Chapter 130

Zhao Li followed his gaze and looked over.

“My lord.

“That is the small house where the minister and his mother used to live. It has not been cleaned for a long time, and it is still very simple. The minister is afraid that the king will not be used to living. The minister should find another house for the king.” Zhao Qi said.

Of course.

This is not Zhao Qi’s disease.

Since the mother went, the mother was waiting for delivery at home, and there were not many people living in that room.

However, it is still a little bit unreasonable that King Qin came to live in a small house.

“No, this little house is pretty good.

“The house was not this big when I was in Handan before.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.


Zhao Qi looked at Xia Wuqi.

“Since the king wants to live, let the king live.”

“Anyway, this is not Xianyang, nor is it a palace. You don’t need to care too much about etiquette.” Xia Wuqi said with a smile.


Seeing that Xia Wuqi also agreed, Zhao Qi didn’t say anything anymore.

The picture turns.

Zhao Qi returned to a room in the mansion.

Started daily practice.

Operate the Nine Suns Divine Art, rotate the week, every week, the Zhen Qi has a bit of improvement, so that Zhao Qi’s cultivation base can be improved.


After having dinner with Ying Zheng, and playing with his two children for a while, Zhao Qi went back to the room and continued to practice.

And in Dong’er’s room.

The two little guys were tired after playing for a day, lying on their grandmother’s couch, while Ying Zheng did not sleep, but looked at this room with thoughtful expressions.

“This is the room Dong’er has lived in for seventeen years.”

“Twenty years, I finally found you.”

Dong’er “Have you seen our grandson?”

“Very clever, “Five Nine Seven”, and very lively.”

Ying Zheng glanced at this simple room and said softly.

It seems that he can see the return of Dong’er’s soul that he is thinking about in this room.

“Moreover, our son is more powerful than I thought. He specially created a three-character sutra containing the principles of life enlightenment for our grandson. Although I don’t hear much, if these three-character sutras appear in the world, Qi Er definitely He will be canonized by countless literati.”

“Now that I am in charge of the army, I have made countless contributions to Da Qin, but in the eyes of those literati, he is a martial artist, but he gave me too much surprise. He has such a literary talent that he can shut up the literati.”

“Qi Er is even better than me. One day in the future, when we dominate the world, Qi Absolute will be able to guard my great Qin Jiangshan.”


“After the world dominates, Qi’er’s prestige will reverberate throughout the world, and no one can match it.” Ying Zheng muttered to himself, seeming to be speaking to Dong’er.

“Aye, let’s go play.

“Go to Xianyang, to the Great Palace.”

At this time.

Zhao Yuqi muttered and talked in dreams.

Yingzheng’s eyes were attracted.

Looking at the two grandchildren lying together, Ying Zheng has infinite love on his face.

Donger “.”

“Our granddaughter and grandson are really good.”

“Perhaps it is also the blood family relationship in the dark, they are very close to me.” Ying Zheng looked at the two grandchildren lovingly and arranged the quilt for them.

His eyes turned.

Zhao Qi’s room.

“Qin Shihuang’s performance today is really weird.”

“But this should also be a good thing for me.”

“It seems that I am really favored by Wang today.

Zhao Qi came back to his senses after running Zhou Tian a hundred times.

Thinking about the various kinds of Qin Shihuang today, this kind of grace to courtiers is absolutely rare.

Mengwu and Wang Han have never gotten them either.

Time flies.soon.

Four days passed.

These four days.

It is also rare for Zhao Qi to be quiet. The two little guys stick to Qin Shihuang and play with Qin Shihuang all the time. At first Zhao Qi thought that Qin Shihuang should be impatient, but as time passed, Zhao Qi found that he wanted more. Up.

In just a few days, the feelings between his two children and Qin Shihuang heated up rapidly, and the feelings became very deep.

The two little guys both opened and closed, Aye, Aye.

In the past few days, Yingzheng seemed to have completely forgotten the identity of the emperor in Zhao’s Mansion. Like a grandfather of an ordinary family, he devoted himself to taking care of his two grandchildren, full of love.

After four days.

It’s finally the big day in Zhao Qi’s life.

Zhao Qi really doesn’t know much about getting married in this era.

But fortunately, there is Xia Wu and help.

The preliminaries of the six wedding ceremonies have been finished.

There are only two gifts left.

Welcoming the ceremony, and the same prison ceremony.

Zhao Mansion.

Early in the morning.

As soon as the sun touched his eyebrows, Zhao Qi was ready.

Under the leadership of Li Qing, the two thousand guard battalions under his command have all been replaced with red armors, holding the red greeting card area, which is very festive.

Looking at the entire Daqin.

It can be said that the welcoming of relatives can have this scale, it can be said that it is unique.


Destined to be a great event.

General Da Qin got married.

Many civil and military officials in Xianyang will come upon invitation.

The villagers of Lijia Village also got up early and spontaneously helped.

Today is destined to be a lively day in Lijiacun.


“Everything is ready.

“You can go to greet you.

Li Qing came to Zhao Qi and told the table with a smile.

Tell “brothers.

“Set off.”

Zhao Qi laughed.

At this moment, he also changed into a black and red bridegroom suit, with a hair crown on his head, looking very handsome and handsome.

This era.

Da Qin respected black, even Qin Shihuang’s dragon robe was black.

It can be seen the extent of black in the Qin era.

Although there are now two children.

But Zhao Qi can only be regarded as a real establishment when he is truly married.

Li Qing, the two thousand guards of the guard battalion, replied loudly and vigorously.

Then they got on the war horse one after another.

However, Zhao Qi turned on the blood tiger. I have to say that his mount is very suitable for the scene, and his body is blood-red. In this festive atmosphere, there is no fierceness, and it is very festive.

The guards began to set off in an orderly manner, guarding Zhao Qi, and the eight sharp men behind Zhao Qi carried the sedan chair to Yongcheng.

It is not too far from Lijiacun to Yongcheng, half an hour is enough, and one hour back and forth.

Follow along.

The welcoming team began to leave Lijiacun in an orderly manner.

At the gate of the house.

Xia Wuqi looked at the family team that was gradually moving away, and a smile of relief appeared on his old face.

“Dong’er, although I didn’t preside over the wedding for you, and didn’t see you put on the wedding gown, but I managed the big wedding for my grandson personally, and it is considered fulfilled.”

“If you know well, you should feel relieved.”

“And this time the big wedding, the king is also here, he will personally preside over the big wedding, he has found you, found your son.” Xia Wuqi’s eyes were full of waves, with a speechless feeling.


Behind Xia Wuqi, Ying Zheng also watched with a bit of empathy, how his son was getting married, how not Ying Zheng was excited.

But in front of outsiders.

There is not much emotion in winning the government.

“Xin Sheng.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister is here.” Xin Sheng responded immediately.

“Have you prepared everything that the widow asked you to prepare?” Ying Zheng asked.

“Back to the king, everything is ready.” Xin Sheng replied immediately.

“Well, that’s fine.”

The widow’s “son gets married, and the widow will naturally give him the greatest gift.” There was a firmness in the eyes of Ying Zheng.

The picture turns to the state.


Mongolian House.

As the military family of the Great Qin Army, it was deeply favored by the king, and it was re-used by the king of Qin throughout the ages. It can be said that it has been like a dragon from generation to generation. In addition to having a mansion in Xianyang, there is also a mansion in the guarded Yongcheng.

The Mongolian Mansion at this moment is the same as Lijiacun, with lanterns and festoons.

It seems very festive.

Many people in Yongcheng also stopped here to watch.

“Does General Meng Tian of the Meng family want to marry again? It’s so lively today? Which girl do you want?”

“Are you ignorant?”

“This is not the Meng Mansion marrying, but the Meng Mansion marrying a daughter.”

“What? Does General Mengwu have a daughter? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

“General Mengwu does not have a biological daughter, but he has a righteous daughter.

We “Do you know who is Daqin’s most prestigious general today?”

“Nonsense, why don’t I know this? Naturally, he was the most powerful general in Da Qin, and he personally killed the two veteran generals of the Zhao country. With my general of Da Qin, looking at my Da Qin for hundreds of years, the former Wu Anjun can’t compare with the promotion of General Zhao.”

“We, Daqin, were able to defeat both Han and Zhao, and General Zhao was indispensable. The nations under the world also feared the general like a tiger and wolf.

“Wait, the Meng family married a daughter. What does this have to do with General Zhao Qi?”

In today’s world, Zhao Qi’s reputation has begun to spread.

South Korea, the two countries, the three Zhaos who died in the hands of Zhao Qi’s generals, and the two kings who died in the hands of Zhao Qi, laid the foundation for Zhao Qi’s reputation in the world.

And in the Great Qin Empire.

Millions of Rui Shi Jing Zhao Qi.

The people of Da Qin also knew that Da Qin was Da Qin’s new war-god, and his prestige was equal to that of the younger generation.

“The righteous daughter accepted by General Mengwu was General Zhao’s childhood sweetheart, named Li Yan’er.

“I heard that Li Yan’er was even expelled from the house in order to marry General Zhao. At that time, General Zhao was just an ordinary citizen.”

“have to say.

“This Li Yan’er is really a bead of insight, and General Mengwu also wanted to give her a fair marriage.”

“I see…

The people gathered outside the Mongol Mansion started discussions one after another, and they were all taken aback by the prologue of this big wedding.

Inside the house.


“You are beautiful.”

“The general’s ability to marry his wife is really convinced by the general.

After a maid dressed Li Yan’er, she immediately praised her stunning face after makeup.

“It is my blessing to be able to marry my brother.

Li Yan’er thought of joy in her heart.


She finally got her wish to marry her elder brother, and Ming Media is marrying.

After today.

She belongs to Zhao Qi’s real wife and the mistress of Zhao’s mansion.

“The welcoming team is here.

“Hurry up and let Madam prepare.

At this time.

An attendant shouted loudly.


“Hurry up and put on your headscarf.

The maid immediately put the headscarf on Li Yan’er.

And at the moment outside the Mongolian mansion.Two thousand guards have arrived.

Zhao Qi came in a groom’s suit and drove a blood tiger.

As soon as I arrived outside the house.

Li Qing immediately made a gesture: “Welcome Madam back to the house.”

“Welcome Madam back home.

The two thousand guards camp sergeants shouted in unison.

This loud shout resounded from inside and outside the Meng Mansion, and from the entire Yongcheng City.

See this formation.

The people onlookers around were also shocked.

“There are so many sharp men welcoming each other, this formation is really rare.

“As expected, I am Da Qin’s general.”

Seeing that “General Zhao didn’t have it, the legend turned out to be true, and his mount was a blood-red worm.

“Great, great.

All the people onlookers were surprised.


Naturally, there are no accidents.

Meng Wu, the father and son Meng Tian with a smile on their faces personally sent Li Yan’er out of the mansion, giving Li Yan’er the greatest support.

“My father-in-law, my uncle.

“Mom, I’ll pick it up.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Qi bowed to the father and son Meng.

“Treat Ma’er well, if you dare to bully Ma’er, then we father and son can be rude to you.” Meng Wu raised his fist and threatened.

Perhaps it was after so many years of taking care of Li Yan’er, and today he personally sent him off to marry, Meng Wu also had a mist in his eyes.

Warriors emphasize friendship.

Perhaps in the bottom of his heart he really regarded Li Yan’er as his own daughter.

“Do not worry.”

“If I bully Ma’er, I will let the father-in-law fight.” Zhao Xiaohehe said.

1.2 “Walk around.

“Depart for the mansion.”

“The guests should be almost here,” Meng said.


Zhao Qi waved his hand.

“Welcome Madam onto the sedan chair.

Li Qing shouted.

“Welcome Madam to the sedan chair.”

The two thousand guards said in unison, their voices were loud, giving General Daqin a high standard for marrying.

Lijiacun, Zhao Mansion.

The sound of gongs and drums was very festive, and the dignitaries from Xianyang also arrived at this moment.

At the gate of the mansion, there are special people who collect invitations and ritual guides, and read them out loud.

This is also a rule of this era.

You can’t enter without invitations. If you give a gift, it will all be recorded in the gift book.

“Xianbang, donated one thousand gold, thousand cloth, ten pieces of Qizhen jade.”

“Zhisu Nei Shifu, donated a thousand gold and a hundred bottles of fine wine.”

“Shaofu Mansion…”

One by one guests walked into Zhao’s Mansion with invitations and gift books. Some of them could not leave Xianyang and could only send their servants to see the wedding, and some came to participate in person.

But no matter who it is.

After receiving the invitation, few will not come.

After all, Zhao Qi is the general of Daqin, and now he is deeply influenced by Wang En.

If you don’t come, then you won’t give Zhao Qi face, and Zhao Qi, a cutting-edge talent, will definitely be evil.

And when the guests enter the house.

In the main hall.

I saw a person sitting in the main seat.


They were all stunned.

PS: It’s updated, I’m so grateful.

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