"Well, Xiu Ranjun, talk to your mother. She will definitely believe what you say to her!"

"She doesn't know me, how can she believe what I say?"

"She knows you. I told her about you, so she should have an impression of you!"

"Needless to say, didn't you invite me to come over and do something in your room?"

""Shh! Shh! What are you doing? It will make people misunderstand you!"

Yui's face was so red that water could be squeezed out of it!

Why is Xiu Ran still teasing at this time!

Don't say things that will make others misunderstand!

Yui picked up the QQ underwear on the bed and stuffed it into the closet.

She ran out quickly and found her mother in the kitchen downstairs.

After saying a lot of things, Mrs. Yuigahama was smiling all the time. Seeing her daughter's performance, she must like that boy.

But she didn't expect that her daughter was so brave.

She brought the boy directly to her home after only knowing him for a month!

The two talked in the kitchen for a long time, and finally Mrs. Yuigahama smiled and nodded, showing an expression of"Mom knows everything"

"Hey, mom, I told you, it’s not what you think!"

Yui was about to cry, turning around in her place.

"Okay, okay, mom knows, why don't you pay attention to that handsome boy?

What if he leaves?"

"Oh, that's right! I forgot about Shuran!"

Yuigahama Yui hurried upstairs again, and saw Kamiya Shuran still standing in his room, and she was immediately relieved.

"Um, Xiu Ran-kun, I'm really sorry just now, my mother is like this."

Yui scratched her hair, feeling that her mother was like a melon-eating fan, happy to see her daughter blushing and heartbeating

"The exorcism is over, and it’s time for me to leave."

Kamiya Shuran picked up his schoolbag and

"Well, Xiu Ran, it's time for dinner, so you should stay and eat."

Yui rubbed her hands back and forth, her eyes dodging, waiting for Kamiya Xiu Ran's answer.

Seeing Yui like this, Kamiya Xiu Ran couldn't refuse.

"Well, I haven’t eaten at home for a long time."

"I'll go downstairs and cook right away. Wait for a moment!"

Yui happily ran downstairs and told Mrs. Yuigahama about this. The two of them cooked together, but Yui's cooking skills were really average. Most of the cooking was done by her mother.

After a while, dinner was ready.

"It's time to eat~ Xiu Ran~"

Mrs. Yuigahama walked into the living room carrying the dishes, her tone full of the aura of a mature and beautiful woman.

"Excuse me."

Kamiya Shuran sat on the chair, and Yui and her mother sat next to him.

""Xiuran, have some of this. I made it for you~"

Mrs. Yuigahama scooped a bowl of soup and placed it in front of Xiuran.

She supported her cheek with one hand and looked at the handsome boy sitting opposite her with interest.

His sharp eyebrows, clean short hair, and his gestures all exuded countless charms.

This made Mrs. Yuigahama's girlish heart, which had been settled for a long time, beat.

She originally wanted to help her daughter check, but when she saw the handsome face of Kamiya Xiuran, her worries were immediately dispelled.

Appearance is justice, okay!

Why didn't I meet such a handsome guy when I was young!

Mrs. Yuigahama kept smiling, without moving her eyes.

Seeing her mother staring at Kamiya Xiuran like that, Yui shook her cherry lips.

She pinched her mother's plump thigh and complained:

"Mom, stop staring at Xiuran like that. It makes him feel embarrassed to eat!"

"Oh, is Yui jealous?

Mom is just looking at Xiu Ran, unlike you, who has already taken action.~"

"where......No way!"

Yui grabbed the chopsticks, lowered her head and quickly ate several mouthfuls of dry white rice.

Really, why did my mother say such things in front of Xiu Ran again!

It makes me feel embarrassed!

While eating, Kamiya Xiu Ran watched the mother and daughter teasing each other.

He felt that the relationship between the two was really good, just like sisters.

He glanced at the time. It was around seven o'clock in the evening.

Under normal circumstances, the workers in the island country would have gone off work.

If they worked overtime, they would also call home.

"Aunt Yuigahama, it's already 7 o'clock in the evening. Is your husband not back yet?"

"I don't have a husband"

"No? Then Yui is......"

"I was brought here by my mother." Yui replied, with no expression on her face.

"I see"

"Xiu Ran-kun even knows to pay attention to the time he gets home from work. He is such a thoughtful and good child.

Mom, I will scoop you another bowl of soup.

Mrs. Yuigahama said gently, just like a"young aunt" in a TV series, with skillful techniques and gentle tone.

Another bowl of thick soup was placed in front of Xiu Ran.

Mrs. Yuigahama's tone was so tender that Yui felt embarrassed.

How could her mother become like this!

She blamed herself for being in love for staring at her phone and sending messages all day the day before yesterday!

But the result is good, she is more enthusiastic than herself!

Yui bit her cheek flesh, her cheeks bulging, like a sulking hamster.

"I'm full, thanks for the treat"

"If you like, you can come again~" Mrs. Yuigahama cleaned up the dishes and walked to the kitchen.

Yui followed Kamiya Shuran out and walked him a distance.

As the two walked on the road, Yui whispered:

"Um, Xiu Ran, I don't know what happened to my mother, please don't be offended."

"She must be in a good mood, seeing you bring your classmates back to play"

"I really didn’t bring many friends back to play before."

Yui smiled and touched the back of her head, thanking Kamiya Shuran for giving her a way out.

A few minutes later, after walking a few hundred meters, Kamiya Shuran let Yui go back.

"Then I'll be leaving. See you tomorrow.~"

"See you tomorrow."

Kamiya Xiu Ran picked up his schoolbag and returned to his rental house.

"I got another ability today, it's auxiliary, but I don't think the effect is very significant.

It's more useful for entertainment."

Kamiya Shuran's hand gently brushed over his left eye, and the [Perspective Eye] was turned on.

He looked inside the rental house, and there were no traces of ghosts or demons.

The same was true for the few hundred meters nearby. It was still a pure land.

He heard footsteps coming from outside the door, and subconsciously looked over there, and saw a slender woman with waterfall-like hair - Hiratsuka Shizuka, she was standing at the door, taking out the key.

"I'll come here to have a look today, and I'm sure I'll surprise Xiu Ran!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was wearing a loose coat on the outside, but a black winning suit underneath!

A black lace top, plus black and red high heels!

A queen's style!

She'll definitely fascinate the young man Kamiya Xiu Ran! As soon as

Hiratsuka Shizuka took out the key, the door opened automatically.

"Teacher Jing, you are here"

"Hey, how did you know I was outside?"

"Not only do I know you're outside, I also know what you're wearing under your coat, a small black dress, right?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned. This was her winning equipment for the day, but it was already known before she even started. The power would definitely be greatly reduced!

"How did you know?"

"I know everything"

"Humph, little brat, today I'm here to avenge my previous shame!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka stretched out her long legs and stepped into the house.

She took off her coat and showed her fighting posture!

"Teacher Jing, are you dissatisfied with the results of that day?"

"Of course, I'm over 29 years old, how can I be led by a teenager like you!

Today, I will take the lead!"

"Well, I hope Teacher Jing will do what she said."

Shingu Shuran took off the glove on his left hand, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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