Chapter 125: Dong’er is dead, what is the point of being a widow?

Only four days have passed since Zhao Qi’s wedding banquet.

At the moment, Lijiacun is already full of lights and bright red.

After learning that Zhao Qi was about to marry Li Yan’er, the villagers in the whole village were mobilized, and they could help if they could. It seems to have entered the atmosphere of the New Year.

After all, Zhao Qi has no elders to help.

all of these.

There are both Xia Wuqi and Meng Wu.

Of course.

The two of them were always happy, and they were directing everywhere.

“Lao Xia, the invitations are all sent out.” Meng Wu said while looking at Xia Wuqi.

“It’s all sent out.”

Although “there is no customs clearance document, but Zhao Qi boy admiral is very useful. His guard camp can enter Xianyang, so the invitation cards are all distributed.” Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

“In four days, Zhao Qi will get married.”

“I will take Ma’er back to Yongcheng Mansion the day after tomorrow at the latest. When Zhao Qi gets married, Ma’er will be counted as a status.” Meng Wu said with a smile.

Although Mengwu had personally managed the marriage for his two sons, it was the same as completing the task for the two bastards. This time, it felt different for Mengwu, marrying a daughter.

Mengwu was completely involved in setting up the wedding banquet and enjoyed it very much.

And he knows the identity of Zhao Qi, the eldest son of Da Qin, the biological son of the current king.

“The King should have received the invitation too, I don’t know if he will come.” Xia Wuhe still said with some worry.

“I hope that the king is busy with government affairs, and then send other ministers over.” Meng Wu could only think like this.


Xia Wuqi nodded: “But these days, the village and the mansion have finally been arranged. Then just wait for the guests to come and receive them well.

But just at this moment.


“Oh no.

Meng Tian ran over in a hurry, with a panic expression on her face.

“What’s the matter? Panicked?”

“Is such a big person, can’t he be prudent?” Meng Wu said irritably.

“Father, I also want to be stable, but this matter really can’t be stable.

Meng Tian looked worried and looked at the entrance of the village from time to time.

“What’s the matter?” Meng Wu’s expression became serious. He knew that his son’s character was definitely something wrong.

“The king is here.”

“I will be at the entrance of the village soon and enter the village.” Meng Tian said solemnly.

Hear the sound.


Meng Wu and Xia Wuqi’s expressions changed, and their eyes widened: “How come the king?”

“Five Nine Three” I don’t know either. ”

“Besides, the king hasn’t been driven by Luan, and there are more than 100 guards escorted by Xin Sheng, which seems to be very urgent.”

“The king is here, what can I do now.” Meng Tian said helplessly.

“It’s useless to drive? There are only more than a hundred guards? Very urgent?”

Hearing this news, Meng Wu and Xia Wuqi looked at each other, and a kind of anxiety emerged in their eyes.

Both of them are smart people, but it took a short moment to figure out the reason.

“The king is afraid that he already has the identity of Zhao Qi, and he also knows Zhao Qi’s mother.”

“Precautions, I was discovered by the king, but how could this happen? How could the news leak? I have obviously surrounded Lijiacun on guard. “Meng Wu couldn’t figure it out.


“The king controls the empire, so how can there be no eyes and ears all over the world? Although you have strengthened your guard to prevent outsiders from entering the village, after all, many outsiders have also come in the village before. If you have news about Zhao Qi’s mother, you will know as long as you inquire. Up.”

“For the king, the two words Dong’er will make him understand everything.

“Moreover, I stayed in Lijiacun and Zhao Mansion. He naturally thought of it.” Xia Wujie sighed helplessly.

No matter how hidden.

Perhaps for the kind of mediocre emperor, it was fooled all at once, but for Yingzheng, it was obviously impossible.

“What do you do now.”

“He knows about Zhao Qi, he knows about Zhao Qi’s mother.”

“And I’m afraid I also know the news that Zhao Qi’s mother has passed away, the king, can he really bear it?” Meng Wu said solemnly.

Xia Wuqi did not answer.

He had no idea what to do at this moment.

He knows what position his daughter is in Yingzheng’s mind.

A Fang passed away.

The blow to Yingzheng will be a bolt from the blue.

What exactly would happen, Xia Wuqi could not foresee the consequences.

“Do you want to tell Zhao Qi?” Meng Wu looked at Xia Wujie.


“Don’t do it.”

“Not to mention that Zhao Qi can’t accept it. If Zhao Qi was exposed so early in a single round, it would definitely not be a good thing for him.”

“Don’t you know what Zhao Qi hates his father?”

Xia Wuqi said immediately.

Meng Wu nodded.

Zhao Qi once said that he would look for his father, but not to repay his gratitude, but to ask the father for an answer, an explanation, why did he abandon their mother and son in the first place? Why was it so cruel?

More than ten years.

Zhao Qi’s hatred has been deeply rooted.

“Moreover, with Zhao Qi’s character, if he knew that his mother was forced away by those rich and powerful people, would he bear it?” Xia Wuqi said again.


“Although Zhao Qi is steady, if his mother and mom are involved, he can’t calm down.””Moreover, it is not Zhao Qi that is to be considered, it is the king.”

Meng Wu said solemnly.

“Meng Tian, ​​what is Zhao Qi doing now?” Xia Wuqi looked at Meng Tian.

“Playing with his two children.” Meng Tian replied.

For the time being, “Don’t let the news of the arrival of the king alarm Zhao Qi.”

“You stay here to guard.”

“Your dad and I are going to meet the king, things may not be as bad as we thought.” Xia Wuqi said solemnly.

“Okay.” Meng Tian nodded immediately.


Xia Wuqi directly pulled Meng Wu towards the entrance of the village.


No matter what the storm, they must bear it.

Upon hearing the news of Zhao Qi’s mother’s death, Xia Wuqi couldn’t predict what Yingzheng would become and whether he would go crazy.

The entrance of the village.

Xia Wuqi and Meng Wu both waited with uneasy expressions, and their hearts were also extremely nervous.

Ta Ta, Ta Ta Ta.

A burst of horses swept across.


Wearing a black royal robe and not a rabbit costume, Ying Zheng rode a fast horse and stopped at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Yingzheng’s face at this moment, his face was pale, his eyes flushed, and the whole person’s breath was very strange and unspeakable, and he seemed to be suffering from all kinds of suffering.

When I saw Xia Wuqi and Meng Wu.

An unprecedented anger emerged in Ying Zheng’s eyes.

“Why, don’t you tell the widow?”

Ying Zheng’s hoarse voice sounded, and his stern eyes stared at Meng Wu and Xia Wuqi.

See Ying Zheng like this.

His eyes were red, and it seemed that he hadn’t slept for a few nights, and he came to Yongcheng day and night, and the tears under his eyes were still not dry.

“The king calmed down his anger.”

“Everything is done by the old minister.”

“The veteran knows A Fang’s position in the heart of the king. If you let the king know, how should you bear it?” Xia Wuqi gritted his teeth, and mist appeared in his eyes.


Seeing Xia Wujie with his old face revealing sorrow, Ying Zheng, who was already enveloped in anger and sadness in his heart, wanted to get angry, but Dong’er’s figure immediately appeared in front of him. .

Xia Wuqi.

That’s Dong’er’s father.

He has also been looking for his daughter for more than ten years. It is his own flesh and blood. How can he not feel pain in his heart when a white-haired person sends a black-haired person?

And the pain will definitely be more than him.

Where is Dong’er’s tomb?

Ying Zheng said hoarsely, his whole body was gone. The majesty of the king in the palace was only a kind of decadence of losing his wife. It seemed that his whole vitality was gone.

Dong’er died.

All his ambitions were extinguished.

“In the back mountain.” Xia Wuqi replied lonely.

“take me to.

Ying Zheng said hoarsely.

The picture turns.

Back mountain.

In a place on the top of the hill.

A small tomb stood alone, but there were no weeds and no chaos around it. Obviously, Xia Wuqi had been cleaning it all these years.

As long as he is free, he will come to accompany his daughter.

When Ying Zheng came to the grave.

Can’t help it anymore.

Tears couldn’t stop falling from his eyes, and dripped onto the tombstone.

Came into view.

“The mausoleum of Dong’er, Zhao’s wife, has an unfilial son, Zhao Qi.”

Dong’er”, you, why did you really leave.

“Why are you willing to leave me.”

“I… I’m your brother Zheng.”

“do you know?”

“I have been looking for you for twenty years, and I have searched Daqin all over, but I haven’t found you. I didn’t expect you to be under my nose. How could you bear to leave like this.”

“do you know?”

“Your brother Zheng has become the real king. No one can bully your brother Zheng, and no one can bully you.”

“Brother Zheng doesn’t need you to protect, Brother Zheng can protect you.

“But you, how did you go?”

“You leave Brother Zheng alone, how can you bear it?”

“Why are you so ruthless? It’s been twenty years, and you just left like this.”

“What does it mean to be alive without you?”

“Without you, what would it mean to dominate the world?”

“The world regards me as a tyrant who wins politics, launches the battlefield, and destroys other countries, but I am all for you. I want to find you. Only by ruling the world can I find you. But why did you leave me?”


“you left.”

“Why do you rule the world?”

“Why are you alive?”

“I might as well die with you.”

“At the beginning. Maybe twenty years ago, when you left, I should give up and go with you.”

“I hate it.

“Why didn’t I go with you?

Ying Zheng knelt in front of the tomb, hugged him tightly, holding the tombstone, roaring hoarsely, tears dripping from his eyes uncontrollably.

All the courage of the king, the so-called ambition of the king, at this moment are all gone.

Ying Zheng cried helplessly, as if he had lost his vision for the future, and even lost his fighting spirit.

He at the moment.

It is a man who has lost his wife and everything.

See this scene.

Xia Wuqi, Meng Wu looked bitterly.

Even though they had expected this, day, and expected that Yingzheng would not accept the news of Dong’er’s death, they did not expect that Dong’er’s death would make an ambitious emperor decadent.

Even the intention to die together was produced.

And the next moment.

A scene that really frightened them happened.


“You have lived for me all your life, but Brother Zheng has never lived for you.”


“Brother Zheng will live for you.”

“Without you, it would be meaningless to dominate the world, and all my ambitions would be useless.”

“Everything I do is for you, to strengthen Qin, to rule the king, and to rule the world. All of this is to protect you one day, and no one can take you away from me.”

“But now I have broken my promise again, I have no chance to protect you again.”

“Since Yang Jian Zheng can no longer protect you, then when you get to hell, let Zheng Zheng protect you. Zheng will definitely not let people bully you Dong’er, Zheng Zheng is here.”

Ying Zheng said hoarsely, holding his hand on King Qin’s sword, yanked it out abruptly, and wiped it away from his neck.

He has no hope of life.

And see this scene.

Behind them, Meng Wu and Xia Wuqi were shocked.

“do not want.”

Xia Wuqi shouted in horror.

Meng Wu immediately drew out the sword on his waist and rushed forward as fast as he could.

Ding sound.

Between the lightning and flint, the two swords collided, Meng Wu forcefully picked the sword in Yingzheng’s hand and directly inserted it into the ground.

Suicide was blocked by Mengwu’s sword.

Yingzheng was not angry, nor did he have any expression, but looked at Mengwu with a kind of breathless decadence.

Dong’er “is dead.”

“What do I mean by being alive?”

Ying Zheng was expressionless, and looked at Mengwu Dao with a lifeless expression.

There was no king’s ambition anymore in his eyes, only life and death, it seemed that his desire for death was completely set, and no one could change it.

“The King.”

“Have you forgotten the lofty ambition to revitalize Da Qin? Forgotten the last aspirations of the ancestors of Da Qin dynasties?”

“Have you forgotten that the ambition of the world to rule the world is unachievable?

Meng Wu yelled at Yingzheng, seeming to want to wake up Yingzheng’s heart.

And this was the first time he committed a crime.

So shouted at his lord.

But everything is helpless.

“Revitalize Daqin? Dominate the world?”


Dong’er “is dead, what’s the point of all this?”

Winning political face with a grinning grin.


Dong’er “The girl is dead.”

“But if she sees you now, how can she bear it? Does she want to watch you die? If he sees you like this, she will be disappointed.” Mengwu roared hysterically.

“Disappointed? Maybe.

“After she left Xianyang twenty years ago, she was already very disappointed in me. I couldn’t protect her when I was disappointed.

“The reason why she tortured the young and went away, in the final analysis, was because of the dark illness at the time, because I didn’t protect her.

“I killed her.

Yingzheng said expressionlessly, but still couldn’t stop the tears.

“My lord.

“Are you really looking for death? Are you really going to abandon Da Qin? Abandon the world?”

Seeing no change, Mengwu was desperate.

Although he knew the identity of Zhao Qi, the identity of Zhao Qi’s mother, and the news of his death, Meng Wu had expected the situation today, but he did not expect that it would be the case today.

Yingzheng was not angry or mad.

Instead, he blames himself, hates himself, and wants to die.

All the death of Jiang Dong’er was blamed on himself.

All this is even more terrifying than they thought.

If Yingzheng is alive, Daqin will not be chaotic, and the general trend of the world will still be there, and it may be able to recover in a few years.

But Yingzheng wanted to die.

If he died.

Da Qin will collapse, collapse, Da Qin will be chaotic.

The surplus accumulation of the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties and the kings of several generations will be lost.

Daqin is chaotic, and the world is chaotic.

The people of the world who have been suffering and war-shrouded will enter and enter the continuous chaos.”How is Daqin? How is the world?”

“It can’t be compared with Dong’er at all.”

“Without Dong’er, what’s the use of wanting the world?”

Ying Zheng stared at the tombstone with infinite tenderness in his eyes.


Dong’er, whom he had been worried about for decades, was presented before his eyes, and he was beckoning to him.

Seeing such Yingzheng, Mengwu was helpless.

He looked at Xia Wuqi, asking for help.

If it can’t be stopped today, Daqin will really be in chaos.

“Win politics.”

“It’s enough.”

Xia Wuqi walked to Ying Zheng’s side, and scolded coldly.

“father in law.

“Nothing is useless, nothing is meaningless.”

“You know.

“What I want to dominate the world is to find Dong’er and protect Dong’er, but now, it’s gone, everything is gone”

Ying Zheng raised his head and looked at Xia Wuqi, tears could not stop streaming down.

Xia Wuqi’s eyes were red, and she was also tearful.


“You’re right.”

“Fang is gone.”

“But have you ever thought about why A Fang left Xianyang so firmly?”

Xia Wuqi shouted at Ying Zheng, with a look of hatred that iron cannot become steel.

Yingzheng raised his head without a sense of purpose, and looked up.

“Since I met you in Zhao Country, A Fang has been completely devoted to you. No matter what happens to you, she will always help you, enlighten you, and take care of you. In general, she never had any hatred.”

“After she returned to Xianyang with you, yes, she did dream of marrying you beforehand, but she knew that she was not worthy of her identity. She was just a doctor’s daughter, so how could she be worthy of King Qin, so she never extravagantly asked for it. Yes, she just wants to be by your side.”

“But you also know that when you first succeeded to the throne, the court was intricate, Zhao Ji, Lai Lu, Lu Buwei, clans, gentry, and powers were intertwined.”

“At the beginning, you said you wanted to marry A Fang and make A Fang his queen. Do you know how happy A Fang is? But she knew that this was an impossible luxury. She told me that time if you insisted on making her a queen. , She will leave.”

“Because she knows your great wish, she knows that you have the world in your heart, and she doesn’t want to be an obstacle to your rulership and dominance of the world.

“So when she left at the beginning, apart from seeing those people targeting you, targeting her, it was more of a voluntary. She didn’t want to drag you down, and didn’t want to be your burden. The war between the world stops.”

“She doesn’t hate you at all, let alone feel that you haven’t protected her well.”

“Everything she does is for you, for your great wishes.”

“If you see you like this, she will be very disappointed, very disappointed.”

Xia Wuqi stared at Yingzheng, and shouted at Yingzheng with a loud voice.

Xia Wuqi’s words were like lightning strikes, making Ying Zheng’s expression tremble, but he still didn’t have any courage to regain his strength.

“Yes, everything Dong’er did was for me.”

“But I failed her.

“Great wish, dominate the world, this is indeed my great wish to Dong’er.”

“But the big wish I made was to ask Dong’er to accompany me to see the unification of the world. Without Dong’er, what’s the use of this big wish?” Ying Zheng smiled bitterly, unable to survive.

He at the moment.

I just want to be with Dong’er all the time, and Dong’er is buried in this tomb.

“Win politics.”

“You want to die.”


“Do you think you will be happy if you die?”

“Do you think that if you die, A Fang will come back to life?”


“You can’t change the result of Afang’s death if you die. If Quanxia knows that you are dead, she will be disappointed with you, very disappointed.”

“A person cannot be resurrected after death. This is the supreme truth of heaven and earth.”

“A Fang is your favorite, and the woman you love is not wrong, but she is even the daughter of my Xia Wujie. I send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. You think I feel good.”

“Do you think I am not in pain, I am not uncomfortable?”

“Win the government, you are wrong.”

“I am more painful than you.

Xia Wuqi yelled at Ying Zheng and yelled at him.

“father in law…”

Ying Zheng looked at Xia Wuqi in pain, with a sense of shame.


“Fang is dead.”

“But she didn’t leave nothing behind.”

“She left you a son, and she has worked hard to raise a son for seventeen years.”

“This son has done countless wonderful works for your Da Qin, and cut the two countries for you. He is the gift that A Fang gave you so much, and it is also a surprise for you.”

“Moreover, you also have grandchildren.

These “are all the surprises A Fang left for you.”

“Win politics, think about it, if you leave, what will they do?

“What about Zhao Qi?”

“What about your grandchildren?”

“If you die, Zhao Qi will not only lose his mother, he will also die his father forever.”

“His hatred for his father will last his entire life, and he will never let it go.

“Your grandson and granddaughter will know that their grandfather was a wicked man who abandoned his wife and son, and they will never forgive you.

Xia Wuqi stared at Ying Zheng and roared loudly.

These few words…

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