Inside the judges' room, the originally bustling discussion suddenly disappeared, replaced by silence.

All the judges were stunned.

They stared at the screen intently, their faces full of astonishment.

They never expected that at the last minute of the script creation, Su Chen would challenge himself and try to write the theme song?

Jiang Wen's face showed a playful smile, and he couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, this kid Su Chen is really unexpected. He even wants to write the theme song!"

Liu Heping nodded meaningfully.

His major is not music-related, so he did not comment.

Zhang Songwen:"It can be regarded as a lucky start, haha, even if it is not well written, it doesn't matter."

Writing songs in the screenwriting competition is undoubtedly off topic.

But Su Chen has already finished writing the script, and he can play freely in the remaining time.

As for the song?

The judges don't care much. Even if it is not well written, it will not be a deduction.

On the contrary, if it is well written, it can be a plus point.



Many well-known singers were also watching Su Chen's live broadcast room. They included Zhang Jie, Deng Ziqi and Mao Yiyi.

They were participating in a program on Mango TV, and in their spare time sitting backstage, they browsed the Internet.

Su Chen's high popularity attracted their attention.

Especially when he announced that he would create a theme song, these singers' eyes lit up.

Zhang Jie smiled and said,"Theme song? Interesting."

Deng Ziqi looked up information about Su Chen, and then said:

"I checked Su Chen's information, and he doesn't seem to have formally learned music theory.

Mao Yiyi guessed,"Maybe he learned it secretly."

Originally, they just watched Su Chen's live broadcast casually.

After all, they were not professional screenwriters. They couldn't appreciate Su Chen's script from a professional perspective.

But after knowing that Su Chen was going to create the theme song, they all became interested.

This is their professional counterpart.

So they all worked very hard and focused their attention on Su Chen.


Inside the room.

Su Chen stopped what he was doing and glanced at the time. There were nearly twenty minutes left before the end of the game.

Although this time was a bit tight for him, it was enough for him to complete the final creation.

He paced in the room, frowning, as if thinking about something.

The creation of the theme song this time was a spur of the moment idea, and since he was not a music major, he needed some time to conceive and organize his thoughts.

He couldn't let others see his flaws easily.

So he pretended to be thinking deeply, like a professional musician, immersed in the world of creation.

120 During these three minutes, his brain was working rapidly, and sparks of inspiration collided in his mind.

Finally, he returned to the stool in front of the computer with a smile on his face.

He wrote the lyrics and music at the same time.

「Theme song: Sleepless Night」

「Outside the car window, the night is full of light」

「Don't forget, closing your eyes is the beginning of waking up」

「You participate in this play, change your posture」

「The answer to the riddle, the ending, how should I guess」


【"What the hell?! How come the lyrics have such a strong rhythm?"】

【"The lyrics seem to be about the story of Pinocchio!!"】

【"Oh my god, they condensed the story into lyrics? Awesome!"】

【"An image appeared in my head. What was going on?"】

【"The lights are bright, the wine is drunk, the undercurrent is surging, the conspiracy is intrigue……"】

【"That’s the feeling, it’s amazing!!!"】


「Memory is the beginning of a dream」

「Time is waiting for you to wake up."


「Don't break anymore, don't wither anymore」

「Continue to indulge, self-detour」

「The final taste, the eternal taste」

「See you in the next dream of that night」

「The more hypocritical, the more perfect」

「Sweet dreams, despair, reincarnation」

「As soon as I close my eyes, I start to go backwards.」

「See you in the next dream of that night」


【"What?! Just hand-write the lyrics?"】

【"Is this even possible?!"】

【"Su Chen is just using his ultimate move!"】

【"Too fierce, damn, he is serious"】

【"This word makes me feel numb. It feels so good, as if I were in Pinocchio."】

【"Well, this lyrics is really interesting."】

【"Although I criticized Su Chen before, his script and lyrics are really awesome. It's really awesome for a young man to be able to write such a script and lyrics."】

【"The lyrics perfectly present Pinocchio, Gold Dust, and other forces. It's awesome."】

【"Don't forget, Su Chen is only a junior this year, only 21 years old."】

【"Unfortunately, I am uneducated, so I can only say"wow""】


Backstage at Mango TV.

Zhang Jie, Deng Ziqi, Mao Yuyi and others were concentrating on watching Su Chen write a song.

It was their first time watching a live song creation, and they also found it fresh.

As the song and lyrics came to an end.

The three of them were shocked.

Deng Ziqi wiped his eyes, and he couldn't even believe his eyes.

Deng Ziqi wanted to say something but stopped, her eyes wide open,"He...he really wrote a song in one breath?"

Her face was full of disbelief.

You know, in her creative career, there has never been such a situation.

Write a song in one breath?

How is that possible?

Others can write a poem in seven steps, and you write a song in two minutes?

If he didn't think about it in advance, how terrifying would Su Chen's musical attainments be?

Zhang Jie interrupted Deng Ziqi's shock and said:

"Don't worry, I'll get a guitar."

As he said that, Zhang Jie quickly stood up, walked to the instrument stand in the corner, and carefully selected a guitar.

It is not difficult to write a song in two minutes, but it is difficult to compose the music at the same time.

After all, Su Chen is a screenwriter, and it is understandable that he can write lyrics that fit the theme of Pinocchio.

Zhang Jie stared at the lyrics of"Sleepless Night" in his hand.

His fingers gently plucked the strings of the guitar, and suddenly, a beautiful melody sounded in the background.

He hummed softly, and as the song progressed, the shock in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The lyrics and composition of this song are quite complete.

Every note and every word are just right, as if this song was tailor-made for the Sand Gold Body.

After singing, Zhang Jie was still immersed in the afterglow of the song, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

Deng Ziqi and Mao Yiyi were completely attracted by this song"Sleepless Night", and they were fascinated by it.

Deng Ziqi exclaimed sincerely:"Zhang Jie, you sang so beautifully just now. Mao

Yiyi nodded frantically in agreement:"It sounds good, super good."

At this moment, Zhang Jie's palms were full of sweat.

This was not only because of the singing she had just put in, but also because of the shock in her heart.

"It is no exaggeration to say that Su Chen's song is very professional and flawless, and it can be released as a single directly."Zhang Jie exclaimed.

He knew the quality and level of this song very well, and also understood what it meant.

Thinking that Su Chen was just a professional screenwriter, but he could write such an excellent song on the spot, Zhang Jie was extremely shocked.


In the judges' room, Jiang Wen's smile never disappeared, and he kept nodding.

"This song is really well written. Although I am not proficient in music, at least I have learned a little bit.

"From the melody to the lyrics, it reveals a unique charm."Jiang Wen commented sincerely,"

Liu Heping was also very satisfied with the song, and he took over the conversation and said

"Yes, apart from anything else, the lyrics alone condense the entire Pinocchio, which is very difficult to achieve."

"Combined with the character of Shajin in the script, this song fits his image and emotions very well, as if it was tailor-made for Shajin."

Zhang Songwen:"This song is really good, and Shajin is portrayed very well. If there is no good actor, I am afraid that a good role will be wasted."

Zhang Songwen is a professional actor, and he subconsciously thinks about the problem from the perspective of acting.

If such a charming role is played by a young actor, I am afraid that it will be a waste of a good script.

"Teacher Liu Heping, what do you think of the script as a whole?"

Zhang Songwen asked.

Liu Heping looked at Su Chen's script and said after a moment's hesitation.

"Now the pressure is on the bidding company."


Jiang Wen and Zhang Songwen both laughed out loud.

It was true. The companies participating in the auction should be the ones having a headache now.

Such a good script, with a theme song.

They must be very anxious.

Chen Sicheng on the side thought that the judges would consult him.

But unexpectedly, they ignored him directly.

This made Chen Sicheng's face turn pale.

It seems that you three are acting alone, and I am an outsider?!



As Liu Heping said, the pressure is on the bidding companies.

To be precise, it is on Tencent and Douyin.

First place in the bidding: Tencent, bidding 20 million!

Second place in the bidding: Douyin, bidding 19 million!

Third place in the bidding: Wang Depression, bidding 12 million!

Fourth place in the bidding: Jiaxing, bidding 5 million!

Fifth place in the bidding: Mihoyo, bidding 3 million!


The company with the highest bid may not necessarily get the script.

There is another step in the middle - communication and negotiation with Su Chen.

As long as Su Chen agrees, he can get the adaptation rights of the script for 20 million.

Any normal person will choose to cooperate with the first bidder.

The reason is simple.

Their bid is the highest.


The final winner of the auction is likely to be Tencent and Douyin.


The headquarters office of Mihoyo was filled with sighs.

They couldn't compete with Tencent and Douyin in terms of financial resources.

They could only give up on such a good script.

There was nothing they could do about it.

Who made them have less capital than others?

In fact, Dawei and the others had already thought of this result.

At this moment, Dawei's cell phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence in the office.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Dawei subconsciously thought it was a scam call, so he hung up without hesitation.

He didn't have time to deal with such boring harassment.

However, the cell phone rang again, still from that unfamiliar number.

Dawei frowned, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to answer it.

An excited voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Hello, is this Brother Dawei? I am a representative of iQiyi Company. Our company is very interested in Su Chen's script and hopes to cooperate with you."

Hearing this news, Brother Dawei was stunned.

He did not expect that at this critical moment, iQiyi Company would take the initiative to come to him.

And their target was Su Chen's script?

Everyone present was smart, and they could naturally guess that iQiyi was eyeing Mihoyo's bidding rights.

After some communication, Mihoyo rejected iQiyi's invitation to cooperate.

Although they were the last in the bid, they still had a chance to get Su Chen's script.

If they sell the bidding quota, they will have no chance at all.

In this regard, the iQiyi representative expressed his understanding.

He immediately hung up the phone.


The conference room at iQiyi headquarters was quiet.

All the participants were listening carefully to the content of the call.

After hearing that Dawei refused to cooperate, everyone's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Such a small game company has no self-awareness!"

"Ranked fifth in the bidding, and still wants Su Chen's script? Are you kidding me?"

"Tencent offered 20 million, and you, Mihoyo, offered 3 million. What can you use to compete with Tencent?"

"It's only worth 100 million yuan. This kind of company is doomed to fail."

"Okay, okay, maybe this is just an excuse, maybe there is a better partner behind the scenes."


Meanwhile, at the show, the lights gradually focused on the center of the stage, and Xiao Sa took steady steps to the stage again.

His appearance meant that the three-hour intense and long creative session had finally come to an end.

Xiao Sa looked around, took a deep breath, and then announced loudly:

"Attention all contestants, the competition has ended. Please stop creating immediately, organize your works, and return to the studio in an orderly manner."


""Huh, the competition is finally over."

Su Chen let out a long sigh, stretched his waist, and stood up from the stool.

The long period of highly concentrated creation made him feel a little tired, but at this moment, with the end of the competition, a sense of relief came naturally.

He gently opened the door and walked out of the room. The fresh air blew in his face, taking away the dullness in the room.

After staying in the room for three hours, it was indeed a bit stuffy. At this moment, he felt an indescribable comfort.

There was still a ten-minute break before the next session began, and Su Chen decided to go to the bathroom to wash his face to make himself more awake.

He walked to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and washed his face with cold water, which made him feel refreshed. Refreshing.

At the same time, Su Chen checked the traditional shock value.

It actually reached more than 30 million!!!


When I looked at it before, it was only more than 10 million.

It tripled in an instant?!

This made Su Chen very excited!

With so many emotion points, he could exchange for many things.

Su Chen felt like a nouveau riche.

He was also very curious about how many people watched his live broadcast.

More than 30 million emotion points, it is not something that can be achieved by a simple few hundred thousand viewers.

Could it be 3 million viewers? Or more?

But none of this matters.

Su Chen only cares about the shock value.

He studied the system along the way to see what these 30 million shock points could be exchanged for.


A few minutes later, Su Chen arrived at the studio.

The studio was already bustling with people, and other contestants had already gathered here.

"Wow, your story is so well written, I feel you will definitely advance"


"Your story is well written."

"No, no, no, mine is too old-fashioned, I don't think it's as good as yours."

Su Chen did not participate in this atmosphere of mutual flattery.

He looked around and found a quiet corner to sit down.

He closed his eyes and rested, preparing for the next part.

Not long after he sat down, a familiar yellow-haired man next to him came over and asked:

"Hey, bro, how's your writing going?"

""It's just so-so." Su Chen responded modestly.

At this moment, a guy with a rather Shamatte look suddenly interrupted:

"My script will definitely be in the top five."

After saying this, he did not forget to lift his bangs, put on a cool look, and continued:

"I'll give you a chance to increase my prestige later. Maybe I'll become a big screenwriter, and you can go out and show off."

Su Chen was speechless for a moment when he heard this.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, how could there be such a shameless person in the world?

This kind of self-boasting behavior really made him feel embarrassed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe that someone could pretend to be so pretentious.

Su Chen closed his eyes and ignored the other party.

Soon, Xiao Sa and four judges walked in.

Su Chen opened his eyes at the first time.

The contestants stood up and applauded..

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