"What's going on!"

The female evil spirit bit her tongue and managed to control herself a little.

"Human, what have you done to me!"

"It's talking, the doll is talking!"

Yui opened her mouth wide. The scary doll was talking, and the voice was still a woman's!

No wonder the expression she saw this morning was full of jealousy!

"Human, let me go!"

"I'm over a hundred years old. I'm your grandmother's grandmother. Please respect me! Let me go!"

"When I find the chance, I will definitely eat you, you two dogs and a bitch!"

The female evil spirit was very noisy, with a look of unwillingness on her face.

She was an evil spirit of hundreds of years old, but she was caught by a 16-year-old child. If this were to get out, where would she put her face?

"Stop making noise! "

Kamiya Shuran squeezed it hard, and the female evil spirit felt that her soul was about to be crushed!

What is this feeling!! It's hard to describe, painful and happy!

Kamiya Shuran squeezed the scary doll, sat on the chair, and said to Yui:

"If you have anything to ask, ask it now, and I will deal with her later."

Yui looked at the scary doll, and her face was really ugly!

However, in order not to be entangled by the evil spirit in the future, she also plucked up the courage to come over and question the evil spirit, why did it target her!

"You, you evil spirit, why are you targeting me!"

"Why should I tell you?"The female evil spirit looked disdainful.

Xiu Ran increased his strength, and the female evil spirit immediately gave in.

She organized her words and said:

"Why? Is there any need to think about it? It must be a possession of a body, a young body, I haven't experienced it for a long time~ I was a socialite when I was alive, which man around here would not be attracted to me?"

"I'm not that kind of person, why are you looking for me!"

Yui was furious, feeling that she, a virgin, was being targeted by the ghost of a prostitute!

If she was really possessed, who knows what the ghost would do with her body!


You are still a virgin, but you have so many QQ underwear in your closet, what else can you do if not seduce men?"

"me me me......I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yui's face flushed, and she was so anxious that her head was about to smoke!

If she could, she really wanted to block the mouth of this female ghost! If she had known, she would not buy those QQ underwear. She was originally going to wear these clothes as her decisive outfit when she confessed to Kamiya Shuran.

But who knew that these clothes would become a mark to attract female ghosts?!

"Haha~ Who would believe your lies? With so many clothes, you must be out fooling around!"

"I didn't!"

Yui was angry and embarrassed. If she had known, she wouldn't have bought those fancy clothes!

Now her image has completely collapsed!

She silently clenched her fists, and her big eyes were already full of tears.

"All right, female evil spirit, it's time for you to get going."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran pinched his left hand again, and the female evil spirit felt that her soul suddenly became lighter. Then, her black eyeballs rolled upwards, and only the whites of her eyes could be seen.



Shen Gu Xiu Ran used his left hand to grab the female evil spirit and threw it into the sky.

Her soul immediately flew into the air. The whole soul became ethereal.

She roared loudly, still very attached to the world, and drooled.

A few seconds later, except for a pool of angry water stains left on the spot, the female evil spirit disappeared without a trace.

【Ding! Exorcism successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery. Do you want to draw now?】


【Rewards are being drawn......】

【Congratulations to the host, you have received the reward: Perspective Eye (left eye)】

【Perspective Eyes: Can see through any obstruction and any level】

【At the same time, you can also see the evil spirits hidden in the darkness.】

——X-ray vision, not bad, whether for exorcism or in daily life.

Kamiya Shuran rubbed his left eye, feeling the retina change, a surge of life force, his left eye has changed.

He turned around and looked at Yuigahama Yui standing there.

The eyes automatically switched layers.

Kamiya Shuran:!!!

I still underestimated Tuanzi!

"Um, Xiu Ran, what's wrong with you?"

Yui saw Kamiya Xiu Ran standing there motionless with a strange look in his eyes.

"It's nothing. I just used up some energy to exorcise the spirits."

"Are you not hurt?"

"It's okay, just eat something"

"Then I'll make you something to eat! I learned how to cook from my mom!"

Yui lifted her sleeves and made a"strong" pose, her graceful body shaking.

"The visual impact is too great, let's turn it off first."

Kamiya Shuran gently touched his left eye, and the [Perspective Eye] was turned off, returning to normal.

Yui smiled slightly and was about to go downstairs to the kitchen, when the door of her room was suddenly opened!

"Yui, you came home without telling your mother......"

Mrs. Yuigahama stood at the door, looking at the two people in the room.

Her daughter's face was flushed and she looked excited.

There was a boy sitting next to her on the bed.

The key point was that there were so many QQ underwear on the bed!

Yui, my daughter, you have finally grown up!

Mrs. Yuigahama changed her expression instantly and said:

"Yui, mom is going to cook, you guys continue~"

She smiled like an old mother~

"Mom, it's not what you think!"

Yui's face was flushed. She looked at the clothes on the bed, and then looked at her mother who was walking away. For a moment, she didn't know what to do!

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