knew that Ying Zheng valued and treated Zhao Qi very much, and even when Zhao Kaixuan returned to Xianyang to meet him, there was even news that the king and Zhao Qi had both hangovers in Zhangtai Palace.

Even the pilgrimage on that day did not start.

And now.

Ying Zheng actually sits on the main seat himself, as if to preside over the wedding ceremony for Zhao Qi.

This class of honor.

It can be said to be unique.

And when the courtiers took a pleasing look.

Not only was Yingzheng seated in the seat of the monarch, but there were also two children surrounded by them. They were all lying on Yingzheng’s body. While feeding Yingzheng with fruit, they put their mouths and stuffed them into his mouth, which was very uncomfortable.

And for these wins, it doesn’t seem to care anything.

Very enjoy the feeding of the two little guys.


They saw that the two little guys were playing with Yingzheng, holding a piece of fruit to feed Yingzheng, but when they reached their lips, they immediately took it, and then swallowed it by themselves.

Watching this scene.

The ministers who came to see the wedding all felt their scalp tingling.

As long as the king is offended, the consequences can be disastrous.

But what surprised them was that.

He didn’t care about the troubles of the two little guys, and he also enjoyed it very much. Not only that, he also fed fruit to the two little guys by himself.

“Are those two little guys the children of General Zhao?”

“They are actually on the king’s body, and they are still doing bad things to the king like that?”

“But the king didn’t blame them. On the contrary, he still liked the two children very much.”

“Just kidding.

“Is this still the king?”

“His favor to Zhao has reached such a point, do you love the house and the black?”

“Such kindness, may I ask which courtier can have it?”

“And it’s still like this. It seems that Zhao Qi’s two children are already very familiar with the king. Could it be that the king has already come to Zhao’s Mansion?”

“Zhao Qi is indeed the first person to be favored and favored by the king.

Watching this scene.

The courtiers who came to the wedding were stunned by this scene.

The Yingzheng they see today is completely different from the majesty of the past.

“Majesty, I have never had such a favor to Young Master Hu Hai before.

“To the sons and daughters of a courtier, Zhao Qi is really surprising.”

Zhao Gao looked at the scene in front of him, also very surprised.

He served Yingzheng personally in the palace, and he naturally knew Yingzheng’s temperament, unsmiling, and majestic. He seemed to treat all the princes equally, but he was even more graceful to the youngest Hu Hai.

But this grace gradually disappeared as Hu Hai grew up.

“It seems that Zhao Qi really wants to contact Hu Hai son. In the future, he must have strong assistance to compete with those sons.

“As long as you give Zhao Qi what you like, you can definitely win over him.” Zhao Gao thought secretly in his heart.

except him.

Even the courtiers who came to the wedding were all thinking.

There are many princes of Emperor Qin Shihuang, and perhaps most of them are not outstanding, but even if so, there are supporters behind almost every prince. They are of the blood of King Qin, and they will have the opportunity to reach that position in the future.

Therefore, many courtiers have already prepared for the future.

Seeing that Zhao Qi was so honored as Wangjuan, their hearts were secretly planning.

“Could it be that?”

“The king already knows that Zhao Qi’s identity is not a success?”

But among the courtiers who watched the wedding banquet, only one person was more sober. Seeing that Yingzheng was so kind to Zhao Qi’s children, he immediately thought that Yingzheng had already known Zhao Qi’s identity.

I know it’s my own blood.

Under this.

Love House and Wu.

What Yingzheng treats so gracefully is not outsiders at all, but his own granddaughter and grandson.

In this way.

That makes perfect sense.

“The king suddenly left the palace a few days ago. He must have found out the identity of Zhao Qi, so he left the palace suddenly.”

“Only in this way can the explanation make sense.”

“I don’t know how Dad and Yuyu Xia persuaded the king.”

“But now it seems that the king is in good condition, and he is not angry. This is also a blessing. When the wedding banquet is over, I must ask Dad to ask clearly.” Meng Yi secretly thought in his heart.

Only he found the truth about the two sons and daughters of Zhao Qi, who is so favored by the government.


That is the grandson and granddaughter of the king.


All the courtiers who came to the wedding did not dare to look at it secretly for too long.


They gathered in front of the hall one after another.

“For ministers, see the king.

All the ministers bowed their heads towards the victory, and respected them greatly.

“This is not a courtroom, and there is no need for so many courtesies. Since it’s a wedding banquet, please sit down according to the invitation.”

Yingzheng glanced up and said Majesty.

A few days passed.

Today’s Yingzheng has completely recovered.

After all, the rooms and rooms where Donger lived before were more relaxed than those in the deep palace. This was also the easiest time to win politics.

“Xie Dawang.

The officials quickly thanked him.


“Who are they?”

Zhao Yuqi looked at these courtiers cutely and asked in Yingzheng.

“They are all people under Aye.

Hearing Zhao Yuqi’s voice, Yingzheng’s majesty disappeared immediately, and a touch of kindness appeared.


Zhao Yuqi pursed her mouth, as if she knew what she didn’t understand.

But what can a child who is less than three years old understand.

Aye, “Daddy, will you take my mother back later? I haven’t seen my mother for a few days, so I miss her.” Zhao Cong said again, showing his longing.Fortunately, Zhao Qi had a good relationship with his two children during this period. Otherwise, the two little guys would be sad when Li Yaner left. After all, they were brought up by Li Yaner since childhood.

“Your dad is already on the road and will be back soon.” Yingzheng comforted mildly.


The two little guys nodded, sensible no longer asking, and then continued to eat the food on the table.

“What are you still waiting for? Are you still not seated?”

“Dozens of people are standing here, don’t scare the children.”

Ying Zheng raised his head and looked at the officials who were still standing in front of him. He frowned and said angrily.

This change of attitude, one is kind, the other is majestic and indifferent.

Let every courtier clearly feel it.

Apart from thinking about Wang Enhao’s vastness and infinite favor to Zhao Qi, they have no other ideas.

However, no matter which faction the supporters are, they will definitely think about establishing a good relationship with Zhao Qi.

Now that Zhao and Han are gone, the trend of Da Qin’s unification has become clear. In the future, Da Qin will dominate the world and create a great world. The courtiers will naturally take precautions.


Upon hearing Yingzheng’s scolding, these ministers scattered one after another, looking for their seats.

Qi Er “, son, we don’t care about them.”

“Keep eating.

Ying Zheng turned around and became kind and gentle again.

Time flies.


The sound of gongs and drums is getting louder and louder.

“The general is back home.

A roar sounded throughout Zhao Mansion.


All the waiting courtiers in the hall became awe-inspiring.

The protagonist of the wedding banquet is coming.

Outside Zhao Mansion.

Zhao Qi walked to the sedan chair with joy and excitement.

Commitment four years ago.

Now it’s finally time for confirmation.

He has already brought Li Yan’er back home in a graceful manner.


“We are home.”

Zhao Qi came to the sedan chair and said softly.


Li Yan’er replied and walked off the sedan chair slowly.

Zhao Qi immediately took Li Yan’er’s hand, and the two of them walked toward Zhao’s house like this.

Step by step.

In Zhao Qi’s hand, he walked to the Fuzhong Hall.

And at the moment.

The guests gathered.

In addition to the villagers of Lijia Village, the people who came there were countless big figures from the capital city of Xianyang.

Even if they couldn’t come because of the busy government affairs, they sent their confidants to see Zhao Da-Marriage.

Except besides.

Some have come in person.

Such as Li Mu, Han Fei, Feng Jie and Meng Yi.

They are all good friends with Zhao Qi, as well as Zhao Qi’s subordinates, how could they not come.


The hall was full of friends.

The maids and attendants in the mansion carried food and fruit, and placed them in the hall.

The guests who came to the banquet all watched the wedding ceremony of the two newlyweds.

Dong’er, “Did you see you?”

Our “son will be married today and will grow up completely.”

Ying Zheng looked at the two people who walked slowly in the hall, and a touch of remembrance floated in his eyes.

Donger “.”

“Father finally did not owe you. Today I have completed Qi Er’s wedding.”

“After today, your son has grown up.” Xia Wuqi shouted with tears in his eyes and stared at Zhao Qi’s figure, but with so many people here, he held back the tears and did not fall.

Although he hasn’t seen his daughter anymore, being able to personally manage his grandson’s wedding also allowed him to accomplish a matter of his mind, and he will have no regrets in this life.


“The newcomer enters the hall.”

“The ceremony of opening the chapel.

Xia Wuqi stood in the hall and preached loudly.


Zhao Qi took Li Ma’er’s hand and walked to the hall, heart.

Just when Xia Wu was about to speak out again.


At this time, Yingzheng spoke.

“My lord, what’s the matter?”

Xia Wuqi turned his head and looked at Ying Zheng suspiciously.

The guests in the whole hall also looked differently.

“You sit next to Meng Wu, as the elder of Zhao Qi’s man.” Ying Zheng pointed to a place beside him and said, smiling slightly.

This sentence.

Xia Wuqi trembled all over.

As Zhao Qi’s elder, accepting the newcomer’s chapel service, how can he not think about it?

But he can’t.

He has no reason.

Because in front of everyone, he is not a relative of Zhao Qi.

“The king, the old minister, the minister is not the elder in Zhao Qi’s family, this…

Xia Wuqi was struggling.

He wants to sit down, but he doesn’t want anyone to doubt his relationship with Zhao Qi because of this, and then investigate the relationship with the king.

This will hinder Zhao Qi from becoming the prince prince in the future, and even hinder his daughter from being named the queen queen.

Even if Ying Zheng controls the royal power, he is not afraid of everything.

But if it breaks out at this moment, those power officials and clan who are hiding secretly for their own interests will definitely not sit back and watch.

“You have been taking care of Zhao Qi’s family for the past few years. You are not a relative but Sheng is a relative.”

“The widow asked you to sit down.

“No one will be sick to you.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously, with no doubt.

“Old Xia, sit down.

Meng Wu also spoke at this moment.

All over the world.

Only a few of them knew the identity of Xia Wujia.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Qi’s heart is also certain.

Xia Wuqi has been taking care of his wife and children at home for several years. If he is not grateful, it is false. Now he can sit in the seat of his elders, Zhao Qi willingly.

The words to Xia Wuqi that he wanted to support him were not Zhao Qi joking, but true.

“Xie Dawang.

Xia Wuqi was extremely excited and sat down on the seat of Zhao’s elders, sitting side by side with Meng Wu.

How did he not know that this was Ying Zheng’s opportunity to give him fulfillment and fulfill his wishes.

As Zhao Qi’s grandfather, as Zhao Qi’s only two elder relatives in the world today, if he can’t sit on this elder’s seat today, Xia Wujia will not be in pain.

He is sitting in place of his daughter.

“You are Dong’er’s father, why wouldn’t I let you do what I wanted?” Ying Zheng secretly said in his heart.

With the sovereign right, he could sit on the seat of the prince with peace of mind, no one dared to get sick, but Xia Wuqi couldn’t.

“Zhao Gao.

“You come to host.”

After Xia Wuqi took a seat, Ying Zheng said prestigiously.


Zhao Gao immediately walked from the side to the hall.

Then he preached loudly: “The newlyweds enter the temple and perform the worship service, so as to form a couple with one heart and complete the six rituals of my Qin marriage.


“Worship the world.

Zhao Gao said loudly.


Zhao Qi said gently.


Li Ma’er responded.

Then the two slowly turned around, facing the universe outside the hall.

Slowly knelt down.

Two people bowed their heads at the same time, prayed two times, and prayed three times.

Then slowly stood up.

“Second worship of the Lord and Gaotang.” Zhao Gao said again.

Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er slowly turned around, facing Yingzheng, Xia Wuqi, Mengwu, and slowly knelt down, bowed their heads, prayed twice, and prayed three times.

Watching this scene.

Unspeakable excitement emerged in the hearts of Yingzheng and Xia Wuqi.

One is Zhao Qi’s father, a veritable monarch.

The other is Zhao Qi’s grandfather.

Now that Zhao Qi gets married, really grows up, and has a family, it is very gratifying for them.

“The husband and wife worship.”

Zhao Gao screamed again.

Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er stood opposite each other, then slowly knelt down and bowed to each other.

“The worship ceremony is complete.” Zhao Gao said loudly.

All the guests, the elders of both sides, met with King Daqin and confirmed that the worship service was completed.


“Brother fulfilled the promise he made to you.”

“I will marry you home gracefully.

“From now on, you are my Zhao Qi’s righteous wife.” Zhao Qi gently said to Li Ma’er.

“I know my brother will marry Ma’er, so Ma’er has been waiting for Brother Qi.”

“Now, Ma’er has finally truly become his brother’s wife.”

“I will always be loyal to Brother Qi and stay with Brother Qi forever.” Li Ma’er had tears in her eyes with unspeakable excitement.

“It’s not a lifetime, it’s eternal life.” Zhao Qi said softly.


Zhao Qi will definitely not be confined to this mundane world, but the mundane kingship, Zhao Qi wants, the existence of the gods above the mundane, Zhao Qi must also reach it.

Because only by becoming immortal gods can you live forever and live forever.

Otherwise, it is not Zhao Qi’s pursuit of secular kingship. Decades of years have passed and a handful of loess.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully marrying his wife, completing the hidden task, and rewarding the mysterious high-grade technique, “Nine Yin Zhenjing”.”

At the moment when the worship ceremony was successful, the system prompt sounded in Zhao’s ear.

“It turned out to be the Nine Yin Scriptures.

A smile appeared on Zhao Qi’s face when he heard the reward for this hidden mission.


This time.

He has the Nine-Yang Magic Technique and the Nine-Yin Scriptures, and he may be able to help each other with Yin and Yang.

This can make him stronger.

“Xin Sheng.

After the chapel ceremony, Ying Zheng shouted to Xin Sheng outside the hall.


Xin Sheng walked into the hall with a few guards.

“The King congratulates General Zhao Qi.

“Special gift.

Xin Sheng walked into the hall and said to all the guests.

Then waved.

Loudly said: “Give the gods Zhanlu.


A sharp man held a slender, long magic weapon in his hand and held it high.

“The King actually gave Zhao Qi the most precious soldier in the Great Qin Treasury?”

“Zhanlu sword is called the sword of benevolence.”

“At the time when my Da Qin got this magic weapon, it was in the period of King Zhaoxiang and made the king’s order. My Da Qin was a country of conquest. After conquering the world, this sword can be born when there is a benevolent king to rule the world.

“The great king would bestow such a magic weapon to someone outside the royal family?

This sword “shouldn’t it be Lord Fusu who has the best chance to be given it?”

Seeing this magic weapon bestowed by Ying Zheng, all courtiers who attended the wedding banquet were shocked.

Zhan Lu Jian.

The sword of benevolence.

The world is chaotic, when there is an able ruler to rule the world, then there is a benevolent ruler to rule the world.

This sword should also be given to the royal son, the future successor of Qin Dynasty.

But now Ying Zheng suddenly bestowed this sword on a foreign minister, which really made no one think of it.

“Qin Shihuang, actually gave me Zhan Lu Jian?””This is a legendary soldier with spirituality.

“This is too expensive.”

Zhao Qi was also shocked at the moment.

He did not expect that Qin Shihuang would have such a generous gift.

Zhan Lujian, this is incredible.

Even if it is recorded in the genealogy of the surname Ying, the king’s order left by the king of Zhaoxiang Yingji in the past will be given to the king of benevolence and righteousness in Daqin who will rule the world in the future.

At this moment, Ying Zheng actually bestowed him on Zhao Qi.

“I won’t be Qin Shihuang’s illegitimate child, he is really kind to me.” Zhao Qi couldn’t help but taste at this moment.

But it didn’t wait for the officials to come back to their senses.

“Cihe Choi created the “Admiral’s Seal”.”

Xin Sheng announced again loudly.

Another guard guard stepped forward.

Open the brocade box, a carved tiger-shaped statue, lifelike jade bi seals and seals greeted everyone.

See this Jade Bi seal.

Qunchen was shocked again.


Same with Zhan Lujian.

It was acquired during the time of King Zhaoxiang in the past.

This is the world’s most supreme sacred jade, containing spirituality. In the past, it was Zhao Guo in charge of 597, and later it was acquired by Da Qin.

After Yingzheng really took power at the beginning, Zeng also said about the use of He’s Bi. After Daqin dominates the world, He’s Bi will be used to cast the seal of imperial power that dominates the world.

Symbolizes his identity as the lord of the world.

Now Yingzheng has cut a part of He’s Bi and created a seal for Zhao Qi.

It can’t be said that Zhao Qi is valued, but Zhao Qi has a kind of doting for his son.

“Zhan Lujian.

“Part of the seal made by He Choi.”

“How can Zhao Qi and He De be able to be so valued by the king?”

“Hey, in the future, Zhao Qi will have a truly top power position above the Great Qin Dynasty, one person will be above 10,000 people.”

“I’m afraid I will go further than Wu Anjun in the past.

The ministers thought with horror in their hearts.

“Given a golden armor for the body.

“Gift a treasure carving bow.”

“Gift a thousand jade.”

“Grant ten thousand gold.”

“Given thousands of pieces of cloth.

“Give two thousand servants.

Immediately afterwards.

The gift of Yingzheng made everyone know what the grace and grace of kingship is.

For these bestows.

Almost everyone was shocked and speechless. These gifts were even worse than when Zhao Qi was entrusted as a general.

But there are also a few people who know why there is such a generous gift for winning the government.

“Zhan Lujian, He Shibi.

The king “maybe I already know the identity of Master Qi.”

Otherwise, “how can there be such a generous gift to a foreign minister.”

Meng Yi thought to himself, a kind of joy emerged.


His family bet on the right.

With such kindness from the king, Zhao Qi may become the crown prince of Daqin in the future.

“The great king’s move is profound, and it is already paving the way for Zhao Qi, and it is also easing the relationship with Zhao Qi. In the future, father and son will recognize each other. Zhao will feel much better when he sees King Qi make up for it in this way.” Xia Wuqi and Mengwu Looking at each other, I have thoughts in my heart.


“Widow has given you so many things, don’t you thank Widow?”

When all the rewards were announced, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Shi and smiled.

“Chen Zhao Qi thanked the great king for his generous gift.”

“The minister’s wife Li Ma’er thanked the great king for his generous gift.”

Zhao Qi immediately took Li Ma’er and bowed, full of gratitude.

“Qi Er.”

“Now the only thing your father can give you is this. The father really didn’t want to abandon your mother and your son. The original father was too weak.”

“Qi’er, just wait.

“After the world is ruled, my father will let your mother move into the royal tomb upright and make your mother the most noble queen of Da Qin. At that time, you will also become the crown prince of Da Qin. In the future, my father will give you the entire Da Qin. .”

“At that time, my father can put everything down and go to accompany your mother.”

“Father owes you mother and son too much.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi and thought to himself.

But these words can only be heard by Yingzheng himself.

“All right.”

“Be flat.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and waved.

No one knows how happy it is to win politics at this moment.

Thank you “my colleagues, folks and elders for coming to Zhao Qi’s wedding banquet.”

“For this, Zhao Qi is very grateful.

Zhao Qi turned around and bowed to the guests in the hall.

“The general is polite.

“It is an honor for me to be able to participate in the general’s wedding,

“Congratulations to the general,

As soon as Zhao Qi’s words fell, the people in the hall responded.

This is the effect of power and the grace of the king.

Maybe they hate you in the dark, and even want to swallow you alive, but on the bright side they are harmless to humans and animals.

“Come on.

“Good wine.”

“I have a fine wine, which is better than the imperial brew of the palace.”

I hope “you all, you will be welcome and drink freely.

Zhao Qi smiled.


From the back hall of the mansion, one by one waiters came with a bottle of fine wine, which is exactly the worries of drinking with Yingzheng in the Zhangtai Palace.

“This brat also said that there is not much wine.”

“Emotions lie to him Laozi.”

Seeing this scene, Ying Zheng cursed a little bit irritably.

PS: I am grateful if I ask for a monthly pass. ,

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