Xiao Chen's face was calm, His Majesty the Twelve Monks were silent, and he didn't pay any attention to the solicitation of many monks. People around him also gradually noticed something wrong, and stopped talking, his attitude was indifferent, and some people even ridiculed in their eyes. Color. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W & gt ;.) 8> 1 & gt; Z? W & gt;.? C] O} M?

Could it be that they want to be independent?


Is it ridiculous to think that a monk with a great creation can easily stand on his own? There are at least a hundred or more creatures in the scattered barracks, but only 13 can truly set up a portal and have the qualifications for galloping on the battlefield, all with backgrounds and extraordinary backgrounds. The rest of them either chose to surrender to His Majesty, or ridiculed one after the other in the battlefield battle.

If you want to be independent, it is not indispensable, it depends on whether you have this qualification!

Obviously in the eyes of these people, Xiao Chen and His Majesty the Twelve Monks are the people who do not know the current affairs.

"Oh, adults have to think carefully before making a decision. Once this step is taken out, there is no way back." A commander who asked Du Wei said faintly, but there was no lack of taunting threats between the speech fronts.

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, glanced at the man, his dark eyes were calm and calm, and his outside breath had not fluctuated. The appearance of Du Wei's face turned pale instantly, and the armor lining was directly wet with cold sweat.

At this moment, he even had a feeling of dying at any moment, and he felt stiff at any time, his body was stiff and he didn't dare to move at all.

Xiao Chen glanced, never looked at the person again, and raised his hand. There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of Tao Demon behind him, a flash of aura in his hand, and a long-prepared banner appeared directly in his hand. .


The big banner unfolded in the wind, and a "Xiao" character on Zhangyu's flag appeared instantly in the sight of everyone.

The entire camp was quiet for an instant, only the flags were hunting in the wind!

The parties gathered their eyes in an instant. There were shock, disdain, indifference, and sensation ... In the scattered barracks, the fourteenth independent Sanqi general appeared. This was both self-confidence and self-confidence. The Provocation of the Thirteen Sanqi Generals Before!

After the silence, the barracks was uproar!

Actually, someone is really independent again!

There are four other creator monks in the new army. At this moment, the light in the eyes flashes, and the monks around them are full of heat, but soon the expressions they show disappeared little by little, and eventually turned into unwillingness. silence.

If they could gather monks on the battlefield on their own, would they be willing to submit to others? However, many creators who died in the battlefield before made them feel ashamed and did not dare to cross the thunder pool.

The monks sneered to retreat, and since they chose to be independent, there was no way back. In order to deter latecomers, the 13 Sanqi generals could not tolerate them. The best result of these people was to "dead in battle" for the country.

The surrounding sergeants slowly backed away, revealing an open space, leaving behind a banner of the Xiao character, and 13 silent monks under its banner.

Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes, slowly glanced around, and whispered, "Today, I will enter the military camp, set up the Xiao Department, and invite all parties to join the ranks of the generals to create a foundation!"

"Ben will not be able to give you too many promises. He can only guarantee that Ben will be ahead when charging and Ben will be behind when evacuating. In the most dangerous place on the battlefield, Ben will definitely be with His Majesty and will not flinch!"

"Same life and death, and prosperity!"

The voice is bland, not exhilarating, not agitating, but sincerely speaking, with a loud voice!

In the casual camp, many soldiers heard the words move, but still no one spoke. Relying on the strong on the battlefield is the first law of survival. Without convincing power, no one would bother to say even more.

This is the rule in the army!

"Huh! A mouth can tell you, but I just want to know that if you want to recruit generals like yours, you have the right to shelter them! Just because of your thirteen people, you want to set up your own door, which is a joke!"

General Wang Jiasanqi, under the armour of the General, wore a sneer and a finger, and said, "Wang Haidu Captain, you will challenge this so-called Xiao Department to see who can be your opponent?"

"The commander-in-chief is commanding!" General Yu Jiayi, a dude behind him, shouted, raised his mouth slowly, and the corners of his mouth had already revealed the coldness of his mouth. He strode forward and arched his hand. His Majesty the General of the Ministry of Characters, Xiao Jun, asked for advice.

No internal fighting is allowed in the army, but it does not prevent the school martial arts competition. This person bluntly asked for advice and avoided military regulations. Obviously, he is quite experienced and should not be doing this for the first time.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, and then he opened up. Now that he has taken the first step of self-reliance, he is naturally ready to deal with everything. Now it is so difficult, he is naturally fearless. "Tiger King, since If you want to learn a battle, Wang Haiduwei will do it for you. Remember that you and I are both generals of Rongguo. Let ’s go. "

"Noah!" Tiger King respectfully responded, and a little bit of evil spirit gradually developed in his eyes, but his heart was very excited.

This is the first battle after the adult self-reliance. If he can send him, it is the adult's trust in him! This victory may not be defeated, and adults must not be disappointed, otherwise how will they be reused by adults in the future!

Humph! These people actually dare to look down upon adults, then let them know the power of Xiao Zibu!

Wang Hai's face was gloomy. Although he didn't know the strongest captain in the Wang family, he was very well-trained, but he was a well-known far-sighted man. He was so despised by Xiao Chen. How could he not be angry? However, Xiao Chen was a great respect for the creation, and the official to Sanqi general was not something he could provoke.

"Can't provoke you, can't you still use your Majesty to be angry?" The man chuckled in his heart, his eyes filled with coldness.

The soldiers in the surrounding area retreated further, allowing a large area for the two to fight, so as not to be implicated. However, the army was still martial arts. At the moment, not only did no one retreat, but with the excitement, the soldiers gathered more and more.

The Sanqi generals from all parties sneered and looked at the field with cold eyes, and also wanted to see how brave this Xiao word department was to stand on its own!


The hearts of each of them were irritable and slightly arched, and the breath inside them burst out without reservation!

There was a roar in the mouth of Tiger King, and he strode forward, his body suddenly skyrocketed, turning into a giant giant in one fell swoop, shaking the mountain like a **** in between walking, and cooperating with that outside terror, it was even more powerful!

In this battle, he has to win for the generals, and he has to win with dignity. He will defeat his opponents with a destructive trend, so that he can deter everyone and make a name for him!

In the roar, a trace of blood appeared in the tiger king's eyes, and his body revealed a tragic momentum of desperate assassination in a battlefield, and he punched forward with a punch!

The Giants are born warriors, and the King of Tigers is the best among them, with a combat power comparable to the Dacheng monk. Soaring into the Thousand Realms, and then being tempered by blood, it has now been fully integrated into the body, and Jie Yuan has been killing for 300 years. This punch blasted out, not only concentrated all his cultivation behaviors, but also poured all the energy and spirit into it, and there was physical divine power. One man was in charge and the other was not open!

The surrounding casual riding generals couldn't help but have a dim light in his eyes, and a good general in the dark road, if he cultivated well, it must be a sharp weapon to siege the city and stand alone.

Wang Hai's pupils contracted violently, causing uncontrollable heart panic! He never imagined that among the thirteen members of the Xiao Character Department, any one shot was so powerful, not only made him secretly cry. But now the arrow has to be on the string. If it is severely defeated, it will not be punished, but if it is not back, the general may not be able to accommodate him in order to maintain his face!

Gritting his teeth in his heart, this population screamed and banged hard in the face of Tiger King.

The shattered monk can already use the power of the rules to integrate eclectic magic. It's a simple punch, but both have done their best!


The loud noise suddenly exploded, such as howling and thundering, and stirred up layers of turbulent energy and raging. The gusty wind rose, setting off a wave of dust, sweeping away in all directions, faintly visible that one of the figures was struck by fire.

However, this power had not spread, and it was dissipated under the pressure of the surrounding generals, and the situation quickly became clear in front of everyone.

The King of Tiger slowly drew his fists, and his body has become the size of an ordinary person. "Today, I am also a soldier in a barracks. I will spare you. If you dare to disrespect my adult, I will forgive you in the future!" Then, kneeling down on one knee and saluting to Xiao Chen, "General, his subordinates do not humiliate the mission!" Now that he has established his own door, he will naturally change his name.

"Well, go for it." Xiao Chen nodded faintly, not showing the slightest joy on his face.

But it is such an unpredictable performance that has made everyone's minds stunned.

The general Wang Jiasanqi looked complex and looked at Wang Hai, who had been blasted to death by hundreds of feet and died of weeping blood. Although he was angry, he knew that he had done his best, but the difference in strength between the two sides was too great. If he continues to be held accountable at this moment, I am afraid that it will make His Majesty's soldiers chill, and he waved his hand at the moment, saying: "Quickly bring Wang Haidu Wei back to the account, and ask the medic to come and heal without any delay."


At the moment, two sergeants of the Wang family carefully put Wang Hai on a stretcher and hurried away.

The military camp was quiet for an instant. Wang Jiajun, who had never wanted to be overbearing, actually suffered a lot when he intentionally embarrassed the Xiao Department, and many people's minds bounced for a while, but this is obviously not enough. Let them make decisions.

"The Xiao Character Department really has some skills, but I don't know if this warrior is the only one who can fight?" General Wang Jiasanqi sneered. "Wang Ai, then you will give the general and ask the Xiao Character Department for advice."

"No!" It should be a sound, a man wearing a full body chain mail, stepping out of a resolute man, this man has a scar on the corner of his eyebrow. Although ugly, it adds a bit of anger to him.

Xiao Chen said faintly, "Dao Mo, this battle is yours. May be the victory?"

"The subordinates must not let the general down!" Tao Demon has replaced Rong Guodu Wei's standard armor, Shen Shen should be, turned to meet the Wang Xi, looking cold.

Adults must stand on their own and be suppressed. However, if such an opportunity is used well, it can also make Xiao Zibu instantly establish a reputation and attract the soldiers to come and take refuge. Now that the Wang family is going to take a shot, they just make them stand out!


[Third change, today's update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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