"Teacher Jing, what's wrong with you?"

"Teacher Jing, are you out of strength?"

"Teacher Jing, the game is not over yet!"

"Teacher Jing, don't give up.~"

"Teacher Jing, have you surrendered?"

Kamiya Shuran's words echoed in Hiratsuka Shizuka's ears, making her feel extremely aggrieved!

Damn it, a 29-year-old woman, actually lost to a teenager again!

Two consecutive defeats!

This little brat is still constantly provoking in her ear! It's really abominable!

Hiratsuka Shizuka bit her cherry lips, blushed, and hesitated for a long time before saying:

"I, I surrender......Raise the white flag......"

"I understand."Shinya Xiuran nodded.

The next morning, Shizuka Hiratsuka got up from the bed and dressed slowly.

Her face was full of resentment and dark circles were thick. She took a sip of water from the cup to recover some strength.

She sighed.

The usually handsome and sunny Kamiya Shuran was polite to others! But he was so rude to her! They were two completely different people!

Shizuka Hiratsuka clenched her fists and knocked on the pillow, but she didn't have much strength. She was too tired and it was difficult for her to clench her fists.

"Teacher Jing, are you up yet?"

Shinya Shuran came over holding a ceramic bowl.

"This is the chicken soup I made from a chicken I bought this morning. You can try it.

I just tasted it and it tastes pretty good."

"Humph~ You still respect your teacher."

"Teacher Jing, don’t I respect you very much?"

"How did you respect him?

You violated his will!"

"This is called promoting sportsmanship.

In the Olympics, even if a player breaks his leg, he will still limp to the finish line.

Teacher Jing, you are fine, how can you give up halfway?"

"You are an exorcist, and I am an ordinary person. How can I compete with you?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka found a reason for herself.

Even though she usually neglected to exercise and often stayed up late to eat barbecue, this was not a reason for her to be defeated in a few strokes!

Yes, it must be because Xiu Ran is an exorcist and his physical fitness is different from that of ordinary people, so she looks so weak!

Shizuka Hiratsuka felt that her reason was very convincing!

"Okay, Teacher Jing, drink your soup. We have to go to school in 20 minutes."

"All right, let me taste it."

Shizuka Hiratsuka stopped talking nonsense, pinched the small spoon, scooped a spoonful, and put it into her cherry lips.

A strong and mellow fragrance came, and it felt like the delicious taste of the old hen was all condensed in this bowl of soup, which made people unable to stop!

"It's delicious! Much better than the soup you made the other day. What did you put in it?"

"I put some of my blood"

"Your blood?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka frowned. What kind of strange cooking method is this?

"You said it yourself, the physical fitness of an exorcist is different from that of an ordinary person.

My blood can also be used as medicine."

"real or fake?"

"Really, I'm not lying to you."

Shizuka Hiratsuka held the bowl and drank all the chicken soup directly on her back. She wiped her mouth.

"It tastes really good. I will forgive your rude behavior yesterday."

Hiratsuka Shizuka recovered, got out of bed, and put on the white coat that never changed.

She went to the bathroom to wash up and clean her hair. After a while:

"Let's go!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka took long steps and strode towards the garage.

Kamiya Shuran picked up his schoolbag and followed Shizuka Hiratsuka to the red sports car, inserted the key, started the engine, and


The sports car roared out and soon arrived at the school

"I went to the classroom, Teacher Jing"

"Let's go, kid."

Hiratsuka Shizuka watched Kamiya Shuran disappear from her sight before driving the sports car to the parking lot.

When she arrived at the classroom, there were already some people in the classroom.

Kamiya Shuran came to his seat and put down his schoolbag.

"Hello, Xiu Ranjun"

"Good morning."

As soon as Kamiya Shuran sat down, Yui whispered:

"Um, Xiu Ran, don't tell anyone else what happened yesterday, especially Miura Yumiko and Ebina.

If they knew, I would be in trouble!"

"I won’t tell you, but why did they come back to ask me?"

"this this.....Hey, anyway, if they ask, don’t tell anyone about those QQ underwear they saw in my room yesterday!"


After being reminded by Yui, Kamiya Shuran remembered that the small clothes that Shizuka Hiratsuka wore yesterday seemed to be very similar to a certain dress on Yui's bed, almost exactly the same.

Why did Yui buy those clothes? She didn't have a boyfriend. Was she wearing those clothes to try new things?

Or was it for the future?

Kamiya Shuran yawned and didn't think about it anymore. After waiting for another month or two, Yui might take action, right?

His eyes casually swept around the classroom:

Yui and Miura Yumiko were talking about gossip TV dramas, Tobe Sho and others were still surrounding Hayato, and outside the window was Shizuka Hiratsuka, limping and walking close to the wall with difficulty.

And next to the wall at the back of the classroom, curled up as a whole, carrying a guitar package on her back, and squirming like a pink slime, Pochi-chan-Goto Ichiri!

She easily passed through the classmates who were talking, then put her guitar in the corner of the classroom and took out her textbook. Despite the"bang bang" sound, no one paid attention to her, not even her deskmate.

"She still has no sense of existence."Shingu Xiuran sighed.

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