Inside the judges' room, the judges had a heated discussion about Su Chen's work.

Jiang Wen's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:

"Hey, it seems like there is a way."

Xiao Sa touched his head and asked with some doubt:

"Teacher Jiang Wen, what do you mean by"getting started"?"

Jiang Wen explained:

"Su Chen through dialogue"

"A clever introduction to the world, power system, and timeline"

"Allow the audience to clearly understand the structure of this fictional world"

"More importantly, he cleverly introduced a crisis - Fernina is being tried"

"This entry point is very good and successfully attracts the reader's attention."

Jiang Wen paused and continued:

"I believe everyone is looking forward to the next plot development."

"Why was Funina put on trial?"

"Who were her judges?"

"And what will be the outcome of the trial?"

"These are the contents that readers are eager to know."

After listening to Jiang Wen's explanation, Xiao Sa suddenly realized:

"Yes, now that you said that, I am also looking forward to the next plot."


In the room.

Su Chen:"I just ordered a few desserts and fruit tea, you should like them."

Funina:"Great, for the sake of desserts, I can chat with you then."

Su Chen:"Then let's continue?"

Funina:"What do you want to know?"

Su Chen:"Let's start from the beginning of the story."

Funina:"The time node when the foreign traveler arrives in Fontaine?"

Su Chen:"Okay, let's start from here."

Funina:"No problem."

Su Chen:"Can you introduce the foreign traveler?"


"My eyes noticed the stranger"

"She seemed to come from another world, her name was Ying, and she was accompanied by a white elf named Paimon."

"Ying has helped many countries solve their problems"

"Their next stop is Fontaine"

"I happened to be free that day, so I went to Hailu Port to greet them."

Su Chen:"Is it just a simple greeting?"

Funina:"Of course, just a greeting."

Su Chen:"You seem to have something to hide?"

Funina:"Hahaha, you are very smart"


【"A traveler in a strange land? Ying? A time traveler? Generally speaking, the time traveler should be the protagonist."】

【"Not necessarily. Maybe there are a lot of travelers from Teyvat."】

【"But Ying has helped many countries solve their problems. No matter how you look at it, she is the template of the protagonist."】

【"There is some truth in this"】

【"This way of creation is really interesting, and it gives you a strong sense of immersion."】

【"I have watched no less than five episodes of the Young Screenwriters Competition. Even in the most popular episode, I have never seen such a creative method! Su Chen, this young man, has a promising future."】

【"It's so funny, what a bunch of idiots, they don't know anything!"】

【"Hahaha, after watching the live broadcast for 20 minutes, I can’t stand it anymore. Is this the Su Chen that is hyped up on the Internet? Nothing special."】

【"It's just a bunch of middle schoolers having fun. Let's go. The script is really disgusting."】

【"Yeah, it makes me feel embarrassed."】


Backstage of the program. Jiang Hua was in a good mood.

In the last round of the competition, Su Chen's performance attracted widespread attention.

Even some people who usually don't pay attention to the Youth Screenwriter Competition began to pay attention to his live broadcast room.

This undoubtedly brought higher popularity to the program.

However, when Jiang Hua saw the barrage in Su Chen's live broadcast room, his brows furrowed.

The barrage was full of negative comments, and it was obvious that someone was deliberately discrediting Su Chen.

"What's going on with these comments? Why are there so many trolls all of a sudden?"

The staff quickly responded:

"Director, judging from the situation, these people may be water army, their IP addresses all come from the same place!"

Jiang Hua heard this and his expression became serious.

"Is someone deliberately targeting Su Chen?"

He would not sit idly by and immediately ordered:

"Ban all these IPs for me."

""I understand, Director."

Soon, the ban was completed.

The number of people online in Su Chen's live broadcast room actually dropped by 300,000!

Netizens were stunned.

【"Oh my god! It turns out that all those brainless people who criticized me just now were just trolls!"】

【"It’s so abominable, these water armies are really everywhere!"】

【"Fortunately, the production team discovered and handled it in time, otherwise it would have really affected my viewing experience"】


At the Navy Headquarters, the leader Wang Hai was immersed in the game world of King of Glory.

Suddenly, the anxious voice of his subordinates came from the intercom, breaking his interest in the game.

"Brother Wang, this is bad. Three hundred thousand of our accounts have been blocked!"

Wang Hai seemed unusually calm. He took a bite of the Huazi in his hand and squinted his eyes:

"What are you panicking about? He looked like he had never seen the world before, and started Plan B."

After saying that, he threw down the intercom with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Block the account?! Can you block all the accounts? Why don’t you ask about my name, Wang Hai!"

He turned his head and glanced at Su Chen's live broadcast room, with a sneer on his face:

"Humph, your name is Su Chen, right? I'll lead the way today!"


In the room.

Su Chen and Funina's conversation continued.

Su Chen:"How did you welcome Ying and Paimon?"

Funina:"Ahem, I stood on a high place and welcomed them openly."

Su Chen:"Can you tell me more about it?"


"That day I took Clorinde and the guards"

"On the stage, I performed a wonderful performance."

Su Chen:"Performance?""

Funina:"Yes, it is a performance."

Su Chen:"I am all ears.""


"Rich, poor"

"The people with wine glasses or nothing"

"Raise your glasses!"

"If you don't have one, use your arm instead."

"As you can see"

"A stranger has come to my country"

"Come on, let us send them blessings"

"Cheers to the traveler and her companions who have come from afar!"

Su Chen:"It was indeed a grand performance."

Funina:"Right, right, everyone in the audience applauded that day, my performance must have been very exciting, hahahaha"


【"So childish, is she really the water god?"】

【"It shouldn't be called"zhong ni". To be more precise, it should be"exaggerated"."】

【"Yes, it is exaggerated!!"】

【"In my impression, gods should be calm and wise."】

【"Don't you think it's very cute?"】

【"I like this contrast."】

【"The dialogue of Funina in the script is a bit strange. It turns out that her character is exaggerated."】

【"At least I can remember this character at first sight. From this aspect, the character creation is successful."】


Inside the room.

Su Chen:"What a wonderful opening."

Fu Nina:

"I think so"

"I've heard that the fire has caused bloodshed in many countries."

"But I still welcome them."

"No, I will welcome them in person."

Su Chen:"Why? From your description, Ying should be very strong."

Fu Nina:

"Fear is the behavior of small people"

"I am a god"

"I will not take such meaningless caution as my creed"

"I can see their piety clearly."

"The audience is to better see my power and authority"

"Of course, that's very wise."

"Smart people always gather under the right banner"

"So I welcome them to the kingdom of water."

"I, Fukaros, acknowledge the significance of their journey."

Su Chen:"I guess Ying and Paimeng were also confused, after all, the water god personally welcomed them."

Fu Nina:"Of course, at that time, their expressions were very interesting"


【"Who wouldn't be confused? ?"】

【"The water god of a country symbolizes the highest power of the entire country."】

【"I really want to see Ying and Paimon's expressions at that time"】

【"Ying has seen a lot of things, so she should be able to calm down soon."】

【"That's true."】

【"The character of Furnin is quite likable. There is actually such a god in Teyvat."】

【"The opening remarks were a bit too much! It felt a bit awkward!"】

【"Please remove the word"a little bit". It's so awkward. My toes have been deducted from the three-bedroom and one-living-room apartment."】

【"This kind of person can be a god, it's so funny, the plot is so bad"】

【"Damn, why are there still these internet trolls? Didn’t we ban a batch of them before?"】


Su Chen:"You just mentioned Fukaros, who is that?"

Finina:"My demon god's name, isn't it very domineering?"

Su Chen:"Demon god's name?"


"Every god was once a demon"

"My demon's name is Fukaros."

"My alias is Funina."

Su Chen:

"Wait, I'll record the settings."

"The takeaway has arrived. I'll get it for you."


Su Chen gently placed the takeaway on the table.

The bag was filled with various sweets: tiramisu cake, mousse cake, chocolate, brown sugar boba milk tea, grape collagen yogurt jelly, cheese berry milk tea, etc.

Funina's eyes lit up instantly.

She looked at the table full of sweets with an excited and expectant smile on her face.

While Su Chen was recording the script.

She couldn't wait to pick up a piece of tiramisu cake, took a bite lightly, and her face was filled with satisfaction and happiness.

Then, she took another sip of brown sugar boba milk tea.

The sweet taste made her close her eyes and savor the deliciousness carefully.


【"Why did Su Chen buy so many sweets? Does Su Chen like sweets?"】

【"I remember he liked to drink wolfberry ginseng tea, but I've never seen him eat sweets."】

【"The desserts were lying motionless on the table, wouldn't Su Chen just be asking about the smell?"】

【"Is it possible that the sweets were sold to Funina?"】

【"Holy shit!! Isn’t this too scary?"】

【"But the sweets didn't move at all."】

【"Do you still remember what Teacher Liu Heping said?"】

【"No matter how weird the plot Su Chen creates, don't feel surprised?"】

【"Yes, that's the sentence"】

【"In other words, those sweets were probably bought for Funina."】

【"All the hair on my body stood up. Could it be that there really are ghosts in this world?"】

【"Supernatural, pretentious, in my opinion, Su Chen, this is the script"】

【"Alas, young people nowadays will do anything to get traffic."】


The audience cannot see Funina, nor can they see her tasting the cake.

Su Chen:"How does it feel?"

Funina:"Delicious, very delicious."

Su Chen:"Then shall we continue?"

Funina:"For the sake of the cake and milk tea, I agree."

Su Chen:"What happened next?"

Funina:"I decided to have an epic duel with the traveler from a foreign land!"

Su Chen:"Duel? Do you want to fight with Ying?"


"Few people dare to draw their swords against the gods."

"It is clear that Ying is a real fighter"

"But it's a pity"

"Nowadays this era"

"People will only become more and more eager for stimulation"

"A pure showdown of force"

"There is no way to satisfy those hungry souls!"

Su Chen:"What are you going to do?"

Fu Nina:

"As the God of Justice"

"Decided to fight Ying in the courtroom!"

Su Chen:"Fight in the courtroom?"

Fu Nina:

"Yeah, you heard it right."

"After all, Fontaine is a country of justice."

Su Chen:"A country of justice?"


"That's right"

"Mondstadt is a"free" country"

"Liyue is a kingdom of"contract""

"Inazuma is the kingdom of"eternity""

"Xumi is the kingdom of wisdom"

"And Fontaine is the kingdom of"justice""


Therefore , the court and trial are the main themes of Fontaine."


【"There is such a setting"】

【"Every country has different beliefs."】

【"It is really innovative to perfect the settings step by step in the dialogue"】

【"I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I actually felt like there was someone in front of Su Chen."】

【"Hey, don't scare me, there's no one here."】

【"The character of Funina is very vivid, and the picture already appears in my mind."】


Su Chen:"Ying has just arrived at Fontaine, so she should not have the opportunity to commit a crime. How can we confront each other in the court? There must be a reason."

Fu Nina:

"Don't forget, I am the water god of Fontaine"

"「God of Justice"

"Know all the laws by heart"

"Of course there are reasons to judge travelers."

"And it is obvious"

"According to the Fontaine Law"

"Flying of flying objects is prohibited in the Fontaine district during the first three days of each month."

"Ying has violated this law."

Su Chen:"How can there be such a strange law? The flying object you are talking about, is it Paimon?"

Funina:"Hahaha, that's right!"

Su Chen:"It's a good reason for the trial."

Funina:"What a pity.……"

Su Chen:"What a pity?"


"It's a pity that such a good opportunity was ruined by Lini"

"Linney is a magician"

"He actually tied an invisible thread on Paimon's back in advance."

"This way Paimon wouldn't be considered releasing a flying object."

"We are almost ready to judge Ying"

"Don’t you think it’s a pity?"

Su Chen:"It’s a pity.""


【"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. I remember mentioning before that Paimon is an elf."】

【"Are elves considered flying objects? Probably... they can't be considered flying objects, right?"】

【"It's just a matter of Funina's words. Don't forget, he is the water god of Fontaine."】

【"Having said that, if she did this, she would probably not be popular, right?"】

【"Only the weak need to win the hearts of the people, the gods don't need to consider this."】

【"This is probably the reason why Furninna was judged by everyone. She was too willful and did whatever she wanted. She was unpopular."】

【"There is such a possibility"】

【"That’s why I said that the Funina created by Su Chen is not a god at all."】

【"I really don’t know what those people who are still bragging about it are thinking. Does Funina have even a little bit of divinity?"】

【"Stop being so harsh, little black people. The script has just started. Look how anxious you are. Do you want to lead the rhythm in the live broadcast room? The routine is too low-level."】

【"Haha, I told you two truths, and you said I was a troll. Don't watch this live broadcast, it's just a bunch of rabble."】

【"Turn left when you go out, goodbye!"】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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