"Go to your room, the scary doll might be inside."


Yui and Xiu Ran went up to the second floor together. She opened the door and a girl's fragrance floated out of the room.

The whole room was white and light orange, which matched the color of her hair.

There was a bed, a table, and a large wardrobe. There were a few white rabbit dolls on the bed.

The overall decoration was not bad, not the kind of pink room that was full of girlishness.

"This is it."

Yuigahama Yui walked to her bedside table.

"This morning, when I was putting on my coat, I saw the scary doll.

She was staring at me."

Shingu Xiuran glanced around the room and looked in every nook and cranny, but couldn't find any trace of the scary doll.

It might be hidden in the closet. After all, there are a lot of clothes in there, and they are usually not cleaned up, so it is a good place for dirt to hide.

"How did you deal with the scary doll you saw this morning?"

"I was very scared at that time. It was my mother who threw the scary doll into the trash can and then threw it out.

I guess it has been taken away by the garbage truck now."

Yui walked to the window and took a look at the garbage place on the street. It had been cleaned up.

"Evil spirits are alive and cannot be sent away so easily.

She must have come back again. She may be hiding somewhere outside the window, or in your room, such as in the closet."

"how so......Is this relying on me?"

"Evil spirits are like this. Once they set their sights on someone, they will follow them all the time.

It is useless to throw away the object they possess.

They can just change the object they possess, continue to stay by your side, and find the time to eat you."

"Then, what should I do?"

Yui approached Kamiya Shuran and held his sleeve.

After hearing what Shuran said, Yui felt that everything in the room might be possessed by an evil spirit, staring at her, ready to eat her while she was sleeping!

Kamiya Shuran closed his eyes and sensed the breath around him.

There was no breath at the door. There was a faint trace outside the window, perhaps passing by the window. There was a very faint breath on the bed and the table.

There was only one place left, the wardrobe, as if it was isolated by a shield.

Shuran could sense the entire room and its surroundings, but he could not sense the breath in the wardrobe.

Obviously, the wardrobe had been tampered with.

The whole house could be felt, but the wardrobe could not be peeped into.

Should this evil spirit be smart, or is she too stupid?

Isn't this equivalent to lighting a fire in the dark?

I can see it from a long distance.

"The scary doll is in your closet, stand back"

"Huh? Yeah......."

Yui hurriedly stepped back several steps and stood directly by the window.

Kamiya Shuran opened the closet and a gust of cold wind blew out. There was no smoke without fire. The cold air inside was so thick that it was drifting outside.

Shuran took a look inside. There were too many clothes, blocking his view. He didn't know where the scary doll was hiding.

""Let's take out the clothes first."

He took out all the clothes hanging on the wall. There were coats on the wall, and some new clothes that Yui bought for her to try out, such as QQ underwear, in white, black, and red. There were also many long socks, fishing nets, black and white...

The corner of Kamiya Shuran's mouth twitched. Yuigahama Yui was actually curious about these things in private?

Yui, who was standing by the window, was very embarrassed, and her little face turned red!

She really wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into!

All the QQ underwear that she bought recently were turned out!

Or it was taken out by Shuran himself!

Even her mother didn't know about these clothes!

Yuigahama Yui just hoped that Kamiya Shuran would not have a negative impact on her, and don't think that she is a female pervert!

After taking out the hanging clothes, Kamiya Shuran looked at the corner of the closet vigilantly.

She had just taken out the clothes, which could be regarded as normal collection of clothes, but she was about to search for corners. Unless the horror doll was really stupid, it would definitely be seen that it was coming for her!

Staying in the corner, the horror doll's little face was extremely angry!

That woman actually dared to find an exorcist to deal with her!

What a face she gave her!

Look, I will eat the exorcist first, and then directly take over her body!

The scary doll waited silently. She was ready to attack the moment Kamiya Shuran stretched out his hand, bite off his hand, and then swallow his head in the chaos!

The female evil spirit laughed. It was worth it to possess this doll for a while. Everything was worth it!

Just as she was enjoying her happy life, a big hand reached out.

"Hehehe, here it comes! Look, I'm going to bite your hand off!"

The horror doll opened its mouth and bit towards Shen Gu Xiu Ran's left hand, but unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Xiu Ran's left hand dodged to the side, then immediately turned back and grabbed the horror doll from behind.

"Finally got this thing."

Kamiya Shuran took the horror doll out from the corner of the closet.

The horror doll was not discouraged when she saw that she was caught. She opened her mouth wide and prepared to bite again, but unexpectedly, she found that she could not move!

Not only could she not control the doll that possessed her, but even her own evil spirit could not move!

Not only that, she also had a very strange feeling!


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