Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 803: uninvited guest

"Haha, the elders of Xi Di have made a lot of remarks. Xiao Chen Daoyou just happened to be in my Shuiyang sect, not my Shuiyang sect. Which sect would you like to join, or Xiao Chen Daoyou to choose. NetW & gt; W] W} .81ZW.COM "laughed," If you want to attract friends, you have to look at the means. "

After seeing Xiao Chen's methods, the old man broke his intention of soliciting him. Because of the intuition in his heart, Xiao Chen is by no means willing to accept others. It is unknown whether it is a blessing or a curse to really recruit him. That being the case, he was happy and quiet. Whoever wanted to solicit, depending on his ability, Shuiyangzong did not visit this muddy water.

"The cationic lord said everything, but don't regret it." Elder Xi Di looked at Xiao Chen. "Xiao Chen Daoyou, I don't want you to give a reply soon, I just hope that when you choose in the future, you can lean towards me. There are some Yangzongs. After all, my Wenyangzong is the first one to invite you. "

Xiao Chen didn't mean to stay in the evil star field for a long time, but this kind of thing is not good to refuse in person. He still nodded with a smile and said, "Sure."

The elder of the floor immediately smiled.

The creation of the King of the Realm, but it has the fighting power to counter the peak of the creation, and the background is clean. Naturally, it is an excellent target for solicitation. Everyone who has some strengths has moved to recruit Xiao Chen. Seeing the cationic position now, and Wen Yangzong has already been one step closer, they are naturally unwilling to lag behind. Some people still want to hold one or two, but others can't wait for the introduction of cations, and come over.

"Xiao Chen Daoyou, the elder Beizong in the next act, if Daoyou intends to join the Zongmen, you can focus on my case."

"In Xiabei Xuanzong's elder Ye Huazi, the ancestor officially invited Daoyou to join."

"When I entered the Xiling Sect, Xiao Chen Daoyou must not regret it."


Surrounded by a group of monks, Xiao Chen instantly became lively. After all, as strong as Xiao Chen, no matter which sect is joined, it will greatly increase the strength of the entire sect.

Cation pulled away, watching Xiao Chen surrounded by monks busy parrying, and could not help shaking his head slightly. If Xiao Chen didn't feel right to him, would he let this opportunity go and give up to others.

Now seeing their fierce contention, the old man sneered slightly, asking God to send God easily and hardly, and really brought this back to the ancestral gate. You wo n’t be able to cry even if you cry.

But at this moment, the retired Xi Dongshui walked quickly to Cation, and whispered, "Sovereign Lord, worship the Lord."

The cation's complexion changed slightly, and a little awe flashed deep in his eyes. "Hurry up, take me to greet the lord, and immediately order them to prepare all the lords who deserve the lord."

But at this moment, a cold-looking young monk has stepped into the hall, his eyes glanced over here, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned to look at one place. At the same time, Xiao Chen looked up, their eyes met in the void! At this moment, they only have each other in their eyes, and no one else! There is a flash of hotness and ice cold in each of the eyes!

Cation had almost ushered in with Xi Dongshui, and arched, "I do n’t know if the worship of the lord is coming today. This case has a long way to go, and I ask the lord to forgive me." The old man laughed, but his voice was transparent. A little awe.

He glanced over Xiao Chen and the young monk, hesitating slightly, and said, "Consecrate your lord, is it that you and Xiao Chen are friends?"

Wei Sha slowly retracted his gaze, never answering his question, and frowned, "Xiao Chen? If this seat is well remembered, a monk worked in Dongguo City a few days ago and had a fierce conflict with Shuiyang Zong. I wonder if it was This person?"

The cation was a little embarrassed and said: "It was a misunderstanding on that day. This case has already made peace with Xiao Chen Daoyou and revealed the day."

"Misunderstanding?" Wei Sha said indifferently. "This seat is an enshrinement of Shuiyang Zong. I heard this and rushed to it immediately, in order to get back the face for Shuiyang Zong. How could you misunderstand the word? . "

"This seat has not agreed, and this matter has not been revealed."

His voice was calm, clear into the ears of every monk here, the cold chill, but the whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

The whole hall was dead for a moment, without any sound. All eyes focused on the cation to see how he responded.

Cation opened his mouth, but had not waited for him to speak. Wei Sha's face suddenly became gloomy. "The curtain is covered, is it because you think you have the right to disobey my will if you break through the summit of creation?"

The cation's complexion suddenly turned white, and the whole body seemed to be drawn from the spine.

The monks around Xiao Chen receded silently at this moment. They did not know Wei Sha's identity, but with the cationic practice, they still dared not have the slightest resistance in front of him, which proved many things. And the most important point is that the sudden emergence of the Shuiyang Sect's enlightenment seemed unwilling to let Xiao Chen go. Although they want to recruit a strong person to join the Zongmen, they don't want to be affected by the trouble that may cause the entire Zongmen to be destroyed.

Wei Sha sneered, stepped directly over the cations, looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes twitched, "I didn't expect to be here today, but it was really an unexpected delight. It was you who ruled this, or let this seat be shot. ? "

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed for a moment, he never thought that the first stone tower owner encountered in the Daqian Realm would be in the evil star realm! The third Tao of the God of War Palace is ridiculed, and the Taoist tradition is divided into one hundred. It is integrated into the stone tower and put into the Thousand Planes to find those who inherit the Taoist tradition. Hundred stone pagodas and hundreds of sects competed to kill and devour the stone pagodas, and the winners won the third inheritance. Since the two met, there was bound to be a fight.

When Wei Sha entered the hall, he immediately noticed the presence of Xiao Chen, and he would not give up regardless of the Shuiyangzong incident.

Xiao Chen also sensed the breath of the battle character in his body. He had already expected this. He heard that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of coldness. "It's unknown who deer died today."

"Very good." Wei Sha flashed in his eyes, "Since you don't want to do it yourself, this seat will give you a ride." The voice dropped, his breath exploded violently, and there were no scruples! The breath of creation peaked, and his breath was strong, but it was several times stronger than the cation!

The entire hall formation was suddenly awesome, but it only dazzled instantly and then went out. In the loud noise of "Boom", the palace collapsed, and under strong force, it turned into gravel and flew in all directions.

Each monk's face changed drastically, his external light flashed, and he retreated madly into the distance. His eyes turned to Wei Sha, showing endless fear! No wonder this person dares to be so tough, and the power that bursts out today is even in the peak of creation! The cation that entered the peak of the world of creation cannot be compared with him at all!

With the living room as the center, a hundred-mile circle was instantly razed to the ground, and countless monks in Shuiyang were killed directly!

In a mess, there are only two figures left opposite each other.

Wei Sha's face is dazzling, with undisguised icy killings in his eyes, "He can compete with cations, but only because he is the weakest being in the peak of creation. Maybe you also want to compete with this seat! Xiao Chen, encountered this seat You must die! "

Xiao Chen was slightly low, and the pressure of horror fell on his shoulders, making his body tremble slightly. This power is so powerful that it is enough to easily kill any monk below the peak of creation! But there was a calmness on his face, without showing a little awe or fear.

"is it?"

Xiao Chen spoke softly, slowly raised between words, and his back was struggling to be straight. In the process, his breath trembled a little, and then he went crazy with an amazing degree! At this moment, in the face of Wei Sha's threat, he did not hesitate. The mana in his body trembled and collapsed at the same time, and in a very short period of time, he exerted his heart-struck power.

Extreme "Broken Element"!

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