「Gold Sand:"I think so too. Maybe you are the only one who can help me."……"」

「Gold Dust:"For the last time, let's do a palm duel, shall we?""」

「The gold dust took off his hat and gently placed it on his chest」

「He looked at Kakavasa in front of him with a gentle smile.」

「He took a few steps forward, half-crouched, and kept his eyes level with Kakavasia.」

「At the same time, he placed his hat on the sea surface, letting the sea breeze blow it gently.」

「The sea breeze blew across his face, and his golden hair fluttered in the wind」

「Sand Gold reached out and gently touched Kakavasa's head.」

「At this moment, time seemed to stand still, leaving only the two of them and the gentle sea breeze.」

「The dark sun shines on the sea, the waves sparkle, reflecting their figures」

「Kakavasia:"Are you leaving?"」

「Gold Dust:"Yeah"」

「Gold dust and Kakavasa palms fit together」

「"May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times..."」

「"Make your blood beat forever..."」

「"The journey is always peaceful..."」

「"The trick never fails"」

「Shajin waved his right hand without looking back, leaving Kakavasa with a relaxed back view.」

「He took a deep breath, adjusted his pace, and walked resolutely towards the direction of the dark sun.」

「Kakavasa's voice echoed softly in the sea breeze:」

「"We will meet again under the Aurora of Kakawa"」

「"Goodbye, Kakahuaxia"」

「Kakavasa holding a hat of gold dust」

「He looked at the direction where the gold dust went away, with reluctance and expectation in his eyes.」

「He tilted his head and smiled, that smile was as bright as the stars」

「Then, his body gradually turned into starlight and disappeared on the spot.」

「Only the hat is left floating gently in the sea breeze」


【"I can't bear to hear this prayer now. I cry every time I hear it."】

【"Woohoo, I'm a grown man, but I'm crying my eyes out"】

【"The charm of Shajin is too strong!! A well-deserved gambler"】

【"May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times, so that your blood will always beat, your journey will always be safe, and your schemes will never be exposed!!"】

【"Help, this really made me cry!!"】

【"My family members were in tears!!"】

【"The damn gambler tricked me into tears ahhhhhh!!"】

【"Go, Kakavasya, I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"】

【"I really couldn't hold back my tears!"】

【"Tomorrow never appeared in his dreams, and he never looked forward to tomorrow's arrival!!"】

【"Goodbye, Kakahuaxia"】


Sha Jin accepted the past and embraced the future

, woooo...


Unlike the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room, the judges' room fell into an unusual silence.

The screenwriters sitting on the judges' seats were shocked far more than ordinary people, because they could more deeply understand the subtleties of Su Chen's script.

Xiao Sa was the first to break the silence. He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and asked with a slightly choked voice:

"Dear judges, what do you think?"

His question was like a stone thrown into the lake, stirring up ripples.

Liu Heping slowly came back to his senses from the deep shock.

He looked around and found that the other judges were looking at him.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. It turned out that everyone wanted to be a hands-off boss and handed the task of commenting to him.

Liu Heping cleared his throat and said:

"The last scene is the finishing touch"

"The script is perfect."

"The entire script revolves around a theme"

"「If the ending has no meaning, then what is the meaning of life?」"

"Gold Dust found its answer"

"At the end of the story, Sha Jin faced his past self"


"Shajin accepted the name calmly."

"He has completely reconciled with his childhood, the blessing of the Mother Goddess, and the tragic experiences of the past."

"He found the meaning of life"

"At this point, the character arc of Shajin has been sublimated"

"He changed from a self-destructive gambler to the original Kakavasa who constantly fought against fate."

"At this point, art has been created!"

Liu Heping's comments on the script were very high, and he directly used the word"art" to describe it.

At the last moment, the character arc of Shajin was sublimated.

The whole script revolves around Shajin and ends with Shajin.

Shajin has no partners, but many people are silently helping him.

Hanabi, Huangquan, Doctor Zhenli... even Sunday!

And his"past" and"future"」……

He seemed lonely, but he was not.

He accepted his past and faced the real future with calmness.

Jiang Wen nodded deeply. He agreed with Liu Heping's point of view.

He took a deep breath and said:

"The final settlement was finally reached"

"He is indeed the son blessed by the Mother Goddess"

"One day, he will reach the other side of death"

"but not now"

"On that day, the sky will rain again, and he will hear the call of the Mother Goddess."

"Until the destined moment came, he should reunite with his family"

"Before that moment comes, he should be prepared to face his family."

"Kakahuaxia, become their pride"

"Goodbye Kakavasa."

As he spoke, crystal tears began to appear in the corners of Jiang Wen's eyes.

These tears are not a symbol of weakness, but an expression of his sincere emotions from the bottom of his heart.

He did not wipe the tears that were about to fall, but quietly felt the warmth and moisture of the tears sliding down his cheeks.

For Jiang Wen, tears are the witness of the most sincere human emotions.

It does not need to be concealed or laughed at.

He let the tears flow, as if he was listening to the voice of his heart and feeling the purest touch of Kakavasa.

While the judges were discussing heatedly, the popularity of gold dust suddenly exploded across the entire network.

Countless netizens flocked to Su Chen's live broadcast room, wanting to see the style of gold dust.

The number of people in the live broadcast room soared instantly, and the barrage came like a tide.

Happy Qingming outing and reading! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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