Four alien monks, all of whom are from heaven and mankind, have dark shackles on their wrists dissolved in the stone platform. The colors are very dim, but if you look closely, they can be seen. There are dense and dense on this black shackles. The metered forbidden runes flicker, apparently extraordinary. [1] Y] W. Com

When the four of them put down the stone platform, a dull, low-pitched noise came, and the whole auction hall seemed to tremble a little.

The elder auctioneer's eyes burst into endless brilliance, as if he saw the most beloved. He reached out and slowly wiped it on this stone platform, and said with a pious voice: "The monument to the first demon is said to be the devil When the ancient ancestors came, the accompanying powerful magic weapon was composed of the monument to the beginning of the demon. It can't be destroyed, it can't be destroyed, and it will last forever in the world. Once assembled, it can burst into destruction. The power of the earth. "

"Therefore, this monument to the beginning of the devil can be called a priceless treasure. The starting price is one trillion spirits. The price increase should not be less than 10 billion. Now, you can start competing."

"Whoever can finally overpower the heroes will be able to take this monument of the first demon!"

For auctioneers, being able to auction a sufficient amount of treasure is their greatest joy. And this monument to the beginning of the demon obviously has enough weight, and the starting price of the trillion spirit stone is enough to affirm its value!

This price is enough to scare all ordinary monks. This level of competition game has already reached the limit where they can intervene.

"1o trillion spirit stones!"

The demons shot, and the offerer is exactly the one who killed the Tian Si Mo.

The icy sound suddenly rang in the auction hall, and there was no temperature. As the same pair of big hands inserted into the lake surface, the wave that had just subsided was set off again instantly.

The sound of neatly sucking air-conditioners came out instantly, and countless monks were completely frightened by the price.

Xiao Chen's pupils shrunk slightly, and suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart. If some of these monks at the top of the ethnic group really fancy that Shi Mudan, how can he compete with them!

Although Xiao Chen is rich, and possesses wealth that is comparable to that of ordinary heaven and earth and the Five Realms, it is ultimately only his personal wealth, which is absolutely incomparable with these peerless geniuses who have their ethnic groups as their backing. Personal wealth is not worth mentioning in front of the entire ethnic group. This idea was born, making Xiao Chen's complexion instantly gloomy. Now he only hopes that no one will play Shi Mudan's idea, otherwise, things will be troublesome.

Just as Xiao Chen's gloomy thoughts rolled over, another bidding came out suddenly.

"13 trillion spirits."

The bidder was the demon.

Inside the shroud, the twins of destiny and the king of arabesques leaned on the wide chair, and there was a slight sneer on the corners of their mouths. They know the main purpose of the Si Mo and the Dread Demon King, and they also understand that their thoughts are equally clear to them. The bidding at this moment is not to really bid for the monument of the first demon. After all, whether they can succeed is still in doubt. In the meantime, even if they are successfully photographed, I am afraid that they will be the endless pursuit of the Mozu. Moreover, this matter will make the relationship between the demons and demons suddenly tense.

After all, the Stone of the First Demon is too important for the demons!

The real purpose of the demon clan is to make the price of the monument of the demon to be too high, so that the demon clan pays more price, so that it will not be able to intervene in the next branch when auctioning the things selected by the demon clan.

This idea was clear in their hearts, and understood by other monks.

"Hum! The Devil is killing the sky!" The Terran was there, with a cold face on his face, looking through the shield to the stone platform on the auction floor, and the look in the eyes became cloudy for a while, eventually turning into Limang.

"2o trillion spirits!" This person fluttered softly, but directly raised the price by almost half. After the offer, Duan Mo Di looked very relaxed, only because he knew in his heart that no matter how high the price, the demons will respond.

Fu Yunqi frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

"Okay! What a demon and a human race, knowing that the Beast of the Demon is my holy relic, even dared to bid, apparently intentionally." In the eyes of the killing sky suddenly burst into the sky, but he died. Death was suppressed inside the shield, whistling.

"Continue to bid, I see when they can raise the price. Today is the beginning of the demon's monument, this devil must be in his hands."

"3o trillion spirit stones!"

People, demons, and demon three strong races have successively played games, the other monks at the peak of the ethnic group snorted. Perhaps from the point of view of cultivation, they think they can compete with each other, but when it comes to ethnic wealth, no one dares to fight against the three strong races.

The three major ethnic groups have vast territories and infinite monks, and their wealth is extremely amazing. This is by no means comparable to other ethnic groups!

Where the demon clan was, the Arabesque King frowned slightly, and continued to speak, "33 trillion!" The meaning of this person was very obvious. He did not intend to disrupt the game, but did not want the demon to take away the monument of the demon at this price.

"Haha, it's interesting, it's really interesting. This killing the sky actually took 3o trillion spirit stones and took away the stone of the beginning of the demon. It might be too low to see the value of this demon relic."

"That being the case, I will fill in the fire for you again. It is not difficult to take away this treasure, but it is always the sincerity to show it."

Duan Modi's eyes flashed a bit of mockery, and said lightly: "4o trillion!" The sound was weak and weak, but mixed with a faint smile. Although the meaning of the mess was not much, it was extremely obvious.

Yes, this is the end of the enemy.

Fu Yunqi's brows frowned a bit more, and she thought a little, and said, "Taodao friends, please stop by, and don't get involved in today's affairs because of personal complaints. Don't forget that you and I came here today to bear the elders' order . "

Duan Modi's face changed, and then the corner of his mouth showed a sneer, and said lightly, "Duan Duan acts without the guidance of Fu Daoyou. You and I are all ordered to come, without the affiliation of the master and slave. How to do it is my thing. If something goes wrong, naturally I will bear it together. "This person's voice was indifferent, already quite indifferent, apparently very dissatisfied with Fu Yunqi.

Among the human races, although Duan Modi is strong, he is always overpowered by Fu Yunqi. This person has excellent qualifications, but he did not have a proper temperament. He is narrow-minded, jealous, and flaws must be reported. He has no interest in Fu Yunqi now. He is even more noisy when he hears his mention.

"Huh! What can I do if I offend this demons, as long as I raise the price high enough that the demons' financial resources will be exhausted and hurt greatly, when the auction of things that my tribe needs, when they intervene, they only He can do nothing. "

"Fu Yunqi, today I will let you know that my invincible decision is correct!"

The man sneered in his heart, instead of dissipating the idea, he became firmer.

Seeing this, Fu Yunqi shook her head helplessly, and Du Modie thought that he was very clear, and could only smile in secret, hoping that his judgment would be successful, otherwise things would be out of control.

Behind the two, Jun Wu Regret, Su Su, and others stood in silence. When the two great geniuses of the human race quarreled, they had to be careful to converge their breath and dare not interfere.

Jun Wugui glanced over the two, and there was a vague reluctance in awe. He confessed that his qualifications were definitely not under the two, and now there is no cultivation of the other, just because the encounter is not enough.

One is the son of Duanjia, and the other is the reincarnation of the Great Confucian. But one day, he will catch up to them, and become the most dazzling star of the entire human race! must!

Jun Wu Regret roared madly, but his appearance was more humbly, and nothing was revealed at all.

Terrans get in trouble!

Such an idea suddenly appeared in the hearts of many ethnic monks here, making them look different, and then showed a bit of fun, it seems that this auction will be completely lively today.

"Duan Mo enemy!" The demons are located, killing the Tiansi Demon can hear the human race quotes, his face instantly cold, his eyes suddenly burst into endless killing, violent breath faintly shed a trace through the golden shield, transformed into a phantom ghost Snarling back.

"6o trillion!"

Suppressing the voice of murder, he emerged from Si Mo's mouth and echoed inside the auction hall.

The demons, the twins of destiny, and the king of arabesques stared at each other, and at the same time they saw a smile on the corner of their mouths. Since some people jumped out to be the spoiler, they naturally took it easy and timely to avoid being secretly hated by the demons. Things have changed.

Therefore, after the 6o trillion spirit stone was quoted, the Yaozu immediately kept silent.

Duan Modi cursed, but at this moment he couldn't turn back after riding a tiger, otherwise his face would have to be lost in front of Fu Yunqi.

"As long as the demons are so badly wounded, they don't want to turn away from any other storms. I don't believe it, and it will happen unexpectedly."

"Si Mo, since you want to play, I will play with you."

The thoughts in his heart rolled, firming his own ideas, and Du Modi did not hesitate to bid again, "7o trillion spirits."

Regardless of the price, in the face of the magic relic parts, both the demon and the dreadlord will take over. It is based on this that he has no fear in his heart.

"9o trillion!" The voice of the demon-killing Tiansi Demon came again, and the anger was even worse in the coldness of the forest, as if it was going to be turned into a flame of flames to burn the world.

But at this moment, the Dread Devil couldn't help but frowned slightly. The ethnic group only gave 12o trillion spirit stones, which meant that they hoped that they would take away the monument of the first demon at this price, which is also a test. But now some people have maliciously intervened, and things are a little bit troublesome.

"1oo trillion!" Duan Modi's mind was clearly unshakable.

"12o trillion!" The anger in Si Moyu even worse, it seems that he has been completely controlled by emotions and is completely angry.

Duan Modi's mouth showed a bit of smile. As long as it was determined that the Demon Clan could not give up the Monument of the Beginning Demon, it was enough to make him invincible, but he hesitated a little in his heart this time, and still reported 130,000. The price of Yiling Stone.

"The price is raised by one more. Presumably the spirit stone prepared by the Devil has been worn out. Even if this demon is resentful in his heart, he cannot find it at the auction. He can only use this chest to be angry. Swallow. "

"Huh! The bone-breaking revenge of that year, I finally recovered some interest today, and if I have a chance in the future, I will calculate it with you carefully."

The man's thoughts rolled in his heart, a touch of ridicule appeared in the corners of his mouth, waiting to hear the angry and roaring voice of Si Mo.

Even if the price rises even higher, in the face of the monument to the first demon, the demon has to knock down his teeth and blood.

But things are not as general as Duan Modi envisioned. After his quote was over, the entire auction room was instantly dead, and the horrible sky-high price of 13o trillion spirits made many monks secretly drool.

Within the golden shield of the Demon Slayer and the Dread Demon King, the horrifying atmosphere fluctuation suddenly disappeared at this moment, and turned into a cold.

The voice of Si Mo's indifference came from it, "Since the Taoist friends shot so expensively, they obviously respected my holy relics. In this case, the devil stepped back and no longer competed with Taoist friends, and put them into Taoist friends For a while. "

"However, the stone of the first demon is my holy relic. It must not fall into the hands of other races. When the auction is over, the demon will take the shot himself and ask the Taoist friend to return the holy relic."

The voice was cold and murderous, and it spread throughout the auction hall in an instant.

Infernos give up!

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