Chapter 116-Zhao Qi’s Return to Hometown


Zhao Qi made great contributions again, which also surprised the court and the officials.

In just over three years, Zhao Qi is now only twenty years old, but he has repeatedly made great contributions to Da Qin, and almost every time it is related to the foundation of Da Qin.

Zhao Qi was born and has won many battles. It is no exaggeration to call it an undefeated general.

Even if the victory at this moment announced Zhao Qi’s victory in the settlement of the battle of generation and land, the officials still had a strong sense of suspicion and could not return to their senses.

“This time, Li Mu’s surrender has saved my Da Qin from war and casualties. This is a great achievement.”

“And Zhao Qi also gave Li Mu a promise that after returning, Li Mu will still command an army of 300,000, and guard the northern frontier for Daqin.”

“This matter, everyone approved.” Yingzheng said prestigiously.

“Great King Shengming.”

Regarding Yingzheng’s decision, the officials shouted in unison, without any objection.

after all.

Li Mu was originally the general of the Zhao Kingdom. This time, he could make the two generals of Da Qin come back, and if he suffered a loss, it was enough-it shows his ability to command troops.

And he surrendered to Da-Qin for the righteousness of the ethnic group, that is righteousness.

Using him to continue commanding the 300,000 army can not only stabilize the land, but also bring the soldiers of the 300,000 generations to their hearts. This also tells them that his political king is majestic and will never settle accounts after the autumn.

Moreover, as a talented king, how could Yingzheng have no confidence to subdue Li Mu and the three hundred thousand soldiers.

“My lord.

“Zhao Qi made great contributions to Great Qin, this time he can defeat Zhao Kingdom, Zhao’s contribution is undoubtedly, it is a well-deserved first contribution.”

“I have a clear distinction between rewards and punishments, and Zhao Qi’s work should be rewarded this time.

Meng Yi stood up at this moment and said loudly.

At his words fell off.

Qunchen did not have any accidents.

After all, Zhao Qi’s military exploits are placed there. If these military exploits are not sealed, who can get it?

This time, Zhao’s merits were determined.

Even if it is Wang Jian, even if it is Huanqi, although they have captured the territory of Zhao State, the army has no obstacles at all. All of this is created by Zhao Qi. To open, or to defeat Lian, kill King Zhao, and surrender Li Mu on behalf of the land.

Zhao’s work has surpassed the dynasty and Huanqi.

And this is also a great achievement that is beyond doubt on the bright side.

“Zhao Qi is awarded the reward, and after he has returned to Xianyang, he will perform his merits and rewards.” Yingzheng said prestigiously, with strong expectations for Zhao Qi in his voice.

Zhao Qi made so many contributions to Da Qin.

It is also somewhat interesting.

He, the king of Da Qin, has never even seen Da Qin, a great hero who has made countless great achievements.

The magnificent General Qin Xinrui has received countless kings’ favors, and none of the monarchs and ministers have ever met each other.

If it spreads out.

I’m afraid it will shock the world.

A courtier who had never seen it, Yingzheng dared to reuse it so much.

Also created a monarch’s monstrous courage.

“The King.”

“Speaking of Zhao Qi’s return to Xianyang, the minister has something to say.”

Wang Shu stood up and said respectfully.

“What’s the matter with Xiangbang?” Yingzheng’s gaze shifted.

“The king, Wang En, is powerful, Zhao Qi has been appointed general, but his army is only tens of thousands, and he has not really opened a large camp to expand his army.

“This time Zhao Guoding needs to think about where Zhao Qi should set up a big camp.” Wang Guan said aloud.


“It’s true that the widows have to think about this matter.” Yingzheng nodded, with some thoughts on his face.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“The minister thought.

“Zhao country is not fixed, and Zhao people are more fierce than the Koreans, and more difficult to control than the Koreans, and General Zhao has experience in managing the Koreans, if he is allowed to take charge of the military affairs of the Zhaos, he will be competent.”

“Furthermore, we set up General Zhao’s camp in the Zhao realm. One can control the Zhao realm, and second, the Zhao realm can be used as a springboard for my Great Qin. In the future, we can attack Qi, Yan, and even Wei and Chu.

Meng Yi stood up and said loudly.


Ying Zheng nodded.

Immediately said: “According to the edict of the widow, Zhao Qi was ordered to set up a large camp in Handan, with a force of 300,000, to guard the Zhao realm for the widow and control the Zhao realm.

“The Han border has been decided, Feng Quji selected an official to continue to manage the Korean border government affairs, and set off for Zhao Jing to govern.”

“The original assistant Feng Quji managed Han Fei, his deputy in the Korean realm, and was transferred to Xianyang. The widow will make separate arrangements.

The voice fell.

Hearing that Han Fei was about to transfer to Xianyang, Li Si’s expression changed.

The thing that worries him most still happened.

Han Fei is in the Korean border, so he is still far away from the center of Daqin, far away from authority.

But when you came to Xianyang, that was the real core. With Han Fei’s talents, he was loyal to governing the Korean realm, and winning politics must be reused.

But at the moment.

Li Si did not dare to say a half-no word, because he had no reason or excuse to deny it.

“Great King Shengming.”

Not waiting for Li Si to return to his senses.

Meng Yi said loudly.

“Great King Shengming.”

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

“Zhao Qi set up a large camp in Handan, and after integrating the army, he can return to Xianyang to receive rewards from the widows.”

“Li Mu, Han Fei also came to Xianyang with Zhao.

“As for the king and Huanyou, after one month of Zhao Jing’s repair, hand over the defense defense to Zhao Qi, and then return to the camp triumphantly.”

Ying Zheng said prestigiously.




“Wang Zhao came from Xianyang.””Now waiting outside the palace.

Tu Sheng came to the hall and told Zhao Qi.

“Wang Zhao?

Zhao Qi smiled slightly and immediately stood up from the stairs, his heart was full of joy: “I didn’t expect to come so soon, Mom, I will be able to go back to see you soon.

As the general guarding the side, if Wang Zhao is not allowed, he is not allowed to leave his post without authorization. If not, Zhao Qi ran back when Li Yaner gave birth.

But that also committed a serious crime.


“Now that the State of Zhao is gone, and all the territory is under the control of Daqin, there is no hindrance to the transmission of news. The envoys sent by Xianyang have not been delayed, and naturally they can come to Handan in seven or eight days.” Zhang smiled.

“Let’s go, follow me to lead the order.”

Zhao Qi ordered the generals under his command.

Walked slowly towards the outside of Longtai Palace.


Several guards were waiting outside the hall. When they saw Zhao Qi’s figure, they were immediately in awe.

“Meet the general.

Several sharp men immediately bowed and bowed to Zhao Qi.

“A few of you are polite.

Zhao immediately replied with a smile.

Now that I am like this, I am an admiral, and my fame is far-reaching. People in the army see that I am rarely disrespectful.


“The king has an edict.”

Leading a guard sharply picked up Wang Zhao.

Zhao Qi will naturally not be rude.

Immediately bowed and bowed: “Chen Zhao Qi, respectfully listen to Wang Zhao.”

“Chen waited to listen to Wang Zhao.

Tu Diao, Zhang Han, Ren Ying and many generals bowed their heads.

“Qin Wangzhao.

“Admiral Zhao Qi made great contributions to Da Qin in the battle of destroying Zhao. He has made outstanding contributions. Da Qin knows and the world knows. Everyone feels very comforted.

“Zhao Qing has been my General Qin, but he has never set up a guard camp.”

“Today, everyone ordered you to build a Handan camp in Handan, and expand the army to 300,000, for my Daqin Jiangong generals, sharp men, and Zhao Qing based on my Daqin army’s merits. After that, I can tell others.”

“In addition, all military affairs in Zhao Jing belong to Zhao Qing’s hall, and the soldiers, officials, and widows give Zhao Qing the right to live and kill.

“Wang Jian, Huandi, after refurbishment, return to the barracks triumphantly. All military defense affairs in Zhao Jing will be handed over to Qing Zhao, Wang Qing don’t disappoint.”

“In addition, set up a large camp to expand the army. After arranging a large army to guard Zhao Jing, you can bring Li Mu and Han Fei back to Xianyang. The widow’s kindness allows you to take a rest and return home and meet your wife.

This sharp guard read out Wang Zhao’s written by Yingzheng.

“Chen Zhao Qi thanked the great king Longen.”

“The minister leads the edict.

Zhao Qi said loudly, holding his hands together, and the sharp guard quickly handed Wang Zhao to Zhao Qi.

“The camp is set up, and after the army is expanded and guarded, it can be returned to Xianyang, and you can go back to see Ma’er and the others.”

“It’s been more than three years, Mom, your brother didn’t let you down after all.” Zhao Qi held Wang Zhao tightly, very excited in his heart.

He finally returned to his hometown in fine clothes and married his childhood sweetheart.

After Zhao Qi took over Wang Zhao, he said to several Rui Shi who passed the edict: “Thanks for your hard work.”

“The general made a serious statement.

“To be able to convey Wang Shao to the general is an honor for the generals and others.”

The guards all looked at Zhao Qi in awe.

As a warrior guarding the palace, he respects Zhao Qi so much. It is conceivable that Zhao Qi’s prestige has reached the stage in Daqin.


Zhao Qi didn’t say much.

“It will be at the end.

Ren Qi came out.

“These soldiers should be your old brothers. They have worked hard from a long distance. You send someone to take them down to rest.” Zhao Qi smiled.


Ren Lu nodded and immediately sent someone to do it.

After a few guards who had passed the edict left.

Tu Wei and Zhang Han immediately congratulated Zhao Qi.

“General, congratulations.

Madam “It has been two years since Lin’er was born, and now you can finally go back and talk to Madam.” Tu Wei said with some joy, happy for Zhao Qi.

“Congratulations to the general.” Zhang Han, and many other generals also congratulated.

Every congratulation comes from the heart.

“Ha ha.”

Hearing the congratulations from the generals under his command, Zhao Shuanglang smiled: “Okay, let’s all enter the hall. Next, we will make arrangements for it, otherwise how can we return to Xianyang.”


The generals also laughed.

Follow Zhao Qi into the hall again.

“Tubing, what happened to the pawn that would have allowed you to migrate from Korea?

Zhao Qi’s expression became serious, and he asked with prestige.

“General Return, all have moved to Handan.”

“Being detained outside the city, and in accordance with the general’s instructions, Wei Guo’s soldiers never brought them, but Zhao Guo’s soldiers brought them all.” Tu Sheng immediately replied.

“Zhang Ye, is the number of pawns reduced by statistics?” Zhao Qi asked.

“Back to General.

“Zhao Jiang died in the first battle in Nanyang, 50,000 soldiers, more than 40,000 prisoners in the first war in Jinyang, and 140,000 soldiers in the first battle in Handan, and these were all survived, and the disability was discarded and dealt with.”

“A total of 210,000 soldiers have been dropped this time.

Zhang Han replied immediately.

Zhao Qi nodded.

These things were all done by Tu Ya and the others after he came back from Daidi, and now it has been nearly a month, and they have all done it naturally.

“How many Korean defenders have been transferred? Zhao looked at Juwei again.

“Back to the general.

“Sixty thousand sharps were recruited, and they escorted the soldiers into Handan. In addition, there are still fifty thousand remaining guarding the various cities of the Korean realm, but the Dading of the Korean realm is completely under the control of my Daqin, fifty thousand sharps It’s enough to guard.” Tu Diao replied immediately.

“Handan still has my 140,000 army, plus the army of 60,000 conscripts, totaling 200,000. This is enough to conquer 210,000 Zhao Jun and pawns.”

Zhao Qi thought to himself secretly.

Qin Shihuang gave him an expansion of 300,000, which naturally did not include the soldiers guarding the cities and prefectures in the Zhao realm.

An army of 300,000, that is the strength of the direct main battle.

Qin Shihuang had already issued an edict, Zhao Jing’s defense was handed over to Zhao Qi to handle it, and it naturally included the Shao Bing who Zhao Jing guarded everywhere.

Moreover, Qin Shihuang was extremely kind and gave Zhao Qi great authority. After he was able to guard the Zhao border, the military authority to guard the Korean border has not been taken back. It is equivalent to Zhao Qi guarding the original borders of the two countries. The grace of it.


Zhao Guo was about to be taken down, what are your thoughts? Zhao Weisheng asked.

“Dare to ask the general, or would you like to retreat in South Korea in the past, to disrupt the soldiers into the army, and then give me the status of Daqin reserve soldier?” Zhang Gongjing asked.


“But it will be different from before.” Zhao Qi smiled slightly, revealing deep thought.

The crowd gathered their eyes and fell on Zhao Qi’s body, waiting for the order.

“This time the army expansion is different from the original general or the main general. At that time, the general had only 100,000 troops, plus the Korean guards only had 200,000. Among them, the cavalry was still forcibly pieced together 50,000. , Naturally different.”

“At this time, we were going to form an army of offensive, defensive, and defensive.

“There must be cavalry, infantry, and archer.

And “complement each other.

“The cavalry is at least 100,000, and the infantry is 200,000, each combination of forces.”

“What do you think?

Zhao Qi looked at the three main generals under his command.

“The general is wise.

Three will immediately respond.

“In this battle to destroy Zhao, there are countless soldiers who have made merits in our army. All of them are recorded in the military merit book. After the expansion of the army, you should award rewards based on merits and not treat them lightly.” Zhao explained again.

“I will understand at the end.

Sanjiang nodded immediately.

“All right.”

“If there is nothing wrong, you should withdraw first.”

Zhao Qi nodded. There is not much to explain here. The focus is on tomorrow, the reduction of 200,000 Zhao Jun.

But that is not difficult.

After all, he already had the experience of subduing Han Jiangzu.

“I will retire at the end.”

The generals bowed to Zhao Qi and left the hall.

“Finally it’s the final stage of going home.”

“It’s been more than three years. Mom should miss me too.” Zhao Qi showed a look of expectant smile on his face.

The next day.

Outside Handan.

The scene of Yangcheng is still vivid.

The outside of Handan at this moment is also a replica of Yangcheng.

Two hundred thousand Zhao army soldiers gathered outside the city, sitting on the ground cross-legged in the same way, and surrounded by countless great Qin Ruishi, who were heavily guarded.

These are the preparations to put an end to the turmoil of the soldiers.

Naturally, these descendants were no different from the original Han Jiangzu.

And these fears are more intense than the original Han Jiangzu. If it is said that the one who fears Da Qin the most and hates Da Qin in the world, perhaps it is Zhao Guo.

The Changping World War in the past.

Bai Qikeng killed 400,000 Zhao army soldiers. Even though decades have passed, they are still remembered by the world. As one of the former warriors of Zhao, they naturally can’t forget. What they once thought was to invade Qin and get revenge.

Because of Qin’s slaying, Zhao’s family was devastated and completely empty.

So they are very scared.

Now their only hope is when they were defeated, Zhao Qi outside of Handan City promised them that they would not kill them.

0…seeking flowers…

In this sense of fear.

The city is closed.

A loud shout: “The general is here.”

This sound.

Immediately all the hearts of the soldiers were raised in their throats, and the time for their lives and deaths had arrived.

If the general of Daqin wants them to die, then today’s Handan city will be their tomb.

After this cry.

Zhao Qi came to Chengguan under the guard of the generals.

And Zhao Qi’s figure also appeared in all Jiang’s eyes.

“The general Zhao Qi.”

“Admiral Da Qin.”

“The king’s decree is to take full control of your life and death.”

“In other words, your life and death are between the general’s thoughts.

Zhao Qin stared at all the panic-stricken soldiers in front of the city, and said with prestige.

The words fell off.

The pawn’s expression became more terrified.Many people’s instinct was to escape, but looking at the black armored Great Qin Ruishi on duty around them, they were even more afraid. Next, punish them.

But Zhao Qi’s next sentence brought them back from the shroud of fear.

“In front of Handan City, I would have promised you that I would not kill you, and would give you a way to survive.”

“The general’s promise will not change.”

“So you can feel at ease.” Zhao Qi’s voice rang again, and the blessing of Zhen Qi, like thunder sound, clearly spread to countless Zhao Jun Jiang’s ears.

This sentence really made countless soldiers breathe a sigh of relief, at least their lives have been saved.

“Ben will know.

“Zhao and Qin had a deep hatred dozens of years ago. In the first battle in Changping, my great Qin Wuanjun Baiqi killed 400,000 pawns, and the hatred was concluded here.”

“For the original war, there would have been only one word. The past is worse than a new life.

“In the past battle of Changping, the two countries faced each other. It was not the calamity of soldiers, but the forces of the world.”

“This is what the general said.”

That’s it.Zhao Qi’s voice changed: “In the Jiang Zuo camp, I believe you have already known how Da Qin dealt with Jiang Zuo. First, I was demoted to a slave and distributed to various places in Da Qin for work without pardon for life, and second, I was degraded to punishment. The cannon fodder army fought for Daqin, but they could never get rid of slavery until death.

About these two methods of disposal, almost all the soldiers in the army camp have heard of them.

And the same is true of their Zhao Guo’s handling of the soldiers.

There are seven countries in the Central Plains, but after all, they are all of the same family. The handling of soldiers is a difficult problem for all countries in the world, and the natural methods of handling are similar.

“My Daqin only has these two methods to deal with soldiers, but I would play Dawang after holding the Korean border and added a third method.

“That is to give you a chance to be human again…

Zhao Qi didn’t have too much nonsense, and straight to the subject, he told all the soldiers of the third method of disposal.

Just like in Yangcheng.

The two hundred thousand Zhao Jun soldiers were given a chance to become a man again.

They will naturally not give up.


Zhao Qi confessed that Tu Wei had disrupted the 210,000 soldiers, mixed with the Daqin Ruishi, and formed the Ruishi who belonged to the Daqin Handan camp.

Of course.

Like Han Jiangzu, who had taken over at the beginning, they all need time to get in touch with Daqin Ruishi before they can fully integrate into Daqin.

Two months later.

Inside the Longtai Palace.

“Admiral Qiqi.”

“The army has been completely integrated.”

“The original soldiers have all been mixed and broken up, and they have been incorporated into my great Qin sergeants, and now they have begun to receive battle formation training.

“General general.”

“The county soldiers guarding each place have also been deployed and have taken over the guarding duties of the Hangu and Lantian Daying brothers.”

The generals told Zhao Qinpiao about the military situation in the past two months.

The gangster, Zhang Han, served as a doctor.

They are all capable fighters. Now they are under Zhao Qi’s command. Their commanding capabilities have also played a role. Zhao Qi explained that they can not only implement the orders, but also perform them more perfectly.

“Everything is over.

Listening to the draft of the three generals under his command, Zhao Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past two months, Zhao Qi has not been idle, and has been rectifying military affairs and deploying the army.

Now I finally got the results.

The Handan camp has been successfully established, and the army has also successfully expanded.

After removing the 300,000 sharp soldiers from the Handan camp, there are also 100,000 county soldiers guarding various places in Zhao Jing, all of which have been deployed.

“But what’s the omission?

Zhao Qi asked the three of them.

“Go back to the general.”

“There are no omissions.”

“Zhao Jing has a 400,000 army in Handan, which is enough to be stable.”

“The general can rest assured to return to Xianyang.”

Tu Shu said with a smile.

“Yes, General, you can go back to Xianyang with peace of mind. Madam and your children have been waiting for you for a long time. Zhang Han” also smiled.

“Please rest assured, the general, Zhao Jing has a few final generals guarding, absolutely foolproof.” Ren Zhu also promised.

They all know that Zhao Qi desperately wants to return to Xianyang and Yongcheng, so they have been busy for the past two months.

“Zhao Jing’s defense, everything depends on you.”

“After I will return to the countryside to accompany his wife and children, I will come back.” Zhao Qi said, looking at the three generals.

“Please rest assured, the general.

The three generals said in unison.

“All right.”

“Ben will also go to bid farewell to Master Feng.”

“Tu Ya, Zhang Han, in the past few years, you two have been completely in the martial arts, and you should not neglect this time when you will not be here.” Zhao Qi warned to Tu Jian Zhang Hanhe.

“Please rest assured, the general.

The two immediately replied firmly.


Zhao Qi nodded and walked out of Longtaiyan slowly.

The road to return home in triumph was officially opened.

this day.

He has been looking forward to it for a long time.


“Brother is coming back.”

Zhao Qi thought excitedly.

To wait Zhao Qi leaves.

Ren Qi looked at Tu Ya and Zhang Han with a puzzled look.

“Lao Tu, Lao Zhang.

“What did the last sentence of the general just leave?”

“What martial arts?” asked curiously.

I don’t know if that sentence was Zhao Qi’s intentional or unintentional. He said the word martial arts, which also made Ren Qi very puzzled.


Tu Wei and Zhang Xiang glanced, looking at Ren Qi a little helpless, not knowing what to say.

“Could it be that this is not a secret?” Ren Jiang’s expression changed slightly.

“Old Ren.”

We “have been with you for more than a year under the general’s command.”

“For the general, what do you think?” Ju asked with deep meaning after turning his gaze.

“The general in my heart is my Great Qin God of War, no one can surpass it.” Ren did not hesitate to think.

“If you choose to be loyal to the general, are you willing?”

“Remember, this allegiance is allegiance to the general, and then Da Qin.” Zhang Han said immediately, staring at Ren Yi.

The words fell off.

Ren Qi looked at the two of them differently, but facing their gazes, Ren Jiang felt as if he had come into contact with a situation he had never touched before.

PS: The update is up, and I beg your brothers for your support, monthly pass support, and I am grateful. Ding.

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