Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 126: The stone of the mountain is exchanged for the demon spring

[The first update today, there are two more! 】

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This sudden change suddenly went beyond all the monks' expectations. ([八?<<<<一Chinese<<网W]W]W). }8}1) ZW. COM

The eyes of the demon destiny twins and the king of the vines burst into a bright light, glanced at each other, and said: "The Demon Slayer is indeed not an ordinary generation. This side is so invincible to advance and retreat, I am afraid that it will suffer."

Seated monk, besides the human race, the eyes of the powerful aliens all gathered on the shield where the peak of the human race was, and a hint of mockery filled his eyes without any cover. Dedicated to disrupt the situation and drive up the price, I wanted to make others suffer a big loss, but in the end I put myself in it. Moreover, from the point of view from the opening of the Demon Slayer, after the auction, there will be a fierce battle between the two races of humans and demons.

Things finally became interesting.

It was the excitement in the hearts of a group of alien monks secretly, but the human race was extremely depressed in the shield, a cold and cold aura as thick as a mountain, making Jun Wugui, Su Su and the others pale.

Duan Modi's face was blue and his fists were clenched in his sleeves. He never expected that Si Mo would suddenly let go, and judging from his final calm and indifferent attitude, perhaps he had already made a decision in his mind beforehand. Thinking of this, his face sinks like water. The original intention of his act was to make it difficult for the other party, but now it seems to be as ridiculous as a clown, especially the sense of many ridiculous gazes that converge, which makes him murderous. Crazy skyrocketing, surging like a tide!

He was fooled, and there was a loud slap at the end, which made Duan Modi lose face in front of many powerful ethnic groups.

Fu Yunqi's smile disappeared, and her face rarely showed solemnity. She sighed and said, "Hey, things are going to be troublesome."

Duan Modi's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard the words. He glanced at Fu Yunqi and said: "Today's affairs are all caused by the next. Even if you are on a business trip, the punishment will be borne by the next force. Fu Daoyou need not worry!"

"With the monument of the first demon in hand, I will definitely be able to take it into my hands as the great elder explained!"

Si Mo, you do what you want to force me to fight you after the auction! If this is the case, how can this seat disappoint you. After today's auction, you and I will fight for a fight, let's see how I am invincible to wash away the shame. As long as you defeat you, all problems can be solved!

In the end, the auction of the first heavy treasure came to an end in a dramatic way. The Terran spent 13 trillion yuan of spirit stones to take away the parts of the demon's holy artifact, the monument of the beginning of the devil.

Since then, the auction continued, and several heavy treasures came out one after another, attracting many peak monks of different races to compete, but ordinary monks have lost the qualification to intervene in the treasures and completely become spectators.

Among them, the Leiyuan Orb, which was inextricably desired to succeed, was among them, but unfortunately it was not able to succeed, but was snatched by the one-eyed cultivator.

This one-eyed tribe is a strong clan in the spiritual world. It is born with one-eyed eyes, contains talents and supernatural powers, and its attributes are uncertain. And among the one-eyed peerless geniuses of the one-eyed tribe, the talents and supernatural powers contained in the one-eyed race are the same as the thunder. The Source Orb is also determined to win.

After several valuables in a row, the second heavyweight treasure began to be auctioned, and that was the fountain of the most treasured demon ancestor of the demon clan. Rumor has it that this spring was created in the birthplace of the demon race. The quantity is unknown, and it is useless to fall into the hands of foreign monks, but the demon can be turned into a great good fortune. Soaking with the spring water of the demon ancestor's spring can increase the talent of the demon ancestor's newborn baby, and even more chances to obtain a certain demon ancestor inheritance, but it is a treasure that can enhance the strength of the entire demon clan. Now in the vast territory of the entire monster race, the number of the fountain of the monster ancestors is less than 1oo, and every mouth is guarded by countless monsters strong to prevent accidents.

Two alien monks lifted one side of the almost completely transparent jade onto the stage. The object looks smooth, but in fact, it is densely carved with countless forbidden runes. It is as small as a ring, indistinguishable by the naked eye, but there is a strong inside. The aura of the Array Dao is enough to fully reveal the power of the town. In this transparent jade-enclosed town, there is a rock in it. There are trees in the mountains, springs between the trees, and the spring water is clear. It seems that the sound of the water can be heard. Fresh water vapor fills the spring, and between the tossing and rolling, it transforms into large monsters, or eagles hit the sun, or tigers roar in the mountains, or dragons swim in the nine seas, or the phoenix is ​​in the sky. , With the twinkling of aura, it is very strange.

The rock is not high, but it is a complete hill.

There are not many trees, but they are all lush and luxuriant, and the dry and cracked bark exudes the breath of years, obviously growing endless years.

The spring mouth is not big, but endless spring water constantly spouts from it, turning into a small spring, full-filled, but never overflowing, it seems that this spring pond has a perfect cycle by itself.

Where is this piece of jade? It is obviously the great magical monk who used the monstrous mana, and forcibly collected the mountain where the spring of the demon ancestor was located, as well as the entire mountain, and sealed it in this jade. It can be taken out at any time and placed properly. Although this method of obtaining treasures is huge and depleted, it is extremely safe and will never destroy the slightest effect of the fountain of demon ancestors.

"The fountain of the demon ancestor is an auction item commissioned by a powerful senior in my auction room. It does not start with the spirit stone. If you want to obtain this treasure, you must exchange it with a treasure of the same value."

"But in the end choose the right, the old man and the three will choose according to the owner's request, and determine the winner based on the best."

"My little friends, if you are interested in this treasure in your heart, you can bid now." The human race old man said, his voice calm, but it showed a bit solemn meaning.

The spring of the demon ancestor is useless to foreign races, so although this thing is precious, it has not appeared one after another. The eyes of many monks all gathered and fell on the shield of the demon destiny twin and the dreadlord.

After a short pause, golden light flickered in the shield, and then a figure walked out of it. It was the king of vines. The demon's face was calm, and at the moment he nodded slightly to the three auctioneers, and said: "My demon clan, I would like to exchange it for the spring of the demon ancestor with the stone of the mountain!" The words fell, and the green demon light flashed in his hand After that, a jade box appeared in his hands.

Holding this jade box in his hand, the vine king's complexion suddenly became dignified. He drank and opened his mouth. The breath in his body exploded, as if his palm rested on a huge weight. His feet fell on the ground, and suddenly there was a low muffled loud noise, like ancient times The giant's head is in the sky, and its feet are on the ground.

"The stone of the mountain!" The human race elder frowned slightly, and then a dazzling light burst into his eyes. The two foreign elders behind him also showed shocked expressions. Obviously they had already thought of this.

"Yes, the treasure is here, please appraise the three seniors, and see if my treasure of the monster race can be exchanged for this fountain of the monster ancestor!

Put the jade box and the transparent jade down side by side, and the vine king retreats, not afraid of losing the treasure. After all, the prestige of the Shangyuan Auction Hall, although its mountain stone is precious, it is not enough to make them self-destructive.

"Okay, let the three of me appraise them." The three auctioneers recovered their calmness on their faces and displayed their magical powers. Only then was the human elder waved and opened the closed jade box.

At the moment when this jade box was opened, a thick, majestic, breath of endless years, as if the breath that has existed since ancient times, was released leisurely, although it was extremely weak, it seemed to be useful and inexplicable.

The gaze fell, feeling a little obscure, it seemed that even the invisible gaze would be suppressed under this breath.

The divine sense penetrated, like sinking into the mud, as if even the monk’s divine sense would be closed down within this breath.

In particular, the strong breath of eternity, extremely viscous, almost turned into substance, and formed an extremely powerful psychological impact, causing the monks in the auction hall to change their complexions and immediately turn into solemn colors.

An oval mountain stone the size of a palm lies quietly in a jade box, the whole body is light red, and the surrounding space is slightly distorted under the impact of its breath, making it look vague like a jumping flame.

This thing is the stone of Nata Mountain!

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly exploded, and his eyes fell on the palms and rocks, and a storm suddenly threw up in his heart.

This matter has already exceeded the limit of his imagination.

This rock is actually a creature!

Although it has been refined into a treasure, and all its vitality has been transformed into magical power, but the faint mark of life has not escaped Xiao Chen's induction. This mountain rock is actually a creature!

Taking mountains and rocks as the body, Xiao Chen couldn't understand this.

Whether people, demons, demons, or other ethnic groups, they are all flesh and blood, just different in appearance, but these mountain creatures are fundamentally different from them, and this kind of thing is the first time he has encountered it.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen keenly realized that the monks of the surrounding races were looking at the stone of the mountain, and there was a sense of horror in their eyes, as if thinking of some extremely terrifying things. It seems that there must be reasons that he does not yet know.

Just as the divine light in Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, the trio of human race elders had already checked, and sighed slightly, saying: "It really is the real stone of the other mountain, this thing is completely refined from the stone life body. , Sealed its soul inside, making the treasures extremely powerful."

"With this stone of the other mountain, it is indeed enough to exchange for the fountain of the demon ancestor"

As he spoke, the person closed the jade box, and the heavy, majestic coercion and rich breath of years disappeared instantly, and was completely isolated.

"Ah! Little friends, the Yaozu bought the mountain stone in exchange for the Spring of the Demon Ancestor. I don't know if there are other people who want to bid, otherwise the treasure will belong to the little friend of the Yaozu."

The words fell, and there was no answer. This is extremely normal. The mountain stone is extremely precious. The Yaozu directly took out this thing, which has proved its belief that it must be taken down in one fell swoop, let alone whether anyone can take out the stone that is more precious than the mountain stone. Even if there is, why should it be used in exchange for this useless fountain of demon ancestors, and it will attract the complete hatred of the demon cultivators, and even cause a life-and-death fight.

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