Chapter 107

The reward this time is incredible.

When guarding Handan, Lian Po sent a violent offensive army for eight days.

In the past few days, the casualties of the Zhao army have been lost at more than 10,000 each day, even if it is only eight days, it is estimated that the casualties have been more than 80,000, and the wounded have not been counted in it.

Moreover, Zhao Qi killed Lian Po with an arrow and Zhao Wang.

This is a big reward.

“The host’s command is accepted, and the reward for killing the enemy’s experience points will be settled.”

“In this battle, the overlord’s army killed 98652 people. The wounded were not counted among them and gained 24663 experience points. Congratulations on the upgrade experience points have been reached, do you want to upgrade?” the system prompts.


Zhao Qi hesitated and said immediately.

next moment.

As usual upgrades, a golden light that no one can see flashed across-Zhao Qi’s body.

The zhenqi in Zhao Qi’s body began to circulate quickly and grew rapidly, more than double the zhenqi of the 11th-level innate first stage real qi.

“Budo, really is an intoxicating path.

“I’m only in the Innate Realm now, and I feel that my strength is strong. If I reach a higher level in the future, will I have the power to destroy the world?”

“Fairy gods, saints, the world outside the world, it’s so yearning.”

Feeling the power contained in the body, Zhao Qi smiled.

Every time I break through, I can clearly feel the huge improvement of my own strength. This feeling is much more comfortable than doing that.

This power belongs entirely to Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi will also use this power to create his own world.

Secular kingship, Zhao Qi wants.

But in addition to the secular, Zhao Qi wants a kingship that is above the secular.

Perhaps in the future, Zhao Qi will be able to create his own country of martial arts and start the revival of spiritual energy belonging to this world.

After all, this world is so thin that there is no aura at all.

If you want to start a real longevity road, it is impossible to do with the current situation in this world.

Of course.

It’s still early.

What Zhao Qi can do now is to use war killings to enhance his strength, improve his power position, make all preparations for the future, and wait for the end of Qin Dynasty.

“Blood Tiger.

Zhao Qi recovered and looked at the blood tiger lying in the hall.


Hearing Zhao Qi’s call, the blood tiger let out a low growl of excitement, and then quickly threw to Zhao Qi’s side, cursing affectionately.


“In this war, you have actually been promoted to level 9.”

Looked at the attributes of the blood tiger.

Mount: Blood Tiger.

Level: 9th level.

Talent: Swallow negative evil aura, murderous aura, and blood aura, possessing the bloodline of the main killing beast.

Supernatural powers: bite (can bite the enemy into pieces, can grow), tiger step (four feet, contains a thousand catties, can grow), tiger’s power (belonging to the king of beasts’ natural power, can deter common beasts, Animals can grow.)

Look at the attributes of the blood tiger.

Zhao Qi is inevitably a little surprised.

This really surprised him.

In just a few days, swallowing the negative evil spirits on the battlefield, it directly increased to level 9.

Although it is not a data-based physique, this talent is too powerful, and it deserves to have the blood of the killing beast white and tiger.

Of course.

Don’t look at him as level 9, but if he goes crazy, even if he is a congenital realm, he will die under its mouth.

“Go and rest.”

Looking at Xuehu, Zhao waved his hand again.

The Blood Tiger was very obedient and jumped back again.

“The blood tiger of the blood of the beast, with it as a mount, can go anywhere in the world. Zhao Qi thought excitedly.

The contract has been made, and the stronger the blood tiger, the better Zhao Qi’s strength will be.

“System, continue to settle rewards.”

Zhao Qi recovered and ordered again.

“Congratulations to the host for killing Admiral Zhao Lian Po, gaining 900 experience points, and rewarding the Xuan-level high-grade martial arts “Overlord Halberd”.

Congratulations, “The host killed Zhao Man, the emperor of the Kingdom of Zhao, and gained 1,000 experience points, rewarding the “Detailed Map of Central Plains”.” The system prompts.

“very good.

Sure enough, “Only people who kill this kind of come on stage have a big prize. The Overlord Halberd Technique is working with my Overlord Halberd. As for the detailed map of the Central Plains, that’s even better. Now that the State of Zhao will be annihilated, the Emperor Qin will inevitably take control of Zhao Realm. Continue to mobilize troops, this map will definitely be of great use.”


“It would be great if it were a map of the world.”

“If I create my own dynasty in the future, the Central Plains will definitely not be my stage, but the world and the world will be.

“But it’s better to have this map than nothing. In the future, kill more kings, and there will definitely be higher rewards.” Zhao Qin smiled contentedly.

This time he won too much in the battle of Zhao Zhao.Not only did Zhao make great contributions to Da Qin, but also strengthened his own strength.

Become a general on one side.

Command an army of hundreds of thousands.

It is much faster to have an army kill the enemy for yourself than to kill the enemy alone.

At this time.

In the back hall of Longtai Palace, a figure suddenly appeared, dressed in a black robe, unable to see his appearance, his steps were very light, and there was almost no movement, just like a ghost.

“How’s it?”

Zhao Qi came back to his senses and didn’t look back, but with his innate hearing sense, he could easily hear people coming.

“Go back to the Lord.

“Shadow has taken shape.

“According to your order, in the past six months, you have expanded the shadows and secretly paid for spying. Now there are three thousand people. After the secret training of the subordinates, they now have the basic abilities of assassins and can fight for the Lord.”

The black-robed man came to Zhao Qi and bowed directly.

“You did a good job of these things.

“You can already become Ben’s true confidant.”

Zhao Qin stared at the black-robed man and smiled slightly.

Hear the sound.

The black-robed man’s expression became agitated, he immediately took off the mask on his face, and kneeled in front of Zhao Qi respectfully and excitedly.

“We are weak, and I am willing to swear allegiance to the Lord.

This black-robed man was just weak.

Since the assassination of Zhao Qi failed and fell into the hands of Zhao Qi, he has been loyal to Zhao Qi, because Zhao Qi promised him a blueprint that no one could give him.

This is more than half a year.

He has been training spies and assassins for Zhao Qi in Korea.

Now it has begun to take shape.

And Zhao Qi’s promise to him has completed the first step, to give him a shadow that is completely in his hands, this all-round assassin, spy, and do all dark things.

Zhao Qi not only gave him the authority to mobilize manpower, but also gave him enough gold and silver so that he could cultivate without scruples.

This is greater than the authority and trust gained in Zhao country.

Repaying the favor, Dunwei has completely returned to Zhao Qi in the past six months, paying true loyalty.

And at the moment.

The reason why Zhao said this to Dunwei, he has become his confidant.

That’s because through the loyalty system, the weak loyalty has reached 85, reaching the point of diehard loyalty.

As for the weak.

He knew that his master possessed a truly powerful force. When he first assassinated, the situation that everyone in the world was a must-kill was easily resolved by Zhao Qi. That kind of power made him want to be weak.

What let Dunwei know is.

Now it’s not just your own master who has a bit of this power.

There are also several other confidants of the Lord, who are completely loyal to the Lord’s existence, and they have all received the kind of power bestowed by their Lord.

After loyal to Zhao Qi, Dunwei is also full of yearning for that kind of power. If he possesses it, he will become the number one assassin in the world.

No one can survive his assassination.

In the Korean Territory, Dunqiang devoted all his efforts to cultivating spies for Zhao Qi, also to show his loyalty. Now, the opportunity has finally arrived.

He has completely become a person whom he can trust.

Li Qing”, Tu Wei, Han Fei, Zhang Han.

“Do you know the power they hold?” Zhao smiled slightly and looked weak.

The subordinates are “not their opponents.”

“Even if it’s Han Fei, I can’t be the enemy.” Suddenly replied weakly and honestly, with strong yearning in his eyes.

For Han Fei.

He knew it.

I used to be a literary Frenchman, but after being bestowed by the Lord, he even possessed a lot of force, which could even be stronger than him.

This is incredible.

And today.

He may also get this opportunity.

After more than half a year of cultivation, Han Fei and their martial arts cultivation level has also been improved, and they have reached the acquired triple or quadruple realm.

This has given them more power than ordinary people.

The reason for such a big improvement is that Zhao Qi bestowed them with Qi-enhancing Pill, which was helpful to them who laid the foundation.

At the acquired level, you can use the power of various medicinal materials to assist your cultivation, but as your realm gets higher, it becomes more difficult to break through.

“Do you want that kind of power?”

Zhao Qi stared at him weakly, and asked faintly.

“Subordinates are willing to go to death for the Lord and allegiance.”

Suddenly, he was shocked in his heart, and then bowed.

From his actions, he can see his passion for this power.

“Today, I will teach you the first level of the heart technique. This skill is called “Shadow”. It is an assassin in the dark, secretly exploring the practice technique.”

“And after practicing this technique, it is called martial art.”

Han Fei, “Li Qing and the others are different from the exercises you are practicing, and the ones that will be given to you today will be even more subtle.” Zhao Qi said.

“Subordinates understand.”

He nodded weakly, trying hard to accept this knowledge of martial arts that he had never heard before.


Just like the basic exercises taught to Li Qing and Han Fei, Zhao Qi directly taught the exercises with the acquired five-fold exercises to make them weaker.

And circulate Zhou Tian in the weak body with true energy.

With the help of Zhao’s true spirit.

Dunwei stepped into the martial art threshold level without any surprises, and the day after tomorrow was a critical stage.

“The power of martial arts is so powerful.

“I can feel the strength has been greatly improved, and there is still a strong force in the body.

After stepping into the threshold of martial arts, Dunwei was extremely surprised.

This also made him feel the power of martial arts for the first time.

Although it’s just getting started.

But he finally knew why Li Qing and Tu Wei were so powerful.

“You bring back this list.

“You can teach them the first three levels of exercises, and buy some medicinal materials to help them get started in martial arts.”

Zhao Qi thought, a cloth roll appeared in his hand, and dozens of people’s names were written on it.

All are spies of the shadows.


“This martial arts technique is so important. Although they have been in the shadows for a long time, after all, this matter is too important and needs to be cautious.” After taking the list, he said cautiously.

“They are absolutely loyal to me.”

“Do you think I will write this list for no reason?”

“The human heart is indeed terrifying, and it is also the most complex and changeable product, but to me, it is not so terrible.” Zhao Qi chuckled lightly, saying quite meaningfully.

Heard this.

After a moment of weakness, he instantly understood the deep meaning of Zhao Qi’s words: “The Lord can see through people’s hearts.”

Thought of this.

A strong sense of awe emerged in the weak heart.

No wonder the master dare to use himself and Han Fei in this way. Only when the master sees the true loyal subordinates, he will really reuse and truly give.

“After building the foundation of these people’s martial arts, they will become the little leaders of a party, and then they will spread the shadows to the world and penetrate the world.”

“In this process, I will give you enough authority and enough gold and silver. What you have to do is to grow the shadows, unlimited number, but as long as the elite, I will always truly hide in the world and spy on the forces of the world.” Zhao Qi stared at the weak, with a kind of expectation, which was also an undoubted command.

“Please don’t worry, Lord.”

“Subordinates will do their best.”

Suddenly responded weakly.

“This is a bottle of Qi Enhancing Pill. There are five pills in it that increase your cultivation base. You can bring it back to improve your cultivation base.”

Zhao Qi took out a porcelain bottle from the storage space and handed it to Dunwei.

“Thank you Lord for your kindness.”

Dunwei took the pill, stood up, bowed to Zhao Qi again, and then left Longtaiyan.


“My own forces have first become.”

“With the weak ability, the shadow can truly develop and grow, and within a few years, the shadow will truly spread all over the world.”

“After Zhao is destroyed, and I get the assistant job of beast Taming, I can use all kinds of birds to transmit information as the shadows. This will be a product of trans-generation.”

0……Look for flowers…

Thinking of this, Zhao Qi’s heart is full of expectations.

Time flies.



Inside the Palace of King Qin.

The gathering of hundreds of officials.

Ying Zheng is dressed in a royal robe and a diadem on his head, with an overwhelming king style.

“For ministers, see the king.

“I feel the great king Wannian, the great Qin Wannian.”

The civil and military men of the Manchu dynasty held the dynasty in their hands, bowed and bowed, and shouted in unison.

Mountain cries.

Resounds inside and outside the palace of the King of Qin.

Represents the prestige of Daqin.

Yingzheng’s right hand slowly stretched out, with a light touch, the quiet voice with a kind of majesty that made the court depress: “Flat.

“The minister waits to thank the Great King Longen.”

The ministers shouted in unison, stood up straight, and then took their seats in their respective positions.

“With the original memorial, there is no such thing to retreat to the court.

Zhao Gao stood up slowly and said loudly.

This is also the etiquette belonging to the court, telling the civil and military officials that they can start the court to discuss politics.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“Many days ago, the military report passed back from the State of Zhao demonstrated my vision of the Great Qin eradicating Zhao.

“General Huandi has already invaded the territory of Zhao. Wei Guowei Wuji waited for an opportunity to assist Zhao. He was repelled by General Huandi and left a hundred thousand troops to collect the border, making Wei afraid. Move again.”

“General Wang Jian has commanded 300,000 troops. He has invaded the Kingdom of Zhao and seized the city steadily. Except for generations, half of the territory of the Kingdom of Zhao has fallen under the control of Daqin.

“From the perspective of this situation, it is possible to seize all of the territory of the Zhao Kingdom except for the land in five months at the longest.”

“As for the generations, Li Mu also commanded the Zhao army with hundreds of thousands, and the king was weak. The two generals Huan seized the city and attacked the land in the Zhao country. The remnants and officials in the Zhao country will flee to the generations.””This is both good and bad for Da Qin.”

With an excited expression on his face, Wang Shu told all the military newspapers he had received these days.

Generally speaking, they are all good news, which can excite Daqin.

“What Xiangbang said is extremely true.”


“Zhao Guo broke into the army and fled into the land. With Li Mu’s ability, he can reintegrate and be incorporated into the army to fight against our Daqin.”

“Ma Pingchuan on behalf of the land is the world of cavalry, and most of Li Mu’s seat is cavalry. Zhao Guo’s cavalry is riding and shooting, and the world is unparalleled.”

“He thinks that if he fights hard against my great Qin Ruishi, even if we can annihilate Li Mu, our army will suffer heavy losses. This matter needs to be treated with caution and see if we can change our strategy to deal with Li Mu.” Li Si said loudly.

“Wei Ting’s words are reasonable.”

“Following Wang Jian, the two generals Huandi invaded the kingdom of Zhao. As long as General Zhao still sticks to Handan and does not break, the trouble of Lian Po will be resolved. Under the siege of the three major camps of Da Qin, Lian Po will certainly be defeated, so my enemy of Da Qin There will only be one Li Mu left.” Wei Liao also started loudly.

“All right.”

Seeing the revelation of the three important ministers in the hall, Ying Zheng nodded, but said nothing.

After all, he already knew this.

However, the three of them also mentioned a key point. As long as the army is encircled, Lian Po is no longer a climate, and Li Mu will be the last resistance of Da Qin to destroy Zhao.

And Zhao’s Hufu cavalry shooting will make Daqin cavalry meet a strong enemy in the field.

“Li Mu will not mention it for now.”

“What people care about now is the situation in Handan.”

“Wang Wei has already attacked Handan, has Zhao Qi been reinforced, and has Lian Po been encircled and annihilated by our Da Qin.”

Ying Zheng said with prestige.

Directly hit the key to the battle of Zhao Guo.

“Please rest assured, the king.

“With General Zhao’s ability, he will definitely be able to defend Handan and will never be attacked by Lian Po.” Wei Liao said confidently.

“The widow also believes in him.”

“But at this moment, it has been more than ten days since I received the military report from Wang Jian’s invasion of Zhao Realm. Judging from the timing, the Handan news should have been sent back long ago, but why hasn’t it been sent back now?” Ying Zheng said in a deep voice. There is rarely a kind of heaviness in it.


He was very concerned about the Battle of Handan.

Not only because it was the key to the success of Zhao’s battle, but also because he had a Wushuang general in Handan. If the city was broken by Lian Po, Zhao Qi would be in danger.

The daughter is easy to get.

One will be hard to find.

Zhao Qi has repeatedly contributed to the Great Qin. In any case, Ying Zheng did not want Zhao Qi to lose in Handan.

Of course.

This is also a kind of speechlessness in Yingzheng’s mind.

Zhao Qi believes in him and knows his ambition, so he gambles with his life, betting that he will send troops to attack Zhao when he wins the government, and will use the power of the country to destroy Zhao.

If you let Zhao Qi down, Handan was captured by Lian Po, but Da Qin’s reinforcements did not arrive, how disappointed he would be?

He knows Zhao Qi, Zhao Qi knows him.

Yingzheng didn’t want to disappoint this great hero who had never met, but had to trust himself, and established many times for Daqin.

After he wanted to destroy Zhao, he personally received this great hero of Da Qin.

Hear Ying Zheng’s words.

The hall became quiet.


After Zhao Qi’s many feats for Daqin, most of them already believe that Zhao Qi is an undefeated general in all battles and cards.

The plan here is that Lian Po is gone, and the focus is instead on dealing with Li Mu.

But they ignored that Handan is a place of crisis, Zhao Qi will face the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of troops under the command of Zhao’s first general, Lian Po.

Just then.

The moment when Chaotang became silent because of Zhao Qi.


“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Handan victory report.”

“General Zhao has a gift for the king.

“And played an autograph memorial.

At this time.

A sharp man ran into the hall in a hurry and exclaimed with excitement.

Hear the sound.

this moment.

The whole hall became silent.


All courtiers.

Even the eyes of winning politics above the high position became excited.

The long-awaited Handan Military News has finally come.

And listening to the words of this sharp man, Handan came back with a good news.

This also let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, including Ying Zheng.

“Hurry up and present it to the widow.

Ying Zheng shouted with prestige, eyes full of expectation.

PS: Brothers, ask for monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass, thank you very much. Ding.

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