Chapter 119 Ying Zheng: Zhao Qi’s Visit to Zhangtai Palace

Tingwei, that’s really embarrassing.

“From the moment you abandoned Ma’er three years ago, you have nothing to do with Ma’er. Now Ma’er has recognized me Mengwu as a foster father, and that is the daughter of my Mao family. As long as I have a breath of Mengwu, I will protect him for the rest of my life in the name of my father. My Mengwu is not as ruthless and unjust as you are.”

Mengwu sneered and didn’t take Li Si’s words seriously.

The reason why he would hold his mouth today is not only because he is really thinking about Li Yan’er, letting Li Yan’er have a maiden family, and marrying from the Meng Mansion in an open manner, but also because of Li Si, embarrassing him.


At the moment of being Mengwu, Li Si looked angry.

“This matter.”

“How does Zhao Qing think?”

Ying Zheng set his sights on Zhao Qi.

This kind of family affairs is not easy for him to handle as a king, so he has to leave it to Zhao Qi to make a decision.

“Master Tingwei.”

“Thank you for giving birth to my wife Li Yan’er. Today, I exchanged one hundred gold for one year in exchange for your seventeen years of food support, and an extra thousand gold as an opportunity for your mother to come into this world.”

Zhao Qin stared at Li Si and slowly said, but there was a kind of indifference and ruthlessness in his tone, and there was no half-way for Li Si at all.

And Li Si asked for all of this.

Zhao Qi remembered everything he did to his mother.

“Zhao Qi, what do you mean?”

“You want to buy my daughter with gold?” Li Si said angrily when he heard the indifference in Zhao Qi’s words.

“In your eyes, Mom is just a pawn anyway, have you ever cared?”

“I tell you, you don’t care about chess pieces, I care about Zhao Qi.”

“Two thousand seven hundred gold, Zhao Qi completely cut off my relationship with you, and don’t force me to tell you about you,” Zhao Qi said indifferently.

The last sentence comes out.

Let Li Si’s face change.

He naturally knew what Zhao Qi’s last sentence meant.

What Zhao Qi was talking about was the assassination of Han Jing, as well as the dispatch of a family member to let Zhao Qi kill Han Fei. Although these things were hidden and there was no evidence, Zhao Qi could not convict him if he said it, but Qin Shihuang’s wiseness If Zhao Qi speaks out, his impression in Qin Shihuang’s heart will inevitably drop. For Li Si, who is pursuing power, he is undoubtedly the last thing he wants to see.

That’s it.

Li Si didn’t say anything.

The embarrassment on his face is self-evident.

Thank you “General Meng for taking care of your mother.”

“Thanks for the general’s love for Ma’er, and even willing to accept Ma’er as a righteous daughter, Zhao Qi thanks.”

With a look of real gratitude, Zhao Qi bowed to Mengwu.


Mengwu accepted this ceremony frankly.

“This matter, let’s make it so.”

See here.

After turning his political gaze, he decided directly.

No longer gave Mengwu and Li Sidu the opportunity to talk about it.

But obviously.

This time, Mengwu won.

After this time, Li really has nothing to do with Li Ma’er, and Li Si will also become the laughing stock of the court in private, and it can be regarded as showing his true face in front of everyone.

“Li Mu.Ying Zheng’s eyes turned and fell on Li Mu’s body.

“The defeated official.

Li Mu bowed and bowed, with a look on his face.

“Why does General Li Mu need to be like this?”

“What is a defeated minister?”

“In the eyes of the widow, Li Mu is a loyal minister with great ethnic righteousness. How can he say he is defeated?”

“If it weren’t for General Li Mu’s ethnic righteousness, Yudaicheng will be my Daqin, and the land will be corpses all over the field, and blood will flow into rivers.

“It is even more fortunate to have General Li Mu serving in Daqin, Daqin.”

“In those days, the three generals of my Great Qin had promised you that those widows would never turn back.

Ying Zheng laughed loudly, directly letting Li Muzhi’s tense heart relax, and at the same time, the moment of speaking made Li Mu feel a kind of honor.

“Li Mu listens to the edict.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“The minister is here.” Li Mu responded immediately.

The widow “appointed you as my general of Daqin, commanded the original trilogy of 300,000, guarded the generations, guarded the border, and was nominated as a young master. In Xianyang, he gave the admiral’s mansion, settled the family, and gave thousands of servants. Three thousand gold, three thousand cloth.”

Yingzheng’s prestige was sealed.

The sound fell.

The court was shocked.

Almost all the courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty did not expect that Ying Zheng would give such a reward to Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu was the defeated general who surrendered to Da Qin.

But now he was directly entrusted to Daqin’s most noble general, and he was still in charge of an army of 300,000, and he was still a great official in frontiers. With such an honor, he wanted to win the government.

“It is indeed Qin Shihuang, so courageous, he is the only one who dares to use people like this without knowing the loyalty.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s edict to Li Mu, Zhao Qi was also slightly surprised, but he did not deviate from his expectations.

After all, Li Mu was originally an admiral of the Zhao Kingdom, with good ability, and even the effectiveness of a 300,000 army. He guarded the borders of the generations and would not allow foreign races to enter the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Moreover, there is Li Mu guarding the land, and the bordering states of Qi and Yan will not dare to mess around.

Of course.

As Li Mu surrendered, perhaps only Qin Shihuang dared to reuse it like this.

“The King.”

“Chen is the general of the defeated army, and even more general. King Ande is such an emperor? How can the minister, He De?”

“Also ask the king to take it back and die.

Not only was the court officials frightened by Yingzheng’s emperor, even Li Mu was also frightened.

When he came to Xianyang, he was still very worried. He didn’t know that Yingzheng would deal with him like this, and even if he didn’t deal with him, let him continue to control the army, but at most he was only a leader.

But he did not expect that Yingzheng would be so courageous.

“Although you Li Mu was my enemy of Da Qin before the destruction of Zhao, after the generations returned to Da Qin, the dust was gone. It’s great work, great work.”

“Your righteousness is admired by many people.

“You are totally worthy of such a reward.” Yingzheng said prestigiously, with an unquestionable tone in his tone.


Li Mu still hesitated. He always felt ashamed of the position of General Qin, he was just a general.

“Wang Zhao has been issued.

“Nothing but.”

“From then on, you have been the general of my Daqin, the admiral appointed by a few people, your ability and your righteousness are totally worth it.”

The widow “I hope you guard the land, whether it is a foreign race or an enemy country, if you dare to offend my Daqin Dynasty land, kill without mercy,”.

Li Mu “Can you do it?”Ying Zheng stared at Li Mu with a sharp gaze, and said prestigiously.

“Chen, Li Mu.”

“Never let the king down.


Li Mu bowed his head and accepted the edict to win the government.


Yingzheng laughed and looked very happy: “After today, I will have one more brave general.”

“The ministers congratulate the king,

“Congratulations to General Li Mu.”

The civil and military officials of Manchu dynasty opened their mouths to congratulate.

Thanks a lot”.

Li Mu clasped his hands in a fist and thanked him, but his heart was complicated.

“The King of Qin is so courageous, and the monarchs and ministers are united in one mind. No wonder the state of Qin is so prosperous.”

“Oh, I am far from Zhao Guo in the past.

Li Mu sighed in his heart, completely relieved.

From now on.

He is no longer Zhao Chen, but a courtier of the Great Qin Dynasty.


Zhao Qi also looked at Li Mu and was happy for him.

But Li Mu’s gaze turned to meet Zhao Qi’s gaze, and he nodded quietly, seeming to be responding.

For Zhao Qi.

Li Mu guarded the land and commanded 300,000 heavenly troops for foreign aid. He and Li Mu made an agreement in front of the city.

It is also an agreement that only two people know about.

“Han Fei.”

After the imperial seal of Li Mu, Yingzheng turned his attention to Han Fei.

Although this is the first time I have seen Han Fei, there are books about Han Fei, the way of governing the country, the way of legalism, even Yingzheng has read it.

Winning politics can become the master of Qin and strengthen Qin’s national power. It is absolutely not dependent on being alone, but on being open to all rivers, acquiring the strengths of others, integrating one’s own way, and turning it into one’s own use.

“The minister is here.”

Han Fei stood up and said respectfully.

“For more than three years, you have assisted Feng Quji in governing the Korean realm. This has made the Korean realm stable and stable, allowing my Daqin to completely incorporate the Korean realm into the territory of my Daqin without any separation.”

“You have contributed to this.

“With your talent, there is no need to stay in the Korean border to waste.”

Therefore, “Feng Qing recommended that the widow will transfer you to Xianyang, so that your talents can be used more.


“The widow entitles you to be the young mansion of the generation, holds the taxes of the mountains, the seas and the ponds, the taxation of my Daqin, the noble title is the right, give the daughter, give the dry cloth, wait until you are here to do your best for my Daqin, and then you will make great contributions. It can be completely sealed as the post of the young mansion.”

“Chen Han Fei, will never let the king down.”

Unlike Li Mu who even pushed it through, Han Fei accepted it directly and frankly.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s edict, Li Si’s face became even more ugly.

Today’s court is really not a good thing for him.

First it was Mengwu’s target, and then it was Han Fei’s feudal mansion.

Although there is a pronoun,

But as long as Han Fei sits in this position for one year, he will surely be able to successfully become a real Shaofu.


One of the Jiuqing, it can be said that Han Fei is equal to his status as soon as he comes.


“Zhao Qi, Han Fei, Meng Wu.”

Li Si’s hands in his sleeves formed into fists, full of anger and hatred.

“The general king cuts.

“The General Huanyou.”

“Admiral Mengwu.

“Mie Han and Mie Zhao all have great merits. Today, the three generals will be promoted to the first level, and each of them will be given a thousand gold.”

Ying Zheng turned to look at Wang Han and Mengwu Dao.

“Chen Xie Dawang Longen.”

During the dynasty, Mengwu bowed and bowed immediately.

If the noble ranks to the next level, it means that the chariot is long, and it is also the highest noble rank in the entire Daqin at present.

“Zhao Qi.”

After awarding everyone, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi who was standing on the stairs, and his eyes revealed a kind of gentleness.

“The minister is here.” Zhao Qi responded immediately.

“Mie Han, kill Zhao, you all have done a lot.”

In particular, “You have contributed to the destruction of Zhao this time.


“The widow is bestowed to be promoted to a nobleman, as the head of the car.”

“And in Xianyang, he gave the general’s mansion a thousand people, five thousand gold, and five thousand cloth.

“The widow hopes that you will continue to make contributions to the Great Qin.

Ying Zheng watched Zhao Qi seal the road.

The words are full of value for Zhao Qi.

“Minister Zhao Qi, will never let the king down.” Zhao Qi replied loudly.

“Widow believes in you.

Ying Zheng also laughed.

He glanced at the officials and said: “The merits of destroying Han and Zhao are all meritorious, and it is up to Xiangbang to draw up a roster and hand it over to Jiang to decide.

“The old minister leads the edict.”

The king responded immediately.

“All right.”

“Do all the qings here still have a starter?”

Ying Zheng nodded and asked with prestige.

“The ministers have no basis.

All the ministers said in unison.

“in this way.”

“Then disperse the dynasty.

Win Zhengwei said.

“The ministers retired.”

The ministers bowed and bowed.

Ying Zheng also slowly stood up from the throne, ready to leave.

“I have met Qin Shihuang today, and I should be able to return to Yongcheng.”

“I can finally go home.”

Zhao Qi walked down the stairs slowly, very happy in his heart.

But just when he thought so.

“Zhao Qing, you will go to Zhangtai Palace later.”

Ying Zheng’s voice was uploaded from a high position.


Zhao Qi’s expression changed, and he turned his head a little helplessly.

Zhao was a little embarrassed when he met Shang Zheng’s penetrating gaze.

He just wanted to return to Yongcheng in a hurry.

“This kid.

Seeing Zhao Qi’s helpless look, Ying Zheng’s expression did not change, but his heart was smiling.

To meet himself in Zhangtai Palace alone, this is an opportunity that many people can’t ask for, but Zhao Qi is a little disgusted, this is really unique.

“Zhao Qi.”

Donger “.”

“Hey, maybe the widow thinks too much.”

“But if there is really news of Dong’er, then the widow can’t miss a single bit.”

“Twenty years.”

Widow “Really can’t wait any longer. Widow doesn’t want to find you until the day of death.”

Yingzheng thought secretly in his heart.

Leaving from the Palace of King Qin.

The hundreds of officials gradually dispersed from the rank of officials.

“Brother Han.”

Li Si licked his face and walked towards Han Fei, with a joyful smile on his face: “Congratulations, I told you at the beginning that the only way to go is to work for Daqin. Han is too weak and will be annexed sooner or later. Now my words are fulfilled. Now you belong to Da Qin and you are loyal to the great king. Now we are finally serving as ministers. Li Si is really happy for you.”


“Are you really happy for me?”

Hearing this, Han Fei smiled, but it was full of sarcasm and sneer: Weasel “Wishing the rooster a New Year?”

Hear what Han Fei said.

Li Si’s smile changed immediately.


He just came to take a gamble to see if Han Fei would know what he was doing against him, but now that Han Fei already knows everything.

“Why is Brother Han? Is there anything Li Si offends Brother Han?”

“Brother Han has forgotten the classmate friendship with Li Si in Jixia Academy?”

Li Si pretended to be silly, but instead showed aggrieved and puzzled expression.

“It’s really an “honour” for me, Han Fei, to be able to call you Li Si, Brother Han.

“What you do in the Korean Territory, only you know.”

“However, the friendship between you and me in the past is no longer there.”

“It’s all here.

“In the future in this Great Qin Dynasty Hall, I will fight with you.”

“You forced it all.”

Li Si”, just wait and see.

Han Fei snorted coldly and didn’t save Li Si any face.

In the past, Li Si wanted to kill himself again and again when he was in South Korea. If Han Fei could bear this, then he would not be Han Fei, but a virgin bitch.

Han Fei is not that stupid.

Finish saying this.

Han Fei waved his sleeves and ignored Li Si.

Han Fei “.”

Li Si gritted his teeth and looked at Han Fei’s back, full of hatred.

Today, Han Fei’s relentless words are equivalent to tearing off his last fig leaf, and there is no room for relaxation between the two.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi walked out of the Palace of King Qin.

As the most up-and-coming newcomer in Daqin today, as soon as Zhao Qi stepped out, many officials immediately surrounded him.

“General, congratulations.


“I have General Zhao in Da Qin, which is the blessing of my Da Qin.”

“Congratulations to General…

Some of the Qin officials gathered in front of Zhao Qi and congratulated each other with smiles. Each smile was a brilliant one.

“Thank you colleagues.


Hearing the congratulations from these great Qin officials, among them, the ranks of officials were different, but Zhao Qi all responded with a smile on his face.

no way.

This is the officialdom of Daqin Chaotang.

Zhao Qi doesn’t know the details of these people, and they are still ministers in the same palace. People come to congratulate you with a smile, so naturally you can’t be cold.

Zhao Qi stood outside the palace of King Qin in this way.

One minister after another came to congratulate him. Zhao Qi naturally responded one by one, and his face was a little stiff with a smile.

After a long time.

“General Zhao will go to see the king later, so don’t delay his time.”

Wang Wan came over and said to the officials.


“The next official retire.”

Seeing Wang Shuo, these officials took a look in awe, and then retreated one after another.

“General Zhao, admiring his name for a long time, now I finally see him.”

“Sure enough, you are like a rumor, young and promising.”

Wang Wan walked over, with a relieved smile on her old face.

“It is also an honor for Zhao Qi to be able to see Xiangbang.” Zhao Qi immediately clasped his fist in return.

Fine brushwork.

It can be said that he was Da Qin’s last Xiangbang, because after that, Da Qin would not have a Xiangbang, but a prime minister.

The state is divided into the left and right prime ministers.

It is equivalent to separating authority.

Since he can sit in the position of the state, it is enough to prove that his ability is good, otherwise Qin Shihuang would not use it so much.

“Hahaha.””Today you just returned to Xianyang, and you will go to Zhangtaiyan later, so I won’t bother you for the first time.”

“See you later.” Wang Shu said with a smile.

“See you later.” Zhao Qi immediately replied.

Wait until Wang Shu leaves.

Zhao He also breathed a sigh of relief.

“This court officialdom is really not suitable for me. Killing on the battlefield does not have too many twists and turns to suit me.

Zhao Qi thought with a sigh.

It was just a short-term meeting. If you live in Xianyang, it is estimated that you have to deal with this kind of official affairs every day.

That is really too much trouble.

Moreover, in this court officialdom, there seems to be a harmonious, but it is a hidden murderous intention.

The people who pleased and congratulated Zhao Qi just now might be scolding you secretly behind their backs, and they might even plan on you. You don’t know all of this.

This is Chaotang.

“Are you uncomfortable with this court?”

At this time.

Meng Wu came over and said with a smile.

There are Wang Jian, Meng Yi, and Feng Jie beside him.

Zhao Qi nodded honestly: “To be honest, I don’t like this kind of twists and turns, it feels too fake.”


“You are right in this sentence.”

“This life in Chaotang is indeed too false, but Zhao Qi boy, you really have to accept this. Now you are my general in Daqin, Chaotang is your second battlefield.”


“You don’t need to worry about what is unfavorable to you in this court. Someone will calculate you. You are an admiral and you are directly ordered by the king. Apart from the king, no one can do anything to you, as long as you stick to this point. , This court way will not affect you.” Wang Jian laughed, with serious teachings towards Zhao Qi.

Thank you “General Wang Jian for your advice.”

Zhao Qi nodded seemingly.

The Way of Chaotang.

Contains many.

It is true that he can not understand it in a few words, but as Wang Jian said, he is now the supreme general of Da Qin, a great official in frontiers, and he has great authority. If anyone dares to play some imaginary things with him, or even calculate, then Zhao Qi There is no fear at all.

“Come, let me introduce you.

Meng Wu pointed to several officials around him at this time.

“This is Meng Yi, my second son, now I am Wei Wei from Daqin Dynasty.”

“This is Feng Jie, who is the younger brother of Feng Quji who governed with you in the Korean realm. Now he is the deputy of Zhisu Neishi, and he is also temporarily replacing Master Feng Quji.

“Who is this…”

Meng Wu pointed to several officials around him and introduced them one by one.


This is Mengwu taking this opportunity to develop contacts for Zhao.

In the court hall, although the emperor was taboo against forming cliques, it was a way of gaining power by forming cliques and deceived the emperor.

But Mengwu have been loyal to Daqin from generation to generation, so naturally they will not deceive the monarch.

“I have seen you all.

Following (Li Nuo’s) Meng Wu’s introduction, Zhao Qi also noted them one by one, nodding and clasping his fists in return.

“General Zhao is polite.

Feng Jie, Meng Yi and others all smiled and responded.

“General Zhao.”

At this time, Li Mu also walked over and bowed to Zhao Qi, with gratitude in his eyes.

Li Mu “General.

Zhao Qi immediately replied.

“Well, I didn’t lie to you at the beginning. The courage of our King Daqin is absolutely comparable.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“Today Li Mu can be regarded as feeling the monstrous courage of the king.”

Perhaps “In the near future, Daqin will be able to dominate the world and consolidate our Yanhuang Mountains and rivers.” Li Mu replied with a smile.

“General Li Mu will see it and will participate in it.” Zhao Qi also said confidently.

“Yes.” Li Mu smiled, his face also showing confidence.

Today, even if he had just entered Xianyang and entered the Great Qin Chao Tang, even just this time, it also let Li Mu know the courage of Ying Zheng, and also know the difference between Da Qin and his former Zhao Guo Chao Tang.

The court of Daqin.

There is no controversy on the face of the court.

In Daqin’s court, the king is wise and will not be deceived by the traitor Xiao Xiao.

Daqin’s court, speaking freely, didn’t use so much targeting.

At this moment, Li Mu really felt it.

“Zhao Qi.”

Below the palace of King Qin, looking at Zhao Qi surrounded by many officials, Li Si’s eyes were even more jealous.

But he has no one to pay attention to.

“Okay, everyone.

“The king just summoned Zhao Qi boy, let him go to Zhangtai to speak.”

“After he comes out of Zhangtai Palace, I will find another chance to get together. Now we still don’t delay Zhao Qi.” Meng Wu said to everyone with a smile.

“General Mengwu made sense.”

“Zhao Qi, we will meet again next time.”

“You’d better go to Zhangtai Palace now, don’t let the king wait for a long time.”


Wang Qiang, Li Mu and the others suddenly returned to their senses, and they clasped their fists and bid farewell to Zhao.

“Goodbye, everyone.

Zhao Qi also responded one by one.

“I don’t know what Qin Shihuang told me to go to Zhangtai Palace? Does he still want to give me any benefit?”

Zhao Qi thought secretly in his heart, with some expectations, but he was also speculating about Qin Shihuang’s intentions.

But after thinking for a long time, Zhao Qi didn’t figure it out.

Today, Qin Shihuang himself has sealed all the people who have been sealed in the court hall. There should be nothing more to do?

“never mind.

“It shouldn’t be a bad thing anyway, otherwise I wouldn’t be asked to see it alone.”

“When I went to see him in Zhangtai Palace, I immediately set off for Yongcheng to see Yan’er and my two children.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi smiled on his face.

He really waited too long for this day.


Had it not been for Qin Shihuang to call Xianyang, Zhao Qi would not even come to Xianyang, but would go directly to Yongcheng and return to Lijiacun.

He really feels like an arrow.

PS: It’s updated, I ask my brothers for your support, I am grateful, and there is a monthly pass, thank you.

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