The script ends here.

The character arc of Shajin is fully sublimated.

At the same time, Shajin's popularity is rapidly rising on major platforms.

You can see related videos by opening any online platform.

#Shocking! A god-level script appeared in the Youth Screenwriting Competition!!

#Who is Dujin? Let’s get to know Dujin!

#How did a high school student create such an amazing script?

Netizens left comments on the video and Weibo.

【Gold dust? Su Chen? What on earth are you discussing? Can anyone explain this to me?】

【It's not easy to explain in one or two sentences, just go watch the live broadcast】

【Holy shit! This script is too awesome! The character of Shajin is invincible.】

【Is this live now? Are the questions being asked on the spot?】


【My god, if there is no cheating, then the script of Shajin can only be described as a deity.】

【The film and television industry in Longguo has been full of love and rural life in recent years, but a script like Sand Gold has appeared. I am not mistaken, am I?】

【The last wave of Shajin really made me feel sad and relieved. It was written so well.】


Inside the Mihoyo headquarters office

, the air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Everyone's face showed deep shock.

Dawei broke the silence, his voice trembling:

"This... this plot is really too amazing, Mr. Shaoji, what do you think?"

Shaoji slowly adjusted his hat and said solemnly:

"The last scene is undoubtedly the highlight of the entire script."

"It not only pushes the role of gold dust to a new level"

"It also makes the theme and connotation of the entire script unprecedentedly enhanced."

"To be honest, I think this script can be a masterpiece."

When saying this, Shaoji's body trembled slightly involuntarily, and he was obviously very excited.

As a professional screenwriter, he knew the value and influence of this script very well, and even felt that it was pale and powerless to evaluate it with words.

Dawei's eyes lit up, and he asked:

"Should we... continue bidding?"

The current bid has reached more than one million.

Mihoyo is a small game company, and one million is nothing to them.

But they have to consider their two rivals, Tencent and Douyin.

The strength and background of these two companies are not something they can compete with.

In addition, Su Chen's script is very well written.

These two companies will definitely bid with all their strength.

But when the time comes, it will be a fight between gods, and Mihoyo may not have the capital to participate.

Dawei hesitated in his words, and of course he understood this truth.

For a moment, the office fell into silence.

Cai Miao gritted his teeth and said,"Bidding! If you don't bid, you won't have a chance. If you bid, we won't lose anything."

"Good!"Big Wei also seemed to have made a big decision.

Then he opened the app backend and raised the price to three million.


At the same time, the audience also noticed this situation.

The live broadcast room suddenly exploded again.

【"Mihoyo has raised its prices. Oh my God, does Mihoyo want to go against Tencent and Douyin?"】

【"What kind of company is Mihoyo? I have never heard of it. Is it a hidden unicorn company?"】

【"What the hell is a unicorn? It's just a small game company. The company's valuation is probably not even 100 million."】

【"Such a small company actually wants to go against Tencent and Douyin? Mihoyo can't even beat Jiaxing Media"】

【"Not necessarily. Even if you bid high, you may not get Su Chen's script."】

【"Do you think Su Chen would give the script to the small Mihoyo and give up giants like Tencent and Douyin?!"】

【"How is it possible? A million impossible"】

Mihoyo's sudden price increase has caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

They are all speculating who will get Su Chen's script.

Tencent? Douyin? Or Wangde?

But without exception, everyone thinks that the script will not be given to a small company like Mihoyo.


In the meeting room of Jiaxing Media, following Mi Huyou's bidding,

Yang Mi was also somewhat moved.

Sister Wang:"Boss, do we want to follow?"

Yang Mi frowned slightly and waved her hand:"Follow, the offer is 3.3 million!"


Instantly, Jiaxing Media overtook Mihoyo and took the first place.

Now other companies could not sit still and joined the bidding.


Internet Depression Office

"Should we follow?"

"Follow! Why not? It's just over 3 million, we at NetEase can still afford it."

NetEase was determined to get Su Chen's script.

If they got this script,

NetEase could create a game IP.

This is what NetEase has always wanted to do.

Although NetEase has many games, there are very few IPs that are really well known to the public.

As the company grows bigger, they also realize the importance of IP.

They have a vague feeling that this script can become a well-known IP.


Inside the Tencent office.

Wherever there is Internet depression, there is basically Tencent Games.

The goal of Tencent Games is simple, to become the leading domestic game company.

No matter what type of game it is, they must occupy a place.

So, they will naturally not give up such a good opportunity.

Even if they buy this script back and let it gather dust, they can't let other companies get it.

"Director Wang, what do you think is a suitable price for us to pay?"

Director Wang leaned back on the leather sofa, shook the red wine glass in his hand, and said nonchalantly:

"Ten million"


There was no emotional fluctuation in the conversation between the two.

Ten million may be a lot for other companies, but for Tencent, it is a drop in the bucket.

As expected, when Tencent's price appeared in the live broadcast room, it immediately caused an unprecedented response.

【"What the hell?! Tencent is also involved? They directly raised the price to 10 million? This is outrageous!"】

【"Tencent is indeed the name. It has nothing but money."】

【"That's awesome. You can be willful if you have money."】

【"This is just the qualifying round for the top 32. If you don’t know, you might think it’s the finals."】

【"I have to say that Su Chen's plot is so well written, and the gold dust is absolutely amazing"】

【"I guess those who are depressed online must have fainted in the toilet crying. How can they be a rival to Tencent?!"】

【"Su Chen is awesome!! Gold Dust is awesome!!"】

……………… ps: Thanks to"17614" for urging me to update!

And thanks to the brothers who voted for flowers and reviews!

Thank you very much!!

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