Chapter 120

Zhang Taiyan.

Zhao came to Qi outside the palace.

At this time.

Zhao Gao walked over slowly, bowed, and behaved very respectfully: “Admiral, the king is already waiting inside, and the general can go directly in.”


Zhao Qi glanced at Zhao Gao, thanked him, and walked slowly into Zhangtai Palace.

And Zhao Gao looked at Zhao Qi’s back and his eyes were thoughtful: “Compared with the favor of the king to Fusu, Hu Hai is not too generous, but in the future, he wants to compete for the position of the prince. Not enough, if there is no support, Master Hu Hai’s chances of winning are much worse than Fusu.”

“This Zhao Qi has won the favor of the king. In the future, he must find a way to build a bridge for the son of Hu Hai. As long as he is in contact with Zhao Qi and has the support of Zhao Qi, he will definitely have the opportunity to compete for the crown prince in the future.

Thought of this.

Zhao Gao watched Zhao Qi’s back become hot.



For anyone, Zhao Gao is an obedient dog next to Ying Zheng, and he must not show any ambition.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Wide and loose, majestic, a kind of power that belongs to the palace of the first emperor of Qin shrouded.


Ying Zheng is standing in front of the sand table map, carrying his hands on his back.

Zhao Qi walked slowly into the Zhangtai Palace and into the hall.

After seeing Yingzheng, he immediately bowed and saluted: “The minister Zhao Qi sees the king, I don’t know what is important for the king’s summoning?”

“Free courtesy.

“come on.”

Ying Zheng’s voice was a bit less majestic in the court, and a bit gentle.


Zhao immediately replied, and then walked to Ying Zheng’s side.

See “Is this map?”

“On this map, what do you see?”

Ying Zheng carried his hands on his back and stared at the sand table map in front of him.

The territories of various countries and the scenery of the world seemed to be presented before his eyes.

Zhao Qi turned his eyes and looked on the map.

The territories of the countries, the national flags, and the stretch of mountains and rivers, the scenery of the rivers, are all presented in the eyes.

It is like a reduced version of the Central Plains.

“The world, all countries, Yan Huang.”

Zhao Qi didn’t hesitate, and said three words directly.

“For nearly a thousand years, the world has fallen apart, and the nations have been spurred by the weak and the strong. The nations have annexed nations and eventually evolved into the seven nations.”

“I’m Da Qin.”

“Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han.”

“All nations stand on top of each other and base themselves in the Central Plains of Kyushu.”

“For thousands of years, the scourge of war has engulfed the land of the Central Plains, scoring the whole family. For many years, I do not know how many innocent people have died tragically under the scourge of war.

“The ambition of the ancestors of my Da Qin dynasties is my Da Qin Erlang, don’t forget to go east, to rejuvenate my Da Qin, and dominate the world.”

“Now I have a great power in the world, the best in the world.

“But this is not the merit of the widow, but the widow who inherited the ambitions of the ancestors of the Da Qin dynasties, and inherited the grace of the sixth generation of the Qin Dynasty, Yu Lie, and this is exactly the case.

“Destroy Han and Zhao.”

“The trend of unification has emerged, and the general trend of condensing me is set.”

“For the people of the world, they may think that the widow is a tyrant, knowing only about war, killing and destroying him on the battlefield, but few of them can understand the heart of the widow.”

“Indeed, after the war, there will be casualties, there will be refugees, and many casualties will be caused.

“But the countries have been fighting each other for thousands of years. How many people have died because of the war?”

“If the war between nations continues, how many people will die?”

“For today’s world, our Yanhuang ethnic group can no longer be internalized. We can only stop the war by war, determine the countries by war, and consolidate our Yanhuang ethnic group by war, so that our Yanhuang ethnic group will be free from war.

“The widows want to build a unified country where there will be no wars among the same races.”

Yingzheng said self-consciously, and suddenly turned his eyes, staring at Zhao Qi and said, “Zhao Qing, what the widow said, do you understand?””The minister understands naturally.”

The world is “unified, without delay.”

“Only war can stop war.

“One-time battle, one-time killing, just for the better peace of the world in the future.”

“The curse lies in the present age, and the blessing will last forever.” Zhao Qi immediately replied.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

Yingzheng’s eyebrows also appeared: “It’s a disaster for the present, and a good fortune will last forever.

“This sentence is really the most reasonable for me to rule the world.”

“That’s right.

“Compared with the endless continuous war, it is better to solve it in this generation, and let my descendants of Da Qin enjoy peace and peace. This sacrifice is totally worth it.” Ying Zheng said with a laugh.

“Qin Shihuang’s work is indeed a curse for the present, fortune is forever.”

“If it weren’t for Qin Shihuang’s work to dominate the world and condense the Yan and Huang clan, how could there be a unified dynasty in future generations? This is the great world created by Qin Shihuang, and it has become the general trend of the future.”

“In the world, the division of time must be united and the time must be divided. This is the pioneering work of Qin Shihuang. Without Qin Shihuang’s creation of unification, how can the future kings inherit his legacy?”

“However, it is a pity after all.”

“Perhaps Qin Shihuang didn’t think that his establishment of a unified kingdom just lasted his entire life. After his death, he was harmed by his stupid son Hu Hai, and all his heirs were killed by Hu Hai.”

“Well, after all, Qin Shihuang is kind to me. If that day comes, it will still be like the development of history. Although I will not be loyal to your son, it is still possible to protect your blood.” Zhao Qi Secretly thought in my heart and sighed.

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Qi, looked at Zhao Qi’s thoughtful look, and looked at Zhao Qi’s familiar face.

“The appearance is so similar, is Zhao Qi really related to Dong’er? Or is it related to his father-in-law?”

Before, “Father-in-law told his old man, he stayed in Lijiacun, and he still stayed in Zhao Qi’s mansion.

“Could it be that Zhao Qi really has a connection with his father-in-law?”

“Hey, there can only be this explanation.”

“Dong’er should be no longer in Daqin, I can only find her if there is a rule of the world.”

Ying Zheng thought to himself in his heart.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s appearance, it was really the same as what he thought Dong’er was carved out of the mold, which made Yingzheng’s memory still fresh, and it made Yingzheng’s mood complicated and difficult to calm down.

“Now Han and Zhao are gone.”

“Within a year at most, Zhao Jing can be fully controlled.”

“Next is to mobilize troops to destroy Wei.”

Zhao Qin stared at the territory of Zhao Kingdom and Han territory, which had been planted with the Daqin clan flag, and finally settled on Wei State.

Look around.

Today’s Central Plains, Daqin’s enemy is only the Four Kingdoms.

“Do you think there will be any obstacles to destroying Wei?” asked after winning back.

“Han Han’s destruction of Zhao’s death has already made the nations fear my Da Qin. If my Da Qin wants to destroy the Wei and swallow the land of the Three Jins, the three kingdoms of Qi, Yan and Chu will never sit and watch, because once my Da Qin destroys the Wei, they will surely meet everyone. At risk.

“If Da Qin wants to attack Wei, the other three countries will definitely help Wei to prevent Da Qin from swallowing Wei.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice.

“The national power of the three kingdoms of Qi Chuyan is not weak. Among them, the national power of Chu is even stronger than that of Zhao in the past. However, the division of power between the three powers of Chu is not as centralized as Zhao. picture.”

“From your point of view, how can people swallow Wei?” Ying Zheng asked.

“My ambition to annex the world is known to all nations.”

They “will also try to stop and destroy Wei on the contrary, it is very easy, surrounded and besieged on all sides, and annexed Wei as quickly as possible, so that Qi, Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms cannot send reinforcements to rescue them. When the Three Kingdoms react, Wei has been destroyed. Now, they have no way to change anything.”

“Furthermore, there is another key to my great Qin eradicating Wei, Zhao Qi said with a confident expression: “That is to be famous as a teacher.

“On the day when I was in control of Daqin, the Zhaowei and Wei coalition forces attacked my Daqin for no reason, intending to invade my Daqin territories. Now that Zhao has paid the price, the country has been destroyed, and Wei is also a participant in it. Naturally, Daqin cannot let it go. ”

“Whenever the teacher is famous, it is the key.”

“With this name, Qi Chuyan and the Three Kingdoms can’t help but think about how to help Wei.”

“After all, Da Qin upholds justice.


Zhao Qi didn’t say anything.

At the time of the extermination of Korea, Zhao and Wei sent troops to attack and raided Nanyang of Qin Dynasty. If it hadn’t been expected by Zhao Qi, it might have suffered a big loss.

However, at a critical moment, Zhao Qi annihilated the 180,000 Allied Forces of Zhao Wei and changed the situation of the battle, and also changed the pattern of Da Qin’s expedition against Zhao Wei.

After destroying Zhao.

The Three Jins have died second.

Wei State is already a single country, and it is completely surrounded by the Great Qin Dynasty.

There is no power to stand up at all.

“A good teacher is famous and upholds justice.

“You are right.”

“It’s not difficult to destroy Wei.”

“It’s just a matter of time.”

Listening to Zhao Qi’s analysis, Ying Zheng smiled, with relief in his eyes.

“Three Jins will all be settled.”

“I Daqin will attack the Three Kingdoms of Qi, Chu and Yan, what do you think?” Ying Zheng asked again.

“The national policy that I am implementing today is still distant relations and close attacks. This method can also be used in the future, but there is also a link to drag other countries by weighing them, so that they have no reason to send troops, and send envoys to bribe important domestic ministers. , Affecting his king’s decision, going back and forth.”

(adbc) “The law of bribery, whether it is for Qi, Yan, or Chu, it is all useful.”

“After all, the courts of their countries are not as good as Da Qin, and their kings are not as good as the great kings.”

“If my Da Qin attacked Chu, then I would first bribe Qi Yan and his ministers with a lot of money, saying that my Da Qin had no intention of fighting against them, so that they would gradually annex them. By the time their last country, they would no longer have reinforcements.” Zhao Qi He laughed, everything in his words was scheming.


Zhao Qi’s strategy may be clever, but it is also the general trend.

This is also based on absolute strength.

If Daqin hadn’t had such a national power that could destroy the nations, then the national policy for Daqin at this moment would not be a close attack, but a forced defense.

In history.

Daqin’s strategy of close contact and close offense also laid the foundation for the unification of Daqin.

Gradually annex and gradually expand.


“You are right.”

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi with satisfaction.

The strategy of distant communication and close attack.

Gradually annexation strategy.

This was formulated by him personally, and the elimination of Han and Zhao is the basis for achieving results.

Zhao Qi can see the core, which is enough to see Zhao Qi’s ability.

“However, it is easy to fight the world, but it is difficult to guard the world.”

“After the future unification, the king still has a lot to do.

Zhao Qi said with a deep meaning.

Although the countries belong to the same race, they have been divided for nearly a thousand years after all. This time is too long. Although the cultures of each other have the same roots, they are also very divided. The writing is the key.

After unification.

Governing the world is more difficult than the current suppression by the army, and even if the nations are destroyed, the remnants of those nations will never give up.

Of course.

This is nothing to Zhao Qi. He doesn’t manage government affairs. Qin Shihuang personally decides everything.

“Nowadays, people can only take one step at a time.”

Ying Zheng nodded and said with a smile.


The conversation with Zhao Qi made Ying Zheng also very comfortable, because in the conversation with Zhao Qi, he seemed to have found a confidant who understands his talents.

At this time.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Lunch and wine are ready, are you eating at Zhangtai Palace?”

Zhao Gao came to the hall, respectfully facing Yingzheng Dao.

“It’s in Zhangtai Palace.” Yingzheng said.


Zhao Gao responded immediately.

After a while.

More than a dozen monks began to move tables, various lunches, and fine wines to the main hall of Zhangtai Palace.


A table of scented lunch fragrant in this Zhangtai Palace.

Of course.

For Zhao Qi, the cuisine of this era is really nothing, even the imperial chef in the palace cooked it like that. After all, he was born again and was used to the real delicacy of later generations.

Food in this era is too monotonous, and there are no condiments.

Just so.

“The widow has never eaten with someone in Zhangtai official, you are the first one.”

“sit down.Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Qi, and then sat down directly at the table.

“The minister is not welcome.

Zhao Qi smiled and sat down opposite Qin Shihuang.

Since it was Qin Shihuang’s invitation, things should be about the same today, and you should be able to go back after dinner.

Looking at Zhao Qi’s casual appearance, there is not the kind of restraint that others have when getting along with himself, Ying Zheng does not have any irritation in his heart, but it is very useful.

Take control of the king’s power, and be above it.

But without a friend, just a lonely family, Yingzheng’s heart is naturally covered in dust.

On the contrary, Zhao Qi’s randomness made Ying Zheng feel comfortable.

“You have been in the military for more than three years. There is a prohibition on alcohol, and you have never had the opportunity to drink. Today, the real person allows you to drink freely.” Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Yi and became casual, without being so stern.

He even poured a glass of wine for Zhao Qi himself.

“Xie Dawang.”

“The king respects a cup.

Zhao Qi smiled and raised his glass.


Seeing Zhao Qi being so casual, Ying Zheng also gradually let go. He hasn’t had a casual drink with others for a long time.

Zhao Qi’s casual attitude, and there is also an invisible sense of intimacy, no barriers, restraint, make Ying Zheng very happy.

Then both of them raised their wine glasses.

Bumped together.


Drink it all up.

“Speaking of which, this wine is not strong enough to get drunk.” Zhao Qi said with emotion after drinking a glass.

After all, the technology of winemaking in this era is not high. It is said that it is a spirit, but in fact the degree is not high.

Hear Zhao Qi’s words.

Ying Zheng became interested: “This is a fine wine brewed by the royal winemaker in the palace. There are very few people in the world who can enjoy this wine. You said it is not strong enough?”

“Have you ever drunk better wine?”

Ying Zheng said with a little smile.

“Don’t hide it from the king.

“I really drank it.”

“It’s much stronger than this wine, it’s a must in this world.” Zhao Qi replied with a smile, very confident.


Yingzheng said differently: “Is there really such a good wine? Why have you never drank it? Are you lying?”

“How can the minister dare to deceive the king.

“My lord really wants to drink?” Zhao Qi smiled and rolled his eyes.


“You have said, how can a widow not drink, where is the wine? The recruiter will send someone to get it immediately.

Seeing Zhao Qi’s proud and confident look, Ying Zheng was completely hooked.

In this era.

There are very few entertainment programs, and very few can be enjoyed.

In addition to watching the maiko dancing, do some things in the evening, that is, horse-riding, hunting, food and wine.

Just after rebirth, after growing up, Zhao Qi was also bored for a long time. After all, there are no entertainment programs in this era.

And fine wine is regarded by countless people as a pleasure to enjoy, drunk and dreamy.

There are almost no men who do not drink in this era.

“You don’t need to get it, the wine is on the minister’s body.” Zhao Qi smiled.

One hand from his arms.

Ying Zheng said differently. There seems to be no place to hold wine in Zhao Qi’s arms.

But the next moment.

Zhao Qi took it out.

A hip flask appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

“This is the best wine in the world. It is called Wangyou. After drinking it, you will be drunk and forget your sorrow.”

“My lord, do you want to try?

Zhao Qi picked up the flask in his hand and shook it.

“Is it as powerful as you said?” Ying Zheng was really surprised.

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