Chapter 127: Planning for Zhao Qi’s Future

“My Meng Family Club has always supported Zhao Qi.”

Meng Wu immediately said to Xia Wuqi, with a firmness on his face.

“The eldest son is outstanding, and he became my General Daqin at a young age. If he becomes the crown prince in the future, Da Qin will certainly be able to meet the strong and prosperous again, and Xin Sheng is willing to support the eldest son.”

At this time.

Xin Sheng also spoke, his eyes full of determination.

Hear the sound.

Xia Wuqi and Meng Wu both turned to look at Xin Sheng.

Although Xin Sheng is not even as good as a commander in charge of 100,000 people in terms of knighthood and official rank, he controls the 50,000 guards of the palace and protects the king’s safety.

If he supports Zhao Qi, in the future in Xianyang city, in the palace, he can send troops to any variables, this is definitely a big help.

“Commander Xin Sheng, do you really want to support Qi Er?” Xia Wujie stared at Xin Sheng and said seriously.

“I have seen what the king thinks in his heart. He has a deep and righteous affection for Miss Dong’er, and I am sure that in the future the king will inevitably make the dead Miss Dong’er the queen, and the heirs of the king and the queen will naturally be the heirs.”

“Xin Sheng’s allegiance to the king’s power, allegiance to the king, naturally allegiance to the righteous son.”


“Xin Sheng has also been in charge of the imperial guard in the palace for many years, and has seen many sons under the king’s knees. The son Fusu is indeed gentle and elegant, and the king has also devoted himself to training, but it is too good for a woman to be a king, and there are many others. Young masters also have different personalities, but no matter who they are, no matter who they are, even if they have the clan behind them and the support of the officials, none of them can compare with Young Master Qi.”

“Xin Sheng’s support for Lord Si is not only justified, but also the king’s expectation.

Xin Sheng said with a serious expression.

I have witnessed the decadence of Yingzheng, and saw the importance and righteousness of Yingzheng to Zhao Qi’s mother, as well as the importance of Zhao Qi, and if Yingzheng said to Xia Wuqi, Prince Zhao Qi will be the crown prince in the future.

This undoubtedly shows the existence of Zhao Zhengtong.


Seeing Xin Sheng’s statement, Xia Wuqi nodded.

Being able to develop another powerful arm for Zhao Qi will definitely help in the future.

Zhao Qi today.

It is to accumulate strength as much as possible to prepare for becoming a true eldest son in the future.

“Today this is the matter behind the mountain.

“Except for the three of us, no one is allowed to know.”

“Do you understand?”

Xia Wuqi said in a deep voice, explaining to Meng Wu and Xin Sheng.

“Lao Xia, don’t worry.”

“I am tight-lipped.” Meng Wu said.

“The final general will definitely not leak out.” Xin Sheng also said sternly.

“There are still four days before Zhao Qi’s wedding.”

Next “It’s time to arrange the residence of the king.”

Xia Wuqi’s face was thoughtful.

Of course.

He wanted it too.

Since the victory has come, he will definitely not leave Lijiacun easily.

He already knows that Zhao Qi is his son, and that Zhao Qi’s daughter and sons are all his grandchildren.

Perhaps Yingzheng is not the person who expresses his emotions on his face, but his love for blood can be reflected.

“Even if there are sons in the palace and there are many princesses, although winning the government will not truly give the father’s love, there are many gifts of various kinds.

Of course.

The princesses in the palace are incomparable to Zhao Qi, because they were born only to win the continuation of the royal family’s blood, but Zhao Qi was born to Ying Zheng and his wife, Dong’er, whom he really identified.

Sons and sons are also different.


It is conceivable that once the identity of Zhao Qi is known, what kind of favor will be given to winning the government.

“Laodou will leave these things to you to arrange. If you hadn’t spoken out to persuade you today, maybe the king would really want to die.”

“In this world, perhaps only you can persuade the king.” Meng Wu said with some fear.Today, he has also seen what it means to be deep love and love.

If you haven’t experienced it before, you really don’t understand.


These Mengwu have never experienced it.

After all, they were born in the great Qin military family, but they didn’t have any affection or love. They were either the marriage of interests between the families or the parents’ appointment, and they didn’t think much about it at all.

But one thing is certain.

Mothers are expensive with children.

But as far as Zhao Qi is concerned, it is a different approach.

Because he is the son of Dong’er.

The king “comes here and can only be arranged in Zhao’s Mansion.” ”

“Although the king temporarily dispelled his death, he still needs comfort and sustenance. It is best to impress him with Zhao Qi.” Xia Wuqi said.

“So, then you go to make arrangements, and I will go down to explain Meng Tian.” Meng Wudao.

Xia Wuqi nodded.

Then he looked at Xin Sheng and said: “You are waiting for the king on this mountainside. When the king goes down, I will arrange everything properly. Today’s matter will be treated as if nothing happened. The sudden arrival of the big is also the value of Zhao, so come here in person. See the wedding banquet.”

“I will understand at the end.”

“The king galloped all the way from Xianyang to attend and preside over General Zhao’s wedding banquet, in order to express his respect for General Zhao. Without him, nothing happened in Houshan today.” Xin Shengli knew. Engraved.


Today’s news must not be leaked, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Not only for Zhao Qi, but also for Daqin.

Fortunately, there were only four people who came to the back mountain. In addition to the victory, they were the Mengwu three.

The other guards were waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Otherwise, if you want to completely eliminate future troubles, those Janitors will be dead.

His eyes turned.

“Father, how is the situation? Isn’t the king okay?”

As soon as he returned to Zhao Mansion, Meng Tian looked at Meng Wu nervously and asked.

“never mind.

Meng Wu smiled slightly.

“Fortunately, the king can accept it. Otherwise, if something happens to the king, my Da Qin will be unstable.” Meng Tian also breathed a sigh of relief.

Meng Wu and the others had only come down in the back mountain for so long, and Meng Tian’s heart had been tense all the time.

“Hey, there was almost an accident. Fortunately, your father responded quickly and picked the sword of the king’s suicide, otherwise the king would really have an accident.”

Thinking of Yingzheng’s sword to commit suicide, Mengwu now only feels a chill in his back, almost dead.

If Yingzheng died.

Daqin will definitely be in chaos.

Let’s leave it alone for the time being.

However, the internal turmoil is definitely going to happen. The young masters compete for the throne under their respective supporters, and Daqin will fall apart.

And the Four Kingdoms that have not been pacified by the Great Qin will take advantage of the fire to rob.


Mengwu’s sword used the fastest sword in a flat body, otherwise it would really be over.


“The king almost had an accident? Suicide?”

“This is more serious than we thought before.”

Meng Tian’s eyes widened, somewhat inconceivable.

Before, they expected that the king would definitely become crazy after knowing that Zhao Qi’s mother died, but that madness was limited to tyranny and rage.

But they did not expect that Yingzheng would commit suicide.


Dawang “Maybe only Dawang knows his love for Zhao Qi’s mother.”

“But finally the dust settled temporarily, Lao Xia successfully used Zhao Qi to dispel the king’s death, otherwise the real consequences are unpredictable.” Meng Wu said.

“The king is ready to recognize Zhao Qi?”

“But if you recognize Zhao Qi now, Zhao Wuming has no part, except for the identity of the eldest son, this will make the supporters of those princes intensify their suppression of Zhao Qi.” Meng Tian said a little uneasy.

For these things, Meng Wu had also explained to him many times, and Meng Yi also knew.

in this era.

Reputation is very important.

At this stage.

Even if he knows that Zhao Qi is the eldest son, but his mother is not high-born, it can be said that he is nameless.

Although the sons in the palace can’t be called heirs, they are all famous and well-known, and their status is much higher than Zhao Qi.


Winning can spare everything to give Zhao Qi’s mother the title of honor, otherwise it is impossible to change.

And if it does.

That is, the winning government is determined to push Zhao Qi into the crown of the prince. The supporters of the prince will never sit back and will obstruct in every way. To deal with Zhao Qi, various methods will definitely emerge in endlessly.

Even if the winning government controls the kingship.

But it is impossible to control everything. These little tricks are impossible to prevent.

The composition of an empire.



For those family officials, the king and the country are definitely not the first, only the interests of their family are the first.

“Do not worry.”

“How could Lao Xia not know these things, so the king persuaded him.

“In Lao Xia’s heart, I asked Zhao Qi while in Houshan today.

“If the King and Zhao Qi recognize each other in the future, he will give Zhao what identity, and the King also answered. “Meng Wu’s face is full of excitement, it is difficult to conceal the joy.

“How did the king answer?” Meng Tian squeezed her hand tightly, looking forward to it.

The Meng family has selected Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi’s future is about the rise and fall of his Meng family.

“The king said.”

“Acknowledging Zhao Qi, the identity of winning the government in the future will definitely be the crown prince.”

“This is the promise of the king to Lao Xia.

Meng Wu’s voice carried a kind of joy.

Heard this.

Ecstasy also emerged on Meng Tian’s face.

“Zhao Qi is the prince, and my Meng family will once again usher in prosperity.

“Father, your choice this time is really right.

Fortunately, “Dad found out who you are Zhao Qi, how else would my Meng family enter the venue so quickly.” Meng Tian said with joy.

“The king knows Zhao Qi’s identity, but under the old persuasion, he will not recognize Zhao Qi at present, because Zhao Qi has not really ignored the background and strength of all enemies.”

“Furthermore, if the king wants Zhao Qi to be the prince, he must chase Zhao Qi’s mother as the queen, so that Zhao Qi’s status will immediately change from namelessness to my true eldest son of Da Qin.”

“But this matter violates the patriarchal etiquette. Even the current king cannot ignore it. Only when the king truly initiates the great cause of unification, he becomes the first person in the ages. At that time, the prestige and the royal power were not matched by any king. Can reshape the enemy’s country, ignore this as a ritual law, those clan families, those powerful officials can no longer stop the king.

“At this time, Zhao Qi can also gain greater authority and accumulate strength by virtue of his military exploits.”

“The other day, the king and Zhao Qi met, and the day when he made his identity public, was when Zhao Qi became the prince of my Da Qin, and on that day, the clan, the officials, the princes, the etiquette, nothing can stop them, father and son. .”

“Da Qin will also change the world.

Meng Tian said in a deep voice, with a strong longing for this day on his face.

“I don’t think that day will be too far.

“The great king was originally a great talent. When he was young, he was bullied by the ministers and betrayed by his mother. There is no illusion in the battle achievements. Their father and son joined hands invisibly. Who is their opponent in this world? “Meng Tian also looked forward to it.

“All right.”

“As before, this matter is rotten to the bottom of my heart.” Meng Wu said to Meng Tian, ​​and then resumed the topic: “In addition, I am going to pick up Ma’er. The layout of the village and the mansion are almost the same, and the next step is to go to Yongcheng. The Fuzhong is laid out.


“I just told Yan’er, I’m almost ready.” Meng Tian replied immediately.Inside the house.

“Brother, I’ll go now.”

Li Ma’er looked at Zhao Qi with reluctance in her eyes.

She only reunited with Zhao Jiubieqi for a few days, and now she has to be separated for a few days. How can Li Ma’er be willing.

And I have to be separated from my two children for a few days, even more reluctant.

But the rules are like this.

If Zhao Qi wants to give her her true status, she must wait for Zhao Qi to come to welcome her at the Meng Mansion where she is to be married, and then marry her back in a decent way.

“Go ahead.”

“This time, Brother Qi will let you marry here gracefully.

Zhao Qi smiled softly.


“I’m leaving.”

Li Yan’er was reluctant to leave.

“Yan’er, don’t worry, it’s only a few days.

“When you get married, you will never be separated from your Zhao Qi.” Meng Tian joked with a smile.


Li Ma’er nodded, and finally left the house with Meng Tian.


“Zhao Qi, then I will go back to Yongcheng to make arrangements.” Mengwu smiled at Zhao Qi.

“My father-in-law Lao is here. (Li Nuohao)” Zhao Qi bowed.

“Haha, you’re polite.” Meng Wu smiled and turned and left the mansion.

Only Zhao Qi and Xia Wuqi are left in the mansion.

“Grandpa Xia, I have been working hard these days. If it weren’t for you to arrange, I really don’t know how to do it.” Zhao Qi thanked Xia Wuqi.

“Since you call me like that, why don’t I help you, and your mother is not shameful to the old for the past few years.”

“Besides, I will stay at your home in the future.” Xia Wuqi smiled, looking at Zhao Qi with a kind of affection in his eyes.

And for this look.

Zhao Qi was not used to it when he was in the Korean military camp before.

But I am used to it now.

Because Xia Wuqi looked at Li Yan’er and her two children with such vision, kindness and kindness.

Zhao Ziranqi couldn’t say anything.


“It’s okay to provide for the elderly.”

“My home is your home.” Zhao Xiaoqi said.

An old house where a treasure.

Xia Wuqi not only took care of her children for several years at home, but also took care of the thousands of servants in the house in an orderly manner. The imperial doctors around the dignified king treated this way, Zhao Qi really couldn’t ask for it.

“That’s what you said.

“If you don’t care for the old man in the future, the old man will fight with you.” Xia Wuqi said immediately.

“Do not worry.

“My words are just a promise. If you don’t give you old-age care in the future, you can smoke me.” Zhao Qi knew that Xia Wu was teasing herself.

“All right.”

“I won’t make fun of you anymore.”

“Next you have to pay attention, the king is here.”

Xia Wuqi’s expression became serious, and said to Zhao Qi.


“The king is coming to the village?”

“How can it be so fast?” Zhao Qi widened his eyes. Looking at Xia Wuqi strangely.

PS: I am grateful if I ask for a monthly pass.

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