Tencent's move attracted the attention of countless people.

Money? They had plenty of it.

So they directly raised the bid to 10 million.

This time, Dawei and Yang Mi both looked embarrassed.

They could still afford 10 million.

But they also understood.

Tencent directly locked the price at 10 million, which actually sent another signal.

That is, they were determined to get Su Chen's script.

So Dawei and Yang Mi had to give up the bid this time.

They would not go head-to-head with Tencent.


The atmosphere at NetEase headquarters was tense.

The marketing director and the script director sat in the conference room, with Tencent's bid in front of them, and their faces became extremely solemn.

The competition between them and Tencent Games has lasted for several years.

But in this long-term game, NetEase was at a disadvantage most of the time.

Tencent was like an insurmountable behemoth, and its shadow had long shrouded NetEase, making them feel pressured.

"this price……"The marketing director frowned and said in a low voice,"They are obviously well prepared."

The script director nodded and said after a moment of silence,"We must have a countermeasure. We can't always be passive like this."

Su Chen's script gave them hope, the hope of breaking through Tencent's blockade.

Although they really wanted to get Su Chen's script, they were not reckless.

The marketing director took a deep breath and said calmly:

"Let's not rush. Although Tencent has taken action, there is still Douyin, a competitor. I don't believe Douyin will sit idly by. They will definitely be interested in Su Chen's script."

The director of screenwriting nodded in agreement:

"That’s right, Douyin and Tencent have always been competitors. We might as well wait and see and let them compete first."

As expected.

A few seconds later, Douyin’s bid also appeared on the live broadcast screen - 15 million!

Suddenly the live broadcast room was boiling again.

Top shopping malls are often so simple and unpretentious.

【"Tencent and Douyin seem to be in a fight"】

【"Fight, fight"】

【"A simple shopping mall, directly comparing who has more capital"】

【"15 million?!! This is outrageous. The final offer for last year’s champion was only 10 million!!"】

【"Crazy, totally crazy, so crazy"】

【"Su Chen must be confused. I just wrote a script casually. Why are you guys going crazy for it? Hahaha"】

【"I really want to see what kind of expression Su Chen would have after knowing all this."】

【"I guess I've never seen so much money in my life. My head is buzzing."】

【"Wait a minute, look at Su Chen, why doesn’t he show any intention of stopping writing?"】

【""What the hell?! Is the story not over yet? Are there any more experts?!"

The audience was discussing enthusiastically.

They noticed that Su Chen was still typing on the keyboard.

Suddenly, they were stunned.

Questions arose in their hearts: Is the script not over yet?

Everyone looked at each other, and the discussion suddenly quieted down.

They held their breath and stared at Su Chen.


Inside the room,

Su Chen's eyes fell on the time display on the lower right corner of the computer screen.

There were still more than 20 minutes left before the end of the game.

This time was enough for him.

He took a deep breath and began to sort out his thoughts.

The sound of the keyboard echoed in the room.

「Topal:"The light of the aventurine... has disappeared."」

「Topa:"This only represents one result……"」

「Jade:"He fulfilled his promise and got what he wanted."」


「Topa:"According to the plan, your cornerstone has been successfully delivered to the family's territory.……"」

「Emerald:"Let's fulfill our duty and start harvesting""」


【"Oh my god, Jade and Topa are also going to enter Pinocchio!!"】

【"This is the plan of Shajin, to sacrifice himself and then the company will invade Pinocchio!!"】

【"This script is invincible."】

【"He won the gold bet"】

【"No, no, have you ever thought about a problem? We seem to have missed something."】

【"Bro, elaborate."】

【"The gold dust left the emerald and topaz in the pinocchio."】

【"What's the meaning?"】

【"If Gold Sand had not died in the depths of Pinoconi, he could have joined forces with Emerald Topali to attack the depths of Pinoconi!"】

【"What the hell?! Is this the real plan of Shajin? Shajin wants to bring the company into Pinoconi?!"】

【"Holy shit, is this even possible? Shajin's plan is absolutely flawless!!"】


「Jade:"I come to see you, I come to add wine, I come to take possession"」

「"I have bestowed poison on the nectar, sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn, waiting for the branches to be filled with withered fruits"」

「"All for——Amber King!!"」


【"It seems that Emerald is really going to Pinocchio"】

【"Can Sunday really handle it?"】

【"I remember that the grade of jadeite is higher than that of gold dust. Her methods may be more powerful."】

【"Not only Jade, Topa will also enter Pinocchio"】

【"The company takes the family very seriously and actually sent three Stone Hearts and ten other people!"】


Su Chen stopped writing after this.

There are two more exciting plots to come.

Firefly and Star, Sunday and Gallagher.

But Su Chen felt that there was no need to write these two plots. After all

, the protagonist of the script is Gold Dust.

Gold Dust's plot has been written.

Those two plots are not very related to Gold Dust.

In contrast, Su Chen decided to add a theme song for this script - Sleepless Night.

So he created a blank page in Word.

The title is - Theme Song: Sleepless Night.

Suddenly, all the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

【"What the hell?! Su Chen is also going to write a theme song?"】

【"Damn it!! This is totally unheard of."】

【"He is also the first person to write the theme song on the spot in the history of the Youth Screenwriter Competition"】

【"While other contestants were still busy finishing their scripts, Su Chen was actually writing the theme song!!"】

【"I'm impressed. Not only can he write scripts, but he's also proficient in music theory?"】

【"I've never heard that Su Chen studied music."】

【"Maybe the script is already written and you have nothing to do anyway, so you just write it casually?"】

【"This is possible. I have nothing to do anyway."】

……………… ps: Thanks to"15801" for urging me to update and for the monthly ticket!

And thanks to the brothers who voted for flowers and reviews!

Thank you very much!!

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