Chapter 118

“Could it be that I think Dong’er is too engrossed?”

“Oh, that seems to be the case.”

“Maybe I have hallucinations,

Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart, and looked at Zhao Shi once again, but the appearance of the woman he cared about the most in his heart was too strange, and Ying Zheng’s heart could not calm down at this moment.

But under the eyes of everyone.

Ying Zheng did not show anything on the surface.

Holding Zhao Qi’s hand, he said with majesty: “You deserve all this glory. For Daqin, you have been out for nearly four years in a row. For Daqin, you are still fighting for Daqin, where your wife and children give birth to children.”

“You are young but you can make countless merits for Da Qin. You deserve everything.”

“In the court, many ministers have mentioned that it is fortunate for a real person to have you work for Da Qin.”


“Go to the palace with the widow, and ride with the widow.”

Yingzheng laughed.


Luanjia with nine horses slowly came to the front of Yingzheng.

Then Yingzheng stepped on the stairs to the secret driving, and let Zhao Qi go to Luanjia.

“The king”, this is the king’s driver, this minister is a little bit overwhelmed.” Zhao expressed Qi anxiously.

The king drove.

In the past.

Perhaps there is no nine-horse mirror.

Because in this era, the previous nine horse luangjia can only be owned by the emperor Zhou, and the nine horse luang is also the multiplication of the emperor, and the princes and kings cannot pass.

But now there is no Zhou, let alone the emperor.

The kings of all countries used the nine horses to show their majesty more than the emperor.

But at this moment, winning the government is really too great for Zhao Qi. It is so kind and honorable to bring Zhao Qi into the palace.

“Everything you make.

“This is the glory a real person bestows on you.”

Yingzheng laughed and took Zhao Qi’s hand directly and boarded Luanjia.

Da Qin Qunchen who watched this scene couldn’t help being shocked.

“Zhao Qi, he really won Wang’s favor.

“Such kindness, except for the Shang prince in the filial piety period in the past, and the Zhaoxiang King to Wu’an Jun, there is no such kind of favor to ride with the king.”

“Zhao Qi, the future must be one of my big officials and people in Da Qin, and we must not engage in evil with Zhao Qi in this period, otherwise it will be remembered by Zhao Qi, and it will definitely not be a good thing in the future.”

this moment.

In the hearts of many courtiers could not help but secretly think.

When Li Si saw this scene, his eyes were red, unwilling, but also regretful. 03

“How could he get such favor from the king? Even I never got it.

“I hope he doesn’t know that I sent someone to assassinate Han Fei and him, otherwise the relationship will not be eased.

“He was my son-in-law, but now…

Thought of this.

Li Si’s face became bloodless.

A kind of regret flows in the heart.

If he knew that Zhao Qi would be so brilliant before, he would not be able to target Zhao Qi like this. There is a general as his son-in-law, and he is deeply favored by Wang. Although such a son-in-law is not as good as his son Fusu, he can definitely make Li Si He went further.

But this son-in-law has been pushed away by him.

He pushed it away with his own hands.

“This is from my Li family village, our general, our brother Shi.

Li Qing stared at the figure of Zhao Qi ascending Luanjia, with pride in his eyes, not only him, but also other Zhao Qi’s guards. Being able to act as guards under Zhao Qi’s command, every one of them has been tested for loyalty. , Their admiral received such an honor, this is also their honor.

After Zhao Qi boarded the king’s driver.

Zhao Gao, who was serving by Jianjia, immediately shouted: “Wang Jiaqi.”

The king “returned to the palace, followed by hundreds of officials.

The sound fell.

The nine-horse-drawn secret driver began to steadily drive towards the palace.

“Send to the king.”

“Congratulations to the King…”

The loud voices of the people resounded throughout Xianyang inside and outside, and it can be seen that the king who wins the government is also popular among the people of Daqin.

In the past, when the infant drug turmoil, the winning government was crowned in Yongcheng, and Xianyang was empty and was captured by Miao Du. However, after regaining the Xianyang Yingzheng, it did not take a single soldier, but a royal edict spreading out the people of Xianyang.

Call on the people of Xianyang to punish rebellion.

Wang Shao.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Xianyang moved in groups and directly suppressed the rebels.This is the royal power, this is the prestige of the surname Ying in the hearts of Lao Qin people in the past dynasties.

The usurpation of power may be possible in other countries, but it cannot be done in Daqin. Unless suppressed with absolute strength, it will inevitably endure the wrath of countless Daqin people.

Old Qin people have to win the surname of the royal family to lead them to today, and the blood is the highest, how can the non-ying surname become the king of Qin?

This is the power brought by a surname.


Luan drove into the palace and stopped at the square outside the Palace of King Qin.

“Zhao Qing.”

“Follow the widow into the temple.

Ying Zheng smiled at Zhao Qi, and then took Zhao Qi’s hand to climb the stairs in front of the Palace of King Qin.

“Qin Shihuang is too polite.”

Looking at the kindness of Qin Shihuang’s kindness, Zhao Qi was a little excited, but a little helpless.

Growing up like this, no one besides his own mother walked around holding his hand, and he was still a big man.

But there is no way, they are the King of Qin, the supreme ruler of royal power, and the performance at this moment is also the supreme honor of Zhao Qi, how could Zhao refuse.


It’s also a little strange.

Don’t know how.

After seeing Empress Qin Shihuang, looking at his majestic appearance and appearance, Zhao Qi did not have the awe that he imagined, but instead had an inexplicable sense of intimacy, which was no stranger.

This feeling was very strange, and it was crushed by Zhao Qi.

“Xie Dawang.”

Zhao Qi quickly thanked Qin Shihuang, followed Qin Shihuang up the stairs, and walked towards the palace of King Qin.

And the Manchu dynasty did not dare to go beyond the civil and military, according to the order of official ranks, ascended the stairs, and entered the hall in an orderly manner.


Zhao Qi came to the Palace of King Qin under the lead of Emperor Qin Shihuang, which is also the true power center of Da Qin.


Ying Zheng walked slowly to the throne and took a seat on it.

The civil and military ranks of Manchu dynasty were divided into civil and military ranks, and they walked into the hall in an orderly manner, and each of them looked very serious.

And Zhao Qi standing on this ladder is equivalent to standing on top of a hundred officials. It is not going to go up or down, which is a bit embarrassing.

Today Qin Shihuang gave him too much face, and this kind of grace to his courtiers is almost impossible.

Of course.

Zhao Qi also knows that Qin Shihuang’s kindness also has special meaning. The first is to make Zhao Qi grateful, and the second is to support Zhao Qi. He has just returned to Xianyang. Although he is on the side of the army, Zhao is a newcomer in the Xianyang court. Every one of the civil and military personnel in the court is the same as human beings. If Zhao Qi is calculated, it is not a good thing to target Zhao Qi.

The first emperor of Qin gave Zhao Qi such kindness to tell the Manchu civil and martial arts, now that Zhao Qi has just returned triumphantly, everyone has given me some comfort.

It is equivalent to giving enough face to General Zhao Qi.


My General Zhao Kaixuan, General Daqin, is back. ”

“How can Zhu Qing play?”

Ying Zheng looked at the Manchu civil and military, and said prestigiously.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“General Zhao returns, the merits of destroying Zhao can also be rewarded here.

“Also, General Wang Jian, General Mengwu, General Li Mu, and Lord Han Fei are all waiting in the side hall.

“They made a lot of merits for us, Daqin, and they deserve to be rewarded by the great king.

Wang Shu stood up and started loudly.

Return this time.

But it’s not just Zhao Qi who has returned.

The same goes for Wang Jian to get Wang Zhao to return to Xianyang, Mengwu, Li Mu, and Han Fei.

Only Hengdi still stayed at Lantian Camp, guarding Daqin’s side.

After all, it is impossible for Da Qin to recall all the generals back to the capital. If his country changes, there must be a general guarding him.

“What Xiangbang said is extremely true.

Ying Zheng nodded, and then said to Zhao Gao: “Go and call them from the side hall.”


Zhao Gao respectfully responded.

Then he bowed and walked slowly to the outside of the hall.

“Zhao Gao.

“Historically, he and Li Si conspired to wipe out Da Qin.”

“It’s hard to imagine that such a eunuch has so much energy.”

Qin Shihuang “When he was alive, he was a dog, but as soon as Qin Shihuang died, his ambitions burst out immediately.” Zhao Qi looked at Zhao Gao’s back, looking respectful and respectful, and he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Perhaps it was this kind of sting, this kind of obedience that made Qin Shihuang trust him so much.

But Qin Shihuang never expected that he would change his edict after his death, pretending not to be blind.

Under Zhao Gao’s call.


Meng Wu, Wang Jian, Li Mu, Han Fei.

The four of them wore Du Daqin’s official robes and walked to the Palace of King Qin.

For Mengwu and the dynasty, for the Palace of the King of Qin, they are familiar with the road, but for Li Mu and Han Fei, the mood at this moment is very complicated.

Once they were officials of Han and Zhao, and they were enemies of Da Qin.

But for various reasons, they surrendered to Da Qin, and now they serve for Da Qin.

For them, how uncomplicated are in their hearts.

“For ministers, see the king.”

After the four entered the palace, they bowed and bowed to Yingzheng.

“Zhuqing is flat.”

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and stretched out his hands.

This time Zhao Qi returned to Xianyang, and Ying Zheng also seemed very happy.

The sense of depression in the entire court is not as strong.

“Xie Dawang.

The four of them hurriedly thanked them, and slowly stood up straight.

And seeing Zhao Qi standing on the stairs, the expressions of the four people also brightened, and they seemed surprised.

“This kid is really valued by the king, but maybe it’s his own arrangement.”

“Who would have thought that Zhao Qi would be the son of the king?”

With a smile on Meng Wu’s face, he looked at Ying Zheng and Zhao Qi on the stairs.

Except for Xia Wuqi, only his Meng family knows all of this now.

After Daqin dominates the world in the future, his Meng family has gained an opportunity. As long as he always helps Zhao Qi behind his back, Zhao will become the king of Qi Daqin in the future, and his Meng family will once again usher in prosperity.

“The King’s grace is like this, unprecedented.”

“The former Shang prince, Wu Anjun can only get this honor.”

Wang Jian also sighed in his heart.

Zhao Qi’s waiting for such kindness, even he has never received it.


All this is what Zhao Qi deserves.

His military exploits deserve all the favor of the king.

“Meng Qing.”

“You Yongcheng Daying can get out of the generals like Zhao Qing, and the widows are proud of you.”

Yingzheng turned his eyes, looked at Mengwu and praised.

Thank you “the king for complimenting.”

“The veteran was worthy of this kid when he first saw Zhao Qi. He beat the veteran on the first day of entering the barracks. This is the first time in Daqin.

“It is the honor of the veteran to be the first place for Zhao Qi to shine in Yongcheng Daying and to make countless merits for my Da Qin.” Meng Wu immediately replied with a smile.

However, there was also a kind of siege in his tone, and Yu Guang even cut to Wang.

The meaning is very clear.

“This old man.”

Feeling Meng Wu’s gaze, Wang Jian cursed out of his heart.

Isn’t this Meng Wu showing off to him?

“Zhao Qi made great contributions to my great Qin, and even the birth of his wife and children has never returned home, and according to few people’s knowledge, in the past two years, Zhao Qi’s wife, son and daughter have been taken care of by Meng Qing. This love, this kindness.”

“You can’t forget Zhao Qing.” Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Qi and smiled.

“The grace of General Mengwu, Zhao Qi will never forget.”

Zhao Zhengshen nodded, and then bowed to Meng Wu, “Zhao Qi thanked his wife and children at home.”

“Don’t don’t don’t.

“Boy Zhao Qi, an old man like you is angry.” Meng Wu immediately reprimanded Zhao Qi, of course his tone was very soft.

“Meng Qing took care of my family member for my great Qin hero, and Zhao Qi’s heart is outside, this is a great achievement.”


The widow “gives you a thousand horses and a thousand gold to reward you. This is also the kind of widow Zhao Qi thanking you for taking care of you.”

“If it weren’t for you, how could a real person get Zhao Qing, a good general who made such a great contribution to my Da Qin.” Ying Zheng immediately gave it to Dao.

“The old minister brazenly thanked the great king Longen.

The king gave it, how could Mengwu refuse it, and thank you immediately.

“Well, Meng Qing, you gave me a lot of credit for cultivating Zhao Qi for Da Qin, what else do you request?” Ying Zheng smiled, looking at Meng Wu and asked.

“The king is graceful and powerful, and he bestows power and glory on his subjects. The ministers used to ask for nothing else, but today he was summoned by the king. There was really a plea, and he asked the king for permission.” Meng Wu smiled and bowed to Ying. Political worship.

“Say Meng Qing.” Ying Zheng smiled.

“In the past two years, the old man has been in Lijiacun as long as he has time, and he has met Zhao Qi’s fiancée and mom at first sight. This girl is a good girl, but it is a pity that some people don’t cherish it.”

Meng Wu sighed, his voice lashing out, Yu Guang looked at Li Si.this moment.

Li Si’s face became flushed, how could he not know that Meng Wu was talking about him.

If Zhao Qi has not been reused, Li Ma’er’s origin is nothing, but as Zhao Qi was reused by Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang had to give him the marriage.

Li Yan’er’s origin also entered the eyes of the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty.

It turns out that Li Yan is not a village girl in a few villages, but the daughter of Li Si, a court officer of the Great Qin Dynasty.

It’s just that it has been stocked in the fief of Lijiacun.

But because Li Yan’er and Zhao Qi had a life-long private decision, and Li Si’s affairs were broken. The end result was that Li Si was ruthlessly abandoned, and even closed the 590 mansion, leaving Ma’er Li to fend for herself.

As for the reason.

If the official position is not above Jiuqing, maybe you still don’t know the hidden situation.


All the court officials looked at Li Si in unison. Li Sirang’s expression became very embarrassing, but he could not speak out.

“Li Si.

“Little man.

Han Fei had a glimpse of Yu Guang, and today he also saw his old classmate, a close friend who once had a close relationship, but everything he thought was Han Fei. In Li Si’s heart, he never regarded him as a close friend.

“Li Si.

“Now I am back.”

“And also brought Han Fei, who you feared the most.”

“In the following days, Zhao Qi and I will stay with you to the end.

“Your cruelty to Ma’er and your calculations to me are all in my mind.” Zhao Qi looked at Li Si. This was the first time Zhao Qi saw him, but Zhao Qi had already beaten Li Si in his heart. Become the label of the enemy.

The so-called Weng and Son-in-law’s affection does not exist for Zhao Qi.

If Li Si had any care.

Back then, I wouldn’t send an assassin to assassinate, and I wouldn’t think about calculating Li Yan’er and his own children to win.

All this is the root cause.

If he treats Mom a little better, Zhao Qi would not bear such a grudge.

But he didn’t.

In his eyes, Ma’er is his pawn, nothing more.

Hear what Meng Wu said.

Ying Zheng also glanced at Li Si.

This also made Li Si’s face even more ugly.

“It is an honor for Zhao Qi and Mom to marry Zhao Qi from the king. This time when Zhao Qi returns, he definitely wants to give Mom a status. Now Mom has no family, which is equivalent to having no maiden family. ”

“When the old minister came, he deliberately consulted Ma’er, and the old man proposed to accept her as a righteous daughter. He married Zhao Qi from my Meng Mansion the other day.”

“So the old minister dares to ask the king to admit it today.”

“All the names of the father and daughter of the old man and mother.


Mengwu worshipped again.

This statement.

Please play this.

Li Si’s face was completely bloodless, and there was even a kind of anger in his eyes.

At this moment.

He couldn’t help it anymore.


“What do you want to do?”

“I am Ma’er’s father, you think Ma’er is a righteous daughter, have you ever got my consent?”

“You still want Ma’er to marry from your Meng Mansion, where do you think I am?” Li Si pointed to Meng Wu, angrily said.

this moment.

No matter how deep Li Si was hidden, he couldn’t hold it anymore.

If Meng Wu’s ideas come true, then he will become a laughing stock of Da Qin Chaotang.

My daughter was actually married in another mansion. Where did this put his face?

“Li Si, you still have the face to scold me?”

“Why are you?”

“Just because you left Ma’er in Lijiacun for more than ten years? Just rely on Ma’er and Zhao Qi for life. If your mind is broken, you will abandon Ma’er?”

“Are you worthy?”

“The old man tells you.”

“Not worthy of you.

Meng Wu really gave up today, and scolded Li Si.

Hear this scolding.

Li Si’s expression changed for a while, but he still said angrily: “No matter what, it is not your turn to be an outsider to say anything.”

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