Chapter 122 Zhao Qi: Mom, I’m Back



Inside the General’s Mansion.


Li Yan’er was washing clothes for her two children.


Two little kids ran over one after another.

The two little kids were wronged and still had tears.

“Mother, mother.”

“My sister bullied me again.”

“She beat me.

A two or three-year-old boy pounced on Li Yan’er, crying aggrievedly, and even complained that his sister had bullied him.

But he hasn’t finished.

“Mother, my brother lied, it is clear that he bullied me.”

“Mother, you gave me a severe lesson in beating him.”

Immediately afterwards.

A little girl of the same age also ran over and pounced on Li Yan’er, grievingly accusing her brother of bullying her.

The two little kids were crying aggrieved, and it seemed that they were really wronged.


Li Yan’er was obviously used to it.

The two little guys are both acting sects now. No matter who made a mistake, they will perform the same anyway, acting as victims, and then come to sue.

Seeing his younger brother ran so fast to file a complaint, it was obvious that he had bullied his sister.

“Xiaoxi, you bullied my sister, right?”

Li Yan’er put down her clothes and said to her son.

“It’s my brother who bullied me.”

“Mother, you slap him, he is too disobedient.” Xiao Qi said very angry.

“Don’t beat me, share.”


Xiaoxi acted like a baby directly at Li Yan’er.

So long has passed.

Zhao Qi’s daughter and son are also almost three years old, lively and cute, and also very naughty.

But they all live carefree.

“Xiaoxi, you are a boy. You can’t bully your sister in the future, and you have to protect your sister when you grow up.

“And Xiaoqi, you are an older sister, so you can’t bully your younger brother, you have to take good care of him.”

Li Yan’er stroked the little heads of the two children and said gently.


Listen to what Li Ma’er said.

The two little kids nodded seemingly, very cute.


“We are all this big, why don’t we come back?” Xiaoxi asked curiously, and there was a desire in our big eyes.

“Yeah, mother, I want to see Daddy.” Xiaoqi also opened her eyes wide, looking forward to it.

Hear the words of the two children.

Li Yan’er hugged them tightly.

“Alright, your dad will be back soon.”

“When they come back, you must be called Dad.”

“In order to make his mother live better, he joined the army, in order to marry his mother gracefully, he spared his life to kill the enemy, in order to give his mother a righteous word, he has “five or ninety zero” by leaving his mother. Years.”

Li Yan’er said softly, her eyes full of thoughts of Zhao.

From childhood to childhood.

Grow up together since childhood.

See you almost every day.

It’s been almost four years now, how can Li Yan’er not miss her.

Just then.


In Li Yan’er’s ear, a gentle voice suddenly sounded.

This one voice.

It is the person who has been worried about for almost four years in her heart and worried about it for almost four years.

Hearing this voice, Li Ma’er trembled all over, couldn’t believe it, surprised, hesitated, and all kinds of emotions were expressed on her face.

“Is it your brother’s voice?”

“I’m not an illusion, am I?”

Li Ma’er was aspiring and afraid in her heart.

She was afraid that the voice was fake, it was an illusion she wanted to produce day and night.


When Li Yan was struggling and couldn’t believe it, her voice of thinking day and night rang again.

Hear it again.

Li Yan’er couldn’t help it anymore.

Stand up and turn around abruptly.


It was the one she thought about day and night.

Her brother is back.

The moment I saw Zhao Qi.

Li Yan’er couldn’t help it anymore, her eyes were misty and she cried instantly.

Then he rushed towards Zhao Qi and rushed directly on Zhao Qi’s body.

“Brother, you are finally back.”

“Mom… Mom has been waiting for you for a long time.

“Mom is afraid that something will happen to you, or that you will be in danger on the battlefield.”

“Woo, you are finally back.”

“Yan’er missed you so much.

Li Yan’er couldn’t help crying, and she lay on Zhao Qi’s shoulder, crying loudly.

Four years of waiting, four years of worry, and four years of grievance all broke out at this moment.

Her waiting brother, her husband, finally returned.

Feel the kindness in her arms.Zhao Qi gently patted her back, and there was also a touch of tenderness only to Li Yan’er on her face: “Yan’er, your brother is back, he is back alive.”

“Oh, just come back.”

“I’m afraid, I’m really afraid that you are in danger,

Li Yan’er couldn’t stop crying, holding her brother tightly with her hands. She was afraid that when she let go, her brother would leave again.

When the people in the mansion Li Ma’er and Zhao Qi met, they knew that the real general of the general’s mansion had returned.

“Yan’er this girl finally waited.”

“Boy Zhao Qi, you really owe mom so much.

“Oh, Fang, it would be great if you could see this scene. Your son already has a wife and children. You have become a grandmother.”

Xia Wuqi stood at the door of the backyard, watching the scene of Zhao Qi and Ma’er Li reuniting, a touch of forgiveness hung on his old face, and tears in his old eyes.

After a while.

Still two little guys broke the peace.

They looked at Zhao Qi with a curious look, then walked over, with big eyes facing each other, and then one person grabbed one of Zhao Qi’s foot, and curiously asked Li Yan’er: “Mother, is this daddy? ?”

This sound.

Let Li Yan come back immediately.

He hurriedly left from Zhao Qi’s shoulder.

Then wiped away the tears on his face, squatted down, and hugged the two children: “Well, he is your daddy, why don’t you call him daddy?”



With Li Yan’er’s affirmation, the two little guys immediately hugged Zhao Qi’s feet, and Dad kept yelling.

This sound.

Directly hit Zhao Qi’s heart, even the depths of his soul.

They are all their own children.

It’s his blood.

This is also the worry that has made myself a little bit more in this world.

Fallen leaves return to their roots, and blood continues.

This is the tradition that belongs to the Yanhuang ethnic group.

And now.

Zhao Qi did it. He already has his own blood. He has a daughter and a son.

Both children, dragon and phoenix are prosperous.


Hearing his two children screaming to himself, Zhao squatted down with a look of excitement.

Then he hugged one tightly with one hand.

He lifted it up directly.

“I Zhao Qi has a child.

“The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious. Both children.

Zhao Qi yelled in excitement, and the two children smiled happily, while Li Ma’er watched.

It’s so harmonious that countless people are envious of it.


It is really enviable.

In this era.

Women are not as good as men.

Low status.

How many childhood sweethearts can finally come together.

How many friends can get to the bottom.

In this era, women cannot be autonomous in their marriage. For example, Li Yan’er, if she hadn’t spared her life to marry Zhao Qi, perhaps she would have been married to him by Li Si as a chess piece.

Seeing the scene of Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er being so affectionate, the servants in the backyard are all envious.

“Yan’er, has the child named?”

After a long time, Zhao Qi hugged the two children, looked at Li Yan’er tenderly and asked.

“Not yet, they only have a nickname, the eldest daughter is Qier, and the younger son is Xier.” Li Yaner smiled gently.

“Qi’er, Cong’er, not bad.”

“But the word Qi’er seems to collide with me. Although the word is different, let’s add a word before Qi’er. From now on, she will be called Zhao Yuqi. As for Xi’er, Zhao Xi will be called from now on.

“How about it?”

Zhao Qi smiled and looked at Li Yan’er tenderly.

“Brother, they are just my nickname, don’t you think about it anymore?” Li Yan’er said.

“My mom’s name is very nice, just right.” Zhao Qi smiled softly.

“Then Yiqi brother.” Li Yan’er also nodded. She didn’t know that her brother was making up for her debt.

“Little guys.”

“From now on, you will be called Zhao Yuqi.”

Zhao Qi looked at his daughter lovingly and said.

Then he turned his eyes and looked at his son: “Your name is Zhao Xi.”

“Daddy, when will you take us to ride a horse?”

“Mother said, you will take us to ride a horse when you come back.”


Although the two little guys met Zhao Qi for the first time, it might be the traction between the bloodlines. The two little guys were not afraid of Zhao Qi at all, but were very clingy.

“What’s riding a horse?”

Zhao Qi smiled lovingly: “Father let you ride a big bug.”

Big bug “?”

“What is a big bug?

The two little guys looked at Zhao suspiciously, very cute.

“Father, let you see what a big bug is.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

He clapped his hands and shouted loudly: “Blood Tiger.”

The voice fell.


There was a tiger roar.

Then a blood-red behemoth rushed in directly from the outside.

When you see this giant beast.

The servants in this backyard were all pale with fright.

“Big, big worm.

“It’s still a blood-red worm.”


“It can’t eat people, right.”

The servants in the mansion were all subordinates, and they were shocked when they saw such a beast.

“Don’t panic.”

“It’s the general’s mount, it won’t hurt people.”

Zhao Qi said loudly.

Then the blood tiger ran over quickly, and came to give a gift by Zhao Qi’s side innocently.

“Come on, Dad will let you ride the worm.”

“Grab firmly.

Zhao Qi smiled and put the two little guys on the saddle facing the blood tiger north.

“Big worm, big worm.”

“so big.

“Father, I like it so much.

The two little guys are really new born calves who are not afraid of tigers.

The people around were very scared, even Li Yan’er was the same, but the two of them were very happy.

“Blood Tiger, be careful not to fall them.” Zhao Qi said.


The Blood Tiger responded in a low voice, and then slowly led the two little guys around the mansion, very steady, the two little guys sat on it very much, and made a giggle.


“I have suffered you for the past four years.”

Zhao Qi stroked Li Yan’er’s hair, his eyes filled with distress.

“As long as you come back, brother, Mom will be satisfied.”

“And brother, you are so powerful, you have become a general, this house is so big, I have become the wife of the general, what is the problem, I am now the envy of all women in the world.”

Li Yan’er said softly, her eyes wide open and she looked at Zhao Qi, her hand tightly holding Zhao Qi’s big hand, as if she was afraid that Zhao Qi would run away.

“Your brother has fulfilled the promise he made to you when he left.”

“I said, I will get ahead, I will gain authority, and then I will marry you back upright and generously.”

“This time I come back to fulfill my promise.”

Zhao Qi spoke to Li Yaner softly.


Holding Li Yan’er’s show hand, his eyes were sincere, and even with a lifelong promise to Li Yan’er.

Wen said: “Li Yan’er, would you like to marry Zhao Qi, in this life, forever, and forever as Zhao Qi’s wife?”

“I, I am willing.”

“I was willing four years ago.”

“As long as I can be with my brother, I will do anything.

Ma’er Li’s eyes were red, and tears could not stop flowing out, but her face was full of touch, and she had deep love for Zhao.


“I will never disappoint you.

Zhao Qi also had a tear in his eyes, hugging Li Yaner tightly, full of affection.

This woman.

In order to be able to marry yourself, be with yourself.

She rebelled against the family, against his father.

When she enlisted in the army, she gave herself all to Zhao Qi. At that moment, Zhao Qi might not understand, but then he understood that his mother was greatly wronged.

She gave her life to Zhao Qi.

Watching this scene.

The servants all over the backyard looked at them with congratulations. Many people had tears in their eyes. Seeing this loving couple, they finally got married.

“Mom has been waiting for this day for a long time.

“Now that Zhao Qi is back, he can finally marry Ma’er and give Yan’er a real name.”

Xia Wuqi watched this scene, tears streaming in tears.

In this Zhao Mansion, in this Lijia Village, he has also stayed for almost three years, and he has deep affection for Li Yaner and two children.


“Zhao Qi is a boy who values ​​love and righteousness, and Ma’er didn’t mistake him.

Behind Xia Wuqi, there was a full of breath. I don’t know when, Mengwu and his son had already arrived behind him.

And the expressions of their father and son at the moment also carried a kind of relief.

If you start from one, start.

They took care of Li Yan’er in Lijiacun for Zhao Qi, but when they arrived, they were sincere. Li Ma’er, a kind and gentle girl, moved them and made them feel a touch , This is before the identity of Zhao Qi is known.

“General Meng.

Xia Wuqi turned his head, his eyes showed a solemn look at Mengwu.

“What’s wrong?

Meng Wu looked as if Xia had nothing to do, with a dazed expression on his face.

“thank you.”

Xia Wuqi carried a sincere way.

“What are you thanking me for? Meng Wu” said blankly.

“Mo’er, this child is struggling and ran into a father like that. If she gets married without the company of her mother’s family, how can she be justified? It will make people laugh when it is spread out.”

“But General Meng, you accepted Ma’er as a righteous daughter and married from Meng’s Mansion in Yongcheng. This is the most and greatest support given to Ma’er.”

“How can you not thank the old man?” Xia Wu said sincerely.

“Lao Xia, I don’t need to thank you. For more than three years, I have regarded Ma’er as my daughter’s. It is also an honor for me to accept as a righteous daughter. Li Si is ruthless and unrighteous. A good daughter, I can’t in Mengwu, but thanks to him, otherwise, how could I have such a good daughter in Mengwu…”

“From now on, Ma’er will be my Mengwu’s biological daughter. If Zhao Xiaozi dares to bully her, my Meng family will never agree.” Meng said with a smile.


“Mom will be my Meng’s family from now on, and my Meng’s family will be Ma’er’s natal family.” Meng Tian also said with a smile.

The words of the father and son are from the sincerity and not false.

“Anyway, thank you.

Listening to the words of the father and son of the Meng family, Xia Wuqi couldn’t express it except for being touched.

But it is about his identity and his true relationship with Zhao Qi, he will never be exposed.

Because this relationship and influence are too great.

But Xia Wuqi didn’t know.

Since Meng Wu could be General Daqin, how could he not be able to see through it. On the day he came to Lijiacun, Xia Wuqi was seen through by Meng Wu, and he was also able to guess the identity of Zhao Qi. Out.

After a long time.

“Yan’er, someone is watching.

“Aren’t you shy anymore?”

Zhao Qi ridiculed Li Ma’er.

“As long as my brother is by my side, anything will do.” Li Yan’er hugged tightly, for fear that Zhao Qi would leave.

Don’t worry, “I will stay for a long time this time, and your brother will not leave.

Looking at Ma’er Li like this, Zhao Qi felt very distressed.

“kindness.”Hearing Zhao Qi’s assurance, Li Yaner slowly let go.

Then he looked around.


Li Yan’er’s face turned humiliated and red instantly.

There were at least a few hundred pairs of eyes watching around, and Xia Wuqi, father and son Mengwu were all here.

Doctor Xia.

“Thank you for taking care of you in my home in the past few years. I have heard Uncle Meng say that if it weren’t for you, both children in my family would have fallen ill many times.”

Zhao Qi stepped forward and thanked Xia Wuqi.

at first.

Zhao Qi was very surprised when he learned that Xia Wuhe lived in his own home and had resigned from the palace, but later thought that Xia Wuhe was so old after all, and it was indeed time to retreat.

Moreover, the imperial physician in the palace is not bad at medical skills. It is also good to have him in the palace.

“Boy Zhao Qi, you are polite.

Xia Wuqi smiled at Zhao Qi, the expression in his eyes was still a bit complicated.

How much he wants to tell Zhao Qi the truth, he is Zhao Qi’s grandfather, and he is Zhao Qi’s mother’s father.

But thinking of Yingzheng, thinking of becoming crazy, madly winning the government.

Xia Wuqi could only bury everything deep in his heart.

“Uncle Meng, Brother Meng.”


Zhao looked at the Mengwu father and son again, and sincerely thanked him.

“Yan’er is now my righteous daughter. You have to change your mouth when Ma’er officially passes the door.” Meng Wu joked to Zhao Qi.

“Yes, my father-in-law.” Zhao Qi was also unambiguous and changed his words directly.


He really appreciates Mengwu.

Recognizing Li Yan’er as a righteous daughter, I have to say that this is Li Yan’er climbing high, the Meng family, Daqin’s generational military family, deeply loved by Wang, is not comparable to Li Si.

Go up to the hall this time.

In order to vent his anger to Li Yan’er, Meng Wu directly made Li Si speechless and made Li Si face a big loss. This is all kind of affection.


“This time you are back, how long will the king allow you to rest?” Meng Wu asked.

“The king did not say, but I have arranged Zhao Jing’s affairs, at least I can stay at home for one or two months?” Zhao Qi has never rested, so he is puzzled, but Qin Shihuang did not give himself a date.

“Generally, the general will not rest for more than one month. Why didn’t the king give you a time limit? Maybe you want to allow you to rest for a few more days.” Meng Wu said with a smile.

“That couldn’t be better.”

It just so happens that “more time to accompany mom.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

Anyway, there will be no war for the time being. With his own 400,000 army guarding Zhao Jing, Zhao Qi does not believe that any country dared to commit soldiers.

“Take advantage of this day.

“You have to give Yan’er a name.” Meng Wu said solemnly.

“I am very sure of that.”

“When I joined the army and left, I promised Yan’er that as long as I get ahead and get the authority, I will marry Ma’er gracefully.”

“Now my promise has been fulfilled, and I must marry Ma’er.” Zhao Qi said with a smile, Yu Guang looked at Li Yan’er with tenderness.

“Then set a date so that I can find a date to take Ma’er back to Meng’s mansion and prepare to get married.” Meng Wu said immediately.

Now that he recognized Li Yan’er as a righteous daughter, he must begin to exercise.

“Doctor Xia, you know a lot, are there any good days these days?” Zhao Qi turned his attention to Xia Wuqi.

An old house where a treasure.

Zhao Qi still didn’t understand 1.2 about the test of life, species, events, and emotions.

“Ten days later.

“It’s a very good day.

“After knowing the news of your return, I have chosen a good date for you a long time ago.” Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

“Doctor Xia, thank you so much, you are so thoughtful.

“There is not an old saying that goes well. There is an old man in the family, as if there is a treasure.”

“I don’t have an elder in my family to take care of me, so I can only thank Yu Yu Xia.” Zhao Qi quickly said gratefully.

“It’s all your elders, you still call me Yuyu Xia?” Xia Wuqi said in an angry voice.

“Grandpa Xia.

Zhao Qi changed his mouth immediately.

Anyway, the age is indeed my grandfather’s generation, and I have taken care of my mother and my children for so many years, so it is only natural to change my mind.

Xia Wuqi nodded happily.

Although he was not called a grandfather, Xia Wuqi was already satisfied.

Because he has completely integrated into Zhao Mansion and returned to his daughter’s home.

See this scene.

Meng Wu and Meng Tian also looked at each other. When their eyes met, only they could understand Xia Wuqi’s mood at this moment.

Father-in-law “My lord.”

“That date will be ten days from now, what do you think?” Zhao Qi looked at Meng Wu.

Xia Wuqi glanced immediately, for fear that Mengwu would veto it.

This is the day chosen by Zhao Qi’s grandfather, and it can be considered that his elders will take care of Zhao Qi.

Seeing Xia Wuqi’s faint worry, Meng Wu smiled in his heart, but did not hesitate: “Since it is the day that Lao Xia chose, it must be a good day.”

“Also, it will be ten days from now.

“I’ll take Ma’er back to Yongcheng Mansion in a few days. In the past few days, your husband and wife will take care of you and wait for you to pass the door.” Meng Wu said.


Zhao Qi nodded excitedly.

The promise he made to Yan’er at the time has finally come to be fulfilled.

And at this moment.

Li Yan’er was both excited and a little nervous.

After all, she really didn’t pass the door.

“As a major event during my wedding, General Da Qin, that naturally cannot be ambiguous.”

“Lao Xia, let’s go and discuss the details.

“Also, come here, take good care of the son and the young lady, don’t hurt them.”

“As for Zhao Qi and Ma’er, please take a good rest.

“I haven’t seen you in a few years.”

Meng Wu smiled at Zhao Qi and Li Yan’er.

Thank you, “My father-in-law, thank Grandpa Xia for taking care of us.” Zhao Qi was also polite, and said with a smile.

Then he took Li Yan’er’s hand and walked directly to his original home.


Naturally everything is said without saying.

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