Chapter 123 Xia Wuqi: Do you know the identity of Zhao Qi?

In the hall of Zhao Mansion.

“General Meng, this time Zhao Qi’s big wedding, is it going to send invitations to everyone in the court?” Xia Wuqi asked.


Meng Wu nodded: “Zhao Qi is my General Daqin, after all, the request is to be distributed. After all, this is Zhao Qi’s wedding to his wife. It must not be ambiguous.”

In this era.

There can only be one regular wife.

It is equivalent to the queen of a country, who controls the harem, the same is true for the minister’s mansion. The wife is the wife who controls everything in the mansion.

Under the wife.

No matter what the concubine is not as noble as her.

“Then let the old man come to distribute the invitation.” Xia Wuqi said to Meng Wu, with a desire in his eyes.

This may be one of the few things he can do for his grandson.

His daughter’s has passed away, so he can only repay his daughter’s debt by helping his grandson.

“Laodou must be yours to distribute the invitations. After all, you are from Zhao Qi’s mansion.” Meng Wu said with a smile.

This sentence.

It sounds nothing, but for Mengwu and the others, who know the truth, it is naturally meaningful.

Xia Wuqi is not only a man from the Fuzhong, but also Zhao Qi’s grandfather.

“Although Zhao Qi has just returned home, there is no enemy in the court, but there is one person who can’t invite it.” Meng Wu said with a serious expression.

“I understand, Lizna can’t please.

“He abandoned Ma’er. If he were to come to see the wedding banquet, it would really damage Zhao Qi’s face.” Xia Wuqi nodded clearly. For Li Si, he was only angry in his heart.

“As long as you know.”

“Now there is one key point.”

We “Should we invite the King?” Meng Wu looked at Xia Wuqi with deep meaning.

The words fell off.

Xia Wuqi’s brows frowned instantly.


He almost forgot about Yingzheng.

If Zhao Qi is an ordinary official, maybe you don’t need to think too much, because you are not qualified to invite the king of Qin to a wedding banquet, but Zhao Qi is a majestic general of Da Qin, a few people with honorable status in Da Qin, and he is directly ordered by him. General of King Qin.

To marry at this level, it is absolutely necessary to invite Qin Wangzheng.

If not.

If you don’t invite King Qin, then you will be a little arrogant and arrogant.

This is not giving face to the lord.


Xia Wuqi was worried at this moment.

He knew Ying Zheng’s cleverness. As long as he saw the clues about Zhao Qi and A Fang, he would immediately peel off the cocoons and he would definitely find out.

At that time, he knew that Zhao Qi’s mother had passed away, and knew that he had been looking for Dong’er all the time, and Ying Zheng would definitely be crazy.

03 this consequence.

Xia Wuqi didn’t expect it.

“With Zhao Qi’s current status, how can we not invite the king.”

“Let the old man write this invitation himself.”

After thinking for a long time, Xia Wuqi sighed helplessly, there was no way to stop it.

“That’s fine.”

Hearing Xia Wuqi’s words, Meng Wu also nodded.

This matter is actually Mengwu let Xia Wuqi weigh it, after all, if it comes to winning politics, it will be too important.

Meng Wu “General, can I ask you something?” Xia Wuqi suddenly turned his head and looked at Meng Wudao.

“Go ahead, as long as I can do it.” Meng Wu said sternly.

“I hope you can block and lock the news of Zhao Qi’s mother, so as to prevent people from knowing Zhao Qi’s mother’s name. No matter who is close to Lijia Village, as long as it is a foreigner, all are expelled, and they are forbidden to sneak into the village to inquire.”

“Can this be done?” Xia Wuqi said looking at Meng Wu.

“Do not worry.”

“When Zhao Qi came back, I had sent three thousand sharp soldiers to guard the village, and temporarily expelled all the people from outside the village, no matter who could sneak into the village.”

“Once someone dared to probe Zhao Qi’s news, Rui Shi would take it straight away.” Meng Wu smiled.

Xia Wu and can think of.

How could Mengwu never think of it.

The reason why Xia Wuhe wanted to seal off the village and prevent others from investigating Zhao Qi’s mother’s news, in the final analysis, was that he did not want the current king to know.

Even if today’s king wants to find out about Zhao Qi, he has to come into the village.Because only the people in Lijiacun knew about Zhao Si.

Except besides.

Only Meng Wu knew.

As for the details of the deployment of Zhao Qi in the army, it is of no use.

Because when Zhao Qi enlisted in the army to fill in his related information, Zhao Qi wrote that he was alone, Ziran, or how could Mengwu be so surprised when he learned that Li Yaner existed.

“That’s fine.”

Thank you “General Meng.” Xia Wuqi thanked him immediately.

“It’s okay.” This is what I should do.” Meng Wu smiled.

Looked at Meng Wu like this.

Xia Wuqi suddenly looked suspicious, and then suddenly thought: “General Meng, do you see something is coming?”

“What’s the meaning of Lao Xia’s words? What can I see?” Meng armed forces said inexplicably.

“Looking at you like this, you already know it.

“But you know if you know it, anyway, you must not let the king know about this matter, let alone let outsiders know.”

“Once it is known, the consequences are unpredictable for the king. For Zhao Qi, it is not a good thing now. After all, the situation is complicated. Some people have already prepared for a rainy day and began to bet on the sons of the king. If you let them know With Zhao Qi’s identity, Zhao Qi will definitely become a target of public criticism.”

“Although there are very few people who can assassinate Zhao Qi with the courage of Zhao Qi, it is easy to dodge a secret arrow and difficult to prevent. I don’t want him to put himself in a crisis.

“The court of Da Qin, inside Da Qin, is far more dangerous than the battlefield outside.”

With Xia Wuqi’s mind, how could he not understand why Mao Wu cooperated so much? In an instant, he understood Meng Wu and Zhao Qi’s identity.

As for why he guessed it, I thought it was what he exposed when he first came to Lijiacun. This will be discovered by Mengwu.

So at this moment, he didn’t cover up anything anymore, but used a personal attitude to explain to Mengwu.

After all, it is about Zhao Qi’s identity.

There is nothing to lose.

Now there is one more Meng Wu who knows, and he is still a good person for Zhao Qi wholeheartedly, and Xia Wuqi also happens to have someone to discuss.

“you are right.

The court of Daqin, the territory of Daqin, is far more dangerous than the outside world.

“An open spear is easy to hide from a hidden arrow.

“If Zhao Qi is exposed early, it is really not a good thing.”

“Let’s not talk about whether the king will be crazy. If the supporters of the king’s sons know the identity of Zhao Qi, they know that they are the son of the king’s favorite, female and human, they will definitely not let Zhao Qi go.”

“The struggle for kingship is far more cruel than we thought.”

“A person who doesn’t pay attention will be overthrown and the whole family will be implicated.” Meng Wu also nodded solemnly.

“Those people at the time weren’t dead. They were still alive. If they knew Zhao Qi and A Fang, they would not let Zhao Qi go, because A Fang left the King because of their persecution. I was by the King’s side. It has been for many years, and I know his feelings for A Fang, which no one can match.”

“For A Fang, he is willing to give everything.”

“If he knows A Fang’s death, he may be crazy, but one thing is certain, if he knows Zhao Qi’s identity, he will definitely pass the crown prince to Zhao Qi in the future, because this is a kind of guilt he feels towards A Fang.”

“It’s exactly the same.”

“If Zhao Li sat in that position smoothly, those people back then, those who hold Qin Fa and Qin Li, they will all come out, target Zhao Qi, and even kill them.”

“Because as long as Zhao Qi knows the truth of the year, Zhao Qi’s character will never let them go.” Xia Wuqi said in a deep voice, with unspeakable seriousness in his words.

Originally Xia Wuqi didn’t think so much at all, but Mengwu mentioned the king.

This also made Xia Wuqi aware immediately, and instantly became alert.

“Zhao Qi is worthy of being the son of a great king. He has achieved such an achievement at such a young age. No one in the world can match him.”

“Now his reputation is as high as the sky, it is because he is a minister, if one day he becomes the son of the king, his identity will not change, but those who were not hostile to him in the past will immediately be hostile.”

After all, “The princes of the king will not sit back and watch.” Meng Wu said in a deep voice.

“Invite the king to come to the wedding banquet, he might really come.”

“I only want to block the news about Dong’er now. Besides, there is no other way. If General Mengwu has other ways, please help-II.” Xia Wuqi pleaded.

“Old Xia, don’t worry.”

“Now my Meng family has completely boarded Zhao Qi’s battleship, and will not leave midway. This matter is of great importance. Apart from blocking the news, all we have to do is not to let people mention everything about Zhao Qi’s mother. .”

“I will send someone to explain these things later and give the villagers a reminder.” Meng Wu said.

“En, good.” Xia Wuqi nodded.

With Mengwu’s help, he did save a lot of things. After all, Xia Wuqi had no power in his hands and couldn’t do anything.

“But there is still a problem at the moment, and we have no way to intervene.” Meng Wu said with a solemn expression.

“What problem?” Xia Wu said.

“Zhao Qi.” Meng Wu uttered two words.

“En?” Xia Wu was puzzled.

Meng Wu: “If the king really comes to see the wedding banquet, he will definitely preside over the wedding banquet as a king. If Zhao Qi proposed his mother’s name, I am afraid that he will immediately think of it with the king’s wisdom, and you have been staying for several years. In Zhao’s Mansion, the king would also connect in an instant, and quickly figured it out.


“Unexpectedly, my staying in Zhao Mansion would have become a failure.” Xia Wuqi sighed.

“Up to now, we can only cover up as much as possible, and pray that Zhao Qi will not talk about it on the day of the wedding banquet, otherwise all previous efforts will be lost.” Meng Wu also sighed.

These things.

For those villagers, just mention it casually.

But not for Zhao Qi.

If Ying Zheng is an old fox, then Zhao Qi is a little fox, the kind who knows everything.

If you deliberately let him pay attention, I’m afraid it will backfire.

“Anyway, take one step at a time.

“Now that Zhao Guo is in addition to Ding Ding, things in the dynasty are also very busy. Maybe the king will not come in person, but who will be sent. If my son Meng Yi is sent to congratulate, it would be really great. Now.” Meng Wu could only think so.


“You are right, maybe we think too much.”

“Lao Meng, let’s make arrangements now.”

Xia Wuqie also nodded.


After discussing for a while, the two were ready to implement it.

Zhao Mansion.

Zhao Qi’s original home.

I don’t know how many bloody battles have passed.

The next day.

“Yan’er, I have suffered you all these years.

“In the days to come, I will double to compensate you.” Zhao Qi stroked Li Ma’er’s hair and said softly.

“As long as you can come back safely, all my waiting will be fine.” Li Yan’er said empathetically.

“All right.

“You have a good rest. I will go to the village magistrate. I have been away from home for so long. If it weren’t for them to take care of you, then you would really suffer.”

“I’m going to thank them.

Zhao Qi smiled softly.

Then turned around and got up from the couch.

Walked out of the house.

When looking at his own little Jiali in this big house, Zhao Qi’s eyes are even softer.

“Brother, I will always be at home waiting for you to come back, waiting for you to come back to marry me.”

This sentence is still fresh in Zhao Qi’s memory.

And now.

He is back.

Their home is still there.

No matter how gifted by the court, Li Ma’er tried her best to preserve Zhao Qi’s home, which is also the place Zhao Qi missed his mother the most.

“Mom, I know everything you have done for me.

“This life, this life, eternal life, I will never lose you.”

“Mother, have you seen it in the sky? I have fulfilled my promise to Ma’er, and soon, I will marry Ma’er.”

“Do not worry.”

“I am trying my best to become stronger now. Ten years are not enough, twenty years are not enough, a hundred years, a thousand years, there will always be one, one day, and I will revive you and live.

Zhao thought firmly in his heart.

On the day of obtaining the system, Zhao Qi has already embarked on the path of becoming a god. In the future, Zhao Qi will never be a mortal. He has the opportunity to set foot on the level of immortal gods, or even another world.

He has the confidence to resurrect his mother.

Zhao Qi walked out of his small yard.

When I saw Zhao Qi’s figure.

The servants in the palace bowed one after another: “See the general.


Zhao Qi nodded and walked slowly to the outside of the house.


Just outside the house.

Li Qing and many guards greeted him immediately.


Li Qing bowed immediately.

“Have you gone back to see your parents?” Zhao Qi smiled.

“See you.”

They “are very good.” Li Qing smiled, very excited.

Although his honor and authority are not comparable to Zhao Qi, everything he has is bestowed by Zhao Qi.The commander of the general’s guard battalion is not lower than that of the main general. After all, he represents the general.

“Go and let the old village call all the villagers, I have something to do.” Zhao Qi confessed to Li Qing.


Li Qing did not hesitate and went to do it immediately.

After a while.

The villagers of Lijia Village began to gather towards Zhao’s Mansion.


Hundreds of villagers all gathered in front of Zhao’s Mansion.

“Zhao Qi kid.

“You really came back.”

“You didn’t say a word when you came back. Neither of us 590 picked you up.”

“Yes, Zhao Xiaozi.

“You are really prosperous. You have become the general of my Da Qin, Guangzong Yaozu.”

“It’s really an honor to have you in Lijiacun…

When I saw Zhao Qi, all the villagers became excited.

Especially the villagers who watched Zhao grow up and grow up step by step, it was an excitement.

When Zhao Qi came back yesterday, he didn’t make any publicity, but went back to the mansion immediately, so he didn’t disturb other people.

But seeing the more than 2,000 guards in front of the mansion naturally made many villagers wonder if Zhao Qi is back.

“Uncles and uncles, sisters and aunts.

Zhao Qi spoke at this moment.

All the villagers calmed down immediately and looked at Zhao Qi quietly.

“Twenty years ago.”

“My mother came to Lijiacun with me in her arms. At that time, my mother was unaccompanied. If it hadn’t been taken in by you, maybe my mother would have been displaced a long time ago, and I would have gone early, and Zhao Qi would not have been born.

“Thanks to your acceptance, you gave my mother a place to stay, built a house for her, gave her food, and took care of her who had never been masked before.”

“My mother remembers all this, and I also remember Zhao Qi.”

“It can be said.

“I, Zhao Qi, grew up eating rice from a hundred families in the village, and the villagers and elders of Lijia Village have given Zhao Qi a life-saving grace to me.”

“Today I represent my deceased mother and myself.

“To you who are benefactors, one bow.”


Zhao clasped his fists in both hands and bowed to all the villagers.

This scene.

Suddenly all the villagers were shocked.

“Boy Zhao Qi, you can’t do it.”

“You are the general, I am a big man in Daqin, you can worship the king, you worship us for what you do.”

“Yes, get up quickly, how can we do.”

The villagers began to speak, all a little anxious.

But after a deep bow, Zhao Qi spoke again: “Almost four years ago, I joined the army. In order to get ahead, to marry Ma’er with integrity, I left.”

“But at that time, Ma’er was abandoned by her family for me, and even got pregnant with me.

“It’s you again, Lady Lion, you took care of my wife Li Yan’er, so that she could have a fetus and survive.”

“After that, Ma’er gave birth to my child, and it was you again to help.

“This grace, Zhao Qi is unforgettable.”

“For the benefactor, I, Zhao Qi, will pay homage again.”

Zhao Qi said.

He bowed and bowed to all the villagers.

“I, Zhao Qi, was born, and when I was young, my mother taught me to be a human being. That is to know how to be grateful.

“The kindness of my fathers and villagers in Lijia Village, to my mother, to me, to my wife and children.

“Zhao Qi is unforgettable.

“I, Zhao Qi, will be the third worship.

Zhao bowed again.

Every prayer is from the sincere heart, from the true gratitude.

Seeing Zhao Qi like this, all the villagers had tears in their eyes and accepted Zhao Qi’s bow.

“For the villagers and elders of Lijiacun, your help may be just a matter of effort, but for me, it is a gift of reinvention.

“Now that I, Zhao Qi, have come to the fore, your kindness will also not be forgotten.

PS: I am very grateful if I ask for a fix and a monthly pass.

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