Chapter 121 Ying Zheng: Do you know why Qin has no queen?

“smell it.”

Zhao Qi smiled.

Opened the cork of the wine bottle and shook it.


The fragrance of a good wine came out, really, it was more fragrant than the fine wine brewed in the palace, and it was very intoxicating.

“This wine seems to be really good.” Ying Zhengwen-took a sip, very surprised.

You can feel the gap between this wine by smelling the aroma of this wine.

This is not Zhao Qi blowing.

This wine is not brewed by yourself, but the reward of the system. Fifty bottles of Forgotten Worry is not only intoxicating, but also rejuvenating, and it has healing effects. It is not a common product.

“No matter how much you talk about it, you only know if you drink it.

“My lord, I’ll fill you up.

Zhao Qi smiled and filled Ying Zheng’s glass directly, and then poured it on himself.

“The widow is welcome.

Ying Zheng smiled and didn’t mind Zhao Qi becoming more and more casual, on the contrary he enjoyed this feeling.

He immediately picked up the wine glass and sniffed it.

Then drank it straight away.

After a bite, like a fire, Ying Zheng’s face turned red in an instant.

After a while.

Ying Zheng’s face flushed, and he laughed: “Good wine, it is really good wine. Real people have also drunk many fine wines. The palace brews of Chu are the most brilliant, but compared with this wine, the palaces of Chu are worse. Gap.

“Moreover, with this glass of wine, I felt my body’s strength increased by a point, and I don’t know if it was drunk or something.

Zhao Qi heard the sound and smiled: “Drink more if it tastes good. This wine is not that easy to get.


Zhao filled Ying Zheng with another glass, and then drank the wine in the glass himself.

“You kid.

“It looks like there are still a lot of privates hidden.”

“Let’s talk about it, where did this wine come from?” Ying Zheng was not polite, and directly put the wine brewed in the palace aside, and drank Wuyou wine again.

“I got it by coincidence, so the number is not large.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“How much do you get? At least half of it is needed for widows.” Ying Zheng flushed and said unceremoniously.

Hearing this, Zhao Qi glared: “My lord, you can’t be so overbearing. I only have ten bottles. You actually want to take half of it. It won’t work, it won’t work.”

“Will you give it?

“You give half to the widow, and the man bestows you Princess Zhao.” Ying Zheng seemed to be drunk too, without any sternness.

“What’s the use of the princess.”

“have to.

Who said, “You are the king, you will give it to you, but after I get home, I will let you give it to you.” Zhao Qi also said with a flushed face.


“A gentleman has a promise.” Ying Zheng laughed, and then said: “It’s almost full of widows. I have been searching for people for so many years, but I have never drunk such a good wine.”

“Good Le.”

Zhao Qi smiled and gave Ying Zheng a full drink.

Two people just drank wine and ate meat like this.

Just like the friends of ordinary people meeting, at this moment, they don’t seem to be monarchs and ministers, but just two close friends.

Zhao Gao, who was in the hall of Hou Li, saw this scene.

Can’t help but stare wide, incredible.

“The great king’s kindness to Zhao Qi is truly unique. He even drank so with the great king. No one has had this kind of kindness.” Zhao Gao looked at this scene and said in surprise.

But this moment.

He dared not say a word, but left the hall silently and closed the door.

Having served by Yingzheng for many years, if the entire Daqin court knows Yingzheng’s temperament best, it is definitely not the courtiers, but Zhao Gao.

This is also true.

He is valued and trusted by Yingzheng.

But in the end he also failed Ying Zheng’s trust in him and overthrew the Great Qin Empire.

After some time.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi continued to drink fine wine, and both of them became drunk.

Although Zhao Qi’s innate realm cultivation base can force wine out with his true energy, he does not, but enjoys the sense of relaxation under the drunkenness.

Even Yingzheng is the same.

After the extermination of Korea, it is worthy of Daqing.

Yingzheng still lives in itself and has never enjoyed it.

But in the army, it is a reward, Enze Daqin Wenwu, soldiers.

After killing Zhao.


When Da Qin Putian celebrated, but Ying Zheng did not celebrate for himself. For him, this was far from the point of celebration.

Because there are still enemies in the world, his Great Qin Empire has not yet completed the real unification.


Zhao Qi presented such a fine wine, and looking at Zhao Qi so casually, there is an unspeakable and intimacy, even if it is no matter how rigorously winning politics, he is indulged in enjoying the drunkenness.

“Zhao Qi, I heard that besides your fiancée, there are no other relatives in your house?”

Ying Zheng asked drunkly.

“When I joined the army, my mother died.

“I only have a mother.”Zhao Qi said half drunk and half awake.

“What about your father?”

“Your mother died, but you still have a father.” Ying Zheng was also half drunk and half awake, groggy.

“Haha, the king joked.


“I have never told anyone about one thing. Actually, I have never met my father yet when I grow up so old.”

“What he looks like, where he is, or even what his name is, I don’t know.” Zhao Qi said drunkly.

“Didn’t you ask your mother?”

“Don’t your mother know where your father is?” Ying Zheng asked unconsciously, looking drunk.

“I have asked, why haven’t I asked.”

“My mother never told me about my father, but judging from so many years of speculation, my father should be a big man with great authority, but I don’t know which country he is a powerful man. He should have abandoned him at the beginning. Pregnant with my mother.”

“If I find him one day, I will definitely ask him face to face why he abandoned my mother. If it is really like my guess, I, I will make him regret it and pay the price.

Zhao Qi said drunkly.

Maybe it’s really drunk, so let’s vomit after drinking.

This thing.

He hadn’t told even Ma’er, and no one knew that, under this drunkenness, he told Qin Shihuang somehow.

At first sight, it may be exactly the same.

Of course.

At this moment, Qin Shihuang didn’t know if he heard it, after all, he was also drunk.

This effect of forgetting worries is intoxicating with spirits.

“Listening to you, your father may not really be a thing.”

“Abandon your wives and children, and you will be a man.”

“After all, I actually have a regret in my heart.

“You, you know why I have so many women in my harem for so many years, and so many who gave birth to princes, but why no one can become a queen?”

“Because they are not worthy, they are not the queens I want at all.”

“In my heart, there is only one queen.. She. She is the woman I love the most, and the woman I am willing to give everything…

Donger “.”

“Where did you hide?”

“Are you really going to hide from me forever?”

“I’m in my thirties, and I’ll be forty in a few years. I can’t live forever. The same is true for you. Are you really going to die and never see each other again?”

Yingzheng was drunk, and revealed his own heartfelt voices that no one knew except Xia Wuqi.

But at the moment.

Zhao Qi was not listening. Instead, he lay down on the wine table and fell asleep, seeming to be completely drunk.

After Ying Zheng sighed.

Don’t fall asleep on the wine table.

Two people.

One ruler and one minister.

One father and one son.

In this way, he fell asleep on the wine table relatively, and the entire Zhangtai Palace became quiet.

No one dared to bother.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

A side hall of the palace.

Zhao Qi woke up dizzy.


It is a strange environment, a strange palace.

He also lay on a bed.

The eyes that hadn’t fully awakened looked around and confirmed that this was the palace.

Zhao Qi returned to his senses abruptly and stood up from the couch with a serious expression and aspiration.


“Wine is really not a good thing, I was actually drunk.”

“Wait, I seemed to be drinking with Qin Shihuang before, I was drunk, and he seemed to be drunk too.”

“Oh, I got drunk and made a mistake. I don’t know if I said anything indiscriminately. I hope I didn’t offend Qin Shihuang, otherwise it would be no fun.

“You still need to pay attention to wine in the future, and you can’t get drunk when you drink.” Zhao helplessly sighed.

Recalling the things before drunk.

At this time.

It seems to have heard movement in the hall.

The palaces opened slowly.


A few small heads stretched in and looked at Zhao Qi’s location very curiously.

Zhao Qi came back to his senses and took a pleasurable look.

It’s a few young girls.

Twelve or thirteen years old, about ten years old.

Each one looks very cute, wearing palace clothes, and it seems that they are not palace ladies in the palace.

“Who are you?”

Seeing these little girls, Zhao Qi recovered and smiled at them.

Hear Zhao Qi’s voice.

The little girls were shocked and shrank back abruptly, but after a while, they stretched out their heads again and continued to look at Zhao Qi with curious eyes. They looked very cute.

“Mother gave me a daughter and a son.”

“I don’t know if it’s as cute as these little girls.”

Looking at these little girls, Zhao Qi thought of his daughter, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

“Are you really my general of Da Qin?”

At this time.

The eldest of the few little girls asked curiously.

“What do you think?”

Zhao Qi is a little funny.

Where did these little girls come out? Why did they get up early in the morning and they were watched, and they seemed to have been here for a long time, secretly observing Zhao Qi for a long time.

“Does not look like.”

“I’ve seen Daqin’s generals before. They are all very old. You are too young. You don’t feel a few years older than us. How can you be a general?” the little girl who just spoke said again.


Certainly “the palace ladies are lying to us.” Several other little girls said one after another.

“Aren’t you tired standing there?”

“Would you like to come in and say?

Zhao Qi said some curious little girls.

“is it okay?”

“Manager Zhao just said that we can’t disturb you. If we disturb you, then we will be punished.

The little girls were very interested, but a little scared.

“I asked you to come in. If there is a problem, I will naturally come to me instead of you.” Zhao smiled and smiled.

Looking at these little girls and thinking of his daughter, Zhao Qi’s expression is also very soft.

“Oh well.”

The little girls also opened the door comfortably, and then walked quickly to Zhao Qi’s side.

“What are your names?”

Zhao Qi looked at these little girls and asked.

“My name is Ying Yin Yuan.

Said the oldest girl.

“My name is Yang Yang.”

“My name is Yuan Man.

Several little girls introduced themselves one after another.

“It turns out that they are all Qin Shihuang’s daughters.”

Hearing these names, Zhao Qi immediately understood.

No wonder these little girls are so free and cute in the palace. It is not surprising that they are the daughter of Qin Shihuang.

“Big brother asks you a question.”

“How long have I slept here?”

Zhao Qi smiled and asked.

“You came here yesterday and have slept for a day and a night.” Ying Yin slowly replied.

“It’s really taking time now.

0…seeking flowers…

“Qin Shihuang mistaken me.

Zhao Qi suddenly returned to his senses.

Before I knew it, I was drunk all day and night.

Time was delayed again.

I am anxious to go back to see Ma’er.

“Big brother, is your name Zhao Qi?”

Yang Yang looked at Zhao Qi curiously and asked.

“Yes.” Zhao Qi smiled slightly.

“Then you are really Da Qin’s general. We have all heard that we have a young general in Da Qin, which is very powerful. Yesterday, I had a drink with my father.”

“Big brother, you are too good.” Yang Yang said with a look of admiration.

“Yes, it’s amazing.”

“Much better than our brothers.”

“Our eldest brother only knows how to read books, and teaches us with etiquette every time. The youngest 18th brother is the worst. He only knows to bully us, and Mr. Zhao also protects him.”

“Big brother, you are so good, it would be great if it were our brother.

“Then you can protect us.”

Ying Yinyuan admires Tao very much.

Several little girls all showed a look at this moment, with little stars in their eyes, looking at Zhao Qi in admiration.

“Your eldest brother is called Fusu.”

Zhao Qi came interested and asked.


“The eldest brother is very old-fashioned. He always uses etiquette all the time. We are all under his control, which is very annoying.” Yang Yang said aggrievedly.


“It’s really a historical record. Fusu was old-fashioned and eroded by Confucianism. It seems that his teacher is called Chunyuyue in historical records.”

“As for Hu Hai, listening to these princesses, the character has come out and is still being guarded by Zhao Gao. It seems that they have colluded together before Da Qin dominates the world, no wonder.”

“But it’s my shit.”

“This is Qin Shihuang’s family affair.

Zhao Qi secretly complained in his heart, but it was just a mentality of watching a show.

It doesn’t matter to him anyway.He is nothing more than a foreign minister, and these things can’t bother him.



Zhao talked with these little princesses for a while and learned some gossip about the royal family.

After a while.

“No more.

“Can’t delay any longer.”

“It’s time to go back.

Thinking of this, Zhao immediately returned to his senses and walked off the couch.

“Little sisters, the eldest brother will not accompany you today, see you later, elder brother will bring you fun.”

Zhao Qi said to the little princesses of Ying Yinyuan.

Then walked quickly to the outside of the hall.

“Big brother, this is the harem, you can’t walk around.” Ying Yinyuan kindly reminded.


Zhao Qi waved his hand.

Stride towards the outside of the hall.

He is now back home like an arrow, just thinking about leaving Xianyang quickly and returning to Yongcheng.

But as soon as I walked out of the palace, I found a door and walked along.

Zhao Qi found out that he was thinking too much.

This palace is too big.

He is here again for the first time and can’t tell the direction at all.

“I really want to fly to the roof to see the road.”

Seeing no one around, Zhao Qi had the urge to jump up.

But it would be impolite to jump up and down in this palace.

At this time.

A squadron of guards came in.

When I saw Zhao Qi.

They froze for a moment, and then bowed one after another: “I have seen the general.

Zhao Qi is now the general of Daqin, and naturally there are portraits, and he is naturally known.

“You are here just right.

“Take me out of the palace, I will be lost.”

“In addition, after Ben will leave, the troublesome pass king said.”

Zhao Qi smiled immediately.


“The king has already ordered that the general can return to Yongcheng directly after waking up, without having to pass the table.” The first centurion replied respectfully immediately.

“It seems that Qin Shihuang was embarrassed yesterday, and he became like that with me. I can’t face me in a short time.” Zhao Qi secretly smiled in his heart.

Emperor Qin Shihuang.

It’s also a good-looking man.

Yesterday’s drunken state, even the brothers are worthy of each other, it seems a little weird to think about it.

“Admiral, please follow the future.”

The general “takes the general out of the palace.” The centurion said respectfully.

“It’s hard work.” Zhao Qi thanked them and immediately followed them.

Zhang Taiyan.

Ying Zheng shook his head and still had a headache.

“I was really drunk yesterday.

“Hey, the real person is really gaffe, and he was drunk in front of Zhao Qi.”

“How long has the widow been drunk?”

Ying Zheng thought helplessly.

Just as Zhao Qi thought.

Yesterday the two were drunk and called brothers and brothers. It was a very happy conversation. Although in the end they didn’t know what they were talking about, they had forgotten about themselves. Ying Zheng was also a little embarrassed.


“Zhao Qi seems to say that he is looking for a father who abandons his mother and son.”

“He made such a great contribution to my Da Qin.”

“These little things should help him.”

Yingzheng shook his head, thinking of something.

Then, said prestigiously: “Iron Eagle.”


A figure shrouded in black robe appeared in Zhang Taiyan and came to Ying Zheng.

“Listen to Wang Zhao respectfully.” The black robe man said respectfully.

“Check the situation in Zhao Qi’s home for the widow, especially about his father’s situation, and find out the person.”

“In addition, the situation regarding Zhao Qi’s mother has also been found out.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.


The black-robed man respectfully took his order and stepped back.

“Zhao Qi.”

“The appearance is similar to Dong’er, maybe it really has a connection, hey, maybe the widow thinks too much, but even if there is only a chance, the widow can’t give up.”

“If Zhao Qi is really related to Dong’er, then the widow will be able to find Dong’er… Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart.

PS: I am grateful for a monthly pass. Ding,

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