Chapter 124

“I, Zhao Qi, has been reused by the king and bestowed a lot.”

“Now there are hundreds of miles of fief, and tens of thousands of acres of fertile land.”


“As a villager in Lijia Village, I donate 50 acres of fertile land to each household, and each household gives hardware to each household. Perhaps this is nothing, but this is my gratitude to the relatives and elders of Lijia Village.

“For my deceased mother, for myself, for my wife and children.”

Zhao Qi said loudly.

Hear this.

Many villagers have excited expressions on their faces.

For people in this era, if they don’t have to obtain military merits and obtain land after being knighted, other ordinary people need to lease in the hands of the landlord, and the cost of leasing varies.

But they are all harsh.

If a household has a few acres of fertile land to plant, it can be called a wealthy household.

And it goes without saying that gold is hard currency in any era. Ordinary people live for one year, you can imagine the value.

And fifty acres of fertile land, plus hardware.

This is Zhao Qi’s reward for them.

“Boy Zhao Qi, this is impossible.”

“It’s too expensive.

“We didn’t do anything.”

The old village was immediately speaking to Zhao Qi.

“No, the old village is right.” Zhao Qi shook his head, and then firmly said: “For the folks and elders, the initial help was indeed a simple effort, but for me, for my mother, it was a life-saving grace.”

“Today’s gift is a piece of my heart, and all villagers must accept it.

“Li Qing, you go to check the roster with Mura Masa, take out the money from my general’s warehouse, and give the goodland roster to the goodland.” Zhao Qi turned his head and said to Li Qing.


Li Qing took the order immediately.

For him.

Zhao Qi’s order is the order of heaven and cannot be violated.

“Lao Cunzheng, next you and Li Qing will match up, I will pay the children.”

Zhao Qi didn’t give the old village Zhenghe the opportunity to refuse at all. He turned around and went straight back to the mansion.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s back.

The villagers naturally have great feelings.

“Zhao Qi is such a good kid.”

“Knowing gratitude is an illustration, emphasizing love and righteousness.

“We used to give the Zhao family only a little help, but he was so generous, with 50 acres of fertile land, and hardware. This is a few thousand dollars.”

“Ashamed of it.

Many villagers talked and felt ashamed, but they were more grateful to Zhao.

“Sister Dong.”

“Have you seen that, your son has grown up and is able to stand alone, and he has also become the general of my Da Qin, one person has less than 10,000 people.”

“Are you really going to hide for a lifetime?”

Lao Cun was looking at Zhao Qi’s back, and sighed in his heart, with a kind of helplessness that no one knew.


The palace of the generals of the dynasty.


“This kid Zhao Qi is really fast. The wedding date will be set as soon as I go back. I still have time off so I can go to this kid’s wedding banquet.”

“This guy Meng Wu is also considered a thief. He actually accepted Li Yan’er as a righteous daughter. From now on, his relationship with Zhao has become very close. What a good general, it’s a pity that he didn’t come out of my Hangu camp. , Or else it won’t be the turn of the guy Mengwu to be proud in front of me all day long.” Dynasty took the invitation card in his hand and laughed loudly.

“Come here.”

“Prepare a generous gift for Ben, and prepare to go to Yongcheng to attend the wedding banquet.

Wang Jian said loudly.

Court house.Inside the hall.

Boxes of gold are filled, very dazzling.

“Master Tingwei, upon the order of our general, two thousand seven hundred gold will be given. Since then, my wife and your Tingwei mansion will no longer have anything to do with each other.”

A guard camp centurion bowed slightly to Li Si, and then pointed to the box of golden roads.


The centurion didn’t give Li Si much face, so he turned and left with his men.

Li Si was standing in the hall with iron blue on his face.

He did not expect that what Zhao Qi said at the court of the day was actually true. He really wanted to use gold to completely cut off his desire for Li Ma’er, and he did not give him half the affection for his son-in-law.

Of course.

In Li Si’s heart, he had no scruples at all, and he didn’t care about Li Ma’er’s life or death.

What he hates is Zhao Qi’s attitude towards him, which embarrassed him and made him lose face in the court.


After Mengwu’s attack on the day, he was already talking among courtiers. Everyone knew that Li Si was a person who abandoned his daughter. Although he did not dare to mention it in front of him, there must be constant discussion behind him.

And his impression in Yingzheng’s mind has also been reduced a lot.

This is what Li Si cares more about.

“Meng Wu, Zhao Qi, Han Fei.”.

“Let me take a look. Now you are joining hands to deal with me. I am indeed not your opponent, but if the world is settled in the future, Da Qin does not need so many troops, and you who are generals will be targeted.”

“In the future, everything may be impossible.

Li Si’s face was hideous and full of hatred.

This day.

Under the control of Xia Wuqi.

Many court officials in Xianyang received invitations from Zhao Qi.

Although Zhao Qi doesn’t know most of them, but you can’t help but ask, after all, this is the etiquette between courts and halls.

Of course.

If they don’t come, that’s another matter.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“This is a gift from Yongcheng, but Zhao Qi’s wedding banquet.

Zhao Gao respectfully handed the invitation card to Yan Zheng.

Ying Zheng took the invitation and took a look.

It turned out to be “Father-in-law’s handwriting, he is actually helping Zhao Qi to handle it.”

Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and he recognized Xia Wuqi’s handwriting at a glance.

“Well, you can withdraw.

After taking a look at the request, Ying Zheng faced Zhao Gaodao.

“The King.”

“Zhao Qi got married. I don’t know if the king will go there in person, or let the minister prepare a generous gift for him?” Zhao Gao asked respectfully.

“Zhao Nai, my General Daqin, married and rejoiced. How can I not find someone.

“You go to make arrangements, and the widows will set off for Yongcheng tomorrow.” Ying Zheng said calmly, and he couldn’t see what he was thinking in his heart. The emperor’s heart was unfathomable.

“The minister leads the edict.” Zhao Gao retired respectfully.

After he left, he closed the door of the temple.

“What happened to the widow who asked you to investigate?

Ying Zheng faced the empty hall.


The black-robed man who appeared that day walked out of the back hall again and respectfully said: “Back to the king, outsiders in Lijia Village can no longer enter. There is no investigation about the situation of Zhao Qi’s father. After investigating the voices of the villagers, they seem to It’s all sealed up.”

“However, according to the news investigated by the minister, Zhao Qi did have no parents. His mother died of illness when Zhao Qi was seventeen years old. Before, Zhao Qi always took care of his mother in the village. As for his father, there was nothing. The news, according to the news of the minister’s investigation, Zhao Qi’s mother was pregnant with Lijia Village, and then settled in Lijia Village.”

“Always passed away three years ago.”

The black robe man respectfully started.

The widow “gave you a few days, so did you check this?”

“When was Heibingtai so incompetent?” Ying Zheng frowned, a little angry.

The entire Zhangtai Palace became depressed.

“The king calmed down.

“This investigation may be because General Zhao is about to get married, so the entire Lijia Village is surrounded by a large army. Except for the people in the same village, all outsiders have been driven away, so my dark ice platform spies cannot enter it either. “The black-robed man immediately bowed and bowed, explaining.

Hear this explanation.

Ying Zheng nodded in relief.

Because this explanation is not out of line.

General Daqin’s wedding is definitely not a good thing if it is mixed with interested people from the enemy country.

Ying Zheng also did not suspect that this was a deliberate cover-up.

“Continue to say that you investigated.” Ying Zheng said coldly.

“According to the minister’s investigation.”

In fact, “there is another accidental discovery.”

“At the beginning…

Heipao Ren Ludai glanced at Ying Zheng hesitantly, but did not dare not answer: “The time when Zhao Qi’s mother entered Lijia Village was not long after the king had succeeded.”

The words fell off.

Ying Zheng stood up abruptly from the throne, his eyes released a sharp light.

“What are you talking about?” Ying Zheng said in a prestigious voice.

“According to the investigation by the minister, the time is indeed not long after the king took the throne, and there is no news about Zhao Qi’s mother before she entered Lijia Village. It seems to have come out of thin air.”

“Moreover, for more than three years, Yu Doctor Xia has been staying in Lijia Village, staying in Zhao Mansion, helping Zhao Qi’s wife to take care of Zhao Qi’s two children.

“So the Weichen dare to guess that Zhao Qi, Zhao Qi might really have something to do with the person that the king thinks in his heart.”

“Moreover, even if Li Jiacun kept covering up and keeping secrets about Zhao’s family, the minister also investigated a piece of news about Zhao Qi’s mother, whose mother is Dong’er.

“Full name, Zhao Dong’er.”

The black-robed man’s hesitant answerer had a solemn and terrified tone.

As the person in charge of the Black Ice Platform, he naturally knows that there are secrets about politics.


It is the biggest taboo in Yingzheng’s heart.

“What did you say?”

“Zhao Qi’s mother is called Zhao Donger.”

“Furthermore, Yu Doctor Xia has submitted his resignation since he went to Lijiacun, and then he stayed in Zhaofu of Lijiacun.

Could it be that…

The black-robed man told the news of the investigation, and his expression of victory changed, struggling, rejoicing, and still looking forward to it.

These things are all connected together, how can Yingzheng still be unable to guess.

Even Meng Wu and Xia Wu concealed it again.

But after all, Lijiacun had entered a lot of outsiders before. With the power of Daqin’s most secret black ice platform, how could there be no clues.

This time, Ying Zheng asked Hei Bingtai to investigate Zhao Qi’s father. He was thinking about investigating his father to see if there is Xia Wu and related. After all, Zhao Qi and Dong’er look too similar. Up.

But Zhao Qi didn’t know much about Zhao Qi’s father, and even the villagers didn’t.

but now.

Under investigation at the Black Ice Platform.

There is another thing that has been brought out, which is also the truth that Yingzheng desires most in his heart.

He has searched for Dong’er for decades and seems to have found it.

And… And Zhao Qi, who was drunk with him in Zhangtai that day, seems to be his son.

He and Dong’er’s son.


Yingzheng’s expression was a bit wrong, and he was humane towards the black robe.


The black-robed man took a look at Ying Zheng and retreated respectfully.

And Yingzheng sat paralyzed on the throne.

There was an incredible touch on his face.

“A few years ago, Meng Wu suddenly asked me about the jade pendant. He must have seen my jade pendant from Zhao Qi’s house. I gave it to Dong’er.”After that, his father-in-law suddenly handed in his resignation and stayed in Lijiacun and Zhao Mansion. That was because he discovered the news of Dong’er and discovered that Zhao Qi was his grandson. ”

“The reason why my father-in-law went to Lijiacun suddenly was because he had met Zhao Qi in Han Jing. Perhaps he also saw that Zhao Qi looked like Dong’er, so he went to Lijiacun for verification.

Ying Zheng sat paralyzed on the throne and sorted out the events of the past few years. Step by step, he seemed to have found the truth.

“Zhao Qi’s mother went to Lijiacun shortly after I took the throne, and then lived in the village, never went out, and gave birth to Zhao Qi not long after that.”

“In other words, Zhao Qi’s mother is really Dong’er, and she was pregnant with me when she left Xianyang.

“At the beginning, Dong’er escaped from Xianyang while pregnant. She didn’t want to cause me trouble.”

“To face it alone, to live alone Zhao Qi, and to raise Zhao up alone.”

“And I don’t know at all.”

“Zhao Qi, he turned out to be my son, the son of me and Dong’er.”

“For me, Dong’er has been with me for almost ten years in Zhao Country, taking care of me and protecting me.”

“For me, she was afraid that my throne would be unstable and that I would be targeted. She left Xianyang.”

“It was for me, she hid alone and gave birth to our son, and I don’t know anything about it,

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, tears shed unknowingly from the corner of his eyes.

Even if he was betrayed by his own biological mother and wanted to seek the usurpation of the throne with the fake monastery, he won the government and never shed tears. I never shed a single tear, but at this moment, Ying Zheng couldn’t help it.

Tears flowed down unconsciously, his eyes turned red, self-blaming, regretful, and trembling all over.

“Zhao Qi said his mother died, so he joined the army.”

“That means, Dong’er, she?”

Thought of this.

Yingzheng’s eyes became more flushed, and his face was unwilling and struggling: “Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

It is absolutely impossible for Dong’er to die. She promised me that she would live and die with me. She would never leave me alone in the world. ”

“No, Dong’er (Li Nuo’s) will not die.

“Absolutely not.”

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, his voice became hoarse.

The whole person became extremely weak, lying on the ground, clenching his fists.

He had never feared anything, at this moment, he was scared.

He was afraid of the greatest expectation in his heart, and the greatest pursuit would collapse at this moment, and fear filled his heart.

Dominate the world.

His lifelong pursuit of Qin kings in the past dynasties, Yan Zheng, as the Ying surname Erlang, inherited the will.

But in Yingzheng’s mind, the greater expectation of a unified world is to find her own woman and be together forever.

He could not protect her before, but now she is capable.

He can give up everything for Dong’er.

“Xin Sheng.”

Ying Zheng struggled to climb onto the table and roared hoarsely.


The temple door opened.

Xin Sheng walked quickly into the hall.

When he saw Ying Zheng, who was lying on the table with red eyes but bloodless face, as if he had been hit hard and hit hard, Xin Sheng was taken aback and ran over.

“My lord, what’s wrong with you?”

“The minister immediately summoned the imperial doctor.” Xin Sheng said anxiously.

“Prepare horses. Everyone has to go to Yongcheng. Use the fastest speed and light the ride. Don’t let anyone find out.”


Yingzheng roared hoarsely, it is hard to imagine what he is enduring at this moment.


Xin Sheng looked at the winning politics for some reason, didn’t dare to violate it, and immediately turned around to make arrangements.

Donger. ”

“I know that you will never leave Brother Zheng. If you really leave, then I must see you. You are gone… What’s the point of your brother being alive alone?

“You wait for Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng is here…you must wait for the Kong”

Ying Zheng climbed to his couch and took out Dong’er’s portrait, tears streaming down his eyes, with great pain.

PS: Maybe the author Jun has a low tear point. After writing this chapter, tears shed.

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