Chapter 117 Qin Shihuang meets Zhao Qi

Ten days later.

Within Xianyang.

More than two thousand black armored sharp men escorted the car and gradually approached the capital.

These veterans belonged to Zhao Qi’s guards, that is, private soldiers.

As the general of Daqin, he is the supreme master.

The number of guards has reached 3,000.

Throughout the view that Daqin can have such a scale of guarding, there is no one other than the three generals of Mengwu, Wang Qiang, and Huanqi.

Even if Daqin’s civil servants were highly titled, they would not have more than five hundred guards.

This is the difference between Wen and Wu.

Li Qing “Are you already in Xianyang?”

Inside the car, Zhao Qi poked her head out and asked.

The blood tiger followed the car.

“Back to General.

“I have entered the territory of Xianyang, and in about a stick of incense, I should be in Xianyang.” Li Qing replied with a smile.

When we go to Xianyang to meet the Queen, we will be able to go home. ”

“How do you feel?” Zhao Qi smiled at Li Qing.

Over the past three years.


Army life makes people grow and transform.

In the past three years or so, Zhao Qi has turned twenty years old, and he is twenty-one. Li Qing, who enlisted with Zhao Qi in the army, is the same.

They are already twenty years old.

The ten people who came out of Lijiacun, under the protection of Zhao, eventually reached high positions. Three people.

And on the battlefield in the future, everything is not necessarily true.

The reason why Zhao would protect them.

In fact, it is also to repay the love.

When my mother was still there, I came to Lijia Village alone. If it weren’t for the care of the villagers of Lijia Village, maybe there would be no Zhao Qi now, so Zhao Qi is extremely grateful to them.

And the same people, Li Qing and the others are very convinced of themselves. They are also regarded as their first subordinates. Now they have reached the point of death loyalty. They have grown up together and have a friendship with the village.

Die loyal, still brothers in the same village.

These people “If Zhao Qi doesn’t take care of them, who will he take care of?”

One person will be able to rise to heaven.

For Zhao Qi, the brothers in the village are his relatives and friends.

“very happy.

“After a long time, we can finally go home.”

“Brother, thank you.”

“If it were not for you, we would have died on the battlefield.”

Li Qing sincerely thanked Zhao Qi.

“Don’t say such polite remarks.”

“This time only you are back home. After I take a break, I will order Li Xiong and the others to take a one month break and let them go home to see.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“Thank you brother.” Li Qing thanked him.

The car slowly approached Xianyang.


You can already see the city gate of Xianyang City.

“Xianyang, my capital of Daqin.

Zhao Qi looked at Xianyang through Che Di.

Although it has been twenty years since he was reborn in this world, he also came to Xianyang for the first time and saw the capital of Daqin with his own eyes.

“Even if it is hundreds of feet apart, you can only see the outline of Daqin Capital, but the majesty is no longer comparable to other capitals.


Worthy of being the capital of Daqin, and worthy of being the capital of the strongest country today.

“in history.”

“Qin Shihuanggang, Qin II Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, killed his relatives, lived in the clan, and killed all of Qin Shihuang’s sons and daughters. After that, the armies of the various countries broke through Xianyang, and Xiang Yu overthrew Xiang Yan with a fire for hundreds of years. The ancient capital was burned.”

“Such a capital is a pity in history.

“But there is already me in this era.

“Although I have integrated into the history of Daqin’s dominance of the world, I will never be manipulated by history, but history.”

“Even Qin Shihuanggang will protect this capital in the future, and I will not let the glory that once belonged to Da Qin be destroyed.”

Looking at the capital of Daqin, Zhao Qi also felt a kind of speechless heroism in his heart.At this time.

Hundreds of quick rides came from the direction of Xianyang.

Look at the armor decoration, it is the Imperial Guard of the Daqin Palace.

The final general “Xin Sheng, welcome the triumphal return of General Zhao.”

The first general turned over and dismounted, bowed to Zhao Qi’s car, and looked very respectful.

“Xin Sheng, commander of the Imperial Guard, he actually came to greet me personally.”

Qin Shihuang “Really interesting enough.” Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart.

Then he immediately got out of the car and responded to Xin Sheng: “General Lao Xinsheng greeted him personally.”

“The general is polite.

“It is the honor of Xin Sheng to welcome the triumphant return of the general.”

Xin Sheng looked at Zhao Qi in awe and reverence.

Zhao Qi’s military exploits are well known in the world.

Zhao Qi’s victory made Da Qin defeat Han and Zhao.

As the youngest general in Da Qin, Zhao Qi’s reputation spread throughout Da Qin and even the world.

There are millions of sharp men in Daqin who respect Zhao Qi.

If it is said that in the past, Emperor Wu’an of the Qin Dynasty was hailed as the God of War of the Qin Dynasty, invincible and invincible.

So Zhao Qi’s prestige is gradually approaching Bai Qi, and countless wise men believe that Zhao Qi will surpass Bai Qi in the future and become the new generation of God of War, the undefeated God of War.

“Thank you.

Zhao Qi thanked again.


“The king had known that you had entered Xianyang, and led my Daqin officials to wait at the city gate of Xianyang. The people of Xianyang city knew that the general returned triumphantly, and they spontaneously waited inside and outside the city.”

“The general, please follow the end general and return to the capital triumphantly.” Xin Sheng said in awe.

“The great king brought civil and military officials to greet each other at the city gate?”

Hearing this, Zhao Qi was also shocked.

Qin Shihuang unexpectedly gave himself such a great courtesy, and even brought hundreds of civil and military officials out of the city to greet him.

With the respect of the King of Qin, leading a hundred officials to welcome each other, this is already the greatest courtesy and the greatest grace to the officials of a country.

“As expected of Qin Shihuang, this kind of courtesy is touching. Don’t worry, as long as you live, I will be honest, but your sons shouldn’t be honest.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

“Please also General Xin Sheng to lead the way, don’t let the king wait too much.” Zhao Qi said immediately.


Xin Sheng did not hesitate.

Drive the horse around and lead the hundreds of guards under his command to lead the way.

Zhao Qi’s guards escorted the car and followed.


Just in front of Xianyang City.

Inside and outside of Xianyang city at this moment.

A scene of vigilance.

Ying Zheng was dressed in a royal robe and Mianqi on his head. Behind him stood the hundreds of civil and military officials in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Inside and outside the city gates are guards guarded by black armored guards. On the outside of the guards, countless people from Xianyang come spontaneously. Some people want to see the excitement, and some want to see how famous Daqin General Zhao Qi is. .

These three years.

Following the successes of Daqin’s success, the two countries of Han and Zhao were cut.

Let Daqin’s prestige soared unprecedentedly.

At the same time, Da Qin’s people are deeply honored, and Da Qin will dominate the world.

After receiving the victory, the court naturally wanted to invigorate the people and boost the morale of the country, so it would announce the victory of Daqin to the people.

The name of Zhao.

It has been spread in Daqin Guang now, and it can be said that even in remote mountain villages, no one knows the name of Zhao Qi.

Daqin’s youngest general, a well-known existence.

For this legendary character, countless people of Qin wanted to see Zhao Qi.

Under the waiting of countless people in front of the city.

Zhao Qi’s car was led by the Imperial Guard, and gradually approached Xianyang City.

“Zhao Qi.”

The widow “only listens to your name, and only hears of your military exploits, but I have never seen it, and now I am finally going to see it.”

“Widows have to look at the demeanor of my Daqin’s most prestigious warrior.

At this moment, Yingzheng clasped his hands tightly, and his expression was flat, but he was also looking forward to it in his heart.

Because not only the people of Daqin, but courtiers wanted to meet Zhao Qi, even if it was Yingzheng. He has always been eager to see Zhao Qi, who is well-known under his command and is known as the god of war.


Under the guidance of Xin Sheng.

Zhao Qi’s car has arrived in front of the city.

“Chen Xinsheng, I was ordered by the king to welcome General Zhao, and now the general has arrived.” Xin Sheng got off his horse and bowed to Yingzheng.

“Get down.”

Ying Zheng said prestigiously.


Xin Sheng immediately retreated to the side with his guards.

And at this moment.

Ying Zheng raised his gaze and looked at Zhao Qi’s car. The hundred officials behind him were the same. They all raised their heads and looked at Zhao Qi’s car.

For Zhao Qi, they are all very curious.

Even Li Si.

Although I hate Zhao Qi very much, but it is the same, staring at Zhao Qi firmly.

He wanted to know what Zhao Qi was like, who had suffered a lot of dark losses.

Under the gaze of countless eyes.

The emperor opened the car.

Zhao Qi drove out of the car quickly.

At this moment, Zhao Qi did not wear a battle armor or a military uniform. Instead, he was dressed in an ordinary black robe. Although he did not have the killing spirit in the battle armor, he also had the majesty of the military, and his aura was compelling.

“Emperor Qin Shihuang.

At the moment of getting off the car.

Zhao Qi Yu Guang glanced at the city gate.

I immediately saw Yingzheng standing in the first person.

Dressed in a royal robe and a diadem on his head, even if he stood there without speaking, he also had a suffocating emperor’s majesty.

“As expected to be the emperor Qin Shihuang, this majesty is truly extraordinary.”

“A dream from a previous life is considered fulfilled.”

“I actually saw Qin Shihuang, the historical figures from the past, are now present before my eyes.”

At the moment when he saw Qin Shihuang, Zhao Qi was also very excited.

After all, for the rebirth one, he was particularly excited to see Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages.


Zhao Qi quickly recovered.

Outside of Xianyang, Zhao Qi can still rely on his identity and strength without any scruples, but in this capital of Da Qin, the core of Da Qin is also where the rich and powerful are gathered, so you must not be rude.

After all, the higher you stand, if you really commit something, you will fall badly.

And now there are so many people watching.

“The minister Zhao Qi has arranged everything in Zhao Jing and set up a large battalion in Handan, with an army of 300,000. Now he is back under the edict of the king.”

“Chen Zhao Qi, see Da Wang.

Zhao Qi walked quickly to Yingzheng a few feet away, bowed his head and bowed to Yingzheng.

“Good, good.

“Zhao Qing.”

“Free courtesy.

Ying Zheng walked quickly in front of Zhao Qi, and a smile appeared on the majestic face under Mianqi.

He stretched out his hands, directly squeezed Zhao Qi’s hand, and helped Zhao up.

at the same time.

Turning around, facing Daqin Wenwu, standing side by side with Zhao Qi.

This is even more of a great honor.

To stand with the emperor, his subordinates must retreat half a step, but at this moment Yingzheng is side by side with Zhao Qi. This is the honor that Yingzheng gives him 0…

The Manchu civil and military saw it, and the people in Xianyang saw it. Naturally, they were surprised that the king would treat Zhao Qi with such kindness. It is truly rare.


Ying Zheng squeezed Zhao Qi’s hand and said prestigiously: “He, Zhao Qi.”

“My general of Daqin.”

“The existence of countless military exploits for my great Qin.”

“In the battle to destroy Korea, Zhao Qi took the lead. Da Qin was able to destroy Korea with the fastest combat exploits. After the eradication of Korea, Zhao Qi did not disappoint. He guarded the Korean border, stabilized the Korean border, and stabilized the Korean border. Rebellion in the realm, let me Daqin thoroughly control the realm of Korea.

“In the battle to destroy Zhao, Zhao Qi knows the widows and destroys the heart of Zhao. The Zhao and Wei coalition forces have obvious ambitions. They attacked Daqin and intends to take the Korean territory. I, Da Qin, changed the defensive situation and embraced the force of sending troops.”


“Zhao Qi committed the danger alone, leading the army to break through Handan, and Zhao Wang was killed by him and fled in embarrassment.”

“Many achievements, many achievements, even a few people can’t believe it.”

“All of this was created by Zhao Qi.

He did not disappoint, nor did he disappoint my Daqin people. “”Today, Zhao Kaixuan is back, and he is back in glory.

“Worthy of my great Qin people congratulating him.”

Ying Zheng squeezed Zhao Qi’s hand and shouted with prestige.

To the hundreds of civil and military officials in Da Qin, and even to the countless people gathered here in and outside Xianyang.

He is the youngest general of Da Qin, and Da Qin has the most potential.

“General Zhao, General Zhao.

“General Zhao…

Pause time.

In and out of Xianyang, whether it was the guards of the guards or the people of Daqin who were watching, all shouted hysterically, each of them chanted Zhao Qi’s name.

This is they are welcoming the return of the hero who has made countless contributions to Da Qin.

The name of Zhao.

Resounded through the clouds and every corner of the capital of Qin Dynasty.

“This is Old Qin.

“My people in Daqin.

Under this high voice, Zhao Qi’s face also had a touch of movement.

Now it belongs to Daqin.

Qin Shihuang brought a hundred officials to welcome each other, and there were no hundreds of people in Xianyang spontaneously greet each other.What kind of glory is this?

For those who are generals, alive, returning home with good clothes is the greatest pursuit.

But now what you get is much more than that.

Seeing this whole Xianyang chanting his name, Zhao Qi’s invisible sense of belonging spontaneously emerged. This is the country he fought for and guarded.

These are the people of Daqin.

“Da Qin.”

“Even at the moment of the end of Qin in history, even if Qin Shihuang divided the world, as long as I have Zhao Qi, Da Qin will not die, even if I control the world, Qin will not die, because Da Qin is not a country name, but An era is the era of countless Yanhuang people, and it is the soul of fearlessness, the soul of conquest.

“The heart of the first emperor of Qin is the great aspiration left to future generations, the great aspiration of unification, the great aspiration of the country, the great aspiration of Yan and Huang.”

“Any unifying emperor in history is the heir of Qin Shihuang’s will.

“If that day, Zhao Qi will become the next successor of your will.”

Under these high voices, Zhao had a sense of glory, and a sense of pride emanating from his soul and blood.

Daqin Yanhuang, Yanhuang Daqin.

After Qin Shihuang unified.

It has never been a country name, but -1.2 times, the opening of a new era.

It symbolizes the call that Yan and Huang will never be separated and will never be separated.

“Zhao Qi, do you see it?”

“This is my Daqin’s people.”

“The countless deeds you made for Da Qin, my Da Qin people all know.”

“This is your glory.”

Yingzheng glanced at Zhao Qi and laughed prestigiously.

In the eyes of all people, his appearance of Zhao Qi is only one.

After all, it’s not easy to keep staring at Zhao Qi for winning politics, but even if it’s just a sound, winning politics has also seen Zhao Qi really as rumored, young and handsome.


Even if it was just a glimpse, Ying Zheng had an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

But this feeling was quickly suppressed by him.

Now is Zhao Yaorong’s time.

After truly entering the palace of the King of Qin, Ying Zheng will be able to look forward to Zhao Qi clearly.

“Thank you, King.

“It is the honor of the minister to be able to serve, protect, and expand the territory of Da Qin.” Zhao Qi has a heartfelt excitement.


“In the past few years, real people have listened to your name countless times, and each time you have given a gratifying surprise.”

“Widow has been looking forward to seeing you, and now I finally got what I wanted.”

Ying Zheng turned his head and met Zhao Qi’s eyes.

Zhao Qi’s appearance is fully presented in front of Ying Zheng.

It is also at this moment.

Suddenly, Yingzheng’s heart moved, and his eyes widened suddenly, and there was an unbelievable disagreement in his eyes.

Zhao Qi didn’t notice the change in Ying Zheng’s expression, and bowed slightly: “It is fortunate for the minister to be so concerned about the king.”

Dong’er “?”

“No, it’s not right. The father-in-law only has a daughter of Dong’er, and there are no other subwords. But why does Zhao Qi look like Dong’er?”

PS: Update to, I beg my brothers to be sure, thank you very much, ask for a monthly pass, write about it. .

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