The audience was talking about the show.

There were exclamations and discussions, and the originally quiet studio became very lively.

The host Xiao Sa smiled and stood quietly aside, letting the scene be noisy. This was the effect the show wanted.

Five minutes later, Xiao Sa raised the microphone and took control of the rhythm of the whole show.

"I believe everyone has understood why Su Chen was announced last."

Xiao Sa was also very excited, but as a professional host, he maintained a steady tone and expression throughout the whole process, and the whole stage was under his control.

Below the stage, the contestants looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Teacher Xiao Sa, who is Su Chen? Can you introduce him to us?"

"Yes, let's get to know each other."

"I am also curious about what the person who can break the record looks like."

The contestants became more and more curious about Su Chen.

Who is he?!

Upon hearing this, Xiao Sa quickly locked his eyes on Su Chen.

"Su Chen, can you please say hello to everyone?"

The contestants followed Xiao Sa's gaze and all looked in the direction of Su Chen.

Su Chen took the microphone from the staff, smiled, and said hello to the people around him.

"Hello everyone, I am Su Chen. Thank you for your support and recognition. Thank you!"

As soon as Su Chen appeared in front of everyone, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Wow!! He is Su Chen? What a handsome boy!"

"It's him! I've noticed him before!"

"What kind of story did he write that has over 2 million people rating it?!"

"It's too much, not only is he handsome, but he's also so talented!"

On the stage, Su Chen undoubtedly became the focus and stole the show.

However, among the judges, Chen Sicheng crossed his arms and raised a barely perceptible disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"You are still too young and don't know how to avoid the sharp edge. The game is not over yet, what is there to pretend"


After greeting everyone, Su Chen sat down. Although he was not afraid to show himself in front of many people, he still felt a little uncomfortable.


Xiao Sa waved his hand for everyone to be quiet

"Next, Su Chen's comprehensive online score will be officially announced!"

The numbers on the big screen gradually appeared.

When the number"8.5 points" appeared on the screen, there was an exclamation on the scene.

All the contestants took a breath.

They knew that although this score was not particularly high, it was enough for Su Chen to advance to the top three.

However, what really shocked them was that this score was obtained with more than two million people scoring.

Unlike other contestants, Su Chen's scoring base was very large. The number of people who scored other contestants was at most only 60,000.

The gap is self-evident.

The contestants present have experienced several rounds of competition, and they know very well in their hearts.

Different bases have completely different concepts.

Su Chen can get such a score with such a huge base, which is enough to prove how awesome his script is.

What kind of story did this buddy write?

It can actually make more than two million people give a high score of 8.5!

However, unlike the shock of the contestants on the scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was not very satisfied

【"What the hell? Only 8.5 points? Is there something wrong?"】

【"I clearly gave Su Chen 10 points!"】

【"I got 10 points too!"】

【"Although I only scored 9.5 points, it is much higher than 8.5!"】

【"Someone must have deliberately given a low score and didn't want Su Chen to advance."】

【"Damn it, don't let me know who it is, or I'll start to criticize you"】

【"These people are very cunning, they will definitely not admit it on their own initiative"】

【"Forget it, the public has sharp eyes, so let it be a low score, anyway, I can advance."】


Xiao Sa continued:

"8.5 points is very good"

"After all, the base number of two million is here."

"To have such a score, it shows that Su Chen's script is very powerful."

"Online results have been announced!"

"Before the judges give their scores, there is one more important piece of information to be announced!"After hearing Xiao Sa's words , the contestants present were a little confused.

Is there such a part in the competition?

They have never encountered this part before?

This made them curious and a little nervous.

On the stage,

Xiao Sa held the inscription card and announced a big news with a serious look:

"The Young Screenwriters Competition has received great news"

"There was a collective bidding frenzy during our Round of 32 qualifying round"

"This is a great recognition of our competition and the talents of our players."

"A total of five companies participated in the bidding"

"Finally, it was Mihoyou who offered 3 million!"

"Jiaxing Media offered 5 million!"

"Netizens bid 12 million!"

"Next is Douyin, which bid 19 million!"

"First up is Tencent, with a bid of 20 million!"

As the logos of five companies flashed on the big screen at the same time, the scene fell into a brief silence.

The contestants were deeply shocked by the scene before their eyes, as if they were speechless by those dazzling logos.

They stared at the screen with wide eyes, and the shock in their hearts was difficult to express in words.

Especially when they heard that Tencent and Douyin, two industry giants, also participated in the bidding, the contestants' hearts were even more shocked.

"No way? Tencent also took a fancy to Su Chen's script?"

"Even Douyin is out? Is Douyin going to make content too?"

"Damn it, is Su Chen still a human being?"

"In previous competitions, has there been bidding during the round of 32 qualifying?"

"I have watched all the historical competitions, and I can say with certainty, no!"

"Alas, in this competition, we can only compete for second place!"

"I thought the angle of my gambling king father was tricky enough! I didn't expect it to be even trickier!"

""Too strong!"

The contestants stared at Su Chen, almost envious.

The top 32 qualifying round alone attracted so many companies to bid for the script.

No matter whether his final score was high or low, the reality was that no company looked at Su Chen.���Their scripts.

But what about Su Chen? Five companies were vying for his script.

Tencent, the first place, offered a bid of 20 million.

Even in the finals of previous years, there had never been such a high offer.

This huge gap made those self-esteemed contestants completely fall into self-doubt.


"Brother Su, please beg me to add some prestige to your account! I just want a friend position, and I will never harass you."The yellow-haired man looked at Su Chen with admiration and said

"Su Chenju, I want one too, please accept my knees, begging for a friend position."Shamatte also eagerly expressed his wish.

There were stars in their eyes when they looked at Su Chen. They almost knelt down to Su Chen.

This was the closest time for them to the real boss.

Su Chen did not refuse, nodded, and agreed to add a friend later.

Until now.

Su Chen finally understood the source of the more than 30 million shock value.

Three million viewers in the live broadcast room!

The other five companies were bidding crazily!

No wonder there was such an explosive shock value.

What Su Chen cared about most was that Mihoyo was also among them.

"Bid 3 million?"

Su Chen is quite satisfied with Mihoyo.

Relatively speaking, their games are relatively restrained in terms of krypton fraud.

When I first played Genshin Impact, I couldn't find a recharge entrance.

The game has been in operation for four years, and there are only a few skins.

Not to mention the Collapse Iron, there are so many free five-stars that I can't keep up.

I can play comfortably by paying for a monthly card.

But Mihoyo's bid is only 3 million, compared to Tencent's 20 million, the gap is still a bit big.

Who should be given the script adaptation rights needs to be carefully considered.


Xiao Sa's voice echoed in the studio:

"Now, the much-anticipated moment has arrived"

"What will be the final score of Su Chen's script?"

"Next, the judges will give their scores."

"I wonder what the judges think of the script?"

"Let's welcome Teacher Jiang Wen with applause!"

Hua La La - applause broke out in the studio.

Everyone focused on Liu Heping.

Chen Sicheng also applauded.

However, in the applause, he inadvertently glanced at Su Chen who was sitting not far away.

That glance, although brief, was meaningful.

A hint of imperceptible smile flashed in Chen Sicheng's eyes.

"Finally, it was time for the judges to give their scores."

Amidst the applause, Teacher Jiang Wen calmly walked onto the stage and took the microphone.

He looked around at the audience and contestants, then slowly began:

"First of all, I would like to congratulate contestant Su Chen."

"Such good results must be due to his hard work."

"Regarding the script itself, I have commented on it many times in the live broadcast room before."

"Whether in terms of setting or character creation"

"Su Chen's scripts are all very well done, there is nothing wrong with them."

"Especially the shaping of gold dust is eye-catching."

"So, I give this script a score of - 10 points!"

As soon as Teacher Jiang Wen finished her evaluation, there was an uproar in the audience.

Everyone widened their eyes in disbelief, as if they had heard something incredible.

10 points!

Teacher Jiang Wen actually gave a full score!

This was unprecedented in previous competitions.

You know, 10 points is a full score.

The highest score that the other 63 contestants had received before was only 8.5 points, but this time Su Chen's script actually reached a full score!

This news was like a blockbuster bomb and caused a huge sensation at the scene.

For a moment, the eyes of all the contestants on the scene looked at Su Chen more scorching, as if they wanted to see some secret from him.

Su Chen felt the burning gazes of the crowd and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He muttered to himself in his heart:"Please, the full score was given by Teacher Jiang Wen, why are you looking at me like this? I didn't ask others to give it to me."

To be honest, the score given by Jiang Wen did surprise Su Chen.

Jiang Wen is a well-known figure in the screenwriter industry in Longguo, and he has very high requirements for scripts. This is well known..........

Therefore, when Su Chen saw that his script received full marks, he was surprised and delighted..........

He originally thought that Jiang Wen would give it a maximum of 9 points, or a more conservative 8.5 points.

However, Jiang Wen not only gave it full marks, but also generously expressed his appreciation for the script in his evaluation.

Immediately, Su Chen stood up and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Teacher Jiang Wen:"Thank you, teacher!"

Teacher Jiang Wen didn't say much, just smiled and nodded.

Then he handed the microphone to the host Xiao Sa, and then returned to the judges' seat.

Xiao Sa smiled, took the microphone and said enthusiastically:

"Teacher Jiang Wen gave full marks, it seems that he is very satisfied with Su Chen's script"

"Next, let's welcome Mr. Zhang Songwen to the stage with the same warm applause to rate our contestants and share his comments!"

As Xiao Sa spoke, warm applause broke out at the scene.

Zhang Songwen walked steadily onto the stage amid the applause and took the microphone.

"Actually, I was not optimistic about Su Chen's script at first."

"I thought it was a deliberate piling up of settings, a plot that pretended to be profound"

"Unexpectedly, as the plot unfolds"

"The character of Shajin is getting better and better"

"I was impressed by the script."

"Especially in the scenes between Sand Gold and Sunday, Yellow Spring, and Fireworks"

"Bring the character of Gold Dust to life"

"Finally, the character arc was completed"

"This is a great challenge for the screenwriter."

"Although the script is good, I was just going to give it only 9 points"

"The reason why I deducted 1 point is because I am afraid that Su Chen will become too proud."

"But from my observation, Su Chen has a good character."

"So, my rating for this script is - 10 points!"

"Gold dust is worth 10 points! Su Chen is worth 10 points!"

Su Chen slowly stood up and bowed to express his gratitude:"Thank you, Teacher Zhang Songwen."

The contestants in the audience were stunned when they heard this.

This world is too crazy.

Two consecutive judges gave Su Chen full marks!

What kind of earth-shattering script did this guy write? He actually got���Two full marks?!

The contestants were all confused.

You know, in the history of the Youth Screenwriter Competition, no contestant has ever received a full score.

And what about Su Chen?

He got two full marks in a row?

The contestants' heartbeats quickened and their breathing became a little rapid.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

After Zhang Songwen finished speaking, he returned the microphone to Xiao Sa and returned to the judges' seat.

Xiao Sa smiled and said:

"It's another full score, Su Chen, are you a little flattered by the judges' comments?"

Su Chen nodded with a modest smile on his face:

"I am indeed a little flattered. I am very grateful for the recognition of the judges. This is a great encouragement and motivation for me. I will continue to work hard and live up to everyone's expectations."

Xiao Sa:"Teacher Liu Heping, please!"

Amid warm applause, Liu Heping walked onto the stage with a kind smile and calmly took the microphone.

After scanning the audience, his eyes finally locked on Su Chen, who was the first to be selected.

Liu Heping faced the audience and slowly spoke:

"First of all, I have to say that I was really impressed by Suchen's script." 4.0

"His story is cleverly conceived, the characters are three-dimensional, and the dialogue is vivid, showing a very high level of screenwriting skills."

"I completely agree with the comments of the previous two judges. This script really deserves a high score."

"My score is - 10 points!"

Boom -

As Liu Heping said this, the studio was filled with the sound of people sucking in air.

All the contestants' faces were filled with shock.

Full marks again!

Three consecutive judges gave full marks!

Many contestants held their heads with their hands, unbelievable.

Even the host Xiao Sa couldn't believe it.

He knew that Su Chen's script was very good, but he didn't expect that all three judges gave full marks.

You know, this is the top 32 qualifying round.

People who don't know might think it's the finals now!

This is unprecedented in the history of the Youth Screenwriter Competition.

""Thank you, Mr. Liu Heping." Su Chen said modestly.

Three full marks.

In other words, as long as Chen Sicheng's score can reach 6 points or above, Su Chen can advance as the first place.

Su Chen thought to himself that this wave should be stable.

Even if Chen Sicheng wanted to target him, he couldn't give a score lower than 6 points, right?

Xiao Sa took a deep breath and tried to calm down his excitement.

"Teacher Chen Sicheng!"Xiao Sa shouted loudly, and made a gesture of invitation.

Amid warm applause, Chen Sicheng walked calmly to the stage and took the microphone.

"Su Chen, congratulations on winning the bid from five companies. I like you.

Chen Sicheng gave a thumbs up.

""Thank you." Su Chen said politely.

Seeing this familiar scene, the audience immediately understood.

It's probably another full score, or 9 points.

There is no doubt that

Su Chen will advance to the next round with the first place.

However, after Chen Sicheng pretended to be silent, he changed the subject and said:

"My rating is - 5 points!".

Comments: Naruto789

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