Chapter 105 Wang Li: What? The war is over?

Facing Zhao Qi’s scream.

With a kind of ruthless killing power.

All the civil and military personnel of the Zhao country and the clan of the Zhao country paled with fright.

“The general spares his life.

“I am willing to surrender to Da Qin and serve Da Qin.

“The general spares his life.

“I am the clan of the State of Zhao. I can surrender to Da Qin and help Da Qin persuade each city to surrender.”

“The general spares his life.

After Zhao Qi’s voice fell behind.

Hundreds of civil and military members of the Zhao country, all members of the clan knelt on the ground, begging for mercy in fear.

They all fled from Handan. The bloody ones coexisted and died with Handan when Zhao Qi attacked Handan. They died under the swords of the great Qin warriors. Now they are all bloodless officials of the State of Zhao. .

“The incompetent.”

“Take them all.”

Zhao Qi waved his hand, too lazy to talk nonsense with them.


All the sharps responded in unison, and then directly began to take people.

This time.

Different from the Battle of Handan that day, there was a city holding on that day, and Zhao Jun frantically resisted, which allowed Zhao Jing to escape smoothly, but today they have nothing to do.

After today.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the original high-ranking dignitaries were almost wiped out, and only a few escaped.

Zhao Jun Barracks.

Wang and Li Xin stepped through with a hundred thousand iron cavalry, but when they reached the Zhao Jun barracks, there was no defense, and no Zhao army came to fight.

This immediately made the two of them stunned, extremely puzzled.

“The army stopped.

Wang Gong shouted.

The 100,000 cavalry quickly stopped, and the order was issued and the order was forbidden.

“Could it be that Lian Po has led the army to withdraw?” Wang Gong looked at Li Datong.

“It’s not impossible.

Lian Po “Although there were layouts in several Zhao State cities during the withdrawal of troops from the border, they were ultimately unable to stop my Hangu army. Our army moved quickly. Lian Po naturally expected it. The scouts should have detected our army’s movements.” Li Xin replied.


“If Lian Po flees with the army.”

“If he and Li Mu are allowed to reunite, it won’t be a good thing for Da Qin,” Wang Gong cursed secretly.

The army rushed to assist Handan, first to reinforce Zhao Qi, but also to defeat Lianpo’s army, and then make this great contribution to destroying Zhao.

But now it seems.

Destined to be disappointed.

And at this moment.

A sound of horseshoe treading came from Zhao Jun’s barracks.


Wang Xiu and Li Xin frowned at the same time and shouted loudly.

One hundred thousand large Qin Hangu cavalry was ready to go, and looked at Zhao Jun’s barracks coldly.

As long as there is an enemy army, they will swarm up and kill the enemy army.

But what disappoints them is.

It was not Zhao Jun who came out of the Zhao Jun barracks, but the Great Qin Ruishi who was wearing black armor like them.

And when they saw the army of Hangu arrived, they were all surprised.

“Wu Da, go and report to General Ju that reinforcements have arrived.

“I’m going to meet reinforcements.

A thousand people will shout to the deputy.

Then quickly rushed towards Wang Qian and Li Xin with a few sharp soldiers.

When it’s there.

“The last general, Wang Wu, under General Zhao, the commander of the third military barracks, I don’t know who the two are?”

The thousand people will clasp their fists at Wang Xiu and Li Xin.

“This general Wang Mao.”

“The general Li Xin.”

“Follow General Wang Jian’s order to lead troops to help.” Wang Qian and Li Xin didn’t accept Ren Ao, and immediately clasped their fists in return and introduced their identities.

“There are two generals.””But the Battle of Handan is over.” Wang Wu smiled honestly and said to the two of them.

“it’s over?

The expressions of Wang Qian and Li Xin became weird.

And looking at Zhao Qi’s sharp men in front of them, they were even more different in their hearts.

Did Lian Po really withdraw his troops?

Otherwise, how could Brother Paoze, who is stationed in Handan, leave the city?

The two “generals don’t know something.”

“Today is the eighth day that the general led us to garrison in Handan. It took a long time to break the city. Lian Po was also anxious. He personally led the army to attack the city, but was killed by our general.”

Lian Po” died, and many Zhao generals were also killed by the general’s divine arrow. After King Zhao issued an order to withdraw troops, hundreds of thousands of Zhao troops were immediately disintegrated.

“Now the remaining Zhao Jun have become prisoners of our military rank, and they are all in front of Handan City.

Wang Wu said with awe in his eyes.

For his general, he was full of awe and enthusiasm.

Not only him.

All the elites under Zhao Qi’s command are the same, and they are full of admiration and loyalty from the bottom of my heart for Zhao Qi.

Lian Po “died in the hands of Zhao Qi?”

“Hundreds of thousands of Zhao Jun were all disintegrated and turned into prisoners?”

Heard the news.

Wang Qian and Li Xin glanced at each other, both with a sense of disbelief.

What’s going on?

They rushed to the rescue with troops. I thought that it would come in a way of a surprise, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy, combining the inside with the outside, and smoothly solving the Handan Zhao army.

But now that they have not taken any action at all, Zhao Qi actually solved Zhao Jun, and also personally beheaded Lian Po, the first general of the Zhao country.

This is really strange, or weird.

“Is Zhao Qi really an admiral killer?”

“From the beginning of his enlistment, as long as the enemy against him has a general, he will kill him.”

“Admiral Han is violent, Wei Tai, Admiral Wei, and Pang Yuan, Admiral Zhao, now there is another Lianpo.”

“Zhao Qi has already personally killed three generals.

“Admiral Killing Star, maybe it’s really a well-deserved reputation.”

“In this world, who has such a result, can solve it in just two years, and at such a young age, alas, I used to think that I was a leader in the army, and someone of my age can be as famous as me. Very few, but compared with Zhao Yi, the gap is really too big.” Wang Jing and Li Xin’s heart is very uneasy at this moment.


“I don’t know where is General Zhao?”

Wang Xiu asked aloud.

“Only our general, Ju, knows the whereabouts of the general. The final general has sent someone to report to the general. When the two generals are here, General Tu should be here soon.” Wang Wu respectfully replied.


Wang Xiu and Li Xin glanced at each other.

Now that Zhao Wei’s name resounds throughout the world, the generals under his command have naturally entered the world’s sight.

Zhao Qi has two generals under his command, which are highly reusable and have good abilities. One is called the slaughter and the other is called Zhang.

Well known.

They were all picked up by Zhao Yi, starting with five thousand people, they will be promoted step by step.

It can be said that without Zhao’s training, there would be no Tuban and Zhang Lang today.

“Now that General Zhao is promoted to noble rank, they must have been promoted to the victory general?” Wang Fei asked with a smile.

“Today, General Zhao of our army has three generals, each uniting the army, General Tu Sheng, General Zhang Han, and the new general Ren Qi.” Wang Wu did not hide anything, after all, these things are also in the army. It’s no secret.

“The king bestowed General Zhao the right to expand his army, and he has three commanders in command of the 100,000 army.”

“Tu Sheng, Zhang Han, it is really great luck to be able to follow General Zhao, otherwise they would not be able to rise so fast, these are all the countless achievements of following General Zhao.” He thought to Li Qizhong, he was also very envious.

Over the past two years.

There is no doubt which army of Daqin has made the most and the most achievements.

That is Zhao Qi’s army.

The fastest to be promoted belongs to Zhao Qi’s army.


Zhao Qi’s army has the highest survival rate in the wounded battalion.

In the past two years, Zhao Qi’s army has created a few of the most.

“However, where does Ren Jia seem to have heard of it?”

When Li was confident, he seemed to have heard the name somewhere.

“General Wang, is that Ren Qi the deputy commander of the guard at the Xianyang Palace?” Li Xin asked Wang Gong when he looked at him.

“Yes.” Wang Gong nodded.

Then he looked at Wang Wu differently.

“The two generals don’t know.”

“On that day, General Ren Shu came to convey the emperor Wang Zhao, who was appointed the general’s official title, but at that time Zhao Jun was already under the city, and General Ren Shu could not leave, so the general directly asked General Ren Shu if he was willing to stay in the army. , And then General Ren Shu naturally became the chief general of our army.”

“However, the general is really insightful and knowledgeable. General Renqi has a good ability, and all defenses guarding Handan are in order.” Wang Wu also said with admiration.

“Can you be organized?”

“Ren Qi is the deputy commander of the King’s Imperial Guard. His talents and abilities are top notch, and he is also highly valued by the King.”

“General Zhao’s hand is really amazing.”

“When Ren Qi is drawn into the army, one is to have one more general who is able to govern the army, and the other is to reassure the king. After all, Ren Qi is a person who is loyal to the king.

“Sure enough, to be able to achieve such a high power position as a general is not only a brave man who can do it, but also enough courage and strategy.”

“Although General Zhao is young, his strategy and courage are beyond my reach.”

Wang Mao and Li Xin couldn’t help but think in secret.

this moment.

On the eve of meeting Zhao Qi, they are even more unspeakable to Zhao Qi.

This real conversation let them know how powerful Zhao Qi is as a general on one side, no matter how bravery and wrist they are, they are not comparable.

At this time.

From the Zhao army camp.

A general drove a fast horse and came quickly. When he saw the two generals Wang Qian and Li Xin, and saw the countless black cavalry behind him, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“I wonder who the two generals are?

After Tu Shou arrived, he held his fists and arched his hands at Wang Gong.

“Wang Responsibility.”

“Li Xin.”

The two immediately clasped their fists in return.

“Tu Sheng.

Tu Wei also responded immediately.


Naturally, the existence of the same military position cannot be used as the original title.

“The two generals rushed to help all the way, my acting general thanked the two generals, and thank the generals of the dynasty.” Ju Ya thanked the two.

“It is a matter of course that we are both Daqin soldiers and serve Daqin.” Wang Gong replied sternly.


“We are both Daqin soldiers, as it should be.” Tu Ya nodded.

“After all, this time.

“General Zhao and the generals have worked hard.”

“You don’t know that the king is going to attack the kingdom of Zhao, let alone that the king has sent troops to destroy Zhao. This time to attack Jinyang and break Handan, it is a lone army to go deep. If the king does not send down the emperor to destroy Zhao, your army will be destroyed by Zhao. The army was besieged and finally destroyed, “Wang Huang said with some emotion.

“To attack Zhao and break Handan, all decisions are ordered by the general.”

“On courage, only our general is the only thing that can’t be done if it is given to me and Zhang Han.” The gangster said in awe.

“General Zhao’s courage is really hard to have.” Wang Qian and Li Xin said in agreement.

“At the time the general ordered the attack on Zhao, in fact, I and Zhang were opposed to it. After all, we don’t know the king’s decision, and we don’t even know whether Daqin will start to destroy Zhao, but do you know what the general said?” Ju Ya said with memories.

“What did you say?”

Both Wang Xiu and Li Xin are interested.

“The general said that he knows the king, and the king knows him.” Tu Ni said in awe.

“He knows the king, and the king knows him.

Heard this.

A look of shock appeared on the faces of Wang Qian and Li Xin.

Saying this sentence, what courage is it, and what a belief in the king.

This time Zhao Qi attacked and attacked the country of Zhao, and the lone army went deep, which is equivalent to handing over his own lives, the lives of hundreds of thousands of warriors to the king.

But in one sentence.

He knows the king, and the king knows him.

What kind of courage and trust this is.

He believes that the ambition and courage of the current king will never miss this rare opportunity to attack Zhao. At the same time, he also knows that the current king will believe in his strategy and believe that he will not let go of such a great opportunity.

Two knows.

But it revealed an invisible trust.

“When the king was discussing the destruction of Zhao in the Palace of King Qin, Wei Liao suggested that the king send someone to pass an edict to General Zhao so that Zhao Qi could seize the opportunity to attack Zhao in the northern expedition, but the king refused.”

“Could it be that the king is like General Zhao, as General Zhao said, he knows the king, and the king knows him.”

“The monarch and his ministers are like this. They have never seen each other, but they can know each other, just like confidants. What a courage it is.

Wang Qian and Li Xin thought in horror.

“General Zhao really deserves his name.”

Wang Hong looked at Ju Dirty, with awe.

“Hahaha, when you see the general, you will definitely be surprised.” Tu Ya smiled and said to the two of them.The blood-red worm under the seat of General Admiral himself is the real horror.

The whole world.

Perhaps the only one who can tame the worm as a mount is his general.

“I don’t know where the general is?

Wang Xiu and Li Xin asked immediately.

“The general chased King Zhao. When he broke Handan, King Zhao ran very fast, but the general did not order the chase. The purpose was to get Zhao Yan’s army to withdraw from the border. Now Lianpo has been attacked. The general was killed, and hundreds of thousands of troops were also annihilated by our army. Naturally, the general will never let go of King Zhao.” Tang Ju said with a smile, with a sense of pride in his tone.

“In the beginning, General Zhao could kill King Zhao? But he didn’t kill him?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiu and Li Xin said in shock.


“The general said that for the sake of the battle, my Da Qin had the opportunity to destroy Zhao. Zhao Hou did not die. He suppressed Lian Po and Li Mu, so he had to respect. If Zhao Man dies, Lian Po and Li Mu will no longer be suppressed. In case they don’t withdraw from the border, how can Daqin take the territory of Zhao Kingdom?

“So when the city was broken that day, the general did not tell us that we would take the first step to raid the palace, but gradually clean up the city of Handan, deliberately letting King Zhao go.

“At first, many of our generals didn’t figure it out, but then the general explained it.” Ju Ya laughed.

“General Zhao is really courageous.

Upon hearing this, both Wang Qian and Li Xin said in awe.

Breaking Handan was a monstrous achievement.

And in that battle, as long as Zhao Qi ordered, he could even directly get the power of killing the king, but for Da Qin’s strategy, in order to annihilate Lian Po, he was asked to withdraw his troops from the border so that Da Qin could better attack the city and plunder the land, forming a situation of encirclement.

Zhao Qi even directly gave up on killing the king.

Instead, he insisted on holding Handan and withstood the onslaught of hundreds of thousands of Lian Po’s army for seven days, putting himself in a dangerous place for the Great Qin strategy.

They don’t have this courage at all.


They are also considered to have truly realized what is called a gap.

“The two generals, let the sharp men refurbish them on the spot.”

“Follow me and go to Handan City, and the general will return in a little while.”

Tu Shu said with a smile, and then turned around, ready to lead the way.

“The whole army listens to orders.

“Rest in place.

“Waiting for the order.”

Wang Gong turned around and said to the one hundred thousand cavalry behind him.


All the cavalry shouted in unison, with great power.


Wang Mao and Li Xin led hundreds of guards to the (Li Qian’s) Handan city along with the gangsters.

When they came to Handan City.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of this city.

Even though they are also battle-tested, don’t be surprised to see this bloody and tragic scene.

“How cruel is the war in the past eight days?”

“Zhao Jun’s corpses piled up in front of this city at least more than 80,000 people, right? Even more.”

“Lian Po” was originally the first general of the Zhao country. He has excellent commanding capabilities and has been in the army for decades. No city can withstand his three days of work. But today, in front of Handan City, Lian Po was defeated so miserably. ”

“General Zhao, relying on his subordinates, and also a combination of my old Qin and Han Jiangzu, was able to hold Handan for eight days without breaking, and even Lian Po had to personally command his troops and eventually died.”

“General Zhao’s ability is really unimaginable.”

Seeing the tragic situation on the battlefield in Handan, the corpses everywhere, the torrent of blood covering the whole land, and the ruins everywhere, Wang Qian and Li Xin also had scalp tingling.

Seeing this scene, you can think of the cruel scene of this siege war.

“Dare to ask General Tu, how much damage our army has suffered in the Battle of Handan?”

Wang Qian suddenly looked at Tu Wei and asked.

Zhao Jun’s attack on the city was so tragic that his own Da Qin army suffered heavy losses.

“Our army has the power to defend the city, and the general has long deployed a method to replace the city. Shield formations are arranged in the city. The Zhao Jun archers and trebuchets are suppressed by our army and are at a disadvantage.”

“In this battle, our army suffered no more than 10,000 casualties, and nine out of ten people were injured. They can recover after being treated in the wounded camp.” Ju Wei said with a smile.

“More than 10,000 casualties, and most of them were injured, not killed.”

“The army commanded by Lian Po has suffered such a big loss, killing more than tens of thousands, wounding countless people, and being captured by hundreds of thousands.

“This is the result of this battle.”

“Compared to Nanyang’s great victory, it’s no more concessions.

“General Zhao, it’s really amazing.” Wang Qian and Li Xin were shocked, and they couldn’t say anything for a long time.

The veteran general of the Zhao State, who was able to face the undefeated existence of Wu Anjun, the war god of the Qin Dynasty in the past, now the two armies have suffered such a big loss in the battle, and they have lost their lives because of this.

With his life, Zhao Qi’s prestige was established.


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