Chapter 128: Meeting the grandparents and grandchildren

There are still four days before Zhao Qi’s wedding.

Even if Qin Shihuang valued himself more, he shouldn’t leave this busy government and come so quickly, right?

“Is the king coming to Yongcheng to do business?” Zhao Qi asked for a reason, looking at Xia Wuqi.

Seems to be.”

Xia Wuqi’s eyes lit up and immediately replied.

I just thought about Zhao Qi’s importance of Ying Zheng’s coming so soon. Zhao Qi directly found a reason for himself, and that couldn’t be better.

“It should have happened to come to Yongcheng for business, and it happened to be news of your wedding banquet, so the king also came here.” Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

“Come here, come here.

“Nowadays big kings come to my wedding banquet. Isn’t this the most beautiful wedding banquet for Yan’er?” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

I promised my mother a few years ago that I will marry her gracefully after coming back.

Now he is the general of Da Qin.

The scenery is infinite.

Xia Wuqi even sent his invitation to the Manchu civil and military. Even if he could not come all, the Manchu civil and military would give his generals face and send people to meet him. certificate.

This kind of wedding, this kind of wedding banquet.

Maybe it’s unprecedented.

“The best you can think like this.”

“Since the king has arrived, he should stay in your mansion in the next few days until the end of your wedding banquet, so you have to make preparations.” Xia Wuqi continued.


Hearing this, Zhao Qi was stunned, somewhat reluctant: “The king is coming to live in my mansion? Why doesn’t he return to Yongcheng?”

“My house is small, and it’s still a small village. He will definitely not be used to living in it.


Although he is now a general and an extremely human minister in Daqin, he still bears the supreme kingship on his head.

Let Yingzheng live in his own house. Isn’t that the same as living with a father? I am afraid that I will be restrained at home, for fear that something wrong will anger the victory.

In general, it will be very unaccustomed.

“Don’t worry, he will get used to it.

“When he was in the country of Zhao before, he had suffered everything.

“And don’t think that he won’t live, because the king has specified that he will live in your house and will host the wedding banquet for you by the way.” Xia Wuqi immediately saw Zhao Qi’s thoughts and said immediately.

no way.

Now Ying Zheng already knows the identity of Zhao Qi, it is impossible not to come, he can only return to Yuan what happened today and heaven.

Now it seems to be a perfect fit.

Except for the people who experienced the sky in Houshan today, no one will know.


“Grandpa Xia, it’s up to you to arrange it next.”

“After all, you also know the card of the king.” Zhao Qi can only helpless.

Under the kingship, how can I refuse?

Don’t you say that you don’t want you to live in?

But fortunately, I only stayed for a few days, and Qin Shihuang didn’t have any topics to talk about. It was too cautious, so I just need to take my children to play in the next few days.

After all, I went to comfort my mother these few nights.

“By the way, when will the king come over?” Zhao Qi asked.

“It should be soon.”

“When the time comes, I will call you.” Xia Wuqi said, after all, he himself doesn’t know when the winning government will go down the mountain and when he can calm down.


Zhao Qi nodded and said no more.

“Blood Tiger.

Zhao Qi shouted.


The Blood Tiger happily ran over from the backyard, sitting on his back with his two children.



As the blood tiger ran over, the two little guys were immediately happy. Fen shouted at Zhao Qi.

Get along for a few days.

The two little guys have also become completely accustomed to the existence of Zhao Qi.

“Go, Dad will take you to the kitchen to eat delicious food.

593 Zhao Qi smiled softly, holding his two children in one hand, and then strode towards the kitchen.

“I hope the king sees that Zhao Qi and his two grandchildren can temporarily relieve the pain. If Zhao Qi is not there, maybe I won’t accept the news of A Fang’s death so soon.” Xia Wuqi looked at the warmth of the father and son. The way of getting along, there is also a kind of love for the younger generations and relatives in his eyes.

Back mountain.

Zheng slowly stood up from Dong’er’s grave and came.

Donger “.”

“do not worry.

“I won’t let you stay here longer, waiting for me, waiting for your brother Zheng.”

“I won’t want to die.

“Father-in-law wakes me up, if I die, what will our son do? What about our grandchildren?”

“Qi Er is the surprise you left me, so are your grandchildren. If I die, who will protect them?”

Don’t worry, “Well, Dong’er.”

“I will protect our Qi’er, and protect our grandsons and granddaughters. As long as there is me, I will never let anyone hurt them.”

“Dong’er, if you know well, just watch your brother Zheng become the first person in the ages.

“I will fulfill the promise I told you at the beginning. I will bring this chaotic world into one, I will make the world no more wars, and let the rule of law govern the world.”

“And when the day comes to dominate the world, your brother Zheng’s prestige will reach, to, the top, the peak, and become the first person in the ages. Even the rituals can no longer restrain me, and at that time, I will announce in front of the world. You are my queen, and you Dong’er are my winning queen, the queen of Daqin, the queen of the world.”

“Brother Zheng wants to let you be the mother of the world.”

“At that time, if anyone dared to stop, I would kill someone.”

“At that time, I will make our son the rightful Crown Prince of Qin.”

“At that time, why not give everything to our son?

Ying Zheng stared at the tomb with a firm look on his face.

This is the promise he made to his wife as the husband, and the promise the king made to his queen.After the voice fell.

After Ying Zheng said this promise himself.

Originally, the decadence of learning that Dong’er was dead was wiped out.


He is for Dong’er to dominate the world, to fulfill the promise he made to Dong’er, and to have enough power to protect Dong’er.

And now.

He still has to fulfill Dong’er’s promise, and moreover, he has to rule the world for his son.


In this world, he wants to personally hand it over to his son.

He and Dong’er’s son.

“Wait for me, Dong’er.”

The political officer glanced at the grave with nostalgia.

Turned around.

Restored the majesty of the former king.

Go down the mountain.

When it comes to the mountainside position.

“Xin Sheng.”

Ying Zheng shouted with prestige.

“The minister is here.

Xin Sheng walked out quickly.

When I saw that Yingzheng had restored its former majesty, it was no longer decadent and silent, and no longer dead.

Xin Sheng was overjoyed in his heart.

The overbearing and majestic king is back again.

“This matter is not allowed to leak out.”

“Violate the order, kill.

Ying Zheng looked at Xin Shengdao indifferently.

This look made Xin Sheng feel cold all over his body.

“The minister’s fate belongs to the great king, to the great Qin.”

“If this matter is revealed, please destroy the whole family.” Xin Sheng vowed immediately.

“Down the mountain.”

Ying Zheng nodded, carrying his hands on his back, and walked down the mountain.

As for Xia Wuqi and Mengwu.

There is no need for Ying Zheng to remind anything. For the two of them, he has long been centered on his children, and he will never reveal a word about this matter.

His eyes turned.

Ying Zheng came down to the outside of Zhao’s mansion under the guard of a group of imperial guards.

Looking at Zhao Mansion in front of him.

A mood of remembrance emerged in Ying Zheng’s eyes.


Ying Zheng said from the bottom of his heart, and walked slowly towards Zhao’s Mansion.

But when I got outside Zhao’s mansion.

A group of guards came up immediately.

“I don’t know who came?!

A centurion of the Guards came up and looked at the victory.

“The king came, and he didn’t quickly disperse.

Xin Sheng immediately stepped forward and said prestigiously.

“The King?”

Many guards looked at Ying Zheng differently, and suddenly understood Xin Sheng and the attire of the Imperial Guard.

Ministers, etc.” See the Great King.

All Zhao Qi’s guards immediately bowed.

“Zhao Qi can be in the mansion?” Ying Zheng nodded and asked, looking at the guard centurion.

“The answering king.

“The general is in the mansion, please call the general to welcome the king immediately.” The centurion said respectfully.

“No need.”

“Widows go in by themselves.”

“Xin Sheng, you are on duty outside this mansion.” Ying Zheng turned his head and said to Xin Sheng.


Xin Sheng respectfully took his orders.

Seeing that there are black armor guards around Zhao’s Mansion, and thousands of sharp soldiers transferred from Yongcheng Camp by Mengwu, there is no need to worry about any security issues.


The guard camp gave way.

Ying Zheng directly walked slowly into the mansion.

And this mansion was also the place where he had been looking for winning politics for twenty years, but now he no longer saw the person he wanted and was looking for.



“Is the cake that Dad gave you delicious?”

Zhao Qi held one hand, and one, and asked with a smile.

“It’s delicious, it’s so delicious.

“Daddy is awesome.

The two little guys praised Zhao with a smile, both holding their little hands, holding a pie, and eating non-stop, very cute.

After all, the two siblings are dragon, phoenix, and Shiji. They have not grown up yet, and they look very alike. They are both little girls and somewhat alike, and that they are all little boys, it feels reasonable.

have to say.

The east and west of genes are really strange and wonderful.

Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er are both outstanding in appearance, so their children have inherited it perfectly. In the future, Zhao Yuqi must be a beautiful and bright little princess, and Zhao Xi must also be a handsome brother.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Quickly, the king is coming.”

“Let’s go out to meet.”

When Zhao Qi coaxed her two dolls, Xia Wuqi walked over quickly, with a worried expression on her face.

“Qir, Xier.”

“Play for a while by yourself, dad pick up someone, and come back to accompany you later.” Zhao Qi immediately put the two babies down, and then quickly walked towards Xia Wuqi.

Then the two walked quickly towards the front of the house.

But I don’t know.

The king they were about to greet had already walked into the mansion and walked smoothly towards the backyard.


There is also a kind of traction in Mingming. Yingzheng was crowned in Yongcheng before, but apart from this, he has never been to Yongcheng, let alone Lijiacun.


Under the guidance of that secret, Ying Zheng now walked to the backyard without hindrance, and came outside the house where Dong’er once lived.

No matter how the Zhao Mansion evolves and expands, only this small house has always stood in the mansion.

Even Zhao Qi is back.

I didn’t live in the newly built mansion, but I still lived in this small house that is not luxurious, but very simple, because this small house has the emotion of Zhao Qi in this world for seventeen years, and he and his mother are in it. The relationship is maintained.

Ying Zheng walked all the way to the backyard.

Along the way.

Looking at the majesty of Yingzheng, all the servants who saw him did not dare to stop, but bowed one after another.

When it comes to the backyard.

Saw this little house.

Yingzheng’s eyes immediately fell on it, and walked over slowly.

“Dong’er was raising children in this house at the beginning, raising them step by step, human?”

Ying Zheng touched the courtyard door of this little house lightly, with a special and other tenderness in his eyes.

Looking at the pottery pots and Tao Liu in the yard, there are traces of time. In Yingzheng’s eyes, he seems to see Donger’s washing and cooking in it, bringing Zhao Qi up from childhood.

“Isn’t this the day I and Dong’er wanted to get the most?

“The world is stable and peaceful, living in seclusion in the mountains, living the days of men plowing and weaving women, enjoying the beauty of the world.”


“I can’t have it anymore.”

Ying Zheng caressed the courtyard door tightly, his eyes floated hazy again, and tears seemed to be streaming down.

At this time.

“who are you?”

“I don’t seem to have seen you before.

“Brother, have you seen it?”

“Sister, I haven’t seen it either…

Behind Yingzheng, two immature (adbc) curious voices suddenly sounded.

Hear the sound.

Ying Zheng’s body trembled, and the expression on his face was complex, with joy, expectation, and an ambition that he had never had before.

He turned around slowly.

A little guy in a small red dress and a little black Qin suit appeared before his eyes.

The two little guys are very cute, at the moment they see them.

Ying Zheng felt that his heart was shaking, and there was a kind of warmth for Dong’er in his eyes.

Because this is the blood that Dong’er has continued to give him.

“He. They are my granddaughter and grandchildren.”

Ying Zheng thought with excitement in his heart.


Walked towards the two little guys.


Squatted down.

“You, what are your names?” Ying Zheng stared at the two little guys, and asked with a kind of love that he had never had before.

“My name is Zhao Yuqi.

My sister replied very sensibly.

“My name is Zhao Cong.”

The younger brother also replied immediately.

The two little guys may have grown up with care and protection since they were young, so they are not afraid of life and are very courageous.

“Zhao Yuqi.


Ying Zheng muttered it again, the tenderness in his eyes could not be concealed: “Who got your name for you?”

“Daddy and mother got it.” Zhao Yuqi said cutely.

“My sister is wrong, it was my mother who got it for us.” Zhao Xi immediately shook his head.


“It was obviously obtained by father and mother together.”

“My sister is older than you, don’t my sister know?” Zhao Yuqi said old-fashioned, pouting her mouth, that is cute.

And this scene.

It made Yingzheng as if he had returned to the time when he left for Qin in Handan. Tian, ​​a memory that has almost been forgotten by the Yingzheng came to mind.

“Brother Zheng.

Dong’er snuggled in the arms of the young Ying Zheng and shouted.

“What’s wrong? Dong’er?”

“Are you going back to Daqin, you are very happy?”

“We finally don’t have to stay in this country of Zhao, we don’t have to be bullied anymore. After changing my brother, we will definitely let you live a good life. We will be together forever.” The young Yingzheng stroked Dong’er’s hair.

“Well, I knew that Brother Zheng was the best to me.”

“When I get back to Brother Zheng’s house, I will marry Brother Zheng and give birth to many sons and daughters. If it is a son, I will be named Yingqi, and if it is a daughter, I will be named Zhao Ying.”

“Brother Zheng, do you think it sounds good?” Dong’er said softly.

Dong’er “getting a nice name, when the time comes, Brother Zheng will take good care of you and will not let anyone bully you.” The young Yingzheng said softly.

When this memory appeared.

Win Zheng was stunned.

“Win Qi.”

Dong’er “The name we wanted to give to our children.”

“I, I actually forgot.”Zhao Qi, win Qi.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Donger”, I’m sorry, Brother Zheng, I’m sorry for you.

“If I remember, as early as when I saw Qi Er’s name for the first time, I would have found you.

“I… I let you stay alone in the mountains for four years, and let our children wander outside for four years.

At this moment, Ying Zheng’s heart was trembling.

An unspeakable shame surrounds him.

He actually forgot what his Donger had given him back then, he forgot.

The tears in Yingzheng’s eyes couldn’t stop streaming down.

“Aye, why are you crying?”

Zhao Yuqi saw Yingzheng’s tears streaming down her face, stepped forward, and wiped her sleeve.

“My mother said that if you cry, you should raise your head so that the tears won’t flow down.”

Aye, “You raise your head.” Zhao Xi also walked up, patted Yingzheng on the back like the little adult, and said comfortingly.

“You, what do you call me?”

Hearing the words of the two little guys, Ying Zheng was stunned and surprised.


What a close name this is.

In this era, it can be used to call it a father, or it can be used to call it a grandfather, and also a grandfather.

And today.

My own granddaughter and grandson even called themselves Aye.

A kind of unprecedented family affection, a kind of blood connection, made Yingzheng extremely moved.

This seemed to give Ying Zheng, who had been searching for Dong’er for twenty years and couldn’t find Dong’er, but now knew the news of Dong’er’s death. His painful heart seemed to be made up for.


“You are much older than our father, shouldn’t you be called Aye?” Zhao Yuqi pouted and asked cutely.

“My sister and I also have a Zu Aye.” Zhao Xi said triumphantly.

“Yes, yes, you are so smart.”

“You are right, I am your Aye.”

Ying Zheng wiped away the tears from his eyes and smiled softly.

Then, one in one hand, he directly hugged the two little guys.

The two little guys were not afraid, so they let Yingzheng hug them, and they were still close to Yingzheng. They seemed to be very close.

Blood origin and blood connection may be manifested in this situation.


“Where do you come from? I don’t seem to have seen Aye before.” Zhao Yuqi asked cutely.

“Aye came from a very far place, a place you have never been to.” Ying Zheng replied gently.

“Yes, my sister and I only play in this yard, and my parents forbid us to go out, saying that they are afraid that the bad guys will catch us.” Zhao Xi said with a frightened expression.

“Your parents are right. There are many bad people outside. If there is no protection, you can’t run around.

Yingzheng said softly.

Staying with the two little guys, feeling the unprecedented family love between the grandparents and grandchildren, so that Yingzheng’s painful heart gradually calmed down. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

“Then Aye, can you take us out to play?”

“Daddy only played with us for a long time every day, or in the yard, we played all over.” Zhao Yuqi said helplessly, pouting her mouth, looking aggrieved.

Looking like this,

Yingzheng’s heart feels about to melt.

This is my granddaughter acting coquettishly with myself.

“Well, Aye will take you out to play these days. You can go anywhere. When you have the opportunity in the future, Aye will take you to Xianyang to play. Do you know about Xianyang?” Ying Zheng said gently and directly responded.

Under the blood relationship, let him forget the pain.

“Good delivery.”

Aye “It’s great.” The two elder brothers laughed happily.

Ying Zheng looked at the smiles of his granddaughter and grandson, his face was also very bright, an unprecedented sense of ease made him forget everything.

“Ayeko test you guys.

“Do you know where Xianyang is?” Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

“I know.” Zhao Yuqi said out immediately, then pouted, and thought for a while: “Father told us that Xianyang is the capital of our Great Qin Kingdom, and it is the most and the largest city in it. It is so big and has a lot of food. , It’s a lot of fun. Dad said that when we grow up, he will take us to play.”

“Yeah.” Zhao Xi ate his fingers and nodded in agreement with his sister’s words.

“so smart.

Ying Zheng smiled comfortedly.

A child who is less than three years old, speaks clearly, and is very sensible. This is his grandson.

“Aye, we still know a lot.

“For example, the book that Dad taught us to read.” Zhao Yuqi said in a singing tone.

“Oh.” Ying Zheng was surprised: “Your father has already started teaching you to read? What book?”

“Aye, do you want me to recite?”

“But I’m so stupid, I can only recite a few sentences.” Zhao Yuqi pouted.

Aye “Listen, you can recite it, but Aye’s granddaughter is not stupid, she is the smartest girl in the world.” Winning the government gently said.

“Then Aye, I’m carrying it on my back.”

Zhao Yuqi smiled playfully, and then said clearly: “At the beginning of human beings, nature is good… the way of teaching is the way to teach…

“Oh, how did you recite after forgetting.

Zhao Yuqi smiled playfully.

But Ying Zheng was completely stunned when he heard the words recited by his granddaughter.

“What is this word? Why have I never heard it?”

“And… the meaning of the words is incredible, and it’s thought-provoking…”

“Could it be that this was created by you?” Ying Zheng thought in horror.

These seemingly ordinary words seem to be amazing. If you listen carefully, they are really amazing.

How can this not surprise Ying Zheng.

“My sister is so stupid.

“The last sentence is Ximeng’s mother, choosing a neighbor. If the son doesn’t learn, he will be cut off.”

“How about it, sister, I’m smarter than you.” Zhao Xi immediately recites, that’s a smug.

“Hmph, my brother is really bad.” Zhao Yuqi said very upset.

PS: Ask for monthly pass, ask for support, ask for determination, I am grateful.

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