Chapter 126 The Crown Prince and the Crown Prince, Everything is for Zhao Qi

These few words.

Like a deafening thunder, it severely hit Yingzheng’s consciousness.


“Dong’er is gone.”

“But he left behind our son, and our son gave me a granddaughter and grandson.”

“These are the continuation of the blood between me and Dong’er.

“I’m dead, what do they do?”

“I’m dead.”

“If someone bullies Zhao, my grandson and granddaughter, Donger will never forgive me.

Ying Zheng looked at the tombstone suddenly, staring at Dong’er’s name, tears couldn’t stop.

See this scene.

Seeing Ying Zheng seemed to recover somewhat.

Xia Wuqi panted heavily and stared at Yingzheng.

If he wins the government and dares to commit suicide, he will definitely get started.

this moment.

There are no emperors, only father-in-law and son-in-law.

The son-in-law is guilty, he, the father-in-law, will never sit back and watch.

Donger “.”

“When you were in the country of Zhao, you protected me.”

“Back to Xianyang, you are still protecting me.

“You have lived all your life to win politics, but your brother Zheng has never lived for you.”

“You left me, and the son you gave birth to me is also helping me.”

“Do you know how good our son is?”

“He killed Han and Zhao for me, and made a remarkable achievement.

“Zhao’s Pang Yuan, Lian Po, died in his hands.

“Even Zhao Hen, who bullied us, died in the hands of our son. I was very grateful to Zhao Qi when I knew the news. Because he avenged us, then I made up my mind. He does not treason, no matter what he did, I can forgive him.

“But now it seems that all of this is karma. This is our son’s revenge for us.”

“Did you know? He is now the general of my Da Qin, an extremely human minister, high above, and he is the youngest general in the world, no one can match his honor.”

“do you know?”

“This kid Zhao Qi is very talented.”

“There is also a girl who loves him deeply and is willing to give everything for him. That girl you should have grown up watching. She is Li Yan’er, and she is also your daughter-in-law. Your daughter-in-law is amazing. Here you are. Gave birth to us a pair of twins.

“At the beginning, I said that Zhao Qi was not only good at wars, but also good for his life as a father. He actually got a dragon and phoenix. Now it seems that our husband and wife have a good fate. Our son gave us a pair of dragon and phoenix granddaughters.”

Ying Zheng stroked the tombstone lightly and said with tears in his eyes.

03 Tell all of their son’s deeds over the years.

See this.

Xia Wuqi, Mengwu.

Even Xin Sheng, who was on the other side, had red eyes and tears in his eyes.

They have never seen such a decadent scene in winning politics.

no matter who.

What I saw was the majesty of Yingzheng and the coercion of the king.

But today, the performance of Japan’s Yingzheng government has no kingly spirit, no superior control of everything before, and some only have the pain of losing a wife, and the pain of heart death.

“father in law.”

“I want to move Dong’er’s tomb to my royal cemetery. If I die in the future, I will be buried with Dong’er.”

Ying Zheng stared at Xia Wuqi, with a firmness in his eyes.


When Xia Wu heard the sound, his expression changed, and he immediately vetoed Tao.


“Do you want Dong’er to lie alone on this mountain? Let her be alone?”

“Although she and I have never visited the house, she is my wife who won politics and is my only wife.

“Could it be impossible to let her be buried with me?”

Ying Zheng said hoarsely.

“Yes, you have true affection for A Fang, and A Fang also has true affection for you.”

“But what is your identity? What is A Fang’s identity?”

“You are the supreme king of Da Qin. Although you are in charge of the king, all courtesy are governed by the law. If an unidentified female citizen is buried in the royal tomb, how will Da Qin officials think of you? How will the world think of you?

“I know that you have a lot of love and righteousness to Afang, but you also care about the stability of Daqin and the stability of the world.

Xia Wuqi scolded angrily.

“For Dong’er, I don’t care how Baiguan sees me, let alone how the world sees me.””How about the tyrant? How about Mingjun? I win the government by winning the government, and I never care about the secular vision.” Yingzheng said firmly.


“You really don’t care.”

“Because you are the king, the king above all.”

“But A Fang is just an ordinary woman. Although she has passed away, she is still just an ordinary woman. How would they look at A Fang?”

“If Fang knew you were going to commit such a serious crime for her, she wouldn’t be willing.

Xia Wuqi said softly, no longer scolding, but comforting and persuading.

“The etiquette is the damn etiquette again.

“It was this damn ritual that separated me from Dong’er. It was this damn ritual that separated me from Dong’er for twenty years. Now the yin and yang are separated.”

“But at the beginning, the widow had no power and no power, but now the widow is in charge of everything in Daqin. Millions of sharp men are fighting for the widow. Who dare to oppose the widow?

“Whoever opposes, the real person will kill anyone.”

“Whoever opposes, the widow will destroy his whole clan.

The widow “is not the original Yingzheng and cannot protect Dong’er.”

“The widow is already in power, if you still can’t protect Dong’er, what is the point of being alive?”

Ying Zheng didn’t listen to Xia Wuqi’s persuasion at all, with firmness in his eyes.

He wants to move Dong’er’s tomb to the royal tomb. In the future, if he wins the government and dies, he will be buried with Dong’er in a tomb, and he will never be separated from one another.

“Xin Sheng.

“Pass the edict to the widow.”

“Move Dong’er’s grave to the royal tomb.” Yingzheng issued an edict to Xin Sheng hoarsely.

“My lord, this

Xin Sheng hesitated for the first time.

He knew that this edict would definitely arouse opposition from the officials, and the anger of Yingzheng at the moment would definitely cause a sea of ​​dead bodies to Daqin.

“Are you going to disobey people’s edicts?”

Ying Zheng looked at Xin Sheng coldly, flashing the killing intent.


“You are now in control of the kingship and control of the military. No one can oppose you, but have you ever thought about Zhao Qi?” Xia Wuqi said again.

The words fell off.

Ying Zheng’s expression stagnated.

Zhao Qi appeared before his eyes.

That looks similar to himself and Dong’er.

Da Qin’s most brilliant general, the youngest general in the world, his son.

Perhaps it was also a secret arrangement.

Father and son’s hope is so profound.

When Zhao Qi made meritorious service, even if Ying Zheng had never met him, he was promoted by an exception. After that, he was even more trustworthy.

But at that time.

Ying Zheng never thought that Zhao Qi would be his son.

Until I saw Zhao Qi’s appearance in Xianyang, at that moment Yingzheng suspected that Zhao Qi was related to Dong’er, so he sent people from the Black Ice Terrace to investigate.


Found the truth.

“Does he really hate me that much?”

Yingzheng’s hoarse voice trembled a little.

“Hate, very hate.

“But he hates not for himself, but for his mother.

“He hates why you abandoned his mother in the first place, why did you leave his mother alone for more than ten years, afraid of death and never appeared.”

Xia Wuqi said aloud.

“But that was not my intention. I don’t want to give up Dong’er.” Ying Zheng said bitterly.

At this moment, Ying Zheng also recalled what he said when he was drunk with Zhao Qi that day, Zhao Qi said that he would find his father, and then asked him face to face, why abandon his mother?

That kind of hatred can be clearly felt by Ying Zheng.

“You want to move Afang’s tomb to the royal tomb.”

“Zhao Qi will know that you are the man who abandoned his mother. How are you going to face Zhao Qi?”

“Moreover, if you move Afang’s tomb, your relationship with Zhao Qi will be well known in the world. Will those people let go of Zhao Qi?”


“When you are in power, the people who were in the first place are honestly down, and dare not to be your enemy, but you don’t dare to move them in consideration of the country, but if you let them know that Zhao Qi is your son, they drove away in the first place. The woman’s son.”

“Will they deal with Zhao Qi like this?”

“Zhao Qi is now a general and is safe in the army, but once you recognize him, the result will be different.

“He is your son and your eldest son.”

“Given your affection for A Fang, wouldn’t those people know?”

“If Zhao Qi regains his status as a son, those who secretly support your other sons will never let him go.

“Open guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are hard to guard.

“If you want Zhao Qi to die and let your grandchildren die, then you can move the grave.”

“Fang will never forgive you then.

“I’m all here, what to do, think about it yourself.”

Xia Wuqi said slowly, his face filled with helplessness.

But apart from this.

He can say nothing more.

If Yingzheng really wants to move the grave at all costs, this is not something he can stop.

But it can be expected that Daqin will usher in a bloody storm.

Daqin governs the country according to law.

Everything has its own etiquette.

A nameless woman was moved to the royal tomb. Even if Yingzheng was in charge of the royal power, she would also be criticized by hundreds of officials and bloody.

Those clans, powerful officials, and noble clans, they won’t let this opportunity pass.

Especially about Zhao Qi.

Today, in the eyes of Daqin people, Zhao Qi is a brilliant man who has made countless military exploits for Da Qin and rewarded them. But if the eldest son’s identity emerges, the supporters of Ying Zheng’s sons will definitely find ways to fight and suppress Zhao. Qi will never let Zhao Qi go smoothly.

Hear Xia Wuqi’s words.

Ying Zheng was silent, staring at Dong’er’s grave.

Time passed gradually.

The twilight spirit in Ying Zheng’s body also slowly disappeared, and his confused eyes gradually appeared a little clear.

“When will I be able to recognize Zhao Qi? When will I be able to move Dong’er’s tomb to the Wang Tomb in a justified manner?”

“Now, is it really not possible?”

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Wuqi and asked hoarsely.


He did not sever this thought of moving Dong’er’s grave into the royal tomb.

Before death.

He can’t accompany Dong’er by his side, so after death, he will always be with Dong’er and never be separated.

“Now you are in control of the king, but the clan, the ministers, and those people at the beginning have powers that cannot be underestimated. Unless you truly dominate the world and reshape the court, you will make waves if you act rashly.”

“Moreover, Zhao Qi will also be in danger.

“Only when there is no more power to hurt Zhao Qi in the world, you will gradually let Zhao Qi accept your relationship.”

“Furthermore, after you dominate the world, you can recognize him and move Afang’s tomb, so that no one dares to stop you anymore and disobey you. You can only do it if you become the first person in the ages.”

“However, I have a question I want to ask you.” Xia Wuqi said solemnly.

“What?” Ying Zhengdao.

“If you recognize Zhao Qi in the future, what status will you give him?” Xia Wuqi asked sternly.

This is a problem.

Meng Wu and Xin Sheng raised their heads in unison, watching to win.

Especially Mengwu.

At this moment, his hands are tightly clasped together, and his heart is also very nervous.

Zhao Qi’s identity as the eldest son is true, but compared to those in the palace, he lacks his identity and his reputation.

“Father-in-law, don’t you know for so many years?”

“In the bottom of my heart, the women in the palace are nothing more than tools to continue the royal blood. To them, I never give my heart. They do the same to me and take what they need.”

“There is only one person in my heart, and only one wife, and that is Dong’er.”

“Zhao Qi is the blood of me and Dong’er, as well as my eldest son. I will recognize him in the future. I will move Dong’er to the tomb of the king and chase after the queen. I want Dong’er to be buried in the king in good faith. Mausoleum, and this can also make Zhao Qi righteous and make him the eldest son of Da Qin.”

“In the future, I will become the Crown Prince of Daqin.

Ying Zheng stared at Xia Wuqi and directly expressed his stance.

These few words also told Xia Wuqi that there were indeed many wives and princes in the palace, but none of them could truly enter the eyes of Yingzheng.

And the original winning government has always been wholeheartedly focused on the general trend of unification, and will not care about them. As for the crown prince, even after the rule of the world, the winning government has not been determined. This is a historical record.

Because the prince Yingzheng wanted was a fully qualified one who could undertake Daqin’s great cause.

And the most important thing is that the prince he wants is born of his beloved, woman.

Zhao Qi.

Nowadays, the world-renowned outstanding person, Daqin’s youngest general, is undoubtedly capable, and has won the heart of Daqin’s army.

May I ask which other young man can compare with him?


He is the son of Dong’er and himself. People can compare Dong’er’s position in Yingzheng’s heart.

Hear Ying Zheng’s words.

Xia Wuqi was certain in his heart.

Meng Wu’s heart is also certain.

“General Zhao turned out to be the son of the king.”

“And the king deliberately made him the crown prince.”For Xin Sheng, today, the secrets that the sky has seen and touched are absolutely enough to shock the world.

“You’re right.

“After dominating the world, your authority and prestige are no one can match.”

“At that time you will create a whole new era. At that time, you will be in the world, and no one can hinder you.”

“If at that time, you want to relocate A Fang’s tomb and recognize Zhao Qi, I will definitely not stop you.

“Of course, you also have to consider Zhao Qi’s thoughts. He hates you a lot.” Xia Wuqi said in a deep voice.


“Dominate the world, recognize Zhao Qi, and move the tomb.”

“I remember.

Ying Zheng nodded heavily, his eyes regained a bit of expression.

At least.

He now has a goal.

The decadence is also quickly disappearing.

Xia Wuqi and Meng Wu glanced at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. At least, Xia Wuqi’s words had already made Yingzheng dispel the thought of suicide.

having said so much.

Mentioned Zhao Qi.

Mentioned Zhao Qi’s sons and daughters.

Mentioned Dong’er’s expectations of winning the government.

It also gave Yingzheng and Zhao Qi the prerequisite to recognize each other.

Finally, 593 dispelled Zheng’s will to die.

As for the next thing.

Then take one step at a time.

“You all go first.

“Widow wants to be quiet and accompany Dong’er alone.” Ying Zheng said again at this time.


Meng Wu and Xin Sheng looked at each other and hesitated.

“I won’t seek death again.

Dong’er “Leave me a son and hope that if I die, what will Zhao Qi do?”

“I haven’t recognized him yet.

Ying Zheng said hoarsely, but there was no longer the intention of death in his tone.

“Let’s go.”

Xia Wuqi gave Meng Wu, Xin Sheng winked, and walked down the mountain first. He understood Ying Zheng and naturally knew that he had no intention of death.


Meng Wu and Xin Sheng bowed to Ying Zheng, and then left with Xia Wuqi.


“Lao Xia, is what you told the king just now is true or false?” Meng Wu asked, looking at Xia Wuqi.


Xia Wuqi shook his head helplessly: “If you don’t say this, it is equivalent to severing the hope of the king. There is no doubt about how important A Fang is in his heart.

“But if he is allowed to move Afang’s tomb today, Tian will expose Zhao Qi’s identity today. It will definitely cause a big change. If you don’t talk about bad names, those people will not sit back and watch. The nations have never been completely destroyed. Once our great Qin nation is shaken, the nations will have opportunities to take advantage of.”

“Moreover, you don’t know Zhao Qi’s hatred for his father.”

“If you let him know that the king is his father, then maybe it will cause disagreement. Even if the king explains clearly, Zhao Qi’s temperament and character will not be able to resist those who persecuted his mother in the first place?”

“all in all.”

“I am procrastinating if I can, at least let the king get rid of death, and also give Zhao Qi a chance to accumulate greater authority and prestige.

“Could it be that the king,…you didn’t understand what you said just now?” Xia Wuqi looked at Meng Wudao.


“The king has already decided in his heart. When he meets Zhao Qi, he will be appointed the crown prince as the prince and will inherit Da Qin in the future.” Meng Wu’s eyes sparkled with brilliance.


“But to complete this step, apart from the great king, there is no one with prestige, and the world is in control, so the so-called ritual law can no longer restrain the great king. After all, from ancient times to the present, who can create a unified cause?”

“The king will be the first person in the ages.”

“This kind of existence, how can etiquette and law restrict it?”


“After Da Qin dominates the world, Zhao Qi’s power will increase as long as he contributes to the country. With his military power, his prestige will overwhelm the world, do those people dare to be an enemy of Zhao Qi?”

“All in all, I have said so much to calm the king. Don’t vain the country and the world. It is also to give Zhao Qi a better opportunity. If the king is unpredictable, Zhao Qi will not have the identity. The method is on display, then how will Zhao Qi compete with those sons?”

“And this is also to give Zhao Qi more time to accumulate more authority, no one can deal with his authority.”

“Only in this way, with the king and Zhao Qi, can we suppress everything and break the voices of disobedience.

“Everything, for Zhao Qi.”

“A Fang is gone, Zhao Qi is all I have in Xia Wuqi.”

“In all the world, I will not let anyone hurt him.

“Since the king said that the position belongs to Zhao Qi, no one should ever want to take it away from Zhao Qi.” Xia Wuqi said again, with determination in his eyes.

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