Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 127: Duan Mo Di is affected again

[Today ’s two more, one more at night, in addition, weakly seeking a red ticket. 8} 8} 1ZW. COM

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Therefore, the auction of the demon ancestral spring ended directly after the demon ancestry.

However, the atmosphere that has just eased is suddenly burst at this moment, just because the auction house once again offered a treasure, this thing is a treasure that human races must have.

The Devil was in it, Si Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and the sharp magic light flashed across his eyes instantly, the corners of his mouth were raised, showing a cold smile.

"Since it's started, I don't want to stop it." The devil groaned, and a faint flow of dew turned into a killer, whistling inside the shield.

The stele of the demon holy object was interspersed with the human race, and it was photographed at a price of 13o trillion yuan. Now that the human race has the things that the human race needs, will the demons give up?

In this regard, the monks in the auction hall can think of it, many eyes are constantly swept over the shield where the monks of the peaks of people and demons are, showing a little hard to suppress.

The Terran had previously shot and consumed countless properties. Now that the Demons are aggressive, can there be a way to get this treasure? This has become a doubt in the hearts of all monks, and they look forward to the results revealed.

"Human race, the sword of heaven!"

"It is rumored that in ancient times, there was the power of a tribe. Its name was Xuanyuan, the order of the emperor, and the cultivation of the heavenly path. Ultimately, it achieved ultimate ingenuity. "

"The sword of the Tao of Heaven is rumored to be Xuanyuan's enlightenment. Because of the fate, it will take a consciousness from its meditation, extract the power of heaven, melt the shards of the stars, and cast it. There is the spirit of the Xuanyuan Emperor, the treasure of the world's emperor. Holding this sword can transform the ghost of millions of Taoist people. As pointed by the sword, it is extremely killing, and it has the effect of deterring demons and suppressing luck. "

"This sword is a treasure, and there are no restrictions on the use of ethnic groups. Whoever can give this sword as long as it can give a sufficient price!"

"The reserve price is trillion trillion spirits. Now, please bid for it!"

The elder of the human race slowly glanced in awe from the sword of that day. As a human being, he naturally hoped that the sabre of Xuanyuan in ancient times could be taken away by the human race, but as an auction house auction master, all he could do was to maintain justice fair.

In short, the treasure is here, and the one with the highest price will get it!

As soon as the words fell, a deep, cold voice came out instantly.

"1oo trillion spirit stone!" The person who spoke was the one who killed the Tian Si Mo.

Mozu, shot!

An instant shot, throwing trillions of spirit stones, so handwriting, be a hero!

The Terran was in a dumb hum, and his complexion became extremely ugly. Before attending the conference, the elders of the human race will open the ethnic treasures and give 15o trillion spiritual stones for the auction of Xuanyuan Sword, but now the remaining is only 2o trillion, and the rest have been lost for the purchase of the Beginning Stone. Now if he wants to make a shot, what he needs to use is his own possessions, and even if it is used, how can he have 8o trillion spirit stones to fight against the demon.

However, if the human race is precious, and the human race has not bid, it is undoubtedly a shame.

Fu Yunqi frowned. Now that the matter has reached such a point, there is no objection to complain. How to find a way to resolve the matter is the most critical thing. Slightly groaned at the moment, saying: "Duan Daoyou, there are still 4o trillion in the lower body, but you can use it for the time being. No matter what, my people must not take the shot, otherwise the damage to the reputation of the group is too serious, and you and I will suffer To punish. "The man spoke, but in his heart, his voice was extremely sincere. But it fell into the ears of the invincible, but it was endlessly ironic, making this person suddenly more difficult to look.

Fuxidao said, "This matter does not bother the Taoist friends, and the problem will be solved in the future!" Whispering, this person suddenly gritted his teeth, and the back light flashed, but he took out a armor with a flash of thunder.

This object is called Sky Thunder Battlegear, but it is a treasure that the front-end Mo Di obtained from the family. It is the ultimate treasure of Tian Ling Bao, Tian Lei attributes, and cooperates with his magic power. force. This armor is precious and inexplicable, but it was acquired by the ancestors of Duanjia in his early years. If it is not invincible, deep ancestors love to pay attention, and they will never give such treasures. And more importantly, this armor is now the first form. According to the information obtained by the ancestors of Duanjia, it is very likely that there are other changes in this object. Perhaps the power is more than just now, but he has explored in secret for countless years. Failure to detect the slightest difference will be handed over to future generations of monks.

If it is not necessary, Duan Modi will never use it, but at the moment he has no choice.

"Three masters, I don't know the value of this armor?" Yu Luo throws his hands up, and he has withdrawn himself from his thoughts and removed his confession.

In the unarmed state of the Warframe, the power of suppression is lost, the energy explodes naturally, and the endless thunder like an mad snake moves upstream upstream of the Warframe, making this treasure permeate with thunder and diffuse breath.

call out!

There was a flash of light in front of everyone, and the warframe had fallen to the stage and was taken into the hands of the elders of the tribe. Tianlei Warframe has no master, so it remains silent. Although this thing has a complete spirit, it is obviously restricted. When it is without master, it cannot adjust the power by itself.

Among the three auctioneers, the man with scales in his eyebrows suddenly stepped forward, hit a trick on his hand, nodded, and suddenly a flash of light flashed out of the scales *, and merged into the Thunder Warframe that day.

After counting the breath, the scale monk opened his eyes, a little surprised in his eyes, then nodded, and said loudly, "Tianlei Battlegear, the highest level of heavenly treasure, is a thunderbolt, treasure, powerful. , Worth 3o trillion spirits. "

Duan Modi twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then threw a thunder ball again. This object was about the size of two adult fists, and the whole body was dark blue. It was polished like a crystal and had a charming halo, but the horror thunder contained in it Power, once it explodes, it can ruin the world!

"How about this bead?"

The monk of scales took away the thunder bead, firmly in the same way, closed his eyes for a moment, and opened his eyes, saying: "The dark blue thunder ball is the fusion of the power of the thunder and the water spirit. After thousands of years, it became a treasure. Because of the thunder The power is compatible with the power of the water spirit, which makes Thunder's overbearing attributes and water spirit attributes neutral and gentle in nature. It can be used in the practice of thunder cultivation, which can greatly reduce the pressure of devouring thunder on the monks themselves, which makes the cultivation level soar. "

"And this dark blue thunder ball can absorb the power of the sky thunder on its own and transform it into a thunder force that can be absorbed by monks. It is extremely rare and worth 3o trillion spirit stones."

Two treasures worth 6o trillion.

Duan Modi's face was extremely ugly, and he barely suppressed the chill in his heart, and said coldly: "So, this bid is 11o trillion spirits and spirits, and I will bid for the sword of heaven of my people!"

"However, these Thunder Warframes and Dark Blue Thunder Pearls are valuable treasures and should not be left behind. Now they can only be mortgaged in your auction house and will be returned when I get the equivalent spirit stone."

This person is really the one who is desperate to face, in order not to bow his head in front of Fu Yunqi, he would rather mortgage his own treasure than use his spirit.

"It's okay. I gave Duan Xiaoyou the millennium time in the Shangyuan Auction Hall. Within the millennium, as long as the little friend held the token in my auction hall, he could redeem the treasure. However, it is important to remember that Shangyuan Auction Hall did not recognize the object People, if they are lost, the old man and others can do nothing. "

"Okay, the Terran side friend bids 11o trillion spirits. I do n’t know if there is another person who wants to bid?" The Terran man opened his eyes and glanced in the auction hall, but focused on the demons. And the Dreadlord.

Obviously, this person seems that the demons are most likely to fight. After all, the previous Beast of the Demon fell into the hands of the human race. If they cannot grab the sword of heaven, it will be detrimental to the reputation of the demons.

Duan Modi's face was cold and cold, his mind was settled. As soon as the demon spoke again, he immediately recovered the treasure and no longer competed for the auction.

The human race gets the beginning of the demon, and the demons get the sword of heaven. The two sides are just evenly matched. A big fight after the auction is a big deal. As long as my face can pass, that's it.

His eyes penetrated the shield, and under the induction of the air machine, he looked directly at the demon.

At the same time, countless lights converged in the auction hall.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. Judging from the previous sudden death of the demon, he stopped participating in the auction. Although this man used the fierce addiction to kill the prestigious ethnic battlefield, he was obviously not a witless man. Instead, this man's wit is rare and rare .

Perhaps this auction will have an unexpected ending.

Could it be that this demon actually wanted to, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, and his eyes were bursting with the eyes. He just wanted to confirm it, and whether his guess was correct.

It is under the attention of an infinite number of people, after the Mo Di quote, the demons are actually strangely quiet.

Seeing this, Duan Modi did not know why he jumped fiercely, and an extremely unpleasant premonition appeared. At this moment, a sudden chuckle came out, "Duan Daoyou actually took his own treasure as collateral in order to bid for the human treasure, which is so admirable. In this case, even if this demon is on this sword of heaven If you have the aspirations, you won't continue to fight with him. "

"Well, let's say, the sword of the Tao of the Heavens will withdraw from the auction and make it friendly with Duandao."

The sound was bland, but there was a slight pause when talking about it, and then it suddenly became a little more gloomy.

"But with the two treasures of the Stone Demon and the Heavenly Sword in your arms, you should also be careful with Duan Daoyou. There must be some mistakes, otherwise the treasures that cost huge sums of money may be making wedding dresses for others. "

The sound resounded and instantly spread throughout the auction hall, clearing into every monk's ear.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he looked at the demon again, with a little more hidden fear. This man, really did it.

The demon is cunning and has a gloomy heart. If he conflicts with it in the future, he must be careful, otherwise, if he is not careful, he may suffer a big loss!

The demon twins, the destiny twins and the king of arabesques looked at each other and saw the shaking in each other's hearts. After a long time, the three talents spoke in a deep voice and said: "The demon is the enemy of my demon tribe. "

At the auction table, the three auctioneers stayed together for a while, then returned to look at it with a deep look at the devil, and at the same time flashed a little praise. In particular, the old man of the tribe, although he hoped that the winner of the tribe was a junior in the middle of his heart, things were not as good as he thought.

As for the monks of many ethnic groups, they are all solemn, with awe and awe in their eyes. Obviously, they have tasted a little from the words of the demon.

My demons can't produce a spirit stone, what can you do with your treasures? After the auction, there will be a life-and-death fight. As long as you can kill you, the treasure can also be obtained without any effort.

From this point, it is enough to see the arrogance and strong self-confidence of Si Mo. In doing so, he is sufficiently confident that he can slay the genius of the human race after the auction and win the treasure!

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire auction hall was suppressed to an extreme.

Duan Modi's fingers clenched tightly, and a "click" sound, the seat under him had already been instantly broken when his breath burst!

Damn it! Damn it!

This demon is playing him!

Thinking about this, Duan Modi's heart is even more murderous. As for the upsurge, he desperately tried to kill Si Mo! Inspiring himself, he barely suppressed the killing in his heart. At this point, he had no choice.

Nowadays, although the treasure is mortgaged in the auction hall of Shangyuan, fortunately, he didn't get nothing and got the stele of the demons. As long as he successfully brings it back to the ethnic group, he will definitely be rewarded by the heavens. under.

This time, it may seem like a disaster, but it can't be turned into an opportunity!

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