【"What happened to Su Chen? Was he possessed?"】

【"It looks so scary. Could it be that Su Chen has gone crazy due to too much pressure?"】

【"Wait, you look at Su Chen's script, it seems that there are a lot of things written"】

【"Furninna? Who is it?"】

【"Could it be that Su Chen saw something unclean?"】

【"I am dying of laughter. He is so weird. I think he is just pretending to catch people's attention."】


Judges' room.

Xiao Sa asked in confusion,"Teacher Liu Heping, could you elaborate?"

Liu Heping glanced at Su Chen on the screen, then slowly said:

""Okay, I'll tell you all about it."

Liu Heping thought about it and decided to say a few words.

After all, he is a professional screenwriter and naturally knows Su Chen's current creative state.

Xiao Sa and ordinary audiences should not know.

Moreover, Su Chen's current state is indeed a bit scary for people who don't know the truth.

At the same time, everyone's eyes fell on Liu Heping.

They all wanted to hear the answer from him.

Liu Heping paused, organized his words, and then continued:

"Su Chen is now in a special creative state"

"We writers call this the state of 'creative immersion'"

"In this state, the creator will be completely immersed in his own creative world."

"The perception of the outside world will be reduced, and there may even be a brief period of unconsciousness."

"His mind is completely focused on creation, and inspiration flows like a spring, which is a very rare state of creation."

After hearing Liu Heping's voice,

Xiao Sa was even more confused.

Xiao Sa could understand every word Liu Heping said.

But when these words were put together, Xiao Sa felt that it was a bit confusing.


The netizens in the live broadcast room were also somewhat confused

【"Creative immersion? What the hell is this?"】

【"Not sure, maybe it’s a level that only professional screenwriters can reach?"】

【"So amazing? I've never heard of it before."】

【"I am an online novel writer and have touched this state before, but it only lasted for a few seconds. It was impossible for me to last as long as Su Chen, and I didn't talk to myself at that time."】

【"I have every reason to suspect that this is a script directed and acted by Su Chen himself. The purpose is obvious, just for popularity and traffic."】

【"Don't rush to draw conclusions. Listen to what Mr. Liu Heping has to say first."】


Xiao Sa:"Teacher Liu Heping, can you explain it in a more understandable way?"

Liu Heping explained:

"In short, Su Chen imagined a character, and that character seemed to be sitting opposite him at this moment."

"Su Chen seemed to be talking to a real person, learning the character's story and then turning it into his own work."

Xiao Sa's eyes widened after hearing this, and he was very shocked:

"Imagine a character? I can actually do this.……"

Liu Heping looked at Xiao Sa's surprised expression and explained with a smile:

"Hahaha, it's magical, right?"

"In fact, this situation is not uncommon for us professional screenwriters."

"To create a real and touching story, you need to go deep into the characters' hearts and establish a connection with them."

"Su Chen was able to enter this state in this competition, which shows that he has been completely immersed in his own creation."

"I was also surprised, because this state is not something you can enter just by wanting to, it requires some special opportunity."

Xiao Sa was stunned when he heard this, and he sighed sincerely:

"It’s no wonder that great writers can create such fascinating stories, it turns out they are able to communicate so deeply with the characters they imagine. It’s amazing!"


The audience also came back to their senses at this moment, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Su Chen's live broadcast room instantly exploded, with countless comments scrolling rapidly:

【"This is amazing! Can writers actually have conversations with imaginary characters?"】

【"Oh my god, this is the first time I know that creation is such a magical process!"】

【"Su Chen is so amazing that he can actually enter this state during the competition!"】

【"Wow, I didn't expect writing to be so profound! It's a bit beyond my worldview"】

【"No wonder good stories are always so fascinating, it turns out there are such profound creative techniques behind them!"】

【"No wonder the novels I wrote have almost no subscriptions. It seems that I have to try Su Chen's creative method~¨ ~¨ "】

【"Brother, you can fool others, but don't fool yourself. This kind of creation method is obviously very difficult."】


Liu Heping added:"There is one thing I need to remind everyone in advance."

"Su Chen may show some seemingly"weird" behaviors during his creation."

"If this happens, please don't panic."

"This is because he has completely entered the state of"creative immersion""

"In this state, his thoughts are closely connected with his creation."

"May do something beyond the comprehension of ordinary people."

At this point, Liu Heping showed a sly smile on his face, which seemed a little naughty, and seemed to be hinting at something.

Xiao Sa looked at Liu Heping's expression and couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

He always felt that Liu Heping had something else in his words, and there seemed to be more unspoken meanings.

Xiao Sa nodded subconsciously, and at the same time looked at Su Chen somewhat uneasily.

There was always an inexplicable creepy feeling in his heart, as if something unknown was quietly approaching.


【"It was the first time I saw the strangeness in Teacher Liu Heping's smile."】

【"Hiss, Su Chen will do strange things? Can you explain it in detail? I want to be mentally prepared, please."】

【"For example, crying, laughing, going crazy, going insane, drinking, and even self-harming. Don't ask me how I know. I just searched on Baidu."】

【"What the hell?! Is it possible to self-harm?"】

【"This is awesome! It looks like we are about to witness history. This has never happened before in the history of the Young Screenwriters Competition."】

【"Don't expect it, maybe Su Chen accidentally committed suicide."】

【"Zhuo, don't scare me, is it possible that he would commit suicide?"】


In the room.

Su Chen and Funina's conversation continued and in-depth.

He listened carefully to every word of Funina.

At the same time, he recorded these precious conversations one by one in the computer.

His fingers flew on the keyboard, accurately capturing every detail to ensure that no important information would be missed.

Su Chen:"Do you seem to have any concerns?"

Funina:"Hahaha, you don't think I will believe you so easily? What else do you know?"

Su Chen:"I know much more than you think. Your intelligence network is spread all over Teyvat, and travelers from foreign lands are your recent focus." Funina

:"You even know this? What else? Tell me everything you know, maybe I'll be in a good mood and willing to talk to you, hahaha."

Su Chen:"You love desserts, hide in your room and cry at night, and like to watch performances at the opera house.……"

Funina:"How do you know so much? Who told you?"

Su Chen:"No one told me, because I set it up."

Funina:"How much do you know? At least so far, I am interested in you."

Su Chen:"You are thinking of ways to deal with the prophecy crisis of Fontaine, but you are powerless. You usually meet with ordinary people who believe in the water god. The Fontaine Academy of Sciences is your focus."

Funina nodded:"You are right, you already know a lot, what else do you want to know?"

Su Chen:"What happened afterwards? And the timeline you are in now"


The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned by Su Chen's unusually devoted state on the screen.

Fortunately, Liu Heping had given them a"vaccination" in advance.

Otherwise, I'm afraid someone would have called the police.

【"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that I could write a script like this."】

【"Fortunately, Mr. Liu Heping informed me in advance, otherwise I would have thought Su Chen was crazy."】

【"It's totally off the mark! As an online writer, I was stunned"】

【"It's amazing, I really witnessed history"】

【"I feel that Su Chen has a great chance of winning first place in this round!!"】

【"Su Chen is so awesome, so cool"】

【"Don’t you think that Funina’s character is similar to Shajin’s, and also a bit exaggerated?"】

【"Wouldn't he follow the old path of gold dust? Being ostentatious on the surface but calculating everyone behind the scenes?"】

【"This is boring. I hope Funina can transform in a different direction."】


In the room.


Su Chen:"What? Is there anything you can't say? As the God of Water, your experience must be very exciting. If you can record it and write it into a script, someone will applaud you, Lord God of Water."

Funina hesitated, and a fleeting hesitation flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her pride.

Funina:"Hahaha, if you want to admire my power and authority, I can tell you, but what can I get?"

Su Chen:"You can get someone to talk to. Look around, you should know what I mean."

Funina:"Interesting guy, tell me what you want to know."

Su Chen:"What is your spy doing in Xumi now?"

Funina:"You are well-informed. I heard that a blonde traveler appeared in Xumi and saved Xumi's Grass God."

Su Chen:"Grass God?"

Funina:"Don't you know the Grass God?"

Su Chen:"Of course I know, Grass God, but there may be some deviations. It would be great if I could hear it from you."


"Then I will be merciful and tell you, because you are my most loyal listener."

"There are seven gods on the continent of Teyvat"

"Mondstadt's Wind God, Liyue's Rock God, Inazuma's Thunder God, Xumi's Grass God, Fontaine's Water God, Nata's Fire God, and Winter's Ice God"

"The seven gods rule seven countries respectively."

"Although the Seven Gods are powerful, they are not invincible."

"There is still"Heavenly Law" in the sky"

"The Seven Gods obey the"Heavenly Law"」"


【"What the hell? Furninna is a water goddess? A deity?"】

【"What the hell is this? It's all Su Chen's setting."】

【"Su Chen directly created a whole new world? And also created seven countries?!"】

【"Isn't his ambition too big? I thought that Pinocchio was Su Chen's limit, but I didn't expect that he could go even further!!"】

【"The Continent of Teyvat!! Seven Gods!! God's will! This setting is interesting."】

【"It's the first time I've seen such a way of creating a story that the setting can be explained clearly through dialogue."】

【"If she is the water god, then Funina should be able to control the water element at will, right?"】

【"¨「 ¨「 If nothing unexpected happens, it should be"】

【"Each god controls an elemental force, and they restrain each other. It's interesting."】

【"This kind of setting is very common, right? Many novels about different worlds have this. Why did you climax so much?"】

【"That’s right, that’s right, I really don’t understand, what’s so great about this?"】

【"Can you please consider the actual situation? How long did it take to create those novels about different worlds? Months? Years? Su Chen only had three hours to create."】


In the room.

Su Chen:"Interesting setting, then what is the energy system of Teyvat?"

Finina:"Of course it is elemental force, the seven gods correspond to seven elemental forces."

Su Chen:"Are only the seven gods able to control elemental force? Can ordinary people or other creatures control elemental force?"

Finina:"Of course."

Su Chen:"Interesting, wait a moment, I'll record it."

Finina:"Please hurry up, I'm very busy."

Su Chen:"Don't worry, there's still a lot of time."

Finina:"But, I don't have much time."

Su Chen:"Don't worry, the time in Teyvat is currently stagnant."

Finina:"Okay, in that case, we can indeed chat for a while."


【"Furninha looked a little anxious just now."】

【"Did something big happen in Fontaine that required Funina to handle it personally?"】

【"Are gods from other countries attacking Fontaine?"】

【"That shouldn't be possible. The seven gods all obey the"law of heaven".」,「There is no need to let the seven gods fight among themselves."】

【"That makes sense, so what is Funina worried about?"】

【"Everyone knows this, right? Even Su Chen probably doesn't know it."】

【"How is that possible? Su Chen is the script writer, how could he not know?"】

【"There is a saying among authors that the author knows the plot only half an hour before the reader."】


In the room.

Su Chen:"Please."

Finina:"There are original demons in Teyvat, such as slimes, hillocks, liar flowers, frozen trees, etc. These creatures can use elemental power."

Su Chen:"I see, what about ordinary people?"

Finina: (Money is OK) (Money is OK)"If ordinary people get the Eye of God, they can also use elemental power."

Su Chen:"Eye of God?"

Finina:"Yes, Eye of God."

Su Chen:"How can ordinary people get the Eye of God?"


"The steepest turning point in life"

"If the desire of a mortal reaches its extreme"

"The sight of God will be cast down"

"This is the Eye of God"

"An external magic organ obtained by those recognized by God"

"To guide the power of elements."

Su Chen:"I see, it's an interesting setting."

Furniture:"These are all basic common sense, you don't need to ask me."

Su Chen:"I am just recording your understanding of the world of Teyvat, not my understanding of Teyvat."

Furniture:"That makes sense, so...what else do you want to know."

Su Chen:"Let me think about it……"

Su Chen:"By the way, what timeline are you in now?"

Funina:"Timeline? I was on trial, and suddenly my eyes went dark, and I was here."

Su Chen:"On trial? Who is judging you?"

Funina:"The people of Fontaine...it's a long story."

Su Chen:"Don't worry, let's talk slowly."


【"Oh my god, the water god is being judged by the people of Fontaine?"】

【"Is this true? Did I hear it right?"】

【"No, isn't this plot a bit cliché, an ordinary person judging a god?" Maomao】

【"Maybe Funina is a very gentle water goddess, so the ordinary people of Fontaine are taking advantage of her?"】

【"Since Furninna is the water god, she can surely solve the problem easily."】

【"Don't open the champagne halfway, there is another possibility, there is something wrong with Su Chen's setting"】

【"But this is what Furnin said herself."】

【"Did you hear it? How do you know it was really Fu Nina who said it? Maybe Su Chen was just acting? This could all be a script!!"】

【"More than ten years of experience in surfing the Internet: Don’t trust anyone!"】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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