In the judges' room,

Jiang Wen, Zhang Songwen and other judges have already taken their seats.

Their eyes are focused on the screens in front of them, closely following the ongoing competition.

The competition has begun, and the live broadcast rooms of each contestant are showing their creative process in an intense and orderly manner.

Jiang Wen stared at Su Chen's live broadcast room, frowning slightly,

"What is Su Chen doing? Why is he lying on the sofa?"

Zhang Songwen looked up at the screen and said calmly:

"Maybe he's thinking about the plot."

At this time, Xiao Sa saw the opportunity and interrupted the topic:

"Judges, how do you think Su Chen will set the script for this round? Teacher Jiang Wen, how about you tell us first?

Jiang Wen pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke:

"Frankly speaking, the title of"liar"…"

"It is simple to say it is simple, and it is not simple to say it is not simple"

"Imagine a liar and positive energy together…"

"What script will appear?"

"Yes, undercover."

"So it's easy to think of a police movie"

"This is why the proposition of [Liar] is simple"

"But this is also the difficulty"

"Since everyone can think of"

"Then homogenization is doomed to be very serious"

"Based on my understanding of Su Chen, he would not create such a serious homogeneity of the subject matter"

"To be honest, I don't know where Su Chen will go."

After Jiang Wen said this, Zhang Songwen and Liu Heping nodded.

Xiao Sa asked,"Teacher Liu Heping, what do you think?"

Liu Heping thought for a moment and said:

"What is a liar? It is a profession"

"Promote the development of the plot in a professional way"

"Then the focus must be the role itself"

"As we all know, there are two ways to create a plot."

"The first is to use the setting to promote the plot"

"The second is to use characters, that is, to use the characters to promote the plot."

"Obviously, if you want some cheaters"

"Then you have to use the characters to drive the plot."

"Therefore, the key to whether a story is good or not lies in how well the"swindler" is portrayed."

"This is a real test of the creator’s skills."

"No matter what the story is, as long as the characters are well designed, even if the story is a little worse, it will still be more interesting."

"Many excellent movies or TV series"

"The audience has long forgotten the plot, but they can still remember the characters."

After this was said, the judges nodded.

It was indeed a sharp point.

Whether it is a movie, a TV series, or a novel, character creation must be the top priority.

For example, Dashi and Zhang Beihai in"The Three-Body Problem"...

For example, the Joker in"Batman: The Dark Knight"...

For example, the Godfather in"The Godfather", etc.

Even if ten or twenty years have passed, the audience has forgotten the plot of these works.

But they still remember these characters.

This is why the most difficult part of writing a novel is character creation.

""Where is Teacher Zhang Songwen?" Xiao Sa asked.

Zhang Songwen laughed and said:

"Haha, if you let me write, I can only write police and gangster movies, you know."

After all, Zhang Songwen is an actor by profession, and it is indeed difficult for him to design an excellent script.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Sicheng.

Xiao Sa:"Teacher Chen Sicheng, what do you think?"

Chen Sicheng touched his chin and said with a smile:

"What the three judges said makes a lot of sense. The proposition of this round is actually a competition of character creation."

【It's so funny. The other three judges have all expressed their opinions, but Chen Sicheng is such an idiot, he can't even say a word?】

【Hahaha, that's it, and he's a professional screenwriter. It's so funny.】

【I have a feeling that Chen Sicheng will definitely target Su Chen in the future.】

【If he dares, I'll just go under his collar and blast him】

【There's no need to be angry with this kind of person.】

The audience in the live broadcast room could also feel the difficulty of this round of questions. Obviously, it was more difficult than the previous round.

A few minutes later, other contestants were busy writing outlines and making preliminary settings.

But Su Chen was still leaning leisurely on the sofa.

The old fans in the live broadcast room were already accustomed to this.

They clearly remembered that in the previous round, Su Chen also started writing after a long period of contemplation.

Xiao Sa smiled and said:

"Dear judges, since Su Chen hasn't started writing yet, why don't we take a look at the other contestants first?"


So, Xiao Sa led the four judges to patrol other live broadcast rooms and observe the creative progress of other contestants.

At this time, in Su Chen's room, he had fallen into deep thought.

The proposition of this round was indeed difficult. He needed to find a unique entry point to create a work that would make people's eyes shine.

As time passed, various ideas kept emerging in Su Chen's mind, but he denied them one by one.

Perhaps because of overthinking, Su Chen actually felt a little tired. He lifted the air-conditioning quilt and lay directly on the bed.

【Damn! Brother, why did you fall asleep?!】

【Good night Makabaka? It's not time to go to bed yet, is it?!】

【The game time is only three hours, I am afraid that the game will be over after this sleep】

【Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. The other contestants are busy competing, but Su Chen is lying down.】

Su Chen fell into thinking.

He thought for a long time.

If he used the deduction method of the last gold dust plot...

No! No!

Using the same deduction method twice in a row.

The repetition is too high.

Even if the audience has no objection.

But the shock value that can be obtained will definitely be reduced.

Therefore, a new deduction method must be thought of.

How to do it?

The difference between gold dust and Funina��

First of all , the entire Pinocchio plot.

The plot is complicated, there are many participating forces, and many related characters.

But the plot is always promoted with gold dust as the main axis.

It seems to be a group portrait plot.

But if you look at the whole plot from the perspective of gold dust, you can also sort out the whole plot.

Even if a lot of plots are omitted, it will not affect the overall plot.

The plot of Fontaine is similar to that of Pinocchio, but also different.

Fontaine should be a group portrait plot.

Thorn Rose Society, Melo Petersburg, Hearth House, Fontaine Official, Traveler... There are also many participating forces and characters.

The difference is.

The plot of Fontaine revolves around the"prophecy crisis".

It is not around Funina.

This is the difference between Fontaine and Pinocchio.

Therefore, if we only look at the plot of Fontaine from Funina's perspective, we may miss a lot of information.

As a result, the audience in the live broadcast room may not understand the plot.

In this case, we cannot use Funina as the main perspective to unfold the plot of Fontaine.

What should we do?

Su Chen's brain was working fast.

In order to fully display the plot of Fontaine, the perspectives of the main related characters must be shaped.

Then Violet, Ying, Navia, Funina...


Su Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Suddenly, an idea appeared.

If you want to watch this idea dissipate.

At the critical moment, Su Chen just grabbed it.

This is it!

If I let the characters tell the story themselves, will it have a better effect?

There is a way.

Su Chen quickly determined the feasibility of this plan.


He lifted the air-conditioning quilt, launched himself, and came to the big whiteboard.

The cap of the oil pen was against his chin, looking at the empty whiteboard, recording the inspiration in his mind at any time.

"I can abandon the gold dust plot deduction method"

"Instead, it uses a more immersive method to deduce the plot."

"Have a conversation with each character and let them tell the story"

"Finally, integrate the story."

Su Chen excitedly recorded these ideas on the big whiteboard.

But now there is another problem.

How to interact with the characters?


Su Chen thought of it.

Take each character separately.

However, in your mind, communicate with these characters face to face.

Tell them your own stories.

Then Su Chen, as a bystander, records their stories.

Maybe this method is a bit strange.

But this is the screenwriter.

Any experienced creator, when creating a story for a character, will put himself into the role and think about what to do next.

Think about their goals, their desires, their despair...


I can also use a similar method.

Talk to Funina!

Talk to Navia!

Talk to Navilette!

Talk to Ying!

Talk to the servants! Talk to the young master!

Talk to all the characters.

Record the characters' stories and finally connect the stories together.���

"Tonight, I am not a screenwriter, but a listener and recorder! Recording what happened in Teyvat."

Suddenly, Su Chen saw the light.

He finally thought of a new creative mode.


Su Chen took a long breath.

He left the whiteboard and sat down at the computer desk.

Since he decided to use the chat method to deduce the plot, there is no need to set it on the whiteboard.

If you encounter something you don't understand, just ask Funina directly.

【Su Chen finally made some progress. It was not easy.】

【How many minutes have passed? Almost thirty minutes, right?】

【I thought Su Chen was going to give up the competition.】

【Haha, the outlines and settings for several contestants were completed last night, but Su Chen has just started?】

【Maybe Jiang Lang has run out of ideas.】

【Su Chen doesn't seem to be in good shape. Can he really do it?】

【Su Chen has been thinking about it for so long, the plot he came up with should be good...right?】

【What kind of plot takes thirty minutes to think about? Do you really think you are a master of screenwriting?】

【Oh, I suddenly have no confidence. Su Chen only thought for ten minutes in the last round.】

In the Mihoyo office,

Dawei and other team members gathered together, their eyes were fixed on Su Chen's live broadcast room.

At this moment, they were more nervous than Su Chen.

Because Su Chen's performance will directly affect the prospects of Mihoyo.

Because of Su Chen,

Mihoyo's popularity has skyrocketed, which has also brought considerable benefits to the company.

The Finance Department and the Marketing Department have estimated that Mihoyo's annual net profit can reach at least 200 million.

Although the source of income does not come from the game"Honkai Impact 3: Star Railway" itself, but the character peripherals in the game, such as gold dust, fire fist, fireworks, fireflies, etc. and some income from"Sleepless Night".

The popularity of these characters is inseparable from Su Chen's creation and shaping.

In this case, Su Chen has successfully locked in Mihoyo's 10% shares and become an important shareholder of the company.

In a sense, Su Chen has become a member of Mihoyo, and his success is closely linked to the success of the company.

There is another reason.

They are ready to continue bidding for Su Chen's latest work.

However, seeing that the competition has been over for a long time,

Su Chen has not started writing.

Dawei and the others began to wonder in their hearts:

Could it be that Su Chen has really run out of ideas?

Jiaxing Media.

Yang Mi was full of energy. From the beginning of the game, she locked onto Su Chen's live broadcast room.

In this round of competition, she was ready to bid directly.

But seeing Su Chen sleeping at the beginning of the game

, she hesitated.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Seeing that other contestants had finished their outlines and settings,

Su Chen hadn't even started typing yet.

Yang Mi was dumbfounded.

Sister Wang at the side asked tentatively:"Boss, should we bid directly?"

Yang Mi was immediately embarrassed.

To bid or not to bid, that was the question

"How about we... observe it again?���"Yang Mi said

"Okay, let's observe."

In addition to well-known companies such as Mihoyo, Yangmi, and Tencent, this competition also attracted a special group-the water army.

Because Su Chen's performance in the previous round was too outstanding, some contestants joined together to hire water armies in order to lower his score.

The goal of these water armies is very clear, which is to give Su Chen the lowest score in the online scoring link.

Their leader is a man named Wang Hai.

At this moment, he was watching Su Chen's live broadcast with his men.

However, what they didn't expect was that Su Chen was actually lying on the bed and sleeping during the live broadcast.

This made Wang Hai confused.

There is a rule in the competition that if you want to score the contestants through the Internet, the length of time you watch the live broadcast must be more than one and a half hours.

"Brother Wang, do we really have to watch Su Chen sleep for an hour and a half?"

Wang Hai touched his face, feeling a little impatient.

"I'm going to go out for some fresh air, you stay here and watch"

"Ah?! Okay, okay, Brother Wang"

In the creative room,

Su Chen abandoned all distractions and devoted himself to the creation.

His hands were lightly placed on the keyboard, and words quickly appeared on the Word document as his mind moved.

He hardly needed to think, and the words in his mind automatically appeared on the computer screen.

Across the table,

Funina was sitting there, looking at Su Chen in confusion.

Of course, only Su Chen could see Funina.

To be precise, the Funina in front of him was a character imagined by Su Chen.

Su Chen:"Funina?"

Finina:"How do you know me?"

Su Chen:"I've heard of your story and I'm very interested in you."

Finina:"Hahaha, are you here to see me too?"

Su Chen:"No, I don't belong to Teyvat, I record everything in the universe."

Finina:"Interesting, since you know me, tell me my story."

Su Chen:"Funina, the officially recognized water god of Fontainebleau, the man in the mirror, who plays..."

Finina:"Wait, how do you know? Who are you?"

Su Chen:"I said, I'm just a recorder, you can tell me anything."

Finina:"Recorder, really?

" Su Chen:"Yes."

Finina:"What is your purpose?"

Su Chen:"If possible, put your story into a script"

In the judges' room,

Xiao Sa's eyes widened as he stared at Su Chen on the screen in shock.

He was talking to himself, as if he was talking to someone invisible.

""Su Chen...why is he talking to himself?" Xiao Sa asked in confusion.

Liu Heping quickly made a gesture to silence him,"Shh, keep your voice down, and read Su Chen's script carefully."

Xiao Sa moved closer to the screen and carefully read the script that Su Chen was writing. Then his eyes suddenly widened,"Fu Nina? Who is that?"

Liu Heping said solemnly,"Look carefully, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" Xiao Sa repeated, his face full of confusion.

""Yes," Liu Heping nodded,"This is the most mysterious creative state in the screenwriting industry."

Xiao Sa was completely stunned,"What, what?"

Liu Heping's words were like a bombshell, causing an uproar in the judges' room. Not only Xiao Sa, but also the audience at the scene, the audience in the live broadcast room, and the major companies preparing to bid were all dumbfounded!.

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