Chapter 115 Ying Zheng: It’s Zhao Qi Again Surprising The Widow

The system prompt sounded in Zhao’s ear.


Zhao Qi did not hesitate.

“The host’s instructions are accepted.

“Open up the secondary profession “Beast Taming” and start the transfer of beast training skills.” The system prompts.

Then a golden light enveloped Zhao Qi’s body.

next moment.

Just like the transmission of martial arts and martial arts, Zhao Qi successfully opened up his first assistant profession. Tame the beast.

Open the properties panel.

Role: Zhao Qi

Sub-professional: 1st level animal trainer (has the ability to communicate with beasts and birds.)

Beast Taming Skills: Beast Taming Aura (Able to domesticate ordinary small beasts and birds, cannot exceed level 1 beasts and beasts.)

Level: Level 12 (Innate Double Realm)

Stamina: 3000

Infuriating: 2000

Practicing exercises; consummating the basic inner strength, nine-yang magical technique (renewing vitality without rest,)

Cultivation of martial arts: perfect basic swordsmanship (one sword cuts out, sword energy is invisible), perfect yellow-level middle-grade martial arts “Fight Tiger Fist”, one punch can make a tiger roar, and one punch can gather 10 times the power of the whole body and blast out.

Consummating the profound level martial arts “Sacred Arrow Technique”, comprehending Consummation, three hundred zhang arrows without false hair, ten arrows in succession, contains bursting arrow energy.

Consummation of the profound martial arts “Overlord Halberd”…

Possess weapons; overlord halberd, stainless steel sword, body armor, ten crossbows.

Possess a magic weapon: Jiangxin (with training attributes, the host commander can increase morale by 100% and increase combat power by using the battle formation.)

Possess characteristics; general authority (subordinate generals, all in awe)

Experience required to upgrade: 38650.

“System, can you use promotion points to improve your animal training skills? Zhao Qi asked directly.

Beasts naturally have levels. This beast taming halo can only tame level 1, so it won’t play a big role. Can you tame the sparrow?

“Beast training skills also master skills for the host, which can be improved through promotion points.” The system prompts.

“Raise to Consummation.”

Hearing this, Zhao Qi would hesitate no matter what, and immediately gave instructions.

“Host instructions are accepted.” The system prompts.

Then there was another sound of consuming promotion points to improve skills.


“Congratulations to the host’s beast taming skill to level 1 and can tame any beast and bird at level 11.”

“Remaining promotion points, 600.” The system prompted.

Hear this.

Zhao Qi smiled with satisfaction. Although the promotion points can be said to be exhausted, this time when Zhao is selected, prestige rewards will soon be ushered in, and there will be promotion points rewards at that time.


For the current Zhao Qi, level 11 beast training skills are completely sufficient.

Look at his own beast training skills again.

Beast Taming Aura (Can tame any beast and bird at level 11.)

This skill is completely enough for Zhao Qi to complete his own creation of forces.

“in a blink.

“It has been more than three years since I came out of the village, and I am now twenty years old.”

“Yan’er, when Qin Shihuang arrives, I can go back to see you and our children.” 587

“This time, I will come back to fulfill my promise, and marry you upright and fair, let you marry me gracefully and become my wife.”

A touch of warmth appeared on Zhao Qi’s face.

Qin Shihuang promised himself that he could return to Xianyang for some time after he smoothly settled the State of Zhao.

Now this condition has been fulfilled.

Next, just arrange the affairs of his subordinates, shrink the two hundred thousand Zhao Jun soldiers, and then wait for Qin Shihuang’s edict.


Inside the Palace of King Qin.

“Wang Jian, what exactly is Huandi doing?”

“More than half a million troops attacked a city, and the enemy’s strength was only half of that. It lost its troops and defeated its generals. It hasn’t taken the land for more than a month.”

“They are so disappointing.

General Yingzheng threw the military newspaper in his hand at the hall, a look of anger appeared on his face.

“The king calmed down his anger.”All the officials in the hall were panicked.

Since Daqin sent troops to start the road to unification, this is also the first time that Yingzheng has been so angry.

With an absolute advantage, Da Qin still had this defeat, and he could not attack it for a long time, which made Yingzheng not angry.

Of course.

Perhaps it was also since Zhao Qi enlisted in the army, Daqin’s successive victories, the army of Daqin was unstoppable, and this also gave Yingzheng an invisible illusion. Daqin’s warriors are invincible and will not encounter anything. Dangerous.

After Zhao’s surprise attack, the battle against Zhao went smoothly after obtaining the vital killing effect, and there was no bad news.

The military reports received from Zhao Qi were all good news, but Wang Qiang and Huan brought bad news directly.

The army’s offensive is not smooth.

It even hurts soldiers and soldiers.

“When Zhao Qi ruled the army, he was a major general, but he was always able to surprise the widows. He won Jinyang and broke Handan. Which one was not a big victory, and which one was not a big victory?”

“Where are Wang Jian and Huanqi?”

“My Daqin’s veteran general has twice the strength of the enemy. There are many soldiers and the generals are broad, but the victory of the game brings such military rewards.”

“Why don’t widowed people be angry?” Yingzheng shouted coldly.

In anger.

The entire Palace of King Qin was shrouded in a kind of speechless depression.


Dynasty and Huanqi’s military report is indeed a bit unsatisfactory.

Let Yingzheng disappointed.

In the past two or three years, it is not only that winning the government has become accustomed to the military newspaper passed by Zhao, it is always a good news, and every time a military newspaper of Zhao Qi is bound to bring surprises to Yingzheng.

Therefore, some have forgotten that victory or defeat is commonplace in the military.

“The king calmed down.

At this time.

Wei Liao stood up and bowed.

“In this battle between the generations of the land, Wang Jian and General Heng have been disadvantaged for a long time. It is not that the two generals have neglected their duties, but that the generation of generals Li Mu has a good command of the army. He has 300,000 troops, all of which are the original Zhao Guojing. (adbc) Sharp, and it is a frontier army who has experienced war all the year round. According to the military report, Li Mu is based on the generation of the city. Two-wing cavalry is stationed. As long as two generals attack, they will inevitably encounter a three-way attack.

“This strategy, this defensive method, is simply insoluble.”

“If you want to break the game, there is no other way besides a strong attack, and a strong attack will definitely make me lose my soldiers.”

“If the war of attrition drags down Li Mu, it won’t work. Qi and Yan will definitely not sit back and watch my Da Qin break through the land. They will inevitably help Li Mu indefinitely.”

“There is no solution to this game.”

Wei Liao said aloud, with a solemn expression on his face.

“Unsolvable game?”

Ying Zheng frowned.

“The King.”

“Li Mu is good at using troops, and it is Pingchuan on behalf of the land. Cavalry is an invincible army, and our cavalry can’t compete with Zhao Guo’s cavalry. Therefore, even if the two generals are twice as powerful as Li Mu, they also know that they want to attack Li Mu. Must pay the price of at least 100,000 soldiers killed in battle, so they have been offensive for such a long time at a disadvantage.

“Li Mu’s formation in Daiyu was to fight my Daqin bloody battle, and even if he died, he would hit my Daqin hard.”

Wei Liao carefully analyzed the situation of the land.

Even if he lives in Xianyang, but in the case of the military report, Wei Liao naturally analyzed the battle situation immediately.

After hearing Wei Liao’s explanation and consolation.

Ying Zheng also gradually eased from his anger.


The game here is unbreakable except for a strong attack.

Even if you think about disintegrating from the inside of the land, it is almost impossible. Although Li Mu is the general of the Zhao country, he is respected by millions of generations in the land.

“Zhao State Cavalry, Hu Fu cavalry, Li Mu.

Ying Zheng said with a cold face and angrily thought to himself: “Although Zhao Xian has started the forging plan of the Cavalry Supreme Treasure, it has not yet been really popularized, and the distant water can’t solve the near fire.”


Ying Zheng’s expression is also very solemn.

“Wei Liao.”

“From your point of view, is there any way to break this battle?

Except for “power attack?” Ying Zheng asked prestigiously.

Under a strong attack, the loss of the army would exceed one hundred thousand. Although the king was indifferent and controlled everything in the empire, for a city and for the strategy of the Great Qin, let alone one hundred thousand, even more sacrifices could be sacrificed.

But after all, it is a hundred thousand elite soldiers. If there is no real decision to make a strong attack, Yingzheng does not want to adopt it until there is really no way.

“Back to the king.

“Except for the storm.”

“There is no solution to this game.

Wei Liao shook his head with a heavy face.

Yingzheng raised his gaze and looked at the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, but as his gaze passed, all the officials bowed their heads and there was no way to solve it.

It seems “Really as Wei Qing said, Li Mu has no other choice but to attack in this life-threatening situation.

“In that case,

Yingzheng’s eyes condensed: “Send an edict to the widow.

“Let Dynasty, Huandi, attack Daicheng.”

“At all costs, break Daicheng for the widows.

The voice fell.

There is a kind of indifference of the king in the voice of winning the government, and the king’s control of the overall situation.

In order for the Qin Dynasty to dominate the overall situation of the world.

What if one person, ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people, or even one million people die?

What he has to do in Yingzheng is to create a unified country since the beginning of the world, and no one can change his determination.

Just then.

The moment when the ministers are ready to lead the edict.


“Zhao Guo has a great victory.

“Wang Wei, Huan Yi, Zhao Qi and three generals jointly played.

A sharp man ran into the hall in a hurry, his expression was very excited and excited.

Obviously there is an unspeakable overjoy.

“Zhao Kingdom’s great victory?”

Ying Zheng’s tight expression just stretched out in an instant.

The civil and military faces of the Manchuria were shocked.

Just now Wei Liao also said that Li Mu is guarding the land, and the defense of the 300,000 army is insoluble, but now why is it a big victory?

To know.

Since it is called a great victory, it proves that Da Qin himself will definitely not lose too much, otherwise it will not be called a great victory at all.

“Is there really other ways to break the game?”

Wei Liao was also stunned at this moment.

Just now he concluded in one word that there was no other way besides a strong attack and a war of attrition, and that it would be difficult to drag Li Mu down if Qi Guo and Yan Guo were backed up at the expense.

However, a strong attack will inevitably damage soldiers and defeat generals.

The casualties were huge.


“This good news is that Wang Jian, Huanqi, and Zhao Qi jointly played it?”

Before, “The two generals Wang Jian and Hengdi had nothing to do with the land? Is it because of Zhao Qi?

Wei Liao suddenly thought.

Except besides.

There seems to be no other possibility.

While Wei Liao recovered, other great Qin officials in the courtroom were also thinking to themselves.

“Has Zhao Qi sent troops to replace the land? Li Mu was solved by him?” The ministers thought in surprise.

“Impossible, it is definitely not Zhao Qi. If it is really him, then if he succeeds in destroying Zhao this time, how much power will his position grow? If he recommends Han Fei, wouldn’t Han Fei want to enter Xianyang?” Li Si My heart became uneasy, and I could only pray that the outcome of this battle was not what Zhao Qi did.

“Zhao Qi?”

Ying Zheng also recovered in an instant.

Then his eyes were expectant, and he said: “Hurry up and submit the victory report.”


Zhao Gao immediately walked down the stairs, held up the victory with both hands, walked quickly back to Yingzheng’s side, and passed the victory.

Ying Zheng couldn’t wait to open the victory report and took a pleasurable look.

It’s like receiving military reports about Zhao Qi in the past.

At this moment, Ying Zheng, who had an iron and anger on his face, had an excited smile on his face.

“Good, good, good.”


“Only Zhao Qi will not disappoint.”

Ying Zheng laughed excitedly.

Hear Ying Zheng’s words.

All the court officials raised their heads, their eyes widened, and they were full of shock.

“It turned out to be Zhao Qi.

“How did he solve the plight of this generation?

All courtiers looked up blankly, full of curiosity.

Discuss continued.

Guigu disciple, unparalleled in strategy, is considered an exhaustive strategy.

There is almost no chance of changing what he has determined.He has no way to break the situation for Da Qin this time, can it be solved by Zhao Qi?So Wei Liao couldn’t stand up at this moment.

He immediately stood up and said loudly: “Dare to ask the king, the predicament of the generation, I don’t know how Zhao Qi broke the game?”

“Weiqing, can’t you think of it?” Ying Zheng was a little excited, and looked at Wei Tong with a bit of teasing.

“Also please enlighten me.” Wei Liao is indeed anxious now. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t even think about how Zhao Qi broke the game.

Ying Zheng laughed, and said prestigiously: “Daily the city, Li Mu stationed 300,000 troops to defend Da Qin, indeed, Wei Qing, you are right, there is only one way to break the situation, and that is to attack, but I Da Qin It will inevitably suffer a great loss of vitality and strength.

“The method of brute force can be effective immediately, but Zhao Qi has another method.

“After the dynasty and Huandi were unable to attack for a long time, Zhao Qi was invited to go north to find a land together.”

“In the end, Zhao Qi made a decision to use the military as a supplementary deterrent and attack the heart first.”

“This method immediately yielded results. Zhao Qi and Li Mu met in Daicheng. Under Zhao Qi’s persuasion, Li Mu was willing to return to Daqin.”

“It’s not just Li Mu, but the 300,000 generations of goblin soldiers under his command belong to our Da Qin. Allegiance to our Da Qin dynasty will be determined, and the state of Zhao has been destroyed.

Ying Zheng’s voice resounded throughout the hall.

The voice fell.

Like thunder, it was so shocking that every great Qin official could hardly return to his senses.

Such a result.

It really makes them a little unbelievable.

“Li Mu surrendered to Da Qin, and the 300,000 army belonged to Da Qin.”

“How can this be?”

“How did Zhao Qi persuade Li Mu?”

“He is General Zhao, a general who is loyal to Zhao.

“Since Zhao Qi was born, from the beginning of his enlistment, he has never been defeated. Now, the dilemma that the two generals Wang Jian and Huandi can’t break the game has been easily solved by Zhao Qi.”

“He, is it true that the victorious general given to me by the heavens did not succeed?

The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty all had expressions of horror, and were shocked by the results of such battles.

Li Mu surrendered.

Three hundred thousand troops went to Daqin.

This is spread to the world, I’m afraid that people in other countries can hardly believe it.

Who is Li Mu?

He is General Zhao State, and a general who fearlessly died. How could he surrender?

“The King.”

“How did General Zhao do it?”

“How can he persuade Li Mu to surrender?”

“Li Mu is loyal to the State of Zhao, it is almost impossible to be persuaded to surrender?” Wei Liao said in a different way with a trembling voice.

“Although Li Mu is loyal, he is also a human being, and he is also a member of the Yanhuang tribe for me.”

“Zhao Qi used this to persuade Li Mu to surrender.”

“On the basis of the same clan, with hundreds of thousands of Yanhuang Erlang lives.” Yingzheng said prestige, and his voice was full of gratification to Zhao Qi.

This battle.

Even if he hadn’t expected it, Zhao Qi could easily overcome the problems that plagued the two old generals of Daqin.

This battle is not only a catastrophe, but also another great feat that belongs to Zhao Qi.

Hear Ying Zheng’s explanation.

Wei Liao fell into his thoughts, and after a long time, he seemed to want to understand.

“Although Li Mu is a general of the State of Zhao, he is also of my Yanhuang and Huang ethnic groups. He who guards the border all the year round has an unrecognizable impression of foreign races. He knows the cruelty of foreign races and the difficulty of my Yanhuang ethnic group to gain a foothold in the Central Plains.”

“It is not the nations of the same race who laugh the most among the young and strong people of the same race, but the foreign race.

“The thing that foreign races like to see most is that my Yan and Huang races are fucking in the same room.

“Li Mu is a general of Zhao State, but he is even a general of my Yanhuang clan.”

Thinking of this, Wei Liao thoroughly understood.


I bowed and bowed to Yingzheng: “General Zhao’s wisdom is not as good as his ministers. It is the blessing of my Great Qin to have General Zhao serving for my Daqin and for the King.”

“The ministers and others congratulate the king. It is the great Qin’s fortune to have General Zhao serving for Da Qin.”

“The land will be determined by Li Mujiang, and 300,000 elite soldiers will belong to our Great Qin Dynasty and strengthen our power. Therefore, the State of Zhao has been destroyed.

“The ministers congratulate the king on destroying Zhao.”

“One step further from dominating the world.”

“Hey for the king, for the great Qin.”

Manchu dynasty civil servants shouted in unison, full of excitement.

Da Qin was able to achieve such a result, which shocked Zhao Qi at the same time, it was also their glory as Da Qin courtiers.

Perhaps some of them are dissatisfied with Zhao Qi, but under these circumstances, who of them dares to take the lead?

At this moment.

Who dares to have a common problem with Zhao Qi when he wins the political power?

PS: It’s updated, I beg my brothers to confirm your support, ask for monthly pass, ask for monthly pass, thank you very much.

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