Chapter 104

Zhao Jun backstage.

There are only a few thousand troops guarding them, and they are the back-ups who are responsible for kicking in the drums and pulling the troops out of the battlefield.

Seeing his Paoze brothers frantically attacking the city, each of them also had red eyes, and they wanted to join the chaos.

At this moment, Guo Kai walked quickly.

“The king’s edict.”

Guo Kai shouted loudly.

See Guo Kai.

General Zhao, who was left behind, bowed and bowed immediately.

“The king has an order, immediately withdraw the army, and the whole army will escort the king to the north to withdraw from the place of generation, join General Li Mu, and then plan the Qin strategy.” Guo Kai said to General Zhao in front of him.

“The prime minister.

“The general has been killed in battle, and has issued a death order. Even if he dies, he will step on his body to attack the city. If the city is not broken, the army will not withdraw.”

“We must not let the general down, otherwise the general will not look down if he knows it well.

Hearing Guo Kai’s words, this Zhao Jiang said unwillingly.


“My Great Zhao is the Great King’s Great Zhao, not his cheap Great Zhao.”

“Don’t you dare not respect Wang Zhao?”

Guo Kai immediately scolded.

“At the end I dare not.”

Hearing the disobedience of Wang Zhao, this Zhao general immediately looked scared.

“Then, don’t hesitate to challenge the prime minister to withdraw the troops.”

“If you delay the king’s north retreat, you can bear the consequences?” Guo Kai scolded angrily.


There is no way, the king’s order cannot be violated.

This Zhao general can only order the retreat of the army.

Stele, stele, stele.

The beating of the drum to withdraw troops sounded in front of Handan City.

And at the moment.

After Lian Po died and died, Zhao Jun was full of anger with his life. Perhaps this was also the plan of Lian Po’s pro-rule army to attack the city, using his own life to ignite the last wave of morale, and this morale broke the city.


After his death.

With his reputation, the army was all angry, attacking frantically, and fighting to death with him.

They used nearby cars and ladders to climb the city gate frantically, and at the same time, there was a rushing hammer madly at the gate, even though the city gate smashed down the rolling stone and sandalwood, even if the kerosene was dumped.

They also won’t retreat.

The degree of craziness before was more violent than the seven-day siege.

“Lian Po.

“It’s really good calculation.”

“Use your own life to ignite the last wave of morale for Zhao Jun, and break the city with this.”

“Indeed, your goal was achieved, and your army was stimulated by your death, and the anger dissipated the fear, but after all, you Zhao Guo is at the end of the battle, and you can’t change it even if you die.”

Zhao Qi indifferently looked at Zhao Jun who was attacking frantically in the city, watched many Zhao Jun who went up to fight in the city, and watched Zhao Jun’s vitality pass away. There was no wave in his heart.

But this time.

The drums of Zhao Jun’s back formation sounded.

The beating of the order to withdraw troops sounded nothing.

Zhao Qi was taken aback, and then showed a mocking smile: “Zhao Yan, who is as timid as a mouse, is still terrified after all, but after all, you have helped Ben General a lot. It is finally time for the finishing touches.

And Zhao Jun, who was attacking frantically, heard the sound.

Unbelievable appeared on every face.

“What’s the matter? Why is there a sound of drumming and withdrawal?”

“The general has issued a death order and will not withdraw troops if he does not take back Handan. Who is this order to withdraw troops? We have already attacked the city and will succeed in retaking Handan.”

“Damn it, hate it…

this moment.

Countless Zhao generals, Zhao Jun are angry and unwilling.

But the order to withdraw the troops from the drums is the military order, and they have to follow it.

You can only reverse direction in an orderly manner and begin to retreat.

But Da Qin Ruishi would naturally not let go of this opportunity to kill the enemy, with random arrows, countless arrows volleyed in the air, seizing the vitality of the 03 retreat Zhao Jun.

“Tu Ya, Zhang Han.”

Zhao Qi gave a low voice.

“It will be at the end.

The two generals said with excitement on their faces.


Zhao Qi waved his hand.

Walking towards the city gate in a stride.

As general, the defense of the city is up to you. ”

Ju Wei held his fist at Ren Qi.

“Please don’t worry, Handan will not lose if I am here.” Ren Jiang said solemnly.


Tu Shi and Zhang Han directly followed Zhao Qi down the city.

In the city.

The fifty thousand great Qin cavalrymen were already ready, and when Lian Po led the army to attack the city, they were already ready, waiting to go out of the city to kill the enemy.


The opportunity came.

“Where is my Great Qin Cavalry?”

Zhao Qi went down to the city, took his Overlord Halberd from the guards, and then turned on the blood tiger.


The blood tiger has never made the roar of the tiger, so the war horse is not afraid, but if the tiger roars together and resounds through the void, it will definitely make the war horse fear.

The power of the king of beasts is by no means vain.

“Wind, wind, wind.

“The wind.”

23 Scattered on the official roads in the city, fifty thousand Great Qin cavalry raised their spears and shouted in unison.

“May I follow the general to defeat Zhao Jun, kill King Zhao, and destroy Zhao.”

Zhao Qi raised the Overlord Halberd in his hand and shouted with prestige.

“Follow the general to the death.”

“Follow the general to the death…

The fifty thousand Qin cavalrymen shouted in unison.


Zhao Qi laughed, and the blood tiger slowly turned around, facing the city gate.


Zhao Qi shouted angrily: “Open the gate of the city.

The city gate opened quickly.


Zhao Qi promoted the overlord to do it.

Give an order.

The blood tiger stepped on all fours, and the speed was much faster than that of the horse. It turned into a blood-red figure and rushed out of the city.After Zhao Qi broke out.

Fifty thousand Qin Tieqi, led by Ju Ya and Zhang Han, followed close behind and drove out of the city.

In an instant.

Zhao Qi one person and one tiger directly caught up with the retreating Zhao Jun.


Zhao Qi clenched the Overlord’s Halberd and swept away seven or eight Zhao troops with one halberd, and directly smashed them to death.


The blood tiger let out a low roar, the tiger’s body shook, and rushed into the retreating Zhao army. The tyrannical tiger paw stepped on it, and several Zhao soldiers were trampled to death.

“Good fellow.”

Zhao saw that Qi Xuehu was so ferocious, he laughed and danced with Bawangzai, starting a crazy slaughter.

With his innate cultivation base, Nine Suns Divine Art is endless, with terrifying power that ordinary people can hardly possess, and frantically killing Zhao Bing.

And at this moment.

Ju Ya and Zhang brought Da Qin cavalry to kill.


The Array of Attack, Kai.

Tu Wei and Zhang Han shouted at the same time.

After 50,000 Qin Tieqi broke out of the city, he immediately formed a formation.

The first was that the spear slammed towards the retreating Zhao Jun fiercely.

The sharp soldiers of the rear army picked up the bow and arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow, raised the sky forty-five degrees, and began to release the arrow.

in the past.

The most powerful cavalry in the world on this side is Zhao’s cavalry.

But now.

Under Zhao’s creation, the three treasures of riding and war were armed on the cavalry horses under his command. Daqin Ruishi did not need to use his legs to clamp the belly of the horse to lose his strength. Several times the cavalry combat power.

“Kill, kill.

“Kill Zhao Bing.

“Destroy the State of Zhao.


The Great Qin Cavalry swept out.

Like a beast, it brought countless casualties to the retreating Zhao Jun.

And the city is closed.

Watching Daqin Ruishi’s riding and shooting.

Ren Qi was taken aback.

“When did my Daqin cavalry also master the way of Hufu riding and shooting?” Ren Qiyi thought.

He never thought that the cavalry under Zhao Qi’s command was different from the other cavalry in Daqin, and even the cavalry of all countries in the world.

Equipped with the three treasures of riding and fighting across the ages.

Under Zhao’s leadership, fifty thousand cavalry slayed the Zhao Jun frantically. Facing the great Qin cavalry out of the cage, the morale of the retreating Zhao Jun was gone, and he was not the opponent of the cavalry of Da Qin.

Qin Jun “out of the city.”

Retreat quickly” Ah.

“Admiral Zhao Qi of the Qin Jun led his troops to kill.”


Seeing the thundering horse behind him, all Zhao Jun panicked and fled in embarrassment.

Without Lian Po’s army, and when the city was attacked, Zhao Qi’s magical archery showed his power. Almost all of Zhao’s 10,000 generals were killed by Zhao Qi’s arrow. When the city was attacked, they were still good The anger of revenge, desperate.

But with the beaten drums of the withdrawal, their morale and anger were brought to an end.

This is the way of war, morale and military spirit.

Seeing everyone around them fleeing, they are all afraid, it will naturally affect the robe and everyone.

Morale dissipated naturally.

“Qin Jun came out?”

“Hurry up.

Seeing the opening of Handan’s gate and countless Qin cavalry soldiers marching out, Guo Kai was also panicked.

Can’t care about anything at all, and fled towards the barracks in embarrassment.

Seeing the figure of Guo Kai running away embarrassedly.

The surrounding Zhao Jun also had brown faces.

The sound of the horse stepping on the thunder and the killing of the Daqin Ruishi made them panic. Seeing the army retreating in embarrassment behind, they didn’t think much about it, and they were fascinated by Guo Kai’s figure.

Zhao rushed madly with fifty thousand iron cavalry.

The retreating Zhao Jun was completely broken up abruptly, and Zhao Jun’s vitality was reaped frantically.

Lian Po used his death to inspire the final fighting spirit of his army. Although he finally showed the moment of going to death, he finally retreated with the sound of the drum, and the last fight that Lian Po earned in exchange for his life collapsed in an instant.

Zhao Jun was completely defeated.

the other side.

Handan territory.

One hundred thousand cavalry rushed quickly across the ground.

“General Zhao broke through Handan, the capital of Zhao, and was forcibly attacked by Lian Po’s army. The strength of the army is very different. Zhao Jun’s strength is twice that of General Zhao. Now it has been eight days. We have played for a moment, General Zhao and our Paoze brothers are more It’s dangerous.

“My Hangu camp broke the border thanks to General Zhao.”

“General Zhao is in trouble, and I must not wait.

“The whole army listens to the order.”

“Full speed ahead.”

The two generals Wang Xiu and Li Xin commanded one hundred thousand cavalry and rushed towards the territory of Handan frantically.

Help Zhao Qi at the fastest speed.

This is the place where Daqin is more glorious than all other countries in the world. Although the major military camps are fighting, they are related to the important affairs of the country, and there is absolutely no ambiguity.

Wang Qian and Li Xin led the army to hire them frantically, and rushed towards the army camp of Zhao Jun where the scouts were investigating.

In this Zhao territory, it belongs to the world of cavalry.

Hiring all the way is unstoppable.


Zhao Jun Barracks.

“The King.”

The big thing is “not good.”

Guo Kai ran into Zhao Man’s camp in a panic, shouting in horror.

“How’s it going?”

“Can the army retreat?” Zhao Hou immediately asked worriedly.

At this moment, there are only a few thousand troops left in the barracks. If the army does not withdraw, it would be very dangerous to withdraw from the army to the north.

“Return to the king.”

“The army has retreated.

“But… but the Qin Army attacked.”

“My lord, I can’t manage that much now. We will withdraw quickly and withdraw the land. We can no longer stay in Handan.” Guo Kai said in fear.

“Qin Jun attacked the city?”

“Do they also know that Wang Jian’s army has already invaded the territory of Handan?”

“No, if they are encircled, the consequences will be disastrous.

“The prime minister, immediately ordered Zhao Yong to mobilize five thousand imperial guards.”

“We immediately withdrew north to find Li Mu.

“Only in this way can life be saved.”

Zhao Weiyi said with a pale face.


Under the escort of the Five Thousand Imperial Guards, Zhao fled towards the North Frontier.

As for the disintegrated army, he can no longer control so much, it is important to save his life.

Look back.

Zhao Qi led the 50,000 Qin cavalry to chase and kill the defeated Zhao Jun frantically. Facing the great Qin cavalry’s combat power, they had almost no backhand power.

And at this moment.

Zhao Qi waved the Overlord Halberd in his hand, and his anger was shocked. He looked at those Zhao Jun who was fleeing in fear, and shouted with prestige: “The king whom you loyal to has escaped, and you have been abandoned by Zhao Yan.

“I am General Zhao Qi of the Great Qin, you and the Zhao army, I belong to the Yan and Huang clan. The people of Qin and Zhao are originally from the same clan. I want to surrender quickly. In the name of Admiral Da Qin, I promised you that I would surrender. If you die, if you resurrect like Changping, I will fall into hell, Zhao Qi.”

Infuriating blessing.

Zhao Qi’s voice resounded through the void of the battlefield.

Watching Zhao Qi’s fierce power driving the blood tiger, watching those Da Qin cavalry who are chasing and slaughtering wildly.

Countless Zhao Jun was terrified.

They are also human beings, not saints, so how can they not be afraid of death.


After hearing what Zhao Qi said.

“Did the king really escape?”

“At the beginning, the king was able to give up the capital, even the prince gave up. We are just untouchables in his eyes, how can he care about us.


“General Lian Po, maybe we can’t follow your way.”

“The general spares his life.”

“I am willing to surrender.

“Do not kill me…”

“Please also keep your promise…”

After Zhao Qi’s words, Zhao Wang has escaped, and this word disintegrated Zhao Jun’s last resistance.

Even the king has fled, so what’s the point of these little soldiers fighting to death? They are also humans, they also have a family.

The price paid in this war has been too great.


Pieces of Zhao Jun discarded their weapons and knelt on the ground, begging for surrender.

“The King Zhao has escaped, and the Kingdom of Zhao will be destroyed.

“Surrender will avoid death, and those who do not surrender, and those who escape without permission will be killed without mercy.”

Zhao Qi held the Overlord Halberd high and shouted with prestige.

The monstrous admiral’s killing power erupted from him, driving a blood tiger, Zhao Qi, whose armor was stained red with blood, was even more powerful than hell.

“King Zhao is dead, and the Kingdom of Zhao will be destroyed.”

“The general has orders.

“Surrender will avoid death, and those who do not surrender, and those who escape without permission will be killed without mercy.”

“The general has an order…

All the great Qin cavalry sharps held up their spears and shouted in unison.

Da Qin’s voice of shock resounded throughout the battlefield.

Under such power.

Countless Zhao Jun descended on the wind, no longer willing to fight, looking at the land of Handan City, there were corpses everywhere, and Zhao Jun kneeling down and praying everywhere.

The big picture.

It’s already set.


In addition to most of the Zhao Jun who had surrendered, there were some people who were fleeing at this moment, but Da Qin Iron Cavalry was already holding a bow and arrow, aimed at those Zhao Bing who had fled, and directly shot and killed them.

“Tu look.”

“This would give you forty thousand iron knights to collect all the soldiers.”

“Zhang Lang, take Wan Qi and follow Ben Jiang in the north to pursue.”

“Wang Zhao, absolutely can’t let him escape.

Zhao shouted to the two generals.

The situation of the battle here has been set, no need to think too much, as long as the slaughter takes the iron cavalry to general Zhao Canjun-shock suit.


The overall situation of destroying Zhao was initially set in this battle.

Lian Po is dead.

There is no need for Zhao Man to be alive.


Zhao Qi is about to take all of the Zhao royal family, as for the Zhao Wang, he must die in his own hands.

The task given by the system to open the deputy profession is to kill King Zhao and destroy the Kingdom of Zhao, which is the key to completing the task.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

Tu Wei Zhang Hanhe divided his troops immediately.


Zhao Qi drove the blood tiger directly and rushed towards the northern border. Zhang Han immediately led a crowd of iron cavalry to sprint towards the northern border.

Pursuing King Zhao and his hundred officials.

Although Zhao You escaped very quickly, he could never escape compared to Zhao Qi chasing with a crowd of Qingqi.

North of Handan.

Zhao Yan’s Imperial Guard escorted Luanjia and quickly fled towards the north.

But not all cavalry, mostly infantry.

Moreover, many of the civil and military of the Zhao country did not even have a horse, without a carriage, and could only flee northward with Luan, but after all, they were the nobles of the Zhao country. How could they have suffered this kind of desperate escape and have not escaped from Sanli Road? I got tired a lot along the way and left behind.

But no matter how they shouted, no one answered.

“Zhao Yong, how long will it take to leave Handan?”

In Luanjia, Zhao Man asked in a panic.

“Majesty, there are at least twenty miles to leave Handan completely.”

Outside Luan, a general Zhao, who was riding a war horse, replied loudly.


“If Qin Jun catches up, it will be dangerous.”

“We must go to Daidi, as long as there is Li Mu in Daidi, the widow will be safe.” Zhao Jun shouted loudly.

“Please rest assured, the king, Handan still has more than 100,000 troops of my Da Zhao, and the Qin Army will not chase them so quickly.” Zhao Yong comforted.

But the voice just fell.

Step on.

Ta Ta Ta.

There was a violent stepping sound.

A black armored general who was driving a blood tiger quickly pursued Zhao Yan’s Jianjia, and behind him was the great Qin Tieqi swept over.

“not good.”

“Qin Jun has caught up.”

Zhao Yong looked back and said in horror.

“It’s over.

Zhao You’s face also turned pale when he heard the violent pedaling of horseshoes.

“Let’s release the arrow.


Zhang Han shouted violently.

The great Qin Tieqi began to disperse, bent his bow and set up arrows, and a round of arrows shot towards the fleeing Zhao Jun.

Arrow rain fell.

It directly took away a lot of Zhao Jun’s life, and even many ministers of civil and military affairs of Zhao State were under the arrow.

“Hu Fu riding and shooting?”

“This is impossible.Zhao Yong was terrified when he saw this scene.

The world.

Although there are many countries on the Central Plains, the only one who masters the riding and shooting of Hufu is the State of Zhao.

But now that Qin’s cavalry is also in control of this cavalry and shooting skills, how not surprised as the Zhao Ren who pioneered Hufu cavalry and shooting.

But it didn’t wait for them to have any chance.

A blood-red figure passed directly beside Luanjia.

Followed by.

A figure driving a fierce blood tiger directly blocked Zhao Man’s drive.

next moment.


The blood tiger made a fierce tiger roar, which seemed to turn into sound waves, shocking the void.

Under the roar of this tiger.

The Zhao Imperial Guards horses that escorted Zhao Youjian were out of control. The horses stumbled in front of them, and some even with an instinctive fear, directly smashed Zhao Bing on their backs.

There was a tiger roar.

The Zhao State Guards Cavalry directly lost their combat power, and thousands of Zhao Guards Cavalry were overturned by the horses under their seats.

Even the nine war horses that were driving Zhao Yan Mi were shocked and ran wild.

There was a boom.

Luangjia was directly overturned.

Zhao Wei threw himself in the appraisal, yelling in horror: “Save the widow, save the man quickly.”

“Zhao Qi.

When looking at Zhao Qi driving the blood tiger, Zhao Yong, the commander of the Imperial Guard who fell to the ground, got up, his face was full of jealousy.

And at this moment.

Zhang Han brought thousands of iron cavalry up to kill, and surrounded Zhao Fa’s inspection drive group.

Zhao Man, Zhao’s civil and military, are all surrounded by Zhao Qi, and it is difficult to escape.

“The capital is broken, and King Zhao flees.”

“580 King Zhao, let’s not say anything else, the speed at which you escape makes Ben will appreciate it very much.

Zhao Qi looked at Zhao Hou who had crawled out of Luangjia, and sneered.

“Zhao Qi.”

“You, you are crazy.

Zhao Fa pointed at Zhao Qi and cursed, but his face was full of fear.

After appraising the driving.

Zhao’s civil and military dignitaries all looked at Zhao Qi in horror.

“Can you drop?”

Zhao Qi didn’t talk nonsense, and raised the Bawang Zai in his hand, pointing at Zhao Yan and shouting.

“I am the king of the great Zhao.

“Lord of a country.

“It’s impossible to want me to drop.”

Zhao said stiffly, but the fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

he knows.

For him.

Even if it is a surrender, it is impossible to escape death. When Ying Zheng was in Handan, he was regarded as the worst bullying. If Ying Zheng saw him, if he became a prisoner of Qin, he would definitely die very miserably.

“Zhao Qi.”

“Widow, everyone gives you a chance.

“As long as you let go of the widow, the widow can give you everything you want.”

“He can give you the general to win the government, and the widow can give you the right to command the soldiers and horses of a country. No, the widow can give you the power of Zhao Guo’s military and political power. ”

Zhao Yan looked at Zhao Qi in horror.

At this moment, he was completely panicked.

When Handan City was broken, he had not yet met the real Da Qin Ruishi, nor Zhao Qi, but at the moment he was trapped in a siege and it was impossible to escape.

It is even more impossible to rely on Li Mu for assistance. Without ten days, it is absolutely difficult for Li Mu to come to Handan City.

“Are you joking with Ben General?”

“Just relying on you, is it worthy that Ben will work for you?

Zhao Qi sneered.

Turned over and walked towards Zhao Man slowly.

“Hugh hurt my king.”

“Guardian, escort you.

Zhao Yong shouted and directly stood in front of Zhao Qi, and Zhao Yan’s guards one after another protected Zhao Yan.

But there is no need for Zhao to speak Qi.

Zhao Qi did not stop either.


Zhang Han directly ordered.

A shower of arrows struck.

Zhao Yong was directly pierced by random arrows and killed him on the spot. The guard Zhao Bing who was guarding Zhao Yan also killed him. Zhao Qi walked in front of Zhao Yan without hindrance.

Looking down at this humble king.


Zhao Qi has already killed one.

But they are all a virtue, greedy for life and fear of death, and have no blood.

after all.

The reason why they can be kings is not how strong they are, but because they are heirs to the royal power, their succession is smoothly completed, and there are no powerful ministers to add obstacles to them, and no powerful ministers threaten them.

“Anything else to say?

“If not, then you will be on the road.

Zhao Qi stared at Zhao Hou, his killing intent was undisguised in his eyes.

“Zhao Qi… Don’t… Few people, Few people…

Zhao Kuang drew back in horror, trying to say something, but when he reached his mouth, he was swept by fear and didn’t know what to say.


Before Zhao Man returned to his senses, Zhao Qi lifted the Overlord Halberd in Zhao Qi’s hand, and the sharp halberd blade cut directly across Zhao Kuang’s neck and beheaded directly. Zhao Man’s body was directly hidden on the ground, his head rolled to the ground, his eyes widened. , Do not look down.

It seems that he didn’t expect Zhao Qi to be so unscrupulous. He didn’t even shy away from his status as a king and killed him directly.

As far as any war fighter is concerned, capturing the powerful and powerful of the enemy country is the most valuable one alive. Needless to say, the emperor will get rich rewards once captured alive.

But for Zhao Qi.

There is no need for this kind of reward. Not only can you get a reward once in the hands of Qin Shihuang for killing the king, you can also get a reward from the system. This is the key.

The authority and things bestowed by Qin Shihuang.

In the royal power.

A word is deceptive.

But the rewards of the system can be used by Zhao Qi, and everything belongs to him.

Zhao Qi naturally doesn’t have to think too much about what he owns only in his own hands.

“Wang Zhao.”


Zhao Qi directly raised Zhao Heng’s head, sneered, no waves in his heart.

Another king fell into the hands of Zhao Qi.

This will definitely be extremely exciting for any Daqin general, but Zhao Qi is very plain.

But for Da Qin, Zhao made great contributions to Da Qin.

After the extermination of Zhao, Zhao Qi will inevitably be reused by Emperor Qin Shihuang. In the world, the name of Zhao will be powerful.


Zhao Qi turned his eyes and fell on Zhao Guowenwu, who was so terrified that he could hardly even kneel on the ground: “You wait, will you drop?”

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