「Huang Quan:"Look in your pocket, your friend has already given you the answer."」

「Huang Quan:"Good luck to you"」

「Hearing this, Shajin opened the doctor's prescription.」

「It only says:」

「The impossible thing in dreams is not death, but sleep」

「Stay alive and good luck」


【"What the hell?! Is this the last medical advice that Doctor Zhenli gave to Shajin?"】

【"What does it mean? I don't understand it at all now"】

【"In short, Dr. Zhenli knew all of Shajin's plans, including knowing that Shajin would guess that he would betray her."】

【"Oh, they are all old actors."】

【"As expected of a member of the Bozhi Society, his IQ is extremely high."】

【"For the materialistic warrior Latio,"Good luck" is probably the highest level of blessing."】

【"How come this man can achieve excellence in both acting and academics!!!"】

【"Awesome! Every one of the people in Pinocchio has a very high IQ. It's like a fight between gods."】

【"Except for the train crew, everyone else is pretending to play with open cards. Everyone has a bottom line!!"】

At this moment, the audience finally understood a fact.

Although the people and forces that appeared in Pinocchio were complicated.

However, every character that appeared had a very important role.

Everyone was portrayed quite perfectly.


Inside the judges room.

After seeing Dr. Zhenli's advice,

Jiang Wen's hearty laughter filled the entire judges room.

"Awesome, awesome, this plot is amazing"

"This last move directly brought Doctor Zhenli to life."

The other judges nodded repeatedly.

Especially Zhang Songwen, he couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead.

In his eyes, Doctor Zhenli's medical advice was not only a part of the plot, but also a stroke of genius.

It was like the finishing touch that elevated the entire work to a whole new level.

This medical advice made the character more vivid and three-dimensional.

On the contrary.

Liu Heping sighed.

Of course, he also thought that Su Chen's script was very good.

It could be regarded as a super excellent script.

The reason for the sigh was that it was a pity.

Xiao Sa keenly noticed Liu Heping's sigh, so he raised the microphone and asked:

"Teacher Liu Heping, why are you sighing? Do you think Su Chen's script is not good?"

Liu Heping shook his head and denied it,"No, it is precisely because Su Chen's script is very good, so……"

Xiao Sa asked,"Teacher Liu Heping, please give me some advice."

The other judges turned to look at Liu Heping.

They also wanted to know what Liu Heping thought of Su Chen's script.

You know, Liu Heping was very satisfied with Su Chen's script before.

But why is he shaking his head now?

Liu Heping said slowly:

"Su Chen's script is indeed good, and the final treatment is also good"

"Whether it is the shaping of gold dust, the shaping of Huangquan, or the shaping of Doctor Zhenli……"

"These are all very good, if the full score is 10, it can reach 9.5 points"

"But I always feel that Su Chen's script has the potential to reach 10 points"

"What a pity, what a pity."

As soon as Liu Heping's words came out, everyone in the judges' room fell silent. They carefully thought about Liu Heping's comments on Su Chen's script.

It stands to reason that a score of 9.5 is already very good.

The highest score of the champions of previous competitions was only 8.7.

But as Liu Heping said.

Since you can get 9.5 points, it is possible to hit the full score of 10 points.

Thinking about it this way, Su Chen's script is indeed a pity.

He failed to get 10 points.

Jiang Wen frowned and asked,"Brother Liu, do you know where the 0.5 points were deducted?"

Liu Heping shook his head and said,"I don't know, maybe it's just the screenwriter's feeling. After all, I haven't written a 10-point script." The judges' room fell silent again.


In the room.

Su Chen continued to type on the keyboard.

「After reading the doctor's instructions」

「A relieved smile appeared on Shajin's lips」

「He seemed to understand that Doctor Truth had seen through all his plans from the beginning.」

「at the same time」

「The sound of footsteps came to my ears」

「Looking up, it was the young child」

「Also the former self」

「Kakavasia:"Sir, are you leaving? Are you finally choosing to...leave this dreamland?""」

「Gold Dust:"Yes, because they are not here, father, mother, sister……"」

「Kakavasia:"Where are they then?"」

「Gold Dust:"They're in a place where everyone goes, far, far away"」

「Kakavasia:"Are you going to that place too?"」

「Gold Dust:"I will go there one day, but not now."」


【"The place where the gold dust points to should be death, right?!"】

【"Yes, after all, his father, mother, and sister all went there."】

【"At least it shows that the gold dust is not dead yet."】

【"He figured it out, he wanted to live!"】

【"I'm really in tears."】

【"The only thing that bid farewell to Shajin was his past."】

【"Isn’t there Huangquan?"】

【"That's true, but Huangquan is also alone, just like Shajin."】

【"Hopefully the gold dust will come back from the real Pinocchio"】

【"Yes, rest assured, gold dust has never lost a bet"】


「Gold Dust:"One day, when it rains again, I will hear the call of the Mother Goddess and know that the destined moment has come. I should go and reunite with my family."」

「Gold Dust:"So before that moment comes, I should be prepared.」"」

「Kakavasia:"Ready for what?"」

「Gold Dust:"Be ready to face them, Kakahuasha, and be their pride"」

「Kakavasia:"I think you can do it, come on!""」

「Gold Dust:"Of course, because I am a child blessed by the Mother Goddess."」

「Kakavasia:"Haha, but you still look nervous……"」

「Gold Sand:"I think so too."」


【"I feel the gold has changed."】

【"What has changed?"】

【"He said he was a child blessed by the Mother Goddess. It seems that Shajin had never said such words before."】

【"Well, he always believed that he was not blessed, after all, all his family and tribesmen were dead."】

【"It’s not about reconciling with suffering, but about reconciling with your past self!"】

【"Yes, Shajin has reconciled with his past."】

【"This is what it means to live towards death!"】

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