"Um, Mr. Xiu Ran, has this matter been resolved?"

"Solved, Nekomata's soul has been controlled by me"

"That's good......"

Xue Nai tried to stand up by holding onto the chair, but she had no strength.

She lost her balance and fell forward.

"Be careful."

Kamiya Shuran supported Xue No, softly, and let her sit back on the chair.

"Sorry, Xiu Ran, I don't have any strength now."

"I just pulled out Nekomata's soul, so it's normal for you to be weak."

Kamiya Shuran and Yukino knew each other tacitly, and they didn't mention the impact of the [Soul-Ecstasy Hand] just now.

After all, who would have thought that the famous Yukinoshita Yukino, this thousand-year-old iceberg, would actually be in such a situation!

It's really global warming that causes the icebergs to melt and the sea level to rise!

""Well, thank you so much, you have saved me three times."

Xueno's face was red and her eyes were blurred.

She tightly grasped the hem of her skirt, hesitating whether to take it off or not, and simply offered herself.

��You are my apprentice now, it's only right"

"But I can't give you anything.

Even a master wouldn't give his apprentice so many things."

Yukino always felt that she owed Kamiya Shuran a lot of favors, and they couldn't be measured with money!

After all, if it was a money-for-exorcism, it would be a contract, one pays and one exorcists, and the job is done and it's over.

But Yukino has moved out now, and she doesn't have much pocket money, so she can't afford the price of exorcism.

Three times in a row, that's three favors!

How can she pay it back?!

A thousand miles to Jiangling to pay it back in one day? How many tens of thousands of miles would that be!

"You don't want to be the one being helped all the time, right?"

Kamiya Shuran gently stroked Yukino's fluffy hair.

"Well, I don't want to be weak."

"That's it, I have a way."

Kamiya Shuran raised his lips, picked up Yukino, and instantly came to his own rental house from the mirror world.

"In Taoism, there is a way of cultivation that allows men and women to practice together.

It can help both parties to promote each other. Did you know?"

"It is double......?"

Kamiya Shuran nodded.

After encountering evil spirits and demons these days, Xueno studied the relevant knowledge hard and learned a lot of exorcism schools, including some methods of practicing magic.

Only then did she know that there was such a way of practicing!

Xueno hugged the pillow and buried her little head in the pillow, her face was so red that she couldn't look at it at all!

She just raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at Kamiya Shuran.

She hesitated for a while, then she stood up, walked in front of Kamiya Shuran, stretched out her hands and hugged him

"Xiu Ran-kun, please give me more guidance in the future."

Yukino stood on tiptoe and pecked Kamiya Xiu Ran on the lips, then turned her head to the side, not daring to look into his eyes.

That night, Yukino grew up!

The next day, Xue Nai woke up from her bed. She looked out the window. How long had it been?

She looked at the ceiling and the walls. Maybe she needed to do a thorough cleaning.

She smelled her body. She smelled a little sweaty. She decided to take a shower first.

Xue Nai walked to the bathroom with her long legs and slippers.

Her loose robe could not hide her icy skin. Her white skin was rosy. She was very beautiful, just like the highlights in a photo.

At this time, Xue Nai was more charming than before: her perfect oval face was not made up. Under the soft cream on her face, there seemed to be a layer of crystal light flowing under her jade skin.

Under her slightly raised slender eyebrows, her phoenix eyes were as clear as a deep pool, which made people's hearts flutter. Her straight nose was like a carved jade, matched with the tender red mouth under the nose, and a row of sparse bangs slightly covered her white forehead. Her big watery eyes reflected the brilliance of happiness, and her red lips were like a budding rose, delicate and beautiful.

Although she didn't sleep well last night, she accepted a new way of training and gained a lot of spiritual energy from Kamiya Shuran.

Xue Na felt that her mental state was very good, except for some muscle soreness!

She brushed her teeth and washed her face, and walked to the living room.

Kamiya Shuran had just bought breakfast and came back.

"Woke up?"

"Hmm, where did Xiu Ran-kun go?"

"I bought some cakes."

Xueno took the cakes and ate them. Cream puffs and Want Want snow cakes were high in calories, but they were really delicious.

"How do you feel now?"

"My muscles are a little sore, but I'm in good shape."

Xueno attached the spiritual energy to her palm, covered a book, and lifted it up easily.

"Now I have a much better grasp of the spirit energy than before.

Yesterday I could only bring up a piece of paper."


This is the beginning. If you keep practicing, you will soon be able to walk on the water.

"What about the substitution technique? Have you memorized all those marks?"

"I think I can use it now."

Yukino quickly formed seals and mobilized the spiritual energy in her body.

She was fully focused and serious, hoping that her substitution technique would be successful!

There was a"bang" sound, a puff of smoke came out, and she exchanged positions with the bench next to her.


Xueno's face was filled with smiles, she finally learned her first technique!

"Not bad, you are very fast, you have learned it in just three to five days."

Kamiya Shuran stroked Yukino's hair.

"It's all thanks to Xiu Ran-kun's teaching."

Xue Na's little face was flushed, and she was very excited.

"Now that you have learned the Substitution Technique, I will teach you another one.

Open the third page of the booklet."

Yukino opened the booklet, and the third page reads [Water Style*Mist Hidden Technique]

The corresponding seal is: Chou-Si-Wei

"This technique is also very simple, suitable for beginners to learn, with only three seals."

Shinya Shuran mobilized the spiritual energy in his body and instantly formed a seal.

He opened his mouth and exhaled, and the surroundings instantly became foggy, and

Shinya Shuran's figure disappeared.

He walked to the right of Yukino and patted her.

"How about it? Is this technique useful?"

"Very useful!"

Xue Na nodded, her face flashing with excitement.

She quickly formed seals and mobilized the spiritual energy in her body.

"Water escape technique, fog hiding technique."

Xue No exhaled, and mist formed around her.

However, with her current spiritual energy, she couldn't quickly hide herself in it. She had to continue learning.

"You're just one step away. Practice more. You have a great talent."


Xueno is now extremely excited, which is incomparable to the excellent academic performance she had achieved before.

Practice, as expected, this is the path she should take!

Xueno looked at Kamiya Shuran, and a warm current surged in her heart.

It was her luck to meet Kamiya Shuran in the era of strange revival.

She stood on tiptoes, kissed Kamiya Shuran on the lips again, and said slowly:"Xiuran-kun, let's continue our practice together."

Xueno untied her loose bathrobe, revealing her snow-white skin

Asking for flowers and evaluation votes

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