Chapter 129 Today’s Qin Shihuang is Strange

Listening to the words recited by his granddaughter and grandson, Ying Zheng was completely stunned.

Because this is something he has never heard before, and every three words have unimaginable meaning in them.

“Are these taught by your father?” Ying Zheng asked in shock, unable to calm down.


“This is the three-character classic that Dad taught us.” Zhao Yuqi replied.

“This kid Qi Er really surprised me too much. Leading soldiers in wars, medical skills, and the treasure of war cavalry. What else is there that he doesn’t know?” Ying Zheng-thought in horror in my heart.

The son Dong’er gave birth to himself is really outstanding.

This reminds Ying Zheng of the many heirs that he had cultivated by a famous teacher in the palace. Although there are famous teachers, no one has his own children so brilliant.

It can be said to be nothing short of a witch.

“Your father is really amazing, he knows so much.” Yingzheng said to the two grandchildren with some emotion.

“Daddy is the best.

Both Zhao Yuqi and Zhao Xi were very enthusiastic, as if they were showing off to the winning government.


“You are from Xianyang, have you seen the palace?”

“I heard Dad say that the palace is very big and big. Dad got lost in it last time and almost couldn’t come back.” Zhao Yuqi asked curiously.

“I have seen it, and Aye still lives in the palace. Why, do you want to go to the palace?” Ying Zheng said gently.

“I want to go and play, but Dad said there are too many rules and he won’t take us there.” Zhao Xi said disappointedly.

“The rules are many.

“But if you go with Aye in the future, there will be no rules. You can play whatever you want.”

Ying Zheng said to the two grandchildren, full of love.

Regarding the way of family affection passed down by Yan and Huang since ancient times, there is one that is difficult to change, and that is the generations of relatives.


Ying Zheng looked at the two cute little guys, his grandson, with infinite tenderness in his heart. These two are her grandsons, and they are the continuation of his blood.


“Aye is great.

“Then when will Aye take us?”

“We also seem to have a look at the palace.”

The two little guys jumped for joy.

“When your father is not busy, Aye will take you there.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Aye is the best.

The two little guys immediately became excited.

At this time.

Entrance to the backyard.

Xia Wuqi and Zhao Zao walked over quickly.

Zhao Qi was shocked when he saw Ying Zheng holding the two little guys and smiling happily.

“I’m going, Qin Shihuang was too fast, and he went to my backyard without saying a word.”

“My two ancestors probably didn’t offend him.” Zhao Qi thought of drumming from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Wuqi and Zhao Qi went out to greet Yingzheng, naturally they were empty, and also heard Xin Sheng said that Yingzheng had entered the mansion, which made the two of them return immediately.

I saw this scene before me.

Surprisingly, my two ancestors don’t provoke the king. Zhao Qi said to Xia Wuqi, and then quickly walked over.

“Zhao Qi, you think too much.”

“Your father likes Qier and Xier before it’s too late, so how can he get angry.”

“But King, don’t be too obvious, otherwise Zhao Qi’s intelligence will definitely see the problem.

Xia Wuqi smiled secretly in his heart.


Only a few people know this secret.

Zhao Qi obviously would not know.

“The minister Zhao Qi sees the king. I don’t know that the king is coming, and if he missed a long way to welcome him, please forgive me.”

Zhao Qi came to Ying Zheng and bowed.

“It’s okay, flat yourself.”

Ying Zheng glanced at Zhao Shi, and said gently.

But in his eyes, there is a softness that has never been seen before.

In the past, for Zhao Qi, Ying Zheng was naturally cultivated as the most potential minister. After all, Zhao Qi’s military exploits for Da Qin were really brilliant.

But now it’s different.

Ying Zheng already knew that Zhao Qi was his son, he and Dong’er.

Have such a wonderful son,How can this not make Yingzheng feel at ease, Yuzi is like this, what else can I ask for?

“Xie Dawang.”

Zhao Qi thanked him immediately.

Then, looking at the two little guys who were very comfortable with Ying Zheng, he immediately said with a straight face: “Qi’er, Xi’er, you guys won’t come down to me.”

“Not coming down.”

“Aye said that he would take us to Xianyang and take us to the palace.”

Zhao Yuqi held Ying Zheng’s neck and didn’t want to come down.

“I also want to play with Aye.” Zhao Xi also hugged Yingzheng’s neck.

How can the two little guys know so much? This age group is when they love to play, and they also have a special kindness to Yingzheng, so they are very clingy.

“Two bunnies are small.

Seeing that the two little guys used all their strength to restrain Yingzheng, Zhao Qi was startled.

If there is a problem with this, it will be terrible.

“Aye, run.”

“Daddy wants to arrest us.” Zhao Yuqi hurriedly shouted.

“Drive, drive.

Zhao Xi shouted very cooperatively, and patted Yingzheng on the back boldly, apparently taking Yingzheng as a horse.

“This is incredible.”

“These two little ancestors.”

Zhao Qi watched this scene, his scalp numb.

After all, this is a king, if it gets offended, it will be terrible.

Although he is the general now, the ghost knows what character wins the government, in case of moodiness.

But the next moment.

What makes Zhao Qi somewhat inexplicable is.

“Good Le.

Ying Zheng was not even angry at all. He held one in one hand, and ran to the other side very obediently, which called a happy one.


“Aye is great.

“Aye speed up…

The two little guys were not afraid of tigers when they were born. They laughed timidly and were very happy.

Watching this scene.

Zhao Qi was a little dumbfounded.

“Does Qin Shihuang like children so much?”

“It seems there is no such record in history?”

Zhao Qin had some inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

“Xia Ye, what happened to the king today? How does it feel different from usual?”

Zhao Qi turned his head, looked at Xia Wuqi and asked.

“Perhaps it was too caring in the palace. It’s rare to see your two dolls so cute, so I was moved.”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.

“The King is not a caregiver.

Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

“Today’s King is indeed a little weird?

“Could it be that drink? It brought me closer to him?” Zhao Qi thought to himself.

The wine meal in Zhangtai Palace can be said to be a drunken trip between Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi. Both of them were drunk and talked about everything.

Follow Zhao Qi’s gaze to Ying Zheng.

The two little guys who were holding him were running in the yard. There was no majesty of the king in the court or in the palace, only the love of the elders in the family to the younger ones.

“That’s not bad.

After watching for a long time, I was sure that Yingzheng would not be angry, but would enjoy it. Zhao Qi also let go of his heart and stood watching.

“This kid didn’t doubt anything.

Xia Wuqi smiled and saw Zhao Qi’s expression all over his eyes.

“It’s been almost ten days since I came back, and I don’t know what is going on with Zhao Jing. I told Zhang and the others have everything done.

“There is still a weak moment. Now the layout of Shadow should be almost the same.”

“When I officially marry Ma’er, let’s see how long I can stay in Yongcheng, stay with Ma’er, and then return to Zhao Jing.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself.

Although it is very comfortable and relaxing to accompany my wife and children.

But here I can’t know the situation of my army, and I am far away from the war, which is not what Zhao Qi wants.

At this stage.

What Zhao Qi pursues is the enhancement of strength, the enhancement of power, and the enhancement of power that belongs to his own control.

Prepare for the end of Qin in the future.

As long as the Emperor Qin Shihuang dies in the future, Zhao Qi will do it immediately.

Taking advantage of the chaos at the end of Qin, seize the world.

With one’s current power and the power that is secretly developing, he will surely be able to seize the world in the future.

This is what Zhao Qi has set for himself.


“You can give up everything for me. In the future, my brother will let you be the world.” Zhao Qi thought firmly in his heart.


For Qin Shihuang.

Zhao Qi suit.

But for those sons of Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi would not accept it.

If Zhao Qi is under them, Zhao Qi really can’t do it.

Now his strength is the Innate Second Stage Realm. After practicing in Zhao Realm for a few months, he is already close to the Third Stage Realm.

For Zhao Qi, who is a data-based physique.

Killing the enemy on the battlefield is the cheating Gold Finger, which can gain a rapidly increasing experience value and strengthen your strength.

Except besides.

He can also improve his true qi and increase experience points through training, but the effect is a little lower than that of battlefield killing.


“Qir, Xier.”

Is it fun?

Ying asked with a smile.


“Aye, you stop.

“You are sweating, are you tired?” Although Zhao Yuqi is young, she is also a little girl, so she is more considerate than Zhao Xi.

“It’s Aye’s granddaughter who knows that he loves Aye.” Yingzheng said with a gentle expression.

“I feel sorry for Aye too.

Zhao Xi is unwilling to show weakness.

Then he lifted his sleeves and wiped the sweat on Ying Zheng. That was a sensible one.

The two brothers and siblings are fighting for favor, so they are both unambiguous.

“Go, go to your father’s place.”

Ying Zheng embraced the two little guys and walked in front of Zhao Qi.

“I’m old and my body is rusty. I can’t run after holding two little guys for a while.”

Yingzheng smiled at Zhao Qi.

“The king is less than forty, he is not old, but if you are in the palace all the year round and lack exercise, you really can’t be affected.” Zhao Qiqi replied with a smile.

“you are right.”

“It seems that in the future the widows will have more activities outside the palace.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and said, his expression was gentle, but there was a kind of wordless love in his eyes.

Zhao Qi in front of him is the son of him and Dong’er.

“The king is right.” Zhao immediately agreed with Qi.

No matter how friendly the winning government is, he is the king after all. No matter what, Zhao Qi will still be cautious. He must be cautious about what he should say and what he should not say.

This is the horror of kingship.

If you and Mengwu, Wang Jian and the others, Zhao Qi would not have so many taboos.


“Aye said that he would take us to Xianyang to play, and to the Grand Palace that Dad said.”

0…seeking flowers…

Zhao Yuqi happily said to Zhao Qi.


Seeing how his daughter looked forward to this way, Zhao Qi was also a little helpless.

What’s so fun about the palace.

There are so many rules and so many taboos, where can I be comfortable outside.

“My girl and boy are a bit naughty, please don’t be offended by the king.” Zhao Qi apologized to Ying Zhengdao.

“Hey, after all, I still treat me as an outsider, not as close to Meng Wu and his father-in-law.”

Listening to the restraint and estrangement in Zhao Qi’s tone, this makes Ying Zheng somewhat uncomfortable.

How much he wanted to be like Mengwu and the others, to be able to talk with his son without scruples, instead of the current situation, where his own son would be taboo in front of him, and he would be scrupulous about talking.

“A child who is naughty if no one likes it.”

“Moreover, Qi’er said nothing wrong. The real person said that he would take them to play.”

“Waiting for your wedding.”You stay with your wife, and someone will take Qi’er and Xi’er back to Xianyang for a while, what do you think?” Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and smiled, but there was a kind of pleading in the words. Meaning in it.

If it wasn’t for Yingzheng to see with his own eyes, it was Daqin’s King who stood in front of him.

Zhao Qi suspects that what is in front of him is not winning politics.

He actually begged himself.

Just kidding.

Emperor Qin Shihuang, who said that he was one and only one emperor, used this tone.

It seems that “there is really little recorded in history that Qin Shihuang likes children.” Zhao Qi thought secretly in his heart.


After he recovered, he smiled at Yingzheng and said: “The king likes these two children and it is the honor of his ministers, and it is rare that these two little guys stick to the king. If the king wants to take them to Xianyang for a few days, it is fine, but It can’t be too long, or their mother will be worried.

“rest assured.

“If there are widows to protect them, no one will hurt them.

Hearing Zhao Qi’s words, Zheng said with the flow.

Then he said directly to the two little guys: “Aye will take you to Xianyang in a few days, go to the big palace, and take you to eat delicious food, how about it?”


“Aye is great.”

The two little guys immediately laughed happily.

“Why are these two little ancestors so clingy today? Usually, Brother Meng wants to take them out to play, and they refuse to live or die.

“Don’t they know that they can’t hold their thighs when they are so young?”

Seeing his two little ancestors adhere to Ying Zheng so much, Zhao Qin felt a little strange in his heart.

Although the two ancestors of my family were brave and not afraid of life, in addition to playing with themselves, they also played more with their mothers, Xia Wuqi, and Mengwu.

As for Meng Tian wanting to take them out, they were very unwilling to Tsundere.

But it was the first time that Yingzheng came today, and the two little guys were considered to have seen Yingzheng for the first time. They were so clingy, and they were willing to play with Yingzheng. This is really strange.

“Since the children are willing, then bother the king.

no way.

Ying Zheng has spoken about this, and Zhao Qi has no way to refuse.

And even if the two children are naughty, they won’t be guilty of getting angry with the children.

“Have you heard, your dad agreed.” Ying Zheng also said to the two little guys somewhat happily.

“Aye is the best.”

The two little guys looked admiring.

Xia Wuqi watched this scene and completely relaxed in his heart.

“Fortunately, there are Qier and Xier, the king should completely let go of the pain this time.”

“Even though Dong’er is gone, he still has Zhao Qi and two grandchildren.

“With sustenance, he won’t be short-sighted anymore.

Xia Wuqi thought with a sigh of relief.

“By the way, Zhao Qi kid.

Ying Zheng raised his head again and looked at Zhao Qi with a gentle expression.

The king “please give orders.” Zhao Qi immediately returned to his senses.

“This is not in the court, nor is it in Xianyang. This is in your home. What are you doing so rigidly?”

Ying Zheng said somewhat irritably.


No way, Zhao Qi could only follow the words and almost nodded.


I always feel that Qin Shihuang today is a bit weird.

“You arrange a room for me, and I will sleep with the two little guys.”

Ying Zheng said with a smile, and looked at the two little guys with undisguised doting.

They “two naughty eggs are very dishonest.” Zhao Qi was a little dumbfounded.

Does Qin Shihuang like children so much?

“No wonder it is recorded that Hu Hai was most favored by Qin Shihuang in history, because he was the youngest of his sons, and he liked some of them.” Zhao thought secretly at this moment, and seemed to have figured out a little historical secret.


“I’m from Xianyang, it’s rare to be relaxed, and they are very good-hearted.” Yingzheng smiled gently.

“Oh well.”

Listening to the meaning of not going to change in the words of winning politics, Zhao Qi could only nod his head: “Master Xia, please arrange a big house for the king.

“No problem.” Xia Wuqi responded immediately.


“I think this room is pretty good.

With a glance, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi’s original small home, which stood in the two small houses in the backyard.

The room that Yingzheng was watching was the room where Donger lived.

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