Colorful is necessarily a precious power that he has not mastered yet. {August Novel Network (

Continue, or give up and plan no more, Xiao Chen frowned and lost in thought.

After a long time, he slowly lifted his eyes, his gaze fell on the gourd, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a little firmness. He believes in the feeling produced in Yuanshen, this gourd must be extremely precious to him, and colorful is the key to mastering it!

Even so, even if you retreat for the time being, you will face this choice in the future! If you want to get treasure, you always have to take some risks. In this world, there has never been any harvest for no reason.

Xiao Chen figured this out, his thoughts moved slightly, and a few strands of consciousness spread out, and he went straight into the gourd ...


"Two-faced tiger, in your opinion, is Xiao Chen eligible to be invited by the suzerain?" The old man Peng slowly spoke, his face showing anxiety.

The old man smiled and frowned: "Xiao Chenxiu is indeed not weak, but being able to compete with cations is based on the treasures on his body, but he does not have the power of the peak of creation. I think that cations can be invited."

The old man Peng nodded: "What you said makes sense, in a few days it is the birthday of Cationic. I went to congratulate him personally, and took the opportunity to mention it to invite him for the suzerain, and he would not agree."

"I don't know if the suzerain can succeed this time."

The old man Peng kept silent about this and nodded after a while, "Since someone has done it before, then I believe the suzerain can do it too!"


"Sovereign, it was my fault that Xiao Chen was provoked today, and I also asked the lord to plead guilty." Xi Dongshui fell to his knees, his face pale, but he did not dare to escape his guilt.

Tuomu and Li Han stood down, arching at the same time when they saw the situation: "Zongzhu, I have something unknown, and ask the zongzhu to punish him."

The cation end sits and glances coldly underneath. "I warned you that there are countless strong men in the evil star domain. Even if the old man does not dare to be too public during the day, it seems that you have not taken the words of the old man into your heart. "

The peak of creation was full of anger, and suddenly there was a mighty coercion that filled the whole space.

Xi Dongshui, Tuomu, and Frigid were all embarrassed, and they didn't dare to make any sound, and the time and space were completely quiet.

A moment later, the cationic snorted, "Fortunately, today's matter has not caused trouble, Dongshui, you have to take a hundred **** whip yourself. As for Tomu, the cold ... The old man saw you hurting the gate. For the sake of this, I will expose this matter, and let's continue to heal. "

"Yes, lord."

Tuomu and Li Han lost their hearts, respectfully turned around and retreated.

Xi Dongshui thought of his **** whip and couldn't help but slightly white, but he knew the nature of the suzerain, and because of his identity, he could not tolerate it, but he must be punished more severely. Otherwise, how can he regulate the rules and deter his sons? So he didn't ask for mercy.

There were only two people in the hall, and the cationic eyes were slightly warm, saying, "Get up."

"Xie Zongzhu." Xi Dongshui stood up, standing low on the side respectfully.

"You haven't done anything wrong today. If I were in your position, I would do the same." Cation faintly said, "But the key is that you are out of luck. Xiao Chen's power has been estimated, so it will become Right now. "

Xi Dongshui was slightly shaken in his heart. He did not expect that the suzerain would open his mouth like this, and opened his mouth, but still did not speak.

Cation waved his hand: "I know what you want to say. The old man broke through the peak of creation. Although he overwhelmed Xiao Chen, his leather armor and black sword were the most precious things. Although I could suppress him, it only stopped at This. Your heart is unwilling to be normal, the old man will not let you forget it, but before you do not have enough power to change everything, this unwillingness will sink to my heart. In the future, Shuiyang Zong can no longer embarrass Xiao Chen. "

Xi Dongshui respectfully said, "The lord is at ease, I know how important things are."

"Very good." Cation nodded with satisfaction. He had a lot of juniors, but Xi Dongshui was the most important thing for him. The key is his calm mind. "Go, get a hundred **** whip, Take this as a lesson. "


As I watched Xi Dongshui leave, the cation was slightly low, and a sneer appeared suddenly at the corners of his mouth. "Although these two treasures, leather armor and black sword, can become your support, they can also be your lifeline. Xiao Chen, my husband Yang Zong does not embarrass you, but does not guarantee that no one will come to your trouble! "


Xiao Chen's face was slightly white. He entered the gourd with consciousness. When the colorful forces were swallowed, he would be forcibly shaken out. Although this counter-shock force was not strong, but it was superimposed again and again, it still caused considerable damage.

The golden Yuanshen was a bit sluggish, and the flashes of seven-colored color were already dim to the extreme, but at this moment, the gourd is still the same, without any change at all. This situation has even made Xiao Chen doubt whether his approach is correct? But this hesitation was only a flash, and Xiao Chen's mood calmed down again. Regardless of whether things are right or wrong, he will always try something, even if nothing is gained, at least there will be no regrets.

The sense of God was detected and smoothly entered the gourd.

This will be Xiao Chen's last attempt. The extremely faint seven-colors on Yuanshen will not allow him to continue trying. If not, he can only suppress this matter for a while and leave it to another way in the future.

Xiao Chen's body trembled slightly, his face paled a little bit, the consciousness that had penetrated into the gourd was popped up again, and the colorful power was swallowed up. His attempt obviously failed.

But the next moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened. There was no frustration in it, but a joy was revealed! It was because he had weakened the power discovered by his Yuanshen a lot more than before, and this was revealed to Xiao Chen. His method was not invalid!

Maybe it is because of the lack of colorful power in his Yuanshen that he can't get the recognition of Hulu and control it in his hands? Although this may not be correct, it undoubtedly gave Xiao Chen great encouragement. At least the change in the calabash showed that his efforts were not useless.

His eyes fell on the gourd with a little tiredness. During this time, he kept sending in the colorful power of Yuanshen. After it devoured, he obviously got a lot of benefits. The color was more crystal clear, and the flashing seven colors were slightly denser. It's just that the colorful on the gourd is dense and not fake, but the colorful flowing on Xiao Chen Yuanshen is a lot darker than before, and only a faint colorful flashes by chance. Xiao Chen didn't even know how to recover it.

With a slightly bitter smile, Xiao Chen slowly depressed his mind. These things are not known today and can only be said later. But no matter what, I found a way to refine the gourd, which is a good start.

Put the gourd in the jade box and carefully put it into the storage ring. Xiao Chen got up, stepped out and appeared directly in the Ascension Elementary Formation. The formation method followed, and began to draw the power from Yuan Jing into his body. go with. Backhand, he took out an elixir that restored the primordial gift, and Xiao Chen closed his eyes and began to restore his loss.

The passing of the colorful power left Xiao Chen Yuanshen in a state of exhaustion. He crossed his knees in the ascension array, and was sitting for more than a few months.

The matrix method stopped working. When the last ray of pure energy was absorbed by him, Xiao Chen's eyes trembled slightly, then opened slowly. He was still a little tired, but a little happy in his eyes. Because after several months of cultivation, the seven-colors of his Yuanshen gradually recovered a few points. Although far from reaching the original level, with the passage of time, the power of colorful can eventually recover one day.

Originally Xiao Chen was still worried that the colorful power could not be restored, but now it is safe. Since Yuanshen Colorful can recover on its own, even if it lasts for a long time, it will be good for a little bit in the future, and finally one day will control the gourd in hand.

Xiao Chen thought of this, with a faint smile on his face. He stood up and stepped forward, his figure disappeared instantly.

Putting away the left eyebrow dojo, he waved to lift the prohibition in the secret chamber of practice, and pushed out the door.

Miao Cheng and Bao Yu are still recovering, while Wu Jiao is waiting outside the practice room, with a little anxiety on his face. At this moment, when Xiao Chen exits, Qiao's face suddenly surprises him and hurries to the first two Step, respectfully saluting, "See my lord." After seeing Xiao Chen's true power, the woman had completely converged, and she did not dare to show a little charm again.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "You are waiting here, but is something wrong?"

Wu Jiao whispered: "The lord of the Shuiyang cation will have a long life tomorrow. He will send someone to invite the adults to a banquet. Now the people are waiting in the living room."

Cationic birthday.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he said, "I see. I'll see him."

Wu Jiao followed in a low broken step.

The two had not yet stepped into the living room. The monk Shuiyang had already seen Xiao Chen from a distance, and hurriedly got up and greeted him. He arched his hand and said, "See Lord Xiao Chen." The comer looks like a normal monk, No wonder Wu Jiao didn't dare to accompany Xiao Chen to practice outside the secret waiting room. And sending a monk who needs a creation world to come to invite is enough to show that Cation attaches great importance to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen said, "Get up." In speaking, he had already reached the seat of the Lord, and Wu Jiao served lowly.

"Master Xie." Monk Shuiyang stood up and said, "I will be here tomorrow for the monarch's birthday, but I wonder if Xiao Chen is free?"

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, and said lightly, "The cationic Daoyou has a long life. Since Xiaomou has caught up with nature, he will not miss it. If you go back, Xiaomou will come to the door tomorrow." His face was calm and not angry.

The monk Shuiyangzong was pleased, "I am honored to be able to come and go, Xiaochen Chen. In this case, the junior will leave first, and welcome the adult to come tomorrow."

Wu Jiao hurriedly led him away.


[Next to the code word, there will be updates at night, and it may still be late. Those who do n’t stay up late, please see it tomorrow. 】

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