Xiao Chen was sitting in the lobby and he chose to go to the cationic birthday party, naturally he had his own consideration. [? 八? 一 ({中文 [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM first entered the evil star domain, Xiao Chen mastered the basic information through Wujiao three, but they have limited cultivation and limited knowledge The reason to be close to the Shuiyang School is to use the information they have to have a complete and clear understanding of the evil star domain as much as possible, because his goal is to leave here.

And it is definitely not only him who sprouts from the evil star domain. The monks in the evil star domain must have made countless attempts and summed up the experience and feasibility. All he needs is to get these and start on their basis. Do more with less.


On the next day, the lord of the Shuiyang ancestors celebrated his birthday, and the entire Dongguo city was overcrowded. The light shining on the clouds covered the sky, releasing a mixture of strength and weakness. Prior to this, the news that the cationic repair broke through to the peak of creation, no doubt made his birthday ceremony more lively.

Outside the courtyard, the frame is ready, and several Shuiyang monks stand respectfully.

The courtyard door opened, Xiao Chen stepped forward, and Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu followed them respectfully.

"See Lord Xiao Chen." Speaking respectfully for the monk Yishui Yangzong, "I've been ordered to come to welcome the adults to the birthday feast, please adults."

Xiao Chen nodded, and said to the three of Wujiao, and said, "This seat is leaving today, and will not be back in the future, so please do it for yourself." Whispering, he stepped onto the frame and whispered, "Let's go."

"Yes, sir."

Monk Shuiyang Zong respectfully said that the frame immediately rose into the sky and went straight to the gate of Shuiyang Zongzong under the envelop of light.

On the ground, Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng, and Bao Yu saluted respectfully, and said in unison: "Greetings to my lord!"


"Congratulations on the birthday of the cation monarch, the little congratulations are no respect."

Xi Dongshui had a gentle smile on his face, and the person who stood outside Zongmen's door as a welcoming guest seemed to be tired, but it was a kind of acquiescence to his status by the cation. Only the person at the helm of Shuiyang Zong would be able to represent this Jobs. This old man also wants to take this opportunity to tell Monk Zongnei that Xi Dongshui is still his most valued junior, so as not to cause turbulence in the hearts of people.

"Yuncheng is welcome, please come in." Xi Dongshui reached out and drew a false guide. The monk himself who came from the Shuiyang sect stepped forward, and the guests will be brought into the sect for proper placement in the future.

But at this moment, he looked at a certain frame of Yunxiao, his face changed slightly. At the same time, the monks who worshiped him also noticed this, and felt no shock in their hearts. Today is the birthday of the cationic cats. Come to worship the monk as a sign of respect. Which one is not far away from the light, such a direct ride on the frame to the front of the gate is undoubtedly extremely rude. But when the frame was near, he could clearly see the sign. This was actually the frame of Shuiyangzong.

Could it be a noble guest who actually asked Shuiyangzong to send someone to meet him?

Just as the surrounding monks' thoughts turned, Xi Dongshui smiled apologetically to the monk in front of him, and strode towards the falling frame, and the monks in front evaded to allow a passage for him to go to the frame.

"The younger generation, Xi Dongshui, welcome to Xiao Chen."

Xiao Chen!

As soon as the name came out, the place was suddenly quiet, and the pupils of countless monks shrank slightly, and looked at the frame again, with awe in their eyes. On that day, Dong Guocheng battled, and the battle for the promotion of the pinnacle of the cation and the mysterious strongman, the two sides were evenly matched and could not win each other, so they stopped to make peace. And Xiao Chen ’s name had spread since that day, and no one knew the monks in the surrounding stars. If he were, he would naturally be eligible for Shui Yangzong's solemn reception.

The door opened, Xiao Chen stepped forward, his gaze swept around, and all the viewers looked down in awe.

"Yesterday I learned that Lord Xiao Chen is coming to the birthday feast. The overlord is overjoyed, and he ordered me to greet him here." Xi Dongshui's face was respectful. He may not let go of his heart, but remembering that the cation will hold everything to the bottom of his heart It doesn't show the slightest sign, "The suzerain is now waiting for you in the living room, please."

Xiao Chen nodded, his face calmed. He didn't care how Xi Dongshui thought, because he didn't regard him as his enemy at all. As long as he does not work, Xiao Chen will not embarrass him.

Xi Dongshui instructed others to welcome the guests and respectfully lead Xiao Chen into the Shuiyang Sect.

In the hall, the visitors whispered in small groups. Cation as the protagonist of today, wearing a festive shroud holding a wine glass, shuttled between guests. Today, every monk who is qualified to enter here has an unusual background. He has to stop for a while and talk a few words to take care of the faces of all parties.

At this time, Xi Dongshui led Xiao Chen into the hall.

The appearance of the two people instantly attracted countless lights, and their eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Except for a few monks, most of them were surprised. Being able to send in the Shuiyangzong Shaozong in person shows that the visitors are distinguished, but they do not know the person, and they are naturally puzzled.

Cation saw Xiao Chen's figure, smiled and said sorry to a monk who was talking, strode towards him, a hearty laughter came out of his mouth, "Xiao Chen's friend is really a believer, and he must be with me today. Have a few drinks. "The old man's voice was so loud that it instantly passed into the ears of all monks in the hall. The eyes of Xiao Chen suddenly changed, a little more curious and fearful.

Xiao Chen looked peacefully in the eyes of everyone, smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said, "The cationist friends talked a lot. Today Xiaomou is busy, naturally he has to come to congratulate him, and wish him a long life." , Take out one of the jade boxes, "a thin gift, and please Daoyou smile."

The cationic "haha" laughed, the gift was no longer precious, but Xiao Chen's demeanor allowed him to get enough face, and his smile became more affectionate. "That being the case, the old man is no longer polite." He reached for it. Jade box, give Xi Dongshui behind.

The two of them seemed to be close friends, and there was no estrangement, but many secret monks who wanted to wait and see the liveliness were secretly disappointed.

"Xiao Chen's friends, all the friends who came from the surrounding star domain today, the old man came to introduce you." Cationic veteran calculated that Xiao Chen entered the evil star domain at the beginning, and would like to participate in his birthday. It is also hoped that the Shuiyang Sect can be used to deepen the understanding of the evil star domain in order to integrate into it as soon as possible. Now that Xiao Chen has been on the road so far, he has to reciprocate.

"In this way, there will be labor and friends." Xiao Chen nodded with a smile.

Most of the monks in the hall have a strong background, and you must pay attention to the introduction methods to get to know each other. However, the cationic method is naturally old-fashioned. He took Xiao Chen directly to the nearest people, and it was not rude to start from a distance.

Several monks were looking at Xiao Chen. At the moment, when they saw the two men coming over, they stopped talking and smiled.

"Several people, this is Xiao Chen Daoyou, who is well-known in recent days. He will walk in the evil star field in the future. He also asked all Daoyou to brighten his eyes and restrict his subordinates to make it difficult for Xiao Chen Daoyou." Cationic smiled. He said, "I haven't completed the construction of the vast ruins of Dongguo City. This is the lesson learned."

The old man didn't have a taboo about the matter, instead he joked about it and told Xiao Chen that he was open-minded and had put the matter down completely.

When they heard the words, they suddenly laughed softly, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Xiao Chen bowed his hands, and several people saluted themselves. Everyone is a clear-minded person, and together with the intention to make friends, but in a short time they have already talked, and the relationship between them has been a lot closer.

"Xiao Chendao friends, I heard that you are a newly admitted evil star domain monk, I wonder if this is true?" The opener is Wen Yangzong's elder, coming from Wenyangzong. Although this Wenyangzong had only three cultivating stars as his territory, each of them was not under Wei Yuanxing, and the power and the Shuiyangzong were between Bozhong.

He spoke at the moment, causing the eyes of several people around him to dazzle, and their eyes gathered at the same time.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly. The matter had already spread, and he did not conceal it. He nodded and said, "Yes, some time ago, Xiao entered the evil star domain for some reason." As for the reason, he did not want to say, naturally There is no questioning without opening your eyes.

Xi Di said: "So, Xiao Chen Daoyou hasn't joined any sects yet. I wonder if you would like to join my Wenyang sect?" He just apologized to Cation and said, "Cation lord, you won't be because of Wenyang Zong digs a wall in front of you and gets angry? "

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