Chapter 108 Qin Shihuang: Zhao Qi, the widow has inherited your love

Hear the word victory.

Ying Zheng’s heart was settled.

The tension of the civil and military manchuria also settled down.


Wang Jian must have rushed to Handan to aid Zhao Qi.

Zhao Gao walked quickly into the hall and respectfully took the victory from this sharp man.

Then he walked quickly up the stairs and bowed to face the victory against Ying Zheng Yi Luck.

“Declare directly.

The widow “wants the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, to know the great victory of Handan.” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.


Zhao responded immediately.

Quickly opened the victory report written by Zhao Qi in his hand, and then read aloud: “Chen Zhao Qi, the king of the play.”

“A few months ago, during the great victory in Nanyang, the ministers luckily conspired to scuttle the Zhao Wei coalition, burned the Zhao Wei coalition 180,000, and severely inflicted Zhao Wei. At this time, the minister blocked the news of Nanyang, and for a short time prohibited the information of Nanyang Zhao Wei’s fiasco from leaking, and guessed With the great ambition of the king, he will never let go of this opportunity to change the situation, and he will definitely send troops to attack Zhao.”


“The minister secretly sent troops to the north, using Zhao Jun’s soldiers to open Jinyang, the soldiers won the city without blood, and within a few days, they broke Anyang, the soldiers came to Handan, and successfully broke Handan, Zhao Wang and his civil and military officials all escaped from Handan. Wang Zhaolian rushed to help, and the border opened wide.”

“Lian Po led his army back to aid and attacked Handan on the eighth day. On the eighth day, Lian Po made his last attack. His minister punished Lian Po and defeated Lian Po’s army. When the Zhao army was defeated, he led my Great Qin cavalry out of the city to kill the enemy. In the first battle, the Zhao army was set, killing countless enemies and capturing countless numbers.

“Lian Po was defeated, King Zhao fled, and the ministers led thousands of elites to pursue them. They successfully intercepted King Zhao and his hundreds of civil and military officials north of Handan. Zhao Jun did not surrender. Civil and military, all captured.”

“The merits of this battle are not only the merits of the minister, but also the merits of the guards of the ministers, and the merits of the dynasty’s generals who rushed to help.


“Handan victory.

The good news written by Zhao Qi himself made this “five-eighty-zero” end.

It seems plain.

But for every minister in this court, he could clearly hear the degree of danger contained in it.

Under the fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of troops under the command of Lian Po, the first general of the State of Zhao, Zhao took his subordinates and defended Handan for eight days.

Such a record can be called a world feat.

We must know that Lian Po has been famous since he took over the army, and he was able to face off against Daqin Wuanjun Baiqi in the past, which shows his ability to command the army.

But so veteran.

Like Pang Yuan who died in the hand of Zhao in the first battle in Nanyang, he was famous and had few defeats, but he became the stepping stone of the new general Zhao Qi of the Great Qin Dynasty and established Zhao Qi’s undefeated power.

“Good, good, good.

Hearing this good news, Ying Zheng made three good words in succession.

An unspeakable color of joy also appeared on his face.

Such a result, such a record.

Two of the three generals of the Zhao Kingdom were lost in the hands of Zhao. Zhao Wangyan was killed by Zhao Qi. The Zhao Kingdom, which is known as the second only to the great power of Qin Dynasty, has reached the end of the road.

Zhao Guo.

There is only one Li Mu, and Daqin can encircle and collapse it.

It’s just a matter of time to destroy Zhao.

“Congratulations to the king.”

“Lian Po is dead, Zhao Wang drinks.”

“Zhao is already at the end of the road. It doesn’t take a few months. All the territory of Zhao Kingdom will fall under the control of Daqin, and Daqin has three legions in Zhao Kingdom, Huandi, Wang Jian, Zhao Qi and three generals. Close to 800,000, and Li Mu, who has a maximum of 300,000 troops, is not difficult to encircle.”

“Destroy Zhao.”

“It’s the general trend.”

“Congratulations to the king.”

“It will create the first feat in thousands of years. It is hoped that we will dominate the world.

Each of the civil and military men of Manchu dynasty was excited and eager, and congratulated Yingzheng in unison.

“The King of Enlightenment.

“General Zhao still has a gift to the king, and he is waiting outside the hall now.”

The sharp man who spread the news respectfully said.

“What ceremony?” Ying Zheng said prestigiously.

“General Zhao ordered his subordinates to bring Zhao Yan’s body from the State of Zhao to Xianyang. Please take care of it.”The sharp man said loudly, and then shouted to the outside of the hall: “Come in.


More than a dozen sharp men directly carried a simple gun and stepped into the hall.

Opening the lid of the coffin, Zhao Man’s cold body was reflected in Ying Zheng, and even in the eyes of all Da Qin Wenwu.

His eyes widened, and his staring look was also seen by every great Qin official.

“A king, the corpse is lying in this simple coffin so embarrassed.

“Sad, sigh.

“But this is where the winner is king.”

“Wang Zhao, who was once invincible before, has now become a corpse, maybe he would never have thought of it.”

Da Qin Wenwu sneered looking at Zhao Man’s corpse, but every Da Qin official showed a look of arrogance.

In just two years, the two kings died in the hands of the Great Qin general, and they were still the same person.

Although they did not participate in killing the king, Da Qin was able to have today’s national power, and they also had some credit for it, because they were all officials of Da Qin, serving for Da Qin.

And Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Fa’s corpse in the coffin.

Even though he was calm in everything, looking at the corpse, there was an anger on his face and his eyes were red.

“Zhao Heng.”

Ying Zheng let out a low murmur, and his whole body exuded a very suppressive and terrifying killing intent.

Zhao Gao, who was serving on the side, bowed his face in awe, not daring to say a word.

Donger “.”

“Did you see it?”

“The Zhao Yan who bullied us before is dead. He died in the hands of a real general. The culprit who bullied us in the past is dead.”

“At the beginning he bullied me so much, but every time you face it with me, you and I have suffered so much, but I can’t find you.”

“Zhao Jun, the culprit who bullied us at the beginning is no longer enough. I will destroy his country and kill everyone who bullied us at the beginning.”

Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Jing’s body, flashing an unprecedented hideousness.

Even though decades have passed, he will never forget Zhao Yan and the bullying he suffered for many years in the country of Zhao. Of course, for himself, the victory has been forgotten. What he can’t forget is the use of his body as meat. Shield, to protect yourself from being beaten, and he was beaten into a severely injured Dong’er, his favorite woman.

In the past, he and Dong’er have encountered countless times.

“Give his corpse to the widow, shredded it into thousands of pieces, threw his bones and ashes, and scattered it in a mass grave. The widow wanted him to never live beyond life.”

Ying Zheng shouted coldly, with a chill that enveloped the entire Palace of King Qin.


Li Si immediately stood up and responded.

As a Tingwei, he was in charge of Daqin’s punishment.


All the sharp soldiers moved Zhao Yan’s body out of the hall.

In terms of winning politics.

Seeing Zhao Heng who was dying in front of him, he was about to be shattered into pieces, frustrated and ashes, and there was a kind of silent freedom to win the government.

How he hoped that his own Dong’er could also see this scene, the most cruel moment of the culprit who bullied them in the past.

“Zhao Qi.”

“This time, the widow has inherited your love, and Dong’er has also inherited your love.”

The widow “promises to you that as long as you will not lose the widow, the widow will never lose you.”

Ying Zheng thought to himself in his heart.

For winning politics.

For the kings of the world may not have such a big hatred for Zhao Kuang, because it is the shadow of childhood. If Donger had not been with him since childhood, even if he had suffered all the grievances, he would endure to comfort him. For himself, Ying Zheng may not even know if he can survive till now.

In Yingzheng’s mind, the most important thing is Dong’er. He is willing to give everything for Dong’er.

Even the world.

He was unable to protect Dong’er in the past, but now he has the ability.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“The minister gave the general’s order, and there is a secret report in his hand, only the king can read it.”

This sharp man from Zhao Qi’s command respectfully spoke, and took out a scroll from his arms.

“Only widows can watch?”

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was also a little surprised, and then winked at Zhao.

Zhao Gao immediately understood, and quickly walked down the stairs, respectfully received the secret report, and then respectfully handed it to Ying Zheng.

With a bit of curiosity, Ying Zheng opened the secret report and took a look.


Ying Zheng’s expression immediately became complicated, and then a kind of excitement emerged.

“Meng Yi stayed. If the others are fine, then retreat.

Ying Zheng closed the secret report in his hands, restored his majesty, and faced the civil and martial arts in the hall.

Ministers and so on “lead.

The ministers shouted in unison. Although they were curious about what was in the secret report, since winning the government did not say it, it must be a major event.


The Manchu civil and military retreated from the palace of the King of Qin, leaving only Meng Yi.

“My lord, what’s the matter?”

Meng Yi asked respectfully, also with a look of incomprehension.

“Take someone to the guard camp.

“Zhao Gao, you don’t need to follow.”

Ying Zheng said to Meng Yi, and then glanced at Zhao Gao again.


Meng Yi and Zhao Gao respected the leaders.

After a while.

Qin Palace, Outer Palace.

Janitor camp.

“For ministers, see the king.”

Seeing Ying Zheng’s figure, the sharp guards on duty in the guard camp immediately bowed and looked in awe.

“Where is Xin Sheng?” Ying Zhengdao.

“Return to the lord, and lead the lord to deal with the defense military affairs in the camp.” Ruishi respectfully said.

“go in.”

Ying Zheng nodded and walked into the camp with Meng Yi.

He came directly to Xin Sheng’s official residence.

“Xin Sheng.”

Looking at Xin Sheng who handled military affairs in the mansion, Ying Zheng spoke.

Hear the sound.

In the mansion, Xin Sheng raised his head abruptly. After seeing Yingzheng, he immediately stood up and bowed and bowed: “See the king, the minister has missed far to welcome, and please forgive me.”


Ying Zheng nodded and took a seat directly on the main seat.

Look at this Xin Sheng.

They are about the same age as Meng Tian and Wang Gong, and they are both young generals in Da Qin.

And he is the commander of the fifty thousand imperial guards of the Qin Palace, and Ren Ying is his deputy, the deputy commander.

Ren Jiang has now gone to the country of Zhao, so the royal guards are all under his control…

“Master Mongolia.”

Xin Sheng saw Meng Yi and immediately clasped his fists in salute.

“Master Xin.

Meng Yi also responded immediately.

“I don’t know what is important for the king to come this time?”

Xin Sheng looked at Ying Zheng respectfully and asked.

“Look at this secret report written by Zhao Qi.”

Ying Zheng handed a copy of the secret report to the two of them.

Xin Sheng moved his hands and respectfully took it.

Open this secret report and take a look.

The above said: “When the minister Zhao Qi played the king, the king’s confidant, and the minister guarded the Korean border, he expected that the king would send troops to Zhao in the future, but the way of riding and shooting of Zhao Guohu is the best in the world. For this reason, the minister has been thinking about it for a long time and decided to change the cavalry in the army. Since he has improved the way of cavalry and shooting, he can suppress the Zhao Guo cavalry in the future.”

“After several months of work, the minister has successfully created the way of my Daqin cavalry and shooting, which belongs to the two types of cavalry treasures of my Da Qin cavalry, which can increase the combat power of my Da Qin cavalry several times. The ministers have been equipped to create treasures of cavalry, which can easily drive war horses, and can also shoot with light cavalry. The combat power has increased by more than five times.

“Zhong Zhao’s cavalry face to face with the cavalry under his command, after they are equipped with this treasure, they are also invincible.”

“Here, the minister deliberately dedicated this treasure to enhance the combat power of our Da Qin cavalry, help Da Qin, and help Da Qin dominate the world as soon as possible.”That’s it.

That’s all Zhao Qi’s words.

But when Meng Yi and Xin Sheng saw the secret report written by Zhao Qi, they couldn’t help but stay stunned.

“My lord, this, is this true or not?

Xin Sheng and Meng Yi both widened their eyes and asked incredulously.

To know.

Zhao Guohu’s riding and shooting suits are the best in the world because of years of failure, and finally practiced the way of riding and shooting.

In the past, Yingzheng had just taken power, and ordered to practice Qi at Hangu Camp to practice the way of riding and shooting like Zhao, but in the end it failed, and the results obtained were far from as good as imagined.

This is also a thorn in the heart of the vigorous Yingzheng.

And now.

According to Zhao Qi’s secret report, he has painstakingly created two treasures belonging to the Da Qin cavalry, which can allow the Da Qin cavalry to ride and shoot easily and drive the horse more simply.

This is really incredible.

However, Zhao Qi has made countless merits for Da Qin and has repeatedly brought surprises to Ying Zheng. How could the secret report written by Zhao Qi himself be false, so after seeing the secret report, the winning government did not even go to the meeting, directly Ordered to disperse the dynasty, and then came to this guard camp, ready to try it.

He believes.

Zhao Qi will also surprise him.

If it comes true.

The Great Qin Cavalry surpassed Zhao’s cavalry, and the Great Qin Cavalry will be the best in the world in the future.

The cavalry has no enemy.

“This secret report was written by Zhao Qi himself, and it is naturally true.”

Ying Zheng said slowly, his tone full of trust in Zhao Qi.


“If it is true that as General Zhao said, get these two treasures, then the combat power of my Daqin cavalry will be the best in the world, and it is also huge for my Daqin army.” Meng Yi said excitedly.

“My lord, I wonder if this cavalry treasure has drawings?”

“There are blacksmiths in the guard camp. If it is simple, the minister can make them immediately.” Xin Sheng respectfully said.

“This is the purpose of 1.2 for the widows to come to the guard camp.

“This is the drawing.

Ying Zheng smiled and sent another copy of the secret report, Zhao Qi’s drawing of the treasure to Xin Sheng.

On the drawings.

There are only two patterns.

One saddle, one stirrup.

Xin Sheng took a look and immediately understood it.

“My lord.

“This drawing is extremely simple. Within an hour, the minister can let the blacksmith create a finished product.” Xin Sheng replied respectfully.

“go quickly.

“Widow wants to see if the two treasures created by Zhao Qi are really so magical.”

Win Zhengwei said. ,


Xin Sheng retreated immediately.

“Meng Yi, do you know what changes will be brought to my Daqin if this matter is true?” Ying Zheng looked at Meng Yi and said.

“National power has increased greatly.”

“My Daqin cavalry will have no obstacles to deal with the northern countries, and the strength of the cavalry can break everything.” Meng Yi did not hesitate to think.


“So if the two treasures do have this magic after trying them in the guard camp, then we should immediately popularize my Daqin army and improve the combat power of my Daqin cavalry.”

“This is also the purpose of the widow who told you to stay. As a deputy weiwei, you are in charge of the equipment in the army. If this happens, you will immediately promote the whole army.” Yingzheng said prestigiously.

“The minister understands.” Meng Yi nodded clearly.

“If this matter is done well, even if you have done a lot, you can also become a real Weiwei and worship Jiuqing.” Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

“The minister will never let the king down.” Meng Yi’s expression became agitated, and he immediately bowed.


An hour passed.

Xin Sheng came to the mansion again, and bowed to Ying Zheng with excitement: “The minister sees the king, the barracks blacksmith and craftsman have already built these two treasures, and they have now been placed on the battlefield.”

PS: First, I am very grateful to ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a monthly pass.

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