As Xiao Sa and the host came on stage, the netizens who had been waiting for a long time immediately became excited.

【"It's coming, it's coming, it's finally coming"】

【"The result of the competition~~should be out, right?"】

【"Su Chen should be able to get the first place--?"】

【"Be more confident and remove the word"should"--"】

【"If the full score is 10, I will give it full score."】

【"I give it nine points, ten points, I make Su Chen proud"】


The lights on the stage were bright, and all eyes were focused on the host Xiao Sa in the center.

Xiao Sa restrained his smile, his expression became serious and earnest, and he slowly spoke:

"Next, we will start announcing the results of the competition."

"The scores of the contestants and judges have come out."

"We will announce each player's score on the spot"

"The top 32 players will successfully advance to the next round"

"Players who didn't make it to the next round don't need to be discouraged. There is still a bright future ahead. Believe in yourself."

"Now, let's announce the contestants' scores."

As soon as the voice fell, the scene suddenly became quiet, as if even the air had frozen.

The number of bullet comments in the live broadcast room also suddenly decreased, and the usually noisy comment area became silent at this moment.

Everyone held their breath and stared at Xiao Sa on the stage.

Xiao Sa's voice echoed above the stage:

"First up is contestant No. 1: Xu Xiaoling"

"Your network rating is——"Xiao Sa deliberately prolonged his voice to create a tense and expectant atmosphere.

"Please look at the big screen!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the big screen behind the stage, and a set of numbers gradually appeared on it.

A gilded 5.3 points shone brightly on the screen, and the numbers radiated golden light.

At the bottom of the screen, there was a line of small words quietly displayed:

「3126 people participated in the online scoring!"

When the result came out.

Xu Xiaoling in the contestant seat looked depressed,"Oh, only 5.3 points, I'm afraid I'll stop here!"

Xiao Sa continued,"Please ask the judges to give the scores on the spot!"

Jiang Wen was the first to raise the score card, which clearly read: 5.5 points.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Heping, Zhang Songwen, and Chen Sicheng also gave their scores one after another, and they were all 5.5 points!

Xiao Sa looked at the judges' scores and showed a surprised expression on his face.

He quickly calculated the comprehensive score, and then announced loudly:

"The overall score of the judging panel was 5.5 points. Combined with the previous online score of 5.3 points, Xu Xiaoling's final score was 5.4 points!"


【"This is my first time watching this show. Is 5.4 high or low?"】

【"Low, very low, at least 7 points or more are needed to advance to the next round"】

【"5.4 points is really too bad, I guess the players' confidence will be hit"】

【"I don't know how many points Su Chen can get. I'm so nervous."】

The netizens were very enthusiastic.

After all, it was a popular part of the score announcement.


"Next up is contestant No. 2: Cui Zhiyan"

"Number of network participants: 4236"

"Network rating: 6.2 points"

"Overall score of the judging panel: 6.0 points"

"Final score: 6.1 points"

"Next, the No. 3 contestant will be announced……"

"Next, the No. 4 contestant will be announced……"

The scores of ten contestants were announced one after another.

The scores were generally not high.

Perhaps because the questions were difficult, the contestants' plots were not very impressive.

Only one contestant scored 7.0 points!

The number of people who participated in the scoring online did not even exceed 10,000. The yellow-haired man who took the initiative to talk to Su Chen before only scored 6.7 points in the end.

This made him look unhappy.

Su Chen patted the yellow-haired man on the shoulder and comforted him:

"Relax, it's not a big problem, maybe you still have a chance to advance, everyone's scores are not high"

"Thank you."Hearing Su Chen's words, the yellow-haired man raised his head, with a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes.

However, the slap in the face came quickly.

The scores of the next ten contestants went up immediately. The final scores were basically all above 7.0 points, and there was even a high score of 7.6 points.

The atmosphere of the whole venue was ignited.

As more and more contestants announced their scores, the highest score actually broke through 8.0 and reached 8.2 points!

And this person was the No. 31 contestant that Chen Sicheng had favored before - Zhuang Mengke!

Su Chen glanced at Zhuang Mengke in the crowd. He always felt that she looked familiar.

Finally, he remembered.

When he first entered the studio, many people complimented Zhuang Mengke.

It is said that her work received unanimous praise from the judges.

Especially Chen Sicheng, who was particularly optimistic about her. Zhuang Mengke.

He praised her work and even wanted to work with her.

This made the other contestants envious.

Su Chen also knew the contestant whose score fell below five points.

He was the Mr. Shamatte who had shown off before.

He can only be described as miserable.

According to the judges' comments, his script went straight off topic.

There were only 435 people who participated in the online scoring. He is also the only contestant with less than a thousand people scoring so far.

Online score: 4.3 points.

Judges' score: 4.5 points.

Comprehensive score: 4.4 points.

Such a poor result basically announced his farewell to this stage.

Looking at Shamatte's expression like eating shit.

Su Chen's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, you can't open champagne halfway through, it's easy to get into trouble.

Su Chen patted him on the shoulder,

"It's okay, brother. Come back in five years. You still have great potential."

Su Chen comforted him casually.

Fortunately, although Mr. Shamatte likes to show off, he has good character.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, then nodded to Su Chen to express his gratitude.

Next, the announcement of the results continued.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the audience.

The original record of the highest score was broken again, reaching a high score of 8.5 points!

Moreover, the number of people who rated online also exceeded an astonishing 60,000.

He has become the person with the most online ratings so far.

The contestant who set a new record is named Zhou Keer, and she is also a talented girl.

Her work"My Gambling King Father" is eye-catching.

The protagonist is a girl, and this setting is relatively novel and eye-catching among all the scripts.

The applause at the scene was thunderous and continuous, and it can be seen that everyone is very optimistic about this contestant.

Su Chen also gave his applause generously.

Although he didn't know what story Zhou Keer's script was about.

But he believed that there must be unique reasons and charm to achieve such good results.


Finally, there were ten contestants left, and Su Chen was among them.

Although he was a little nervous, he remained calm and prepared to face the upcoming challenge.

However, when it was Su Chen's turn to announce his results, Xiao Sa suddenly skipped him.

Xiao Sa said to the audience with an apologetic smile:

"Dear audience, I'm sorry, Su Chen's score is temporarily behind, we will announce the scores of the other nine contestants first."

Hearing this, the contestants in the audience immediately began to whisper, and the discussion was one after another.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and the contestants can also guess a rough answer.

"Su Chen? Who is he? So impressive?"

"Could it be that Su Chen’s score is first?"

"Su Chen?! Su Chen? I have some impression of this name, he is indeed quite capable."

The contestants shook their heads, trying to find Su Chen in the crowd.

The yellow-haired and the Shamatte standing on both sides of Su Chen quickly discovered Su Chen's identity from the contestant card. They were all stunned for a moment, with unbelievable looks in their eyes.

Especially the Shamatte who had been pretending to be cool before, he widened his eyes and stared at Su Chen

"What the hell!? Su Chen? Are you Su Chen?"

"Damn, it turns out you are the hidden boss!"

"Bro, what plot did you write?"

"Yes, what exactly is written? Let us learn more about it!"

Su Chen shrugged and said indifferently:

"Actually, I didn’t write anything. I just wrote a story about gambling with one’s life.

The words"gambling with one’s life" were particularly eye-catching, making Huangmao and Shamatte stunned.

"What the hell?! Gambling with your life? I asked you to write about a gambler, and you wrote about gambling with your life?"

"Isn't the idea too big? Why didn't I think of gambling with my life?"

Huangmao and Shamatte were dumbfounded.

They racked their brains, but they didn't expect that the gambler theme could be written in this way!

At the same time, netizens learned that the program team singled out Su Chen.

The barrage immediately exploded.

【"Hahaha, does this mean that Su Chen won first place?"】

【"What is the card face? This is called the card face"】

【"If Gold Dust can't get first place, I really don't know what script can get first place."】

【"I've waited for so long, and now it's Su Chen's turn, but you want to announce it last?!"】

【"Damn, the production team is really good at keeping people in suspense."】


On the judges' side.

Jiang Wen and the others looked at each other, all revealing a look of"You know what I mean"���If

Su Chen's attack is announced now, the content after the show will be meaningless.

Therefore, the program team decided to announce Su Chen's results at the end.

After all, whether in terms of popularity or the quality of the script, Su Chen is far ahead of other contestants.

·· ·······Request flowers··· ·········

·· ·······Request flowers··· ·········


Soon, the results of the first sixty-three contestants were announced.

Most of the contestants' scores were concentrated in the seven-point range, and only five contestants exceeded eight points.

After watching the entire scoring, Su Chen let out a long sigh.

It should be a sure thing.

As long as he could exceed eight points, he would be able to advance to the next round.

Finally, the much-anticipated moment arrived, and all eyes were focused on Su Chen.

Everyone had different expressions.

Some were curious, some were expectant, some were confused... and some even looked disdainful.

They thought that Su Chen was just relying on his connections to deliberately hype up the show.

In such an atmosphere, the host Xiao Sa motioned for everyone to be quiet, and he said mysteriously:

"Before announcing Su Chen's results, let's look at a piece of data.……"

As soon as Xiao Sa finished speaking, a long string of numbers surrounded by golden light effects appeared on the big screen.

The yellow-haired man stretched out his fingers and counted them one by one.

"One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million?!"

His voice trembled when he counted to one million, and he was obviously shocked by the number.

Everyone���Lu was puzzled, not understanding what this number represented.

Was it the rating? But how could the rating be so high?

Or was it the number of people who rated? But the highest number of people who rated before was only 60,000!

On the stage, Xiao Sa smiled with his mouth slightly raised. Looking at the surprised expressions of the audience, he slowly spoke:



"You must be very curious, what does this string of numbers represent?"

He paused, looked around, and then announced loudly:

"Next, I will announce the answer"

"This set of numbers,"

Xiao Sa pointed to the golden numbers on the big screen,

"This is the number of people who rated Su Chen's works online!!"

"A total of 2,126,348 people!!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell into absolute silence.

Everyone stared with wide eyes, unable to believe this astonishing number.

"More than 2.1 million people participated in the rating? How is this possible?"

"Fake, must be fake! Cheating!!"

"I don't believe it! More than two million people participated in the rating, how many people watched Su Chen's live broadcast room? Three million? Four million?!"At this moment, thunder flashed through the contestants' heads, and they were all shocked.

Before Su Chen came out, the highest number of people participating in the rating was more than 60,000.

And what about Su Chen? It directly reached more than two million people!!

How can they believe it? How dare they believe it?!

In the selection of the chief.

Even Su Chen himself was a little stunned.


Huangmao and Shamatte looked at Su Chen's profile, their mouths wide open.

Especially Huangmao, he was not feeling well

"Damn it, boss, you are the real boss!!"

Shamatte recalled that he had acted cool in front of Su Chen before, and now he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

Two million people participated in the scoring?

What does this mean?

The other 63 contestants combined, there are not as many as Su Chen alone.

What kind of script did Su Chen write to cause such a huge sensation?

It's simply unimaginable!!

In the contestant seats.

The contestants who had relatively good results before, such as Zhuang Mengke and Zhou Keer, were all shocked beyond words.

They couldn't imagine that the gap between themselves and Su Chen was so big!


In the live broadcast room.

When netizens saw this number, the whole live broadcast room exploded instantly.

The barrage of comments flashed by like snowflakes, and the discussion in the comment area soared instantly, ready to overturn the entire live broadcast room.

【"Holy crap!! Su Chen is awesome, and Sha Jin is awesome!!"】

【"More than two million people rated it? Am I seeing that correctly?"】

【"Gold dust is worthy of this card!!"】

【"Go go go go!! All for the Amber King!!"】

【"It's a huge lead, a dimensionality reduction attack. Look at the contestants' expressions, each one is more shocked than the other!"】

【"Competing with Su Chen, I can only compete for second place"】

【"The word"pervert" is no longer enough to describe Su Chen, he is simply a monster!!"】

【"I have to say, the gold dust modeling is truly amazing!!"】

【"That’s it! That’s it!"】

【"Don't open the champagne at halftime. Even if there are many people participating in the scoring, the final result may not be good, right?"】

【"That makes sense, but you still can't be too arrogant."】

【"Under normal circumstances, I might be able to hold my own, but the gold dust results can’t be bad!!"】

【"That's right, that's right, you have to have faith in the gold dust, you have to have faith in Su Shen!!"】口口.

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