The Wang Jiajun was humiliated, but the two had never even greeted him and shot directly. Z} W ?. Com

"Battle!" Tao Demon drank violently, but the word exit was like tens of thousands of people snarling at the same time, calming his soul and attracting people!

Most of the killings in the army are straightforward and do not like too much fancy magic. Before the Tiger King took a shot, a boxing defeat of a strong enemy was a typical military method, which could to the greatest extent deter the secret intent, enhance the general's prestige, and attract generals!

Daomo knows this well, so naturally he won't be entangled with this prince! Even if this person is strong, he has to win neatly!

He didn't stop drinking, his foot stepped forward fiercely next, and he landed abruptly, tied his hands into a knife, without any pause, and stroked a complete half-moon from top to bottom, utterly cut off!

This slashing momentum is like a rainbow, which gives people the feeling of waving swords at the same time. It contains the enthusiasm of war, and it is even more exciting. I want to growl to be happy!

When the strong man takes a shot, he knows the details.

Although Dao Mo simply drank one step, one step, and one knife, but fell into the eyes of the surrounding monks, but he had almost obtained the true meaning of the soldiers' killing. Fierce, tyrannical, bravely forward, never swear by the goal, in the simplest way, in the shortest time, the greatest damage to the enemy!

Compared to the fierceness of the Tiger King, the horrific warfare shown by Tao Demon is even more shocking!

Is this Xiao Character Department not a nameless man, but a monk sent by a powerful force in the Rong State, because for some reason he has not disclosed his identity? If not, how can you explain that among the 12 monks in the district, any two of them have such a mighty shot, and all of them are good players who are suitable for killing in the army, which is completely different from ordinary monks!

If so, it can explain why thirteen people dare to stand on their own, and perhaps they have great assistance in secret.

With this in mind, for a moment, the hearts of people floated. Many monks had already moved their minds, and their faces suddenly became hesitant.

The Sanqi generals of all parties showed a slight shock, and their faces quickly became gloomy. The strength of the Xinli Xiao word department made them feel uneasy. If it was really secretly shot by a certain force of the Rong country, since it had not been screened and disposed of by the army, it was obvious that the military department had adopted a default attitude ... even the country's owner recognized This matter, otherwise the military would dare not be so bold and indulge in secret without the consent of the sovereign.

Thinking like this, and then looking at Xiao Chen's calm and calm complexion, everyone's heart suddenly felt. It seems that in the future, I am afraid that there will be one more competitor, but I do n’t know how the helm of the Xiao Department will repair. If he is also a strong one, I am afraid it will be really tricky.

This kind of person is different from the ordinary disobedient Creator, and they can be left in the battlefield to "be loyal to the country." If they secretly move their hands and feet, once this person really has a background, the owner is angry, and then everyone will be angry. Unbearable. Thinking of this, the sneer generals who had been sneering to take action have converged and suppressed them for the time being. After all, it is better to make a decision after listening carefully, so as not to cause trouble.

Xiao Chen looked calm, as though he was in the chest, but he was quite cautious. However, his mood has always been calm, and he quite understands the principle of calmness in the event, but the calmness and indifference that he displays is more inscrutable.

His eyes fell on the scene, but the surrounding monks changed their faces but never concealed him. The thoughts flickered and they thought of the scruples in their hearts at this moment. At the moment, their eyes flickered, and their minds were already calculated, but their faces were still leaking.

The more so, the more calm you are.

The heavier he was, the more fearful some people would be, and before they knew their identities, they would not dare to do anything to prevent them from causing trouble. The Sanqi generals of all parties are people with backgrounds. The identity of Xiao Chen and others will not be concealed for a long time and they will be identified. However, with the time difference in the middle, it is enough for him to take advantage of this opportunity to serve as the ministry of Xiao. Lay the foundation. By then, even if these people knew the truth, the Department of Xiao Characters must have become a bit of a climate, and if they wanted to take another shot, it would not be known who would die!

But the most critical point right now is that, only by successfully establishing a prestige and stepping on the foot of the Wang Jiajun who dares to suppress it, can you deter people and make them suspicious.

So today, you must not lose!

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly condensed in the field. The changes in the thoughts of the people seemed complicated, but in the fight, it was only a short time. The Dao Devil's Hand Knife was cut off, and Wang Jiajun's face changed slightly. He shot it down and turned pale. His body could not help but step back.

The moment the man stepped back, the second drunk out of Dao Demon's mouth was still a "battle" character. The louder and more magnificent, two steps forward, the second hand knife continued to be cut off!

Wang Yan shuddered, his complexion was whiter, and his eyes were frightened. With his seven steps back, he felt a sense of weakness in his body. The person said a secret road in his heart was not good, and only heard the third word "war" yelling in his ear, but the world's billions of living spirits spoke at the same time, and the vast warfare suddenly suppressed. There was a moment of dizziness. Although he returned to his mind in an instant, looking at the third cut-off hand knife, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of despair.

Under the banner of the Wang family, Sanqi ’s general Wang Han's face changed greatly. This Wang Xi is the blood of the Wang family, and he has been superior from a young age. He is one of the key families to train the younger generation. In the future, he may even take charge of the Wang family. Now, he just accompanies his military experience to gain merits, but he can't bear any damage. Otherwise, not to mention the Wang family's many years of training put into practice, even he will be under pressure from the ethnic group.

"Stop!" Wang Han growled in his mouth, taking a step to stop Dao Mo from shooting. This person's method was ruthless, but the seemingly random punch contained the power of creation. If he was beaten into the body by himself, he would not make a slight injury on the spot. But if you don't notice it, the power of this creation will explode instantly in the fierce battle between Taoism and others. Although you can't kill him directly, it will be enough to send him into a state of utter danger.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly. He never knew that this man's shot was fool, but he would also stop it. Today, the character department of Xiao Characters is a leader, but he, the person in charge of the Character Character Department, has not yet made any shots, and it is inevitable that some people are suspicious. Now Wang Han's intervention has given Xiao Chen a fair chance!

"Why would General Wang intervene in the battle with His Majesty? If you wanted to do one, you would be able to accompany you."

The moment he spoke, he stepped out immediately under his feet, his figure stopped in the middle, and there was no trace of his palm against this person. The great power of the creation was fleeting, and the aftermath was offset by two shots.

After all, here is Rong **. Regardless of how they think about it, they can't be put on the surface, otherwise the ruthless military regulations are not a joke.

As soon as Xiao Chen and Wang Han retreated, the battle between Dao Mo and Wang Ye had already come to fruition. The third hand knife was cut off. Wang Xun took a step back for 13 steps, Qiqiao bleed, and fell to the ground directly. He has been hit hard! The physical injury is still intact, but his primordial spirit was defeated by the Taoist demon warfare. I am afraid that even if the injury is healed in the future, he will leave a shadow in his heart. If he can get out of nature, there will be even gains, otherwise he will be afraid of no improvement. hope.

Wang Xun's status was distinguished. Before the general Sanqi opened his mouth, the general Wang Jiajun rushed to take him away and returned him to the camp for medical treatment.

"General, his subordinates are fortunate!" Daomo fell on one knee and respectfully spoke. The awe-inspiring expression revealed would only be so after the absolute confidante cultivated over many years. It must not be so simple as ordinary men.

Being able to have such subordinates has confirmed the thoughts of some people from the side, but I did not know that the magic came from the War God Palace, and soon followed, but the idea of ​​being loyal to Shao Zun for many years, it is normal to have this performance. but.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, "It's a good job, go for it."

The Dao Demon should be, get up and belong to a team of thirteen people, and never see many shocks and admiration in the surroundings. It is slightly lower than before, and there is no pride and triumph after winning.

This kind of victoriousness can only be possessed by certain true top-notch monks!

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely gloomy while everyone's thoughts floated in the barracks, and his eyes turned to Wang Han. "General Wang is a good tool, but is this a shot for the general, isn't it a bit overwhelming?" The voice was calm. However, the meaning of Sen Leng is like the cold wind in the middle of winter, which instantly penetrates the blood vessels of the bone marrow, making the body stiff, and the body and mind are cold.

After all, Wang Han is a great state of creation. When he heard his words changed slightly, he calmed down casually, and said lightly, "What General Xiao said, I would have been puzzled. If the general talks nonsense, he would blame the general to the army The ministry charges you with frame. "

Xiao Chen was slightly low, but everyone could feel the chill on him instead of dissipating, but became stronger.

Right now this scene falls into the eyes of everyone, and you can detect the hidden feelings with a little thought. It was nothing more than the fact that Wang Han had shot and stopped Xiao Zibu's Dao Mo secretly moving his hands and feet, but was stopped by Xiao Chen and noticed.

Looking at this scene, everyone has some expectations in mind. Could it be possible to stage the creation of reality today?

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen lifted his face, and his face had become calm, but his dark eyes had a heavier chill, and there was a gleam of cold light like the stars. "Wang Jiasan rides General Wang Han, who will be Xiao Chen and wants to ask for advice. What a point, I wonder if the general can agree? "

Although everyone had such expectations in their hearts, when this scene really appeared in front of them, the entire barracks, including the generals of Sanqi, were quiet for a while, everyone looked dull, and frowned before returning to God. Come.

Xiao Chen, the general of the Sanqi Department of Sanqi, actually asked for advice directly from the Wangjiajun Sanqi of the General Wang Han? Said it was to ask for advice, it is not yet a bare battle, it is just a nominal guise!

The Ministry of Rong ** is very strict in governing the army. Once a private sergeant is reported for personal combat, he will be punished severely. The punishment by officers above the rank of Captain is even more severe. If the situation is serious, he may even be punished with capital punishment to deter the entire army.

Xiao Chen directly asked Wang Han to ask for advice. To some extent, he still violated the law of Rong **, and even was severely punished.

The eyes of the people became complicated at once. Was this person caring about what His Majesty was angry about ... or was he fearless and confident that the commander-in-chief of the army would turn a blind eye to him?

If it is the former, let it be, if it is the latter ... everyone can not help but shiver with a chill.

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