Chapter 106 Zhao Qi returns, Wang Qian and Li Xin are shocked

Not only Lian Po’s life.

There is also Pang Yuan who was killed by Zhao Qi when he was killed by Zhao Qi in the hands of Zhao Qi in the past. Their lives have established Zhao Qi’s reputation.

When Korea was destroyed in the old days.

Zhao Qi slashed the violence and killed the King of Korea. This may let the world know Zhao Qi as a rising star.

But after the extermination of Zhao this time.

Every country in the world, everyone in the world will know that Da Qin has produced an unparalleled general who is stronger than Pang Yuan and Lian Po.

There may be luck in killing one person.

However, defeating the two generals of the State of Zhao and annihilating the two armies in a row is not luck, but real strength and strategy.

“After all.”

“Now General Zhao’s military exploits have surpassed his father.”

“The great work of defeating Han Li, and now the work of destroying Zhao can be said to be created by General Zhao. Perhaps in the near future, my Daqin will have one more Wuanjun.” Wang Gong said with emotion in his heart.

And at this moment.

Li Xin Yuguang glanced at it and suddenly found something.

“Zhao’s Hufu riding and shooting?” Li Xin’s eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

The gazes of Tu Wei and Wang Gong were immediately drawn by Li Xin’s startled breath, and then they followed their gazes.

I saw it on this battlefield.

Not only the corpses, but also the soldiers of the State of Zhao who surrendered, all kneeling on the ground and were arranged to enter the city of Handan to be detained.

Of course.

On the battlefield, the hearts of the people are complicated, and there are also soldiers from Zhao State who pretend to be dead on the ground. They take advantage of the emptiness and want to escape.

Naturally it was discovered by the Daqin cavalry who rode horses to patrol the battlefield.

When Zhao Qi went to chase King Zhao, an admiral’s order was issued.

Those who surrender avoid death, those who do not surrender, kill, those who escape without permission, kill.

Since these Zhao soldiers wanted to escape, they were dead.

After being spotted by the patrolling Daqin cavalry, they directly drove a horse to pursue, bent their bows and set arrows, and directly and decisively ended his life.

Li Xin saw this scene and couldn’t help exclaiming.

Hu Fu cavalry and shooting belonged to the core of Zhao Guo’s cavalry.

Cavalry can fight with their bows and arrows when they are far away, and they can fight with spears when they are close.

Da Qin was naturally very keen on the unique skill in the army that Zhao Guo mastered. He once wanted to master the power of this Hufu cavalry and shooting in the army, but in the end he failed because the training still didn’t know the trick.

And this, as Zhao’s core secret, is naturally unknown.

And today.

Li Xin unexpectedly saw that his Daqin cavalry would have such stunts in the middle of Zhao’s army, and Hu Fu cavalry and shooting.

“That’s not Hufu riding and shooting.

Seeing Li Xin’s surprised gaze, the gangster immediately said with a smile.

“That’s not Hufu riding and shooting, and what is it?”

“General Zhao is too powerful, Zhao Guohu’s riding and shooting are the best in the world, and Da Qin can’t even grasp the knight and shooting skills in it. I can only give up this skill of riding and shooting, so I am not as good as Zhao in terms of cavalry.

“But General Zhao was able to train a cavalry to control cavalry. He deserves to be General.” Li Xin said excitedly.

“How did General Zhao do it? How can he train a cavalryman who masters the skills of riding and shooting after sitting in the Korean border for more than half a year?” Wang Ye asked with excitement.

If the key can be ascertained.

For the Daqin army, for the Daqin cavalry, the combat power will be improved several times.

“Two generals, as the main generals of Hangu Camp, you should know what is the most difficult thing about riding and shooting?”

Seeing the two generals seeking knowledge like this, Ju was a little proud, but 580 asked with a smile.

“For a war horse to follow a crossbow, you must fully clamp the war horse with your legs and do not fall from the war horse. This is an extremely test of the strength of the warrior, and once you ride and shoot, use the bow and arrow, it will disperse the strength and cannot complete the driving of the war horse. , This is the biggest obstacle to my Daqin riding and shooting.” Wang Gong said in a deep voice.


After seeing Zhao’s Hufu riding and shooting, King Qin immediately issued an edict, using Hangu Camp as a pilot to train the Da Qin cavalry in the way of riding and shooting, which could contend with Zhao in the future.

But after trying for a long time, even if it is trained by Wang Jian himself, the effect is not significant.

After all, Zhao’s cavalry was started from the old Zhao Wang, named Zhao Wuling, Zhao Yong. It took many years of failure to create Hufu’s cavalry, which made Zhao’s cavalry the top of the world.

As the king who has been following his father, he has seen with his own eyes how difficult riding and shooting are. To complete riding and shooting, you must not only be strong, but also have enough power to drive a horse. Sufficient strength and endurance are indispensable.

So for a long time.

In the Great Qin Army, those who are capable of riding and shooting are all good players in the army.


“This is the biggest obstacle to riding and shooting.”

“But the general has solved the biggest problem of riding and shooting.”

“There is no need for great strength at all, and there is no need to clamp the horse with both legs as before. Any cavalry in Qin can ride and shoot.” Ju Youyou said triumphantly.

“How on earth is this done?”

“Please also General Tu Wei’s enlightenment.

Wang Rui immediately clasped his hands together, full of eagerness.

“Two generals, please see how I am different from your horse?” Tu Wei smiled and pointed to the horse under the seat.

Wang Qian and Li Xin’s eyes moved immediately.

Looked at Tu Wei seated his horse.

There was a saddle from the top down, and there was an incomprehensible thing hanging under the saddle, but Tu Sheng’s cried stepped on it, very relaxed, and did not forcefully clamp the belly of the horse.Looking at their own war horses, there was nothing but a cushion with a war horse, the horse.

“What’s this?”

Wang Gongyi looked at Tu Ya, pointed to the saddle and stirrup and asked.

“When the general was guarding the border of Korea, he saw the gap between my Daqin cavalry and Zhao Guo’s cavalry, so he created the treasure of these two cavalry. The horse can be driven steadily by stepping on it with both hands, and it can be driven steadily even if the hands are off the rein.

“The way of riding and shooting, after using these two treasures of cavalry, is easy.

Tu Wei said with a smile.

Wang Qian and Li Xin’s eyes widened, and they even turned over and got off their horses. They looked at the saddle and stirrups up close. They were hot.

This kind of “treasure of cavalry shouldn’t be difficult to build, right?” Wang Gong asked enthusiastically and curiously.

“At the beginning, the general mobilized the blacksmiths of the entire army and the blacksmiths recruited in the Korean realm. They were built according to the drawings given by the general. It is not difficult to have the drawings of the general.”

“So in a short period of time, our 50,000 cavalrymen have all replaced these two cavalry treasures, which has increased the combat power of my 50,000 cavalrymen by at least several times, and can easily ride and shoot.” Juwei is very proud of it. Said.

“General Zhao is really amazing. (adbc) not only has a good command of the army, but also has outstanding courage. He also created this treasure that can increase the combat power of my Daqin cavalry several times.

Wang Jingpei “.” Wang Xiu said with a look of horror.

“General Tu Wei.”

“Since this treasure has been formed, why hasn’t it been reported to the King? If the stirrups and saddles can arm my Da Qin cavalry, it can increase the combat power of my Da Qin army several times.” Li Xin was a little puzzled.

And at this moment.

Not waiting for Juwei to speak.

“Although the stirrups and saddles have been formed, they have not had actual combat effects, so they have not yet reported to the king, but after this actual combat, they have indeed exceeded the power of Zhao Guohu’s riding and shooting. The memorial has been prepared and reported to the king .”

Behind Wang Gong and Li Xin, a young and majestic voice came.

Hear the sound.

“Meet the general.”

The slaughter immediately got off his horse and bowed.

Wang Qian and Li Xin immediately turned their heads.

one look.

Suddenly his expression changed, and his eyes showed a kind of surprise.

“Big Worm?”

“Blood red worm.”

“It turned out to be tamed into a mount.

“General Zhao.

“It’s really as young as the rumors.”

The moment they saw Zhao Qi, Wang Qian and Li Xin were shocked, with unspeakable awe.

Even though they are much older than Zhao Qi in age, after seeing Zhao Qi at this moment, the general who is in the big camp with them is not weak at all, and even the stronger general’s power makes them feel embarrassed.

“The last general Wang Gong.

“The last general Li Xin.”

“Meet the general.

The two immediately got off their horses and bowed to Zhao Qi.

“The two generals have admired their names for a long time.”

“Thanks to you for coming to help.” Zhao Qi stood up and got down the blood tiger, lifted the two of them up, and smiled heartily.

“The general has a good reputation.”

“This time Handan was settled, the Zhao army was all defeated. Everything was the power of the general. As far as the two men led the troops, they did not contribute.” Wang Rui immediately replied cautiously.

“You can’t say that.”

“If it hadn’t been for the rapid advance of the army of the generals in the dynasty, and Lian Po had to take a strong attack, it would have been impossible for the general to solve him.

“So both of you have done a lot in this battle.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

Of course.

This remark is not an excuse by Zhao Qi.

If it hadn’t been for the deterrence of the dynasty army, it had already invaded Handan, which forced Lian Po to have the last fight, and even sacrificed his life to attack the city.

And count it.

Guo Kai was also a major hero in this battle.

If he hadn’t persuaded Zhao Kuang to withdraw his troops and flee north, he would not be able to withdraw his troops. Lian Po’s death-inspired army offensive would still fight frantically. I am afraid that the outcome of the Battle of Handan would not be over yet.


“I don’t know if you have won King Zhao?” Tu Wei asked respectfully, looking expectantly.


“Look at who this is?”

Zhang Han laughed loudly, holding a human head with wide eyes in his hands.

It is Zhao Wang Zhao Man.

“This is King Zhao?”

Tu Wei, Wang Gui, and Li Xin were all surprised.

“Hahaha, not bad.

“This Zhao is overwhelmed. He even wanted the general to let him go, and the general directly slashed him.”

“All of his ministers of civil and military affairs in the State of Zhao have surrendered.” Zhang said with a smile.

“At the end, congratulations to the general and make great contributions.”

Ju Only bowed to Zhao Qi with excitement.

“Congratulations to General.

Wang Qian and Li Xin all bowed to Zhao Qi, with awe in their eyes.

In the past, the king of Han was killed, and now the king of Zhao was killed.

Zhao Qi is not only the general killing star, but also the killing star of enemy kings.

“I don’t know where General Wang Jian has attacked now? Where is General Heng? Can Wei Guo change? Zhao Qi looked at Wang Gong and asked out loud.

“Back to General.

“At present, the generals of the dynasty have breached the important city of Quyang in the State of Zhao. The important officials on the border of the State of Zhao are under the control of Daqin. Half of the country has been lost in Zhao State. In addition to the generations of the country, many cities will fall under the control of our Daqin.


“Wei Wuji still stationed troops on the border. After the dynasty general sent troops to attack Zhao, Wei Wuji was originally prepared to send troops to obstruct him, but General Huandi led Lantian camp to kill, and Wei Wuji had to retreat in the end.”

“In order to guard against Wei Wuji, General Heng left a hundred thousand troops to guard the border, and Wei Guo’s troubles were resolved.” Li Xin said all about Zhao Guo’s situation now.

“So, the situation is great for Da Qin.” Zhao Qi nodded.

“Thanks to General Nanyang’s Great Victory. If it weren’t for this, Zhao Wei would be hit hard, I would not have this opportunity to send troops.” Wang Huang smiled and complimented immediately.

“It’s the meeting.”

Zhao Qi smiled.


At this time.

Ren Qi came out of the city of Handan and rode his horse to Zhao Qi’s face.

“How is it?” Zhao Qi asked.

“Return to the general.

“Half of the soldiers from outside the territory have been escorted to the city, and half of them are waiting to be escorted. But at this moment, there is a question. Zhao Jun has too many wounded soldiers. I dare to ask the general whether he can treat them with all his strength? ?”

Doctor Ren asked respectfully.

“For those who are seriously injured and intractable, give me a happy one.”

“Minor injuries, you can treat them with all your strength. If the golden sore medicine that our army is carrying is used up, you can call some from Hangu Camp and Lantian Camp. Make sure to keep all the wounded alive.” Zhao Qi said to Ren Qi. .

At the end, the general “understood.” Ren respectfully took his orders.

“The general is going to use the soldiers as his own as he was in Korea that day?” Wang Gong looked at Zhao Qi curiously and asked.


“Now that the State of Zhao will be destroyed, after being completely destroyed by my Daqin, their soldiers can be included.”

“After all, these soldiers have been trained by Lianpo in the past, and they are all elite soldiers, and they are also my Yanhuang and Huang clan.

“The only thing that the general will abide by is that the Great Qin Dynasty rules the world, the flames and yellows are peaceful and peaceful, and there is no war between the same clan.” Zhao Qi said in a deep voice, with a yearning for the general trend of the future, and a common view of the same clan.

“Admiral Great Virtue.”

Wang Qian and Li Xin bowed and bowed, their eyes full of reverence.

In the past, Da Qin’s handling of the soldiers was demoted to slaves, and even to the cannon fodder of prisoners, and gave them the harshest treatment.

But who can think of it?

Although they were the descendants of the enemy country, they were even the Yanhuang clan with the same roots and origins as Daqin.

“All right.”

“Since the two generals are here, they will enter the city for a while.”

Discuss “what’s the next strategy.”

“Zhao’s territory is huge, now we must control everything except the land, and this process will take at least a few months.” Zhao said with a slight smile.


Wang Xiu and Li Xin nodded.


They have been infected by Zhao Qi’s unique charm. Different from the majesty of Wang Jianshi, Zhao Qi’s general majesty is like a spring breeze, which makes them awe at the same time with a sense of identity and intimacy.


“How to deal with Wang Zhao’s head and Lian Po’s corpse?”

Zhang respectfully asked.

“Lian Po.”

Zhao Qi thought about it for a moment, and said, “Although he is an enemy, he is also a respectable enemy. He will find a grave for him, build a tomb, erect a monument, and bury him well.

“The general is wise.”

The generals all expressed admiration for Zhao Qi’s disposal.

As Zhao Qi said.

Although Lian Po is an enemy, he is also an enemy worthy of admiration.

For the country like this, there is no regret when you die, and there is no regret when you pay your life.

This is much stronger than those officials of Zhao Guo who are greedy for life and fear of death, even the enemy admires them.

after all.

As a warlord of Daqin, what he yearns for is the Shroud of Ma Ge to serve his family and country. Although Lian Po is an enemy, he does what all the warlords of Da Qin pursue.

The battle of Nanyang in the past.

After beheading Pang Yuan.


Zhao Qi did not insult his body, but buried him in Nanyang.

This is also the greatest favor given to him.

“As for Zhao Hou.”

Zhao Qi looked at the head in Zhang Han’s hand, and a flash of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Like King Han, he is greedy for life and fear of death.The monarch of a country is so, not to mention the courtiers under his command.

It is a pity that Lian Po, Pang Yuan, and so many soldiers of the State of Zhao died for a king like him.

For Zhao Qi.

The king believes in the death of the king. When the king is there, the king will die.

If one day the Qin Dynasty really comes to an end, what Zhao Qi pursues must be this kind of kingly way.

He would never be as incompetent as King Zhao, who is greedy for life and fear of death.

He will live and die with his country.

“In the past, when the king was hostage to Zhao, he suffered all the insults from Zhao Jun, so his head should be handed over to the king.”

“Biography will order.”

“The heads and corpses of Zhao Zhao were sealed up with antiseptic methods, transported to Xianyang, and dedicated to the king.” Zhao Qi said to Zhang Han.

“The general is wise.

Listening to Zhao Qi’s disposal method, everyone will praise again.

“At this time, the general dedicated Zhao Wang’s head to the king, and the king will definitely be pleased.” Wang Gong said with a smile.

“All right.”

“Enter the Zhao Palace to discuss the next strategy.”

Zhao Qi nodded and turned on the blood tiger.


The generals watched Zhao Qi and the blood tiger under him in awe, following into the city.

Inside the Longtai Palace.

Zhao Qi and the general public have agreed on the next strategy.

This time Handan is tentatively decided.

Zhao Qi still has many things to deal with.

Therefore, we are going to deal with the soldiers in Handan first. As for the task of attacking the territory of the city of Zhao State, it will be handed over to Wang Jian and Huandi.

And he told Wang Xiu and Li Xin all his thoughts.

“The words of the general will be conveyed to the general of the dynasty after the final general returns.”

“Finally, we will wait to leave first.

After listening to Zhao Qi’s strategic plan, Wang Xiu and Li Xin said respectfully.

Go ahead”.

“Daiben will say hello to the two generals Wang Jian and Hengdi.

“After Zhao is determined, I would have to have a small cup with the two generals.” Zhao Qi said with a smile.

“The words of the general must be brought here.

The two smiled, and then slowly left Longtaiyan.

After the two left.


“This time our army won’t participate in the battle against other cities in Zhao?” Ju Wei asked respectfully.

Zhang Han and Ren Jiang also looked at Zhao Qi, a little puzzled.

This time the army has won a big victory, and the morale of the whole army is booming.

If you continue to attack, you will inevitably conquer the city and seize more battle exploits.

“The attack on Zhao’s first merit and the determination of Zhao’s merit, our army has already won.

“If I still grab power, it will be disgusting. Although I don’t fight in the Qin army, there must be no gaps between my colleagues and the same army. It is not only the strength of our army, but also General Wang Jian quickly sent troops to help. This is a love.”

“Naturally, we have to pay back this love.”

Zhao Qi said to the three generals.

Although Zhao Qi is young, he knows the truth about being a human being for two generations.

If all the achievements of destroying Zhao are captured in this period, how can the friendly forces win the battle?

This will inevitably become a sin.

“The general was to rectify the Zhao Jun and his soldiers, and deliberately not to seize the city, so that the two generals Wang Jian and Huangou led troops to win the battle, and returned this friendship.”

The three of Tu Wei thought for a moment, and they understood a little bit.


“Don’t be greedy for immediate gains and wicked people.”

“Otherwise, if there is such a situation in the future, no matter what the king’s command is, others will never make such efforts to save them. After all, all of my Daqin needs military merit.” Zhao said with a warning tone.

“The general teaches.”

“At the end I will understand.

The three of them bowed, and suddenly realized.

“All right.”

“There are still many things in Handan, you can do it.

“Ben will take a break here.”

Zhao Qi said to the three.

“I will retire at the end.”

The three said respectfully, and slowly left Longtaiyan.

After letting the three people leave.

Zhao Qin changed his expression and looked forward to it: “System, settlement rewards.”

PS: Brothers, I beg for a wave of monthly passes. I am grateful. I ask for a monthly pass. Thank you brothers. .

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