As one of the five scattered military camps on the long front, the fourth scattered military camp receives a large number of monks from Rongguo every day, and joins the army in order to kill the enemy and obtain merits. [Eight One Chinese << W) W] W]. ] 8] 1? ZW. COM, but in order to prevent spies from foreign countries or spies from other countries, all those who meet the requirements of the military must undergo some detection before they can officially enter the army!

Newly recruited barracks will be under the custody of the army. There must be no changes. They must report their origins and there must be no concealment. Broken and above monks should establish a heavenly contract to ensure that what they say is true. As for the ancient monk, it is more troublesome and needs to go to the screening camp to receive the treasure measurement.

No matter who, if there is something wrong, once found, regardless of the reason, all will be killed without pardon!

This is a mustard space. On the surface, it looks like it is only a large account in one army, but it can hold millions of soldiers. Although silent, but the turbulence of the army array has become a white tiger figure, the power is appalling, and obviously the million soldiers are the elite soldiers killed in the battlefield!

The general wearing a wooden cyan armor stood in front of the army, and said lightly, "Imprint God's knowledge into Jade Jane, fill in your background, and then use this as an oath to make a heavenly contract!"

The devastation of the three days and above for the monks are concentrated here as many monks, including even a few creators. Originally, there was still anger in the treatment of this, but at this moment they were blown away by the army, but they never dared to. Show the slightest bit.

This is among the main army of the nation. If they change, they may be killed directly as spies. Even if they have backgrounds behind them, how dare they embarrass the Rong Ministry? I am afraid that they will only die in vain. .

Remembering that no one dared to move here, one after another picked up the Jade Jane in his hands and branded his own background into it.



Two crackling sounds suddenly sounded in the quiet space, although not loud, they were clear enough to reach everyone's ears here. The two monks who burst into disillusionment turned pale for a moment, with panic in their eyes, and flickered out of the body, turning into streamers and escaping madly.

"Hmm!" The general of Muqing Warframe sneered and raised his hand slightly, while the million soldiers snarled at the same time, and Chang Ge in his hand was chopped off at the same time.

As soon as the one million troops moved, there was a war of armors, one million soldiers cut off the long Gewei, and the two shattered monks had no resistance at all. They were destroyed by direct bombardment!

The momentum is tumbling, and it is desperately aggressive.

Nearly a thousand monks paled instantly, with a thick layer of sweat on their foreheads, and their blue shirts were wet behind. Most of these million armors are only monks in the ancient realm, but the power released at this moment is afraid that they can compete with the great masters of the perfect realm! Their personal strength naturally compares these soldiers to countless others, but if they really fight against the army, they will be killed in a short while!

This is the power of the army!

Xiao Chen was slightly low, but his heart was full of shock. Millions of armors shot, and the killing power that burst out in a combined attack, even if he may not be able to resist!

And this is just a million soldiers, and the army of Rongguo ’s army has two billion troops. If you do not hesitate to shake up the country, you may be able to draw more than double your strength! In the real war, Rong country alone can concentrate more than four billion terrorist forces!

Such a powerful war machine is swept up by the mighty swallowing of the sky. It is said that it is a great creation, and I am afraid that the power of creation can only be forced to retreat!

The Rong State is just a middle-level tributary state of the Dayan Empire. From this we can see how powerful the Dayan Empire is! And Dawei is one of the top four kingdoms in the eight empires, and its strength must be above Dayan!

Although I had expected it, but now I have personally experienced that the gap between each other is really a world of difference. To suppress the fire clan and destroy Dawei, at the moment, it seems to be nonsense, nothing is possible!

Xiao Chenpao's fists in his sleeves clenched tightly, panting deeply, he had already slowly depressed his undulating heart. After many experiences, as of today, his state of mind is already stable. Even if the road ahead is difficult, how can he shrink back!

When he first entered the Xiaoqian Realm, he was just a fit monk, without help and danger, and still relying on his own strength to move forward steadily step by step, and finally became the Lord of the Kingdom of God, and came to the Five Realms.

Daqianjie is even more difficult. When he could do it in his early years, he can do it now!

Wang Yang rises from dripping water, the mountains stand in the dust, just need to be cautious and steady to move forward. In this great realm, naturally there is a day when he smiles proudly and happily cherishes enmity!

Invisibly, the more firm the conviction in Xiao Chen's heart, the hardened his state of mind has been, and he will naturally become more stable and mellow without any breakdown, and his thoughts will be more accessible.

"Since you have passed the test of the Tiandao contract, you will now truly join our army and become a member of the scattered army camp of your country. Now when you are brave enough to kill the enemy and win merits, you must not waste this opportunity to build a career ! "

"Come on!"

General Muqing Armor opened a deep voice and waved his hand slightly, and the million-strong army moved back to open a gap. The movements were uniform and even more magnificent!

"Yes, general!"

Frightened by the army, the monks who had originally had pride in the army now have a little more awe in their hearts, and they are more respectful and polite.

Withdrew from the military account, the special envoy of Rong Guozhang was already waiting outside, and his own soldiers led the monks out of the account to concentrate in the barracks. The soldiers in the scattered military camps who have taken a rest and rest gathered from the camp, and their eyes are constantly wandering through the crowd. Obviously, they are looking for a desirable target to win.

"I will be subject to the command of the state, with a special purpose. After entering the San barracks, Da Zun Xiu will temporarily suspend the San Qi General, His Majesty will gather 500,000 soldiers, and he will destroy the San Qi Captain. His Majesty can gather 50,000 soldiers and capture the city of Xiu Zhenxing. After entering the hinterland of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, you can get the same three cities! If you capture two cities, you will get ten cities! If you capture more than ten cities, you can immediately seal the Hou. , In charge of a star who is above the middle class! This is the generous bounty of the landlord. The effect is only effective when conquering the true star at his feet. I hope you will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win the title and build a lifeless feat! "

The envoy of the lord's envoy opened his voice, the sound of the billowing billowing, spreading instantly throughout the scattered military camp.

Slightly silent, cheers burst suddenly, countless soldiers flushed with excitement, their hearts burned with flames, can't wait to enter the battlefield to kill immediately, to build feats!

Xiao Chen was equally excited, but secretly surprised. Today, Rong Guozhu has greatly increased the amount of rewards, I am afraid that the advancement on Xiu Zhenxing was met with the desperate resistance of Lao Guo. As the only high-quality cultivating star shared by the two countries, its area and sufficiency of spiritual power are all top-quality choices. It also has a vital strategic advantage such as a critical boundary, which is a must for military soldiers. Involved in the national transportation of the two countries.

The lord of the state was not defeated by the lord of the nation. Although the national movement was damaged, it has not shaken the fundamentals. However, if the star was destroyed and destroyed by the ruling country, I am afraid that the national movement will be greatly reduced and the people's hearts will float. By that time, the war was not settled, but the overall situation was set!

Therefore, at the beginning of this war, the two countries have entered a feverish stage. No one in the two countries will step back and the power of the country will converge and be thrown into this star of cultivation.

The cruelty of war is probably beyond their imagination!

Xiao Chen looked at the excited monks in the surrounding area, and secretly wondered how many monks survived here when they were sealed off after the war in Japan? Shaking his head slightly, he suppressed such a mood, and now he cares nothing about others, and is able to survive himself in a brutal war.

The special envoy of the founder was quite satisfied with the response of the soldiers in the barracks, and a slight smile appeared on his face, and he waved his hand and said, "The order of the founder of the lord has been given. The bottom line still depends on your own ability. "

Whispering, this person neatly took the guard and turned away without any interference. This is the intention of His Majesty the Lord, and he grants the greatest freedom to the scattered barracks, so that the strong can rise and gather the soldiers to serve the country. He naturally dare not violate it.

The envoy departed, and dozens of flags were erected instantly in the scattered army camp, full of some self-proclaimed titles, such as: Weitian Town Sanqi General, like a broken bamboo Sanqi general, Fengjue admired Sanqi general and so on.

But most of them have their origins marked to the bottom corner.

For example, the Rongguo Dongshui Wang family, the Weinan Zhang family, and the Northwestern Tong family ... use their birth names to recruit new soldiers.

Siege the city slightly, not to build as strong as possible, unless you reach the world of creation, there is no place in the army, the leader of the battle as a breakthrough sharp knife is acceptable, if you dare to fight with the army front, it is death.

The more generals your Majesty gathers, the more powerful you will be, the greater the right to speak on the battlefield, and the more opportunities you will have. It is so clear to everyone that the opportunity to solicit His Majesty's officers will not be missed.

"My King's Sanqi General is a great creature who has become a realm of creation. He can take refuge in our army and kill the enemies on the battlefield to build feats!"

"Tong Lin's well-known creation, Tong Lin Yuan, joined His Majesty, and sincerely recruits soldiers from all parties to join our Scout Army to create a great cause!"

"The general banner of the Sun family is riding here, and I ca n’t wait to see you! Our general is fighting fiercely, and has already won the first city of Lao Country. The Mongolian state has seized it and obtained the land of the three cities in Lao country. Opportunity for Feng Hou to defend one side! "

"Xishui Zhen Mansion ..."

"Mohe settles down ..."

The monks shook their flags and shouted, and the sneer generals of Sanqi sneered at each other and released their breath. They used their self-cultivation to attract the soldiers to come. At present, although all parties are in the scattered barracks, they are completely competitive. The atmosphere is quite stalemate on weekdays. Although there is no direct conflict, it is also true that they do not see each other. If you are not deterred by military law, you will not be afraid to act arrogantly, for fear that a conflict has already occurred.

In this case, the Rongmin Ministry did not know it, but kept silent, apparently holding a tacit attitude.

Wartime policies are special, and those who attack the city can become the masters of the righteous occupation, but the territories of the Lao State that they attack must be under the control of the Rong State Lord! In order to ensure this, let the parties in the scattered military camps conflict, even if the post-war rewards made them vassals with heavy power in one side, they would confront each other with suspicion, and dare not to ambition about the rule of Rong country.

Everything is in the plan of Rong Guozhu.

The forces of the various nations of the Rongguo have already poured into the scattered military camps. Most of the monks who entered the battalions now come from small forces or directly from the scattered training camps. Groups of three or five do not have the right to stand on their own. In this way, it is naturally the best choice to choose to join the Sanqi generals in the Sanjun camp. The scattered military camp was temporarily in chaos and noisy, and all parties were trying to attract soldiers to join, and even sent monks to lobby those who valued them.

The strong in the army is the respect, Xiao Chen did not hide his self-cultivation, the faint pressure of the great respect of the creation permeated, the twelve ruins behind him stood respectfully, and each one was not weak. Obviously, it was the best target for many forces. If it succeeds, one's own strength will increase sharply.

"This lord, I wonder if you are willing to join us and make great plans!"

"My general places great importance on adults. If an adult is willing to join, he can be a vice general of our army. If he is successful, there must be an adult's share!"

"Let ’s take a look at it. Looking at the scattered barracks, my Sun family is strong. Now that I have conquered a city and dedicated it to the landlord, there are already three cities in Laos. If the landlord is willing to take refuge, my general will guarantee the future. At least you can be the master of a city! "

"Huh! Although your Sun Jiajun is not weak, my Tong family is not weaker than you. It is only a matter of luck to preempt the city. It is still unknown whether it will be up to the end. Our general also values ​​adults very much. You talked about it in the past. "


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